private static OdbcParameter[] DeriveParametersFromStoredProcedure(OdbcConnection connection, OdbcCommand command)
            List <OdbcParameter> list            = new List <OdbcParameter>();
            CMDWrapper           statementHandle = command.GetStatementHandle();
            OdbcStatementHandle  hrHandle        = statementHandle.StatementHandle;
            string leftQuote = connection.QuoteChar("DeriveParameters");

            string[] strArray = MultipartIdentifier.ParseMultipartIdentifier(command.CommandText, leftQuote, leftQuote, '.', 4, true, "ODBC_ODBCCommandText", false);
            if (strArray[3] == null)
                strArray[3] = command.CommandText;
            ODBC32.RetCode retcode = hrHandle.ProcedureColumns(strArray[1], strArray[2], strArray[3], null);
            if (retcode != ODBC32.RetCode.SUCCESS)
                connection.HandleError(hrHandle, retcode);
            using (OdbcDataReader reader = new OdbcDataReader(command, statementHandle, CommandBehavior.Default))
                int fieldCount = reader.FieldCount;
                while (reader.Read())
                    OdbcParameter item = new OdbcParameter {
                        ParameterName = reader.GetString(3)
                    switch (reader.GetInt16(4))
                    case 1:
                        item.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;

                    case 2:
                        item.Direction = ParameterDirection.InputOutput;

                    case 4:
                        item.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;

                    case 5:
                        item.Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue;
                    item.OdbcType = TypeMap.FromSqlType((ODBC32.SQL_TYPE)reader.GetInt16(5))._odbcType;
                    item.Size     = reader.GetInt32(7);
                    switch (item.OdbcType)
                    case OdbcType.Decimal:
                    case OdbcType.Numeric:
                        item.ScaleInternal     = (byte)reader.GetInt16(9);
                        item.PrecisionInternal = (byte)reader.GetInt16(10);
            retcode = hrHandle.CloseCursor();
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// DisplayRecords: This function displays the records in the view if any.
        /// </summary>
        static void DisplayRecords()
            Console.Write("\tRecords in Prescirption list...");

                reader = (OdbcDataReader)command.ExecuteReader();
                // read the returned resultset
                while (reader.Read())
                     * This view consists the following fields:
                     * rxdef_id (TINYINT)
                     * drug_name (CHARACTER 50)
                     * description (CHARACTER 50)
                     * rx_date (DATE)
                     * For the purpose of keeping it simple, we are displaying the rxdef_id and drug_name on the console (the first two fields)
                    Console.WriteLine("\n\t\t{0}  {1}  ", reader.GetInt16(0), reader.GetString(1));
                // close the reader
            catch (Exception e)
예제 #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a reward from the output of a datareader. Assumes that there
 /// is data ready to be read from the current record 15/12/15
 /// </summary>
 private static Reward readReward(OdbcDataReader dataReader)
     return new Reward(dataReader.GetInt16(0), dataReader.GetString(1),
     dataReader.GetString(2), dataReader.GetString(3), dataReader.GetInt16(4));
예제 #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a rank from the output of a datareader. Assumes that there
 /// is data ready to be read from the current record 15/12/15
 /// </summary>
 private static Rank readRank(OdbcDataReader dataReader)
     return new Rank(dataReader.GetInt16(0), dataReader.GetString(1),
     dataReader.GetInt16(2), dataReader.GetString(3));
예제 #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs an achievement from the output of a datareader. Assumes that there
 /// is data ready to be read from the current record 14/12/15
 /// </summary>
 private static Achievement readAchievement(OdbcDataReader dataReader)
     return new Achievement(dataReader.GetInt16(0), dataReader.GetString(1),
     dataReader.GetString(2), dataReader.GetString(3), dataReader.GetString(4),
     dataReader.GetInt16(5), dataReader.GetDateTime(6), dataReader.GetBoolean(7));
예제 #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a user from the output of a datareader. Assumes that there is data
 /// ready to be read from the current record 14/12/15
 /// </summary>
 private static User readUser(OdbcDataReader dataReader)
     return new User(dataReader.GetInt16(0), dataReader.GetString(1),
     dataReader.GetString(3), dataReader.GetString(4), dataReader.GetString(5),
     dataReader.GetBoolean(6), dataReader.GetDateTime(7), dataReader.GetInt16(8),
     dataReader.GetInt16(9), dataReader.GetBoolean(10), dataReader.GetBoolean(11),
        // DeriveParametersFromStoredProcedure (
        //  OdbcConnection connection,
        //  OdbcCommand command);
        // Uses SQLProcedureColumns to create an array of OdbcParameters

        static private OdbcParameter[] DeriveParametersFromStoredProcedure(OdbcConnection connection, OdbcCommand command)
            ArrayList rParams = new ArrayList();

            // following call ensures that the command has a statement handle allocated
            HandleRef hstmt = command.GetStatementHandle();
            int       cColsAffected;

            ODBC32.RETCODE retcode;

            retcode = (ODBC32.RETCODE)UnsafeNativeMethods.Odbc32.SQLProcedureColumnsW(
                null, 0,
                null, 0,
                command.CommandText, (Int16)ODBC32.SQL_NTS,
                null, 0);

            // Note: the driver does not return an error if the given stored procedure does not exist
            // therefore we cannot handle that case and just return not parameters.

            if (ODBC32.RETCODE.SUCCESS != retcode)
                connection.HandleError(hstmt, ODBC32.SQL_HANDLE.STMT, retcode);

            OdbcDataReader reader = new OdbcDataReader(command, command._cmdWrapper, CommandBehavior.Default);

            cColsAffected = reader.FieldCount;

            // go through the returned rows and filter out relevant parameter data
            while (reader.Read())
                OdbcParameter parameter = new OdbcParameter();

                parameter.ParameterName = reader.GetString(ODBC32.COLUMN_NAME - 1);
                switch ((ODBC32.SQL_PARAM)reader.GetInt16(ODBC32.COLUMN_TYPE - 1))
                case ODBC32.SQL_PARAM.INPUT:
                    parameter.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;

                case ODBC32.SQL_PARAM.OUTPUT:
                    parameter.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;

                case ODBC32.SQL_PARAM.INPUT_OUTPUT:
                    parameter.Direction = ParameterDirection.InputOutput;

                case ODBC32.SQL_PARAM.RETURN_VALUE:
                    parameter.Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue;

                    Debug.Assert(false, "Unexpected Parametertype while DeriveParamters");
                parameter.OdbcType = TypeMap.FromSqlType((ODBC32.SQL_TYPE)reader.GetInt16(ODBC32.DATA_TYPE - 1))._odbcType;
                parameter.Size     = reader.GetInt32(ODBC32.COLUMN_SIZE - 1);
                switch (parameter.OdbcType)
                case OdbcType.Decimal:
                case OdbcType.Numeric:
                    parameter.Scale     = (Byte)reader.GetInt32(ODBC32.DECIMAL_DIGITS - 1);
                    parameter.Precision = (Byte)reader.GetInt32(ODBC32.NUM_PREC_RADIX - 1);

            retcode = (ODBC32.RETCODE)UnsafeNativeMethods.Odbc32.SQLCloseCursor(hstmt);

            // Create a new Parameter array and copy over the ArrayList items
            OdbcParameter[] pList = new OdbcParameter[rParams.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < rParams.Count; i++)
                pList[i] = (OdbcParameter)rParams[i];

예제 #8
        // DeriveParametersFromStoredProcedure (
        //  OdbcConnection connection,
        //  OdbcCommand command);
        // Uses SQLProcedureColumns to create an array of OdbcParameters

        static private OdbcParameter[] DeriveParametersFromStoredProcedure(OdbcConnection connection, OdbcCommand command)
            List <OdbcParameter> rParams = new List <OdbcParameter>();

            // following call ensures that the command has a statement handle allocated
            CMDWrapper          cmdWrapper = command.GetStatementHandle();
            OdbcStatementHandle hstmt      = cmdWrapper.StatementHandle;
            int cColsAffected;

            // maps an enforced 4-part qualified string as follows
            // parts[0] = null  - ignored but removal would be a run-time breaking change from V1.0
            // parts[1] = CatalogName (optional, may be null)
            // parts[2] = SchemaName (optional, may be null)
            // parts[3] = ProcedureName
            string quote = connection.QuoteChar(ADP.DeriveParameters);

            string[] parts = MultipartIdentifier.ParseMultipartIdentifier(command.CommandText, quote, quote, '.', 4, true, Res.ODBC_ODBCCommandText, false);
            if (null == parts[3])
            { // match Everett behavior, if the commandtext is nothing but whitespace set the command text to the whitespace
                parts[3] = command.CommandText;
            // note: native odbc appears to ignore all but the procedure name
            ODBC32.RetCode retcode = hstmt.ProcedureColumns(parts[1], parts[2], parts[3], null);

            // Note: the driver does not return an error if the given stored procedure does not exist
            // therefore we cannot handle that case and just return not parameters.

            if (ODBC32.RetCode.SUCCESS != retcode)
                connection.HandleError(hstmt, retcode);

            using (OdbcDataReader reader = new OdbcDataReader(command, cmdWrapper, CommandBehavior.Default))
                cColsAffected = reader.FieldCount;

                // go through the returned rows and filter out relevant parameter data
                while (reader.Read())
                    // devnote: column types are specified in the ODBC Programmer's Reference
                    // COLUMN_TYPE      Smallint    16bit
                    // COLUMN_SIZE      Integer     32bit
                    // DECIMAL_DIGITS   Smallint    16bit
                    // NUM_PREC_RADIX   Smallint    16bit

                    OdbcParameter parameter = new OdbcParameter();

                    parameter.ParameterName = reader.GetString(ODBC32.COLUMN_NAME - 1);
                    switch ((ODBC32.SQL_PARAM)reader.GetInt16(ODBC32.COLUMN_TYPE - 1))
                    case ODBC32.SQL_PARAM.INPUT:
                        parameter.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;

                    case ODBC32.SQL_PARAM.OUTPUT:
                        parameter.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;

                    case ODBC32.SQL_PARAM.INPUT_OUTPUT:
                        parameter.Direction = ParameterDirection.InputOutput;

                    case ODBC32.SQL_PARAM.RETURN_VALUE:
                        parameter.Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue;

                        Debug.Assert(false, "Unexpected Parametertype while DeriveParamters");
                    parameter.OdbcType = TypeMap.FromSqlType((ODBC32.SQL_TYPE)reader.GetInt16(ODBC32.DATA_TYPE - 1))._odbcType;
                    parameter.Size     = (int)reader.GetInt32(ODBC32.COLUMN_SIZE - 1);
                    switch (parameter.OdbcType)
                    case OdbcType.Decimal:
                    case OdbcType.Numeric:
                        parameter.ScaleInternal     = (Byte)reader.GetInt16(ODBC32.DECIMAL_DIGITS - 1);
                        parameter.PrecisionInternal = (Byte)reader.GetInt16(ODBC32.NUM_PREC_RADIX - 1);
            retcode = hstmt.CloseCursor();
        // DeriveParametersFromStoredProcedure (
        //  OdbcConnection connection,
        //  OdbcCommand command);
        // Uses SQLProcedureColumns to create an array of OdbcParameters

        static private OdbcParameter[] DeriveParametersFromStoredProcedure(OdbcConnection connection, OdbcCommand command) {
            List<OdbcParameter> rParams = new List<OdbcParameter>();

            // following call ensures that the command has a statement handle allocated
            CMDWrapper cmdWrapper = command.GetStatementHandle();
            OdbcStatementHandle hstmt = cmdWrapper.StatementHandle;
            int cColsAffected;

            // maps an enforced 4-part qualified string as follows
            // parts[0] = null  - ignored but removal would be a run-time breaking change from V1.0
            // parts[1] = CatalogName (optional, may be null)
            // parts[2] = SchemaName (optional, may be null)
            // parts[3] = ProcedureName
            string quote = connection.QuoteChar(ADP.DeriveParameters);
            string[] parts = MultipartIdentifier.ParseMultipartIdentifier(command.CommandText, quote, quote, '.', 4, true, Res.ODBC_ODBCCommandText, false);          
            if (null == parts[3]) { // match everett behavior, if the commandtext is nothing but whitespace set the command text to the whitespace
                parts[3] = command.CommandText;
            // note: native odbc appears to ignore all but the procedure name
            ODBC32.RetCode retcode = hstmt.ProcedureColumns(parts[1], parts[2], parts[3], null);

            // Note: the driver does not return an error if the given stored procedure does not exist
            // therefore we cannot handle that case and just return not parameters.

            if (ODBC32.RetCode.SUCCESS != retcode) {
                connection.HandleError(hstmt, retcode);

            using (OdbcDataReader reader = new OdbcDataReader(command, cmdWrapper, CommandBehavior.Default)) {
                cColsAffected = reader.FieldCount;

                // go through the returned rows and filter out relevant parameter data
                while (reader.Read()) {
                    // devnote: column types are specified in the ODBC Programmer's Reference
                    // COLUMN_TYPE      Smallint    16bit
                    // COLUMN_SIZE      Integer     32bit
                    // DECIMAL_DIGITS   Smallint    16bit
                    // NUM_PREC_RADIX   Smallint    16bit

                    OdbcParameter parameter = new OdbcParameter();

                    parameter.ParameterName = reader.GetString(ODBC32.COLUMN_NAME-1);
                    switch ((ODBC32.SQL_PARAM)reader.GetInt16(ODBC32.COLUMN_TYPE-1)){
                        case ODBC32.SQL_PARAM.INPUT:
                            parameter.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;
                        case ODBC32.SQL_PARAM.OUTPUT:
                            parameter.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;

                        case ODBC32.SQL_PARAM.INPUT_OUTPUT:
                            parameter.Direction = ParameterDirection.InputOutput;
                        case ODBC32.SQL_PARAM.RETURN_VALUE:
                            parameter.Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue;
                            Debug.Assert(false, "Unexpected Parametertype while DeriveParamters");
                    parameter.OdbcType = TypeMap.FromSqlType((ODBC32.SQL_TYPE)reader.GetInt16(ODBC32.DATA_TYPE-1))._odbcType;
                    parameter.Size = (int)reader.GetInt32(ODBC32.COLUMN_SIZE-1);
                        case OdbcType.Decimal:
                        case OdbcType.Numeric:
                            parameter.ScaleInternal = (Byte)reader.GetInt16(ODBC32.DECIMAL_DIGITS-1);
                            parameter.PrecisionInternal = (Byte)reader.GetInt16(ODBC32.NUM_PREC_RADIX-1);
                    rParams.Add (parameter);
            retcode = hstmt.CloseCursor();
            return rParams.ToArray();;
        private static OdbcParameter[] DeriveParametersFromStoredProcedure(OdbcConnection connection, OdbcCommand command)
            List<OdbcParameter> list = new List<OdbcParameter>();
            CMDWrapper statementHandle = command.GetStatementHandle();
            OdbcStatementHandle hrHandle = statementHandle.StatementHandle;
            string leftQuote = connection.QuoteChar("DeriveParameters");
            string[] strArray = MultipartIdentifier.ParseMultipartIdentifier(command.CommandText, leftQuote, leftQuote, '.', 4, true, "ODBC_ODBCCommandText", false);
            if (strArray[3] == null)
                strArray[3] = command.CommandText;
            ODBC32.RetCode retcode = hrHandle.ProcedureColumns(strArray[1], strArray[2], strArray[3], null);
            if (retcode != ODBC32.RetCode.SUCCESS)
                connection.HandleError(hrHandle, retcode);
            using (OdbcDataReader reader = new OdbcDataReader(command, statementHandle, CommandBehavior.Default))
                int fieldCount = reader.FieldCount;
                while (reader.Read())
                    OdbcParameter item = new OdbcParameter {
                        ParameterName = reader.GetString(3)
                    switch (reader.GetInt16(4))
                        case 1:
                            item.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;

                        case 2:
                            item.Direction = ParameterDirection.InputOutput;

                        case 4:
                            item.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;

                        case 5:
                            item.Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue;
                    item.OdbcType = TypeMap.FromSqlType((ODBC32.SQL_TYPE) reader.GetInt16(5))._odbcType;
                    item.Size = reader.GetInt32(7);
                    switch (item.OdbcType)
                        case OdbcType.Decimal:
                        case OdbcType.Numeric:
                            item.ScaleInternal = (byte) reader.GetInt16(9);
                            item.PrecisionInternal = (byte) reader.GetInt16(10);
            retcode = hrHandle.CloseCursor();
            return list.ToArray();