예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        ///     Split up a predicate into 2 parts - the pushdown and the non-pushdown predicate.
        ///     If the filter node has no external references *and* the "columns" parameter is null,
        ///     then the entire predicate can be pushed down
        ///     We then compute the set of valid column references - if the "columns" parameter
        ///     is non-null, this set is used. Otherwise, we get the definitions of the
        ///     input relop node of the filterOp, and use that.
        ///     We use this list of valid column references to identify which parts of the filter
        ///     predicate can be pushed down - only those parts of the predicate that do not
        ///     reference anything beyond these columns are considered for pushdown. The rest are
        ///     stuffed into the nonPushdownPredicate output parameter
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="command"> Command object </param>
        /// <param name="filterNode"> the FilterOp subtree </param>
        /// <param name="columns"> (Optional) List of columns to consider for "pushdown" </param>
        /// <param name="nonPushdownPredicateNode"> (output) Part of the predicate that cannot be pushed down </param>
        /// <returns> part of the predicate that can be pushed down </returns>
        private static Node GetPushdownPredicate(Command command, Node filterNode, VarVec columns, out Node nonPushdownPredicateNode)
            var pushdownPredicateNode = filterNode.Child1;
            nonPushdownPredicateNode = null;
            var filterNodeInfo = command.GetExtendedNodeInfo(filterNode);
            if (columns == null
                && filterNodeInfo.ExternalReferences.IsEmpty)
                return pushdownPredicateNode;

            if (columns == null)
                var inputNodeInfo = command.GetExtendedNodeInfo(filterNode.Child0);
                columns = inputNodeInfo.Definitions;

            var predicate = new Predicate(command, pushdownPredicateNode);
            Predicate nonPushdownPredicate;
            predicate = predicate.GetSingleTablePredicates(columns, out nonPushdownPredicate);
            pushdownPredicateNode = predicate.BuildAndTree();
            nonPushdownPredicateNode = nonPushdownPredicate.BuildAndTree();
            return pushdownPredicateNode;