static public System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection ReadIni(string sFileName) { System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection coll = null; string sTxt = cc.Util.readAll(sFileName); if (sTxt != null) { coll = new System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection(); string[] lines = sTxt.Replace("\n", "").Split('\r'); for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++) { string line = lines[i].Trim(); if (line.Equals("") || line.StartsWith("#") || line.StartsWith(";")) { continue; } int npos; npos = line.IndexOf("="); if (npos > 0) { string skey = line.Substring(0, npos); if (coll.Get(skey) != null) { coll.Set(skey, coll.Get(skey) + "\r\n" + line.Substring(npos + 1)); } else { coll.Set(skey, line.Substring(npos + 1)); } } } } return(coll); }
public void ToModelTest() { var collection = new NameValueCollection(); collection.Set("DecimalNullableValue", ""); collection.Set("DecimalValue", "10"); var model = HttpRequestExtension.ToModel(collection, new NullableModel()) as NullableModel; Assert.AreEqual(null, model.DecimalNullableValue); Assert.AreEqual(10, model.DecimalValue); }
public void SubComplexPropertyIndexFormat() { NameValueCollection nv = new NameValueCollection(); nv.Set("IP", ""); nv.Set("UserName", "wangqj"); ComplexObject obj = new ComplexObject { Headers = nv }; string htmlContent = new MailTemplet(@"Hello,{Request.Headers[""IP""].Length}, TotalCount:{Request.Headers.Count}!").SetVariable("Request", obj) .ToHtmlContent(); //Console.Write(htmlContent); Debug.Assert(htmlContent.Equals("Hello,12, TotalCount:2!")); }
public void TestFedeo() { XmlSerializer ser = new XmlSerializer(typeof(OpenSearchDescription)); var osd = (OpenSearchDescription)ser.Deserialize(XmlReader.Create(new FileStream("../Samples/fedeo-osdd.xml", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))); GenericOpenSearchable os = new GenericOpenSearchable(osd, new OpenSearchEngine()); OpenSearchEngine ose = new OpenSearchEngine(); ose.LoadPlugins(); var url = new OpenSearchUrl(""); NameValueCollection parameters = new NameValueCollection(); parameters.Set("maximumRecords", "1"); NameValueCollection nvc; if (url != null) nvc = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(url.Query); else nvc = new NameValueCollection(); parameters.AllKeys.SingleOrDefault(k => { nvc.Set(k, parameters[k]); return false; }); var request = OpenSearchRequest.Create(os, os.GetQuerySettings(ose), nvc); }
public string PublishAction(string action, string objectType, string objectUrl) { requireAuthorization(); NameValueCollection parameters = new NameValueCollection(); parameters.Set(objectType, objectUrl); return this.Publish("me", this.applicationNamespace + ":" + action, parameters); }
internal static void SendNotifications(IEnumerable<string> apiKeys, string application, string header, string message) { var data = new NameValueCollection(); data["AuthorizationToken"] = ""; data["Body"] = message; data["IsImportant"] = IsImportant; data["IsSilent"] = IsSilent; data["Source"] = application; data["TimeToLive"] = TimeToLive; data["Title"] = header; if (!Validate(data)) { return; } foreach (var apiKey in apiKeys) { using (var client = new WebClient()) { data.Set("AuthorizationToken", apiKey); client.Headers[HttpRequestHeader.ContentType] = RequestContentType; client.UploadValuesAsync(new Uri(RequestUrl), data); } } }
public void ExpectedRavenDbCallsAreMade() { // Arrange string expectedAppName = "You are everything ... to me"; string appPath = "Application path"; var subject = TestStoreProviderFactory.SetupStoreProvider(appPath, MockHostingProvider); NameValueCollection keyPairs = new NameValueCollection(); keyPairs.Set("applicationName", expectedAppName); object lockId = 0; string providedSessionId = "A sessionId"; SessionStateDocument sessionObject = TestSessionDocumentFactory.CreateSessionStateDocument(providedSessionId, expectedAppName); sessionObject.Expiry = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(1); var sessionItems = new SessionStateItemCollection(); sessionItems["ACar"] = new Car("A6", "Audi"); sessionObject.SessionItems = subject.Serialize(sessionItems); SessionStateStoreData item = RavenSessionStateStoreProvider.Deserialize(null, sessionObject.SessionItems, 10); MockDocumentSession.Setup(cmd => cmd.Store(It.IsAny<SessionStateDocument>())).Verifiable(); MockDocumentSession.Setup(cmd => cmd.SaveChanges()).Verifiable(); subject.Initialize("A name", keyPairs, MockDocumentStore.Object); // Act subject.CreateUninitializedItem(new HttpContext(new SimpleWorkerRequest("", "", "", "", new StringWriter())), providedSessionId, 10); // Assert MockDocumentSession.Verify(cmd => cmd.Store(It.IsAny<SessionStateDocument>()), Times.Once()); MockDocumentSession.Verify(cmd => cmd.SaveChanges(), Times.Once()); }
public void DocumentStoreNotProvided_ValidConnectionStringDoesNotThrowConfigurationErrorsException() { // Arrange string expectedAppName = "You are everything ... to me"; string appPath = "Application path"; string connectionStringName = "AConnectionString"; var subject = TestStoreProviderFactory.SetupStoreProvider(appPath, MockHostingProvider); NameValueCollection keyPairs = new NameValueCollection(); keyPairs.Set("applicationName", expectedAppName); keyPairs.Set("connectionStringName", connectionStringName); // Act TestDelegate act = () => subject.Initialize("", keyPairs, null); // Assert Assert.DoesNotThrow(act, "null connection string should throw configuration errors"); }
public void DocumentStoreNotProvided_ValidConnectionStringEnsuresDocumentStoreCreated() { // Arrange string expectedAppName = "You are everything ... to me"; string appPath = "Application path"; string connectionStringName = "AConnectionString"; var subject = TestStoreProviderFactory.SetupStoreProvider(appPath, MockHostingProvider); NameValueCollection keyPairs = new NameValueCollection(); keyPairs.Set("applicationName", expectedAppName); keyPairs.Set("connectionStringName", connectionStringName); IDocumentStore docStore = null; // Act subject.Initialize("", keyPairs, docStore); // Assert Assert.IsNotNull(subject.DocumentStore); }
public void ConfigNotProvidedThrowsArgumentNullException() { // Arrange string expectedAppName = "You are everything ... to me"; string appPath = "Application path"; string connectionStringName = "AConnectionString"; var subject = TestStoreProviderFactory.SetupStoreProvider(appPath, MockHostingProvider); NameValueCollection keyPairs = new NameValueCollection(); keyPairs.Set("applicationName", expectedAppName); keyPairs.Set("connectionStringName", connectionStringName); IDocumentStore docStore = null; // Act TestDelegate act = () => subject.Initialize("", null, docStore); // Assert Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException>(act, "Config cannot be null"); }
public static string UrlSet(this HtmlHelper helper, HttpRequestBase request, string queryName, object queryValue) { if (queryName != null && queryValue != null) { string path = request.Path; NameValueCollection query = new NameValueCollection(request.QueryString); query.Set(queryName, queryValue.ToString()); return CreateUrl(path, query); } return request.RawUrl; }
public object Delete(TypeDeleteRequest request) { IOpenSearchableElasticType type = ecf.GetOpenSearchableElasticTypeByNameOrDefault(request.IndexName, request.TypeName); NameValueCollection parameters = new NameValueCollection(); parameters.Set("uid", request.Id); var results = OpenSearchService.QueryResult(type, parameters); var response = Delete(type, results); return new HttpResult(response, "application/json"); }
/// <summary> /// 读取文件中的键值对,加载进内存集合 /// </summary> /// <param name="doc">文档对象模型</param> /// <param name="mv">键值对集合</param> public static void SetNameValues(XmlDocument doc,NameValueCollection mv) { XmlElement root = doc.DocumentElement; foreach (XmlNode node in root.ChildNodes) { if (node.Attributes != null && node.Attributes["key"].Value != null) { string key = node.Attributes["key"].Value.ToString(); string value = node.Attributes["value"].Value.ToString(); mv.Set(key, value); } } }
public object Get(OpenSearchQueryRequest request) { IOpenSearchableElasticType type = ecf.GetOpenSearchableElasticTypeByNameOrDefault(request.IndexName, request.TypeName); NameValueCollection parameters = new NameValueCollection(Request.QueryString); if (request.AdditionalParameters != null) { foreach (var key in request.AdditionalParameters.AllKeys) { parameters.Set(key, request.AdditionalParameters[key]); } } return OpenSearchService.Query(type, parameters); }
public void WhenAttributeIsEmptyNameSetToHostingEnvironmentApplicationPath() { // Arrange string expectedAppPath = "ABC its easy as 123"; var subject = TestStoreProviderFactory.SetupStoreProvider(expectedAppPath, MockHostingProvider); NameValueCollection keyPairs = new NameValueCollection(); keyPairs.Set("applicationName", string.Empty); // Act subject.Initialize("", keyPairs, MockDocumentStore.Object); // Assert Assert.AreEqual(expectedAppPath, subject.ApplicationName); }
public void WhenAttributeIsWhitespaceNameSetToHostingEnvironmentApplicationPath() { // Arrange string expectedAppPath = "Candy Girl you are my world"; var subject = TestStoreProviderFactory.SetupStoreProvider(expectedAppPath, MockHostingProvider); NameValueCollection keyPairs = new NameValueCollection(); keyPairs.Set("applicationName", " "); // Act subject.Initialize("", keyPairs, MockDocumentStore.Object); // Assert Assert.AreEqual(expectedAppPath, subject.ApplicationName); }
public void InjectSecretsInto(NameValueCollection collection) { var secretReader = _secretReaderFactory.CreateSecretReader(); var secretInjector = _secretReaderFactory.CreateSecretInjector(secretReader); IEnumerable keys = new List<string>(collection.AllKeys); foreach (string key in keys) { var framedString = collection[key]; var newValue = secretInjector.InjectAsync(framedString).Result; collection.Set(key, newValue); } }
public void WhenAttributeIsProvidedNameSetToProvidedAttribute() { // Arrange string expectedAppName = "You are everything ... to me"; string appPath = "Application path"; var subject = TestStoreProviderFactory.SetupStoreProvider(appPath, MockHostingProvider); NameValueCollection keyPairs = new NameValueCollection(); keyPairs.Set("applicationName", expectedAppName); // Act subject.Initialize("", keyPairs, MockDocumentStore.Object); // Assert Assert.AreEqual(expectedAppName, subject.ApplicationName); }
public void NullSessionStoreDataItemThrowsArgumentNullException() { // Arrange & Act string expectedAppName = "You are everything ... to me"; string appPath = "Application path"; var subject = TestStoreProviderFactory.SetupStoreProvider(appPath, MockHostingProvider); NameValueCollection keyPairs = new NameValueCollection(); keyPairs.Set("applicationName", expectedAppName); TestDelegate act = () => subject.SetAndReleaseItemExclusive(new HttpContext(new SimpleWorkerRequest("", "", "", "", new StringWriter())), "A sessionId", null, new object(), true); // Assert Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException>(act, "SessionStateStoreData item cannot be null"); }
public static string EntrySelfLinkTemplate(IOpenSearchResultItem item, OpenSearchDescription osd, string mimeType) { if (item == null) return null; string identifier = item.Identifier; NameValueCollection nvc = new NameValueCollection(); nvc.Set("q", string.Format("_id:{0}", item.Identifier)); UriBuilder template = new UriBuilder(OpenSearchFactory.GetOpenSearchUrlByType(osd, mimeType).Template); string[] queryString = Array.ConvertAll(nvc.AllKeys, key => string.Format("{0}={1}", key, nvc[key])); template.Query = string.Join("&", queryString); return template.ToString(); }
/// <summary> /// Load configuration from an XML document. /// </summary> /// <param name="doc">The XML document containing configuration.</param> static void LoadConfiguration() { appSettings = new NameValueCollection(); if(!File.Exists("App.config")) return; var doc = XDocument.Load(File.OpenRead("App.config")); foreach (XElement element in doc.Element("configuration").Elements("appSettings").Elements("add")) { if(element.Name.LocalName == "add") { var key = element.Attribute("key").Value; var value = element.Attribute("value").Value; appSettings.Set(key,value); } } }
public void DocumentStoreIsDisposedWhenItExists() { // Arrange string expectedAppName = "You are everything ... to me"; string appPath = "Application path"; var subject = TestStoreProviderFactory.SetupStoreProvider(appPath, MockHostingProvider); NameValueCollection keyPairs = new NameValueCollection(); keyPairs.Set("applicationName", expectedAppName); subject.Initialize("A name", keyPairs, MockDocumentStore.Object); // Act subject.Dispose(); // Assert MockDocumentStore.Verify(cmd => cmd.Dispose(), Times.Once()); }
public static AuthorizationContext GetAuthorizationContext(string cookieValue, string formValue) { HttpCookieCollection requestCookies = new HttpCookieCollection(); NameValueCollection formCollection = new NameValueCollection(); Mock<AuthorizationContext> mockAuthContext = new Mock<AuthorizationContext>(); mockAuthContext.Expect(c => c.HttpContext.Request.ApplicationPath).Returns("/SomeAppPath"); mockAuthContext.Expect(c => c.HttpContext.Request.Cookies).Returns(requestCookies); mockAuthContext.Expect(c => c.HttpContext.Request.Form).Returns(formCollection); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(cookieValue)) { requestCookies.Set(new HttpCookie(_antiForgeryTokenCookieName, cookieValue)); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(formValue)) { formCollection.Set(AntiForgeryData.GetAntiForgeryTokenName(null), formValue); } return mockAuthContext.Object; }
/// <summary> /// Builds the request URL for template. /// </summary> /// <returns>The request URL for template.</returns> /// <param name="remoteUrlTemplate">Remote URL template.</param> /// <param name="searchParameters">Search parameters.</param> public static OpenSearchUrl BuildRequestUrlForTemplate(OpenSearchDescriptionUrl remoteUrlTemplate, NameValueCollection searchParameters, QuerySettings querySettings) { // container for the final query url UriBuilder finalUrl = new UriBuilder(remoteUrlTemplate.Template); // parameters for final query NameValueCollection finalQueryParameters = new NameValueCollection(); // Parse the possible parametrs of the remote urls NameValueCollection remoteParametersDef = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(finalUrl.Query); // For each parameter requested foreach (string parameter_id in searchParameters.AllKeys) { if (remoteParametersDef[parameter_id] == null) { // if forced, set the param if (querySettings.ForceUnspecifiedParameters) { if (!(querySettings.SkipNullOrEmptyQueryStringParameters && string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchParameters[parameter_id]))) finalQueryParameters.Set(parameter_id, searchParameters[parameter_id]); } continue; } // first find the defintion of the parameter in the url template foreach (var key in remoteParametersDef.GetValues(parameter_id)) { Match matchParamDef = Regex.Match(key, @"^{([^?]+)\??}$"); // If parameter does not exist, continue if (!matchParamDef.Success) continue; // We have the parameter defintion string paramDef = matchParamDef.Groups[1].Value; string paramValue = searchParameters[parameter_id]; if ( !(querySettings.SkipNullOrEmptyQueryStringParameters && string.IsNullOrEmpty(paramValue))) finalQueryParameters.Set(parameter_id, paramValue); } } string[] queryString = Array.ConvertAll(finalQueryParameters.AllKeys, key => string.Format("{0}={1}", key, HttpUtility.UrlEncode(finalQueryParameters[key]))); finalUrl.Query = string.Join("&", queryString); return new OpenSearchUrl(finalUrl.Uri); }
public void GetItemReturnsExpectedSessionStateStoreDataWhenItemHasNotExpired() { // Arrange string expectedAppName = "You are everything ... to me"; string appPath = "Application path"; var subject = TestStoreProviderFactory.SetupStoreProvider(appPath, MockHostingProvider); NameValueCollection keyPairs = new NameValueCollection(); keyPairs.Set("applicationName", expectedAppName); bool locked = false; TimeSpan lockAge = new TimeSpan(); SessionStateActions actions = new SessionStateActions(); object lockId = null; string providedSessionId = "A sessionId"; SessionStateDocument sessionObject = TestSessionDocumentFactory.CreateSessionStateDocument(providedSessionId, expectedAppName); sessionObject.Expiry = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(1); var sessionItems = new SessionStateItemCollection(); sessionItems["ACar"] = new Car("A6", "Audi"); sessionObject.SessionItems = subject.Serialize(sessionItems); MockDocumentSession.Setup(cmd => cmd.Load<SessionStateDocument>(SessionStateDocument.GenerateDocumentId(providedSessionId, expectedAppName))).Returns(sessionObject); subject.Initialize("A name", keyPairs, MockDocumentStore.Object); // Act var result = subject.GetItem(new HttpContext(new SimpleWorkerRequest("", "", "", "", new StringWriter())), "A sessionId", out locked, out lockAge, out lockId , out actions ); // Assert Assert.IsNotNull(result); Assert.AreEqual(1, result.Items.Count); Assert.IsInstanceOf<Car>(result.Items[0]); Assert.AreEqual("A6", ((Car)result.Items[0]).Name); Assert.AreEqual("Audi", ((Car)result.Items[0]).Manufacturer); }
public void NewItemCallsSessionStore() { // Arrange & Act string expectedAppName = "You are everything ... to me"; string appPath = "Application path"; var subject = TestStoreProviderFactory.SetupStoreProvider(appPath, MockHostingProvider); NameValueCollection keyPairs = new NameValueCollection(); keyPairs.Set("applicationName", expectedAppName); subject.Initialize("", keyPairs, MockDocumentStore.Object); SessionStateStoreData sessionData = new SessionStateStoreData( new SessionStateItemCollection(), new HttpStaticObjectsCollection(), 20 ); subject.SetAndReleaseItemExclusive(new HttpContext(new SimpleWorkerRequest("", "", "", "", new StringWriter())), "A sessionId", sessionData, new object(), true); MockDocumentSession.Setup(cmd => cmd.Store(It.IsAny<SessionStateDocument>())).Verifiable(); // Assert MockDocumentSession.Verify(cmd => cmd.Store(It.IsAny<SessionStateDocument>()), Times.Once()); }
internal string GetPath(NameValueCollection queryString__1, params string[] exclusions) { NameValueCollection temp = new NameValueCollection(QueryString); // update current query string in case values were set programmatically if (temp.AllKeys.Contains(SortFieldName)) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(SortColumn)) { temp.Remove(SortFieldName); } else { temp.Set(SortFieldName, SortColumn); } } if (temp.AllKeys.Contains(SortDirectionFieldName)) { temp.Set(SortDirectionFieldName, GetSortDirectionString(SortDirection)); } // remove fields from exclusions list foreach (string key in exclusions) { temp.Remove(key); } // replace with new field values foreach (string key in queryString__1.Keys) { temp.Set(key, queryString__1[key]); } queryString__1 = temp; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(HttpContext.Current.Request.Path); sb.Append("?"); for (int i = 0; i <= queryString__1.Count - 1; i++) { if (i > 0) { sb.Append("&"); } sb.Append(HttpUtility.UrlEncode(queryString__1.Keys[i])); sb.Append("="); sb.Append(HttpUtility.UrlEncode(queryString__1[i])); } return sb.ToString(); }
public override UploadResult Upload(Stream stream, string fileName) { using (JiraUpload up = new JiraUpload(_jiraIssuePrefix, GetSummary)) { if (up.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.Cancel) { return new UploadResult { IsSuccess = true, IsURLExpected = false }; } Uri uri = new Uri(_jiraHost, string.Format(PathIssueAttachments, up.IssueId)); string query = OAuthManager.GenerateQuery(uri.ToString(), null, HttpMethod.Post, AuthInfo); NameValueCollection headers = new NameValueCollection(); headers.Set("X-Atlassian-Token", "nocheck"); UploadResult res = UploadData(stream, query, fileName, "file", null, null, headers); if (res.Response.Contains("errorMessages")) { res.Errors.Add(res.Response); } else { res.IsURLExpected = true; var anonType = new[] { new { thumbnail = "" } }; var anonObject = JsonConvert.DeserializeAnonymousType(res.Response, anonType); res.ThumbnailURL = anonObject[0].thumbnail; res.URL = new Uri(_jiraHost, string.Format(PathBrowseIssue, up.IssueId)).ToString(); } return res; } }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new name value collection and overrides its values /// with system values (environment variables). /// </summary> /// <param name="props">The base properties to override.</param> /// <returns>A new NameValueCollection instance.</returns> private static NameValueCollection OverrideWithSysProps(NameValueCollection props) { NameValueCollection retValue = new NameValueCollection(props); IDictionary vars = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariables(); foreach (string key in vars.Keys) { retValue.Set(key, vars[key] as string); } return retValue; }
public override void Render() { if (objectPage.Pages <= 1) { CancelView(); return; } bool flagParam = false; int type = 0; NameValueCollection parameters = new NameValueCollection(Request.QueryString); parameters.Add(Request.Form); StringBuilder content = new StringBuilder(); //string content = "<table class=\"page\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">"; //content += "<tr>"; content.Append("<p class=\"right\">"); string url = Request.RawUrl; if (url.Contains(".do")) { string linkFormat = "<a href=\"{0}?{1}\">{2}</a>"; string currLinkFormat = "<a class=\"hover\" href=\"{0}?{1}\">{2}</a>"; string queryString; int start = 1; if (objectPage.CurrPage > maxPages / 2) { start = objectPage.CurrPage - maxPages / 2; } int end = start + maxPages - 1; if (end > objectPage.Pages) { end = objectPage.Pages; } if (objectPage.CurrPage > 1) { parameters.Set(firstName, Convert.ToString(0)); queryString = BuildQueryString(RailsContext.Server, parameters, true); //content += String.Format(linkFormat, Request.FilePath, queryString, firstPageText); content.Append(string.Format(linkFormat,Request.FilePath,queryString,firstPageText)); parameters.Set(firstName, Convert.ToString(objectPage.PrevPage)); queryString = BuildQueryString(RailsContext.Server, parameters, true); //content += String.Format(linkFormat, Request.FilePath, queryString, prevPageText); content.Append(string.Format(linkFormat,Request.FilePath,queryString,prevPageText)); } for (int i = start; i <= end; i++) { string pageText = Convert.ToString(i); parameters.Set(firstName, Convert.ToString((i - 1) * objectPage.MaxResults)); queryString = BuildQueryString(RailsContext.Server, parameters, true); if (i == objectPage.CurrPage) { //content += String.Format(currLinkFormat, Request.FilePath, queryString, pageText); content.Append(string.Format(currLinkFormat,Request.FilePath,queryString,pageText)); } else { //content += String.Format(linkFormat, Request.FilePath, queryString, pageText); content.Append(string.Format(linkFormat,Request.FilePath,queryString,pageText)); } } if (objectPage.CurrPage < objectPage.Pages) { parameters.Set(firstName, Convert.ToString(objectPage.NextPage)); queryString = BuildQueryString(RailsContext.Server, parameters, true); //content += String.Format(linkFormat, Request.FilePath, queryString, nextPageText); content.Append(string.Format(linkFormat,Request.FilePath,queryString,nextPageText)); parameters.Set(firstName, Convert.ToString(objectPage.LastPage)); queryString = BuildQueryString(RailsContext.Server, parameters, true); //content += String.Format(linkFormat, Request.FilePath, queryString, lastPageText); content.Append(string.Format(linkFormat,Request.FilePath,queryString,lastPageText)); } } else { foreach (string s in parameters.AllKeys) { if (s == firstName) flagParam = true; } if (url.EndsWith(".html")) { type = 1; if (flagParam) url = url.Substring(0, url.LastIndexOf("-")); else url = url.Substring(0, url.LastIndexOf(".html")); } else { type = 2; if (url.EndsWith("/")) { if (flagParam) { url = url.Substring(0, url.LastIndexOf("/")); url = url.Substring(0, url.LastIndexOf("/")); } else { url = url.Substring(0, url.LastIndexOf("/")); } } else { if (flagParam) { url = url.Substring(0, url.LastIndexOf("/")); } } } string linkFormat = "<a href=\"{0}\">{1}</a>"; string currLinkFormat = "<a class=\"hover\" href=\"{0}\">{1}</a>"; string queryString; int start = 1; if (objectPage.CurrPage > maxPages / 2) { start = objectPage.CurrPage - maxPages / 2; } int end = start + maxPages - 1; if (end > objectPage.Pages) { end = objectPage.Pages; } string urlTemp = url; if (objectPage.CurrPage > 1) { if (type == 1) { urlTemp = url + "-" + Convert.ToString(0) + ".html"; } else if (type == 2) { urlTemp = url + "/" + Convert.ToString(0); } //content += String.Format(linkFormat, urlTemp, firstPageText); content.Append(string.Format(linkFormat,urlTemp,firstPageText)); urlTemp = url; if (type == 1) { urlTemp = url + "-" + Convert.ToString(objectPage.PrevPage) + ".html"; } else if (type == 2) { urlTemp = url + "/" + Convert.ToString(objectPage.PrevPage); } //content += String.Format(linkFormat, urlTemp, prevPageText); content.Append(string.Format(linkFormat,urlTemp,prevPageText)); } for (int i = start; i <= end; i++) { urlTemp = url; string pageText = Convert.ToString(i); if (type == 1) { urlTemp = url + "-" + Convert.ToString((i - 1) * objectPage.MaxResults) + ".html"; } else if (type == 2) { urlTemp = url + "/" + Convert.ToString((i - 1) * objectPage.MaxResults); } if (i == objectPage.CurrPage) { //content += String.Format(currLinkFormat, urlTemp, pageText); content.Append(string.Format(currLinkFormat,urlTemp,pageText)); } else { //content += String.Format(linkFormat, urlTemp, pageText); content.Append(string.Format(linkFormat,urlTemp,pageText)); } } if (objectPage.CurrPage < objectPage.Pages) { urlTemp = url; if (type == 1) { urlTemp = url + "-" + Convert.ToString(objectPage.NextPage) + ".html"; } else if (type == 2) { urlTemp = url + "/" + Convert.ToString(objectPage.NextPage); } //content += String.Format(linkFormat, urlTemp, nextPageText); content.Append(string.Format(linkFormat,urlTemp,nextPageText)); urlTemp = url; if (type == 1) { urlTemp = url + "-" + Convert.ToString(objectPage.LastPage) + ".html"; } else if (type == 2) { urlTemp = url + "/" + Convert.ToString(objectPage.LastPage); } //content += String.Format(linkFormat, urlTemp, lastPageText); content.Append(string.Format(linkFormat,urlTemp,lastPageText)); } } #region ��ת���� if (IsDispSelect) { if (this.MaxRecord == 0) this.MaxRecord = 20; //string gp = RailsContext.Params.Get("gotoPage"); string first = RailsContext.Params.Get("first"); int tmp = this.objectPage.AllResults % this.MaxRecord; int tmp2 = this.objectPage.AllResults / this.MaxRecord; int pageCount = tmp == 0 ? tmp2 : tmp2 + 1; if (pageCount > 1) { content.Append("<span style='float:right;'>��ת����"); content.Append("<select name='gotoPage' onchange='gotoPage(\"" + FormId + "\",this)'>"); for (int i = 0; i < pageCount; i++) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(first) && int.Parse(first) == i * this.MaxRecord) { content.Append(string.Format("<option value='{1}' selected='selected'>{0}</option>", i + 1, i * this.MaxRecord)); } else { content.Append(string.Format("<option value='{1}'>{0}</option>", i + 1, i * this.MaxRecord )); } } content.Append("</select>"); content.Append("ҳ</span>"); } } #endregion content.Append("</p>"); RenderText(content.ToString()); CancelView(); }
public void Test01() { IntlStrings intl; NameValueCollection nvc; // simple string values string[] values = { "", " ", "a", "aA", "text", " SPaces", "1", "$%^#", "2222222222222222222222222", System.DateTime.Today.ToString(), Int32.MaxValue.ToString() }; // keys for simple string values string[] keys = { "zero", "oNe", " ", "", "aa", "1", System.DateTime.Today.ToString(), "$%^#", Int32.MaxValue.ToString(), " spaces", "2222222222222222222222222" }; int cnt = 0; // Count // initialize IntStrings intl = new IntlStrings(); // [] NameValueCollection is constructed as expected //----------------------------------------------------------------- nvc = new NameValueCollection(); // [] Set() - new simple strings // for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++) { cnt = nvc.Count; nvc.Set(keys[i], values[i]); if (nvc.Count != cnt + 1) { Assert.False(true, string.Format("Error, count is {1} instead of {2}", i, nvc.Count, cnt + 1)); } // verify that collection contains newly added item // if (Array.IndexOf(nvc.AllKeys, keys[i]) < 0) { Assert.False(true, string.Format("Error, collection doesn't contain key of new item", i)); } // access the item // if (String.Compare(nvc[keys[i]], values[i]) != 0) { Assert.False(true, string.Format("Error, returned item \"{1}\" instead of \"{2}\"", i, nvc[keys[i]], values[i])); } } // // Intl strings // [] Set() - new Intl strings // int len = values.Length; string[] intlValues = new string[len * 2]; // fill array with unique strings // for (int i = 0; i < len * 2; i++) { string val = intl.GetRandomString(MAX_LEN); while (Array.IndexOf(intlValues, val) != -1) val = intl.GetRandomString(MAX_LEN); intlValues[i] = val; } Boolean caseInsensitive = false; for (int i = 0; i < len * 2; i++) { if (intlValues[i].Length != 0 && intlValues[i].ToLowerInvariant() == intlValues[i].ToUpperInvariant()) caseInsensitive = true; } // // will use first half of array as values and second half as keys // for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { cnt = nvc.Count; nvc.Set(intlValues[i + len], intlValues[i]); if (nvc.Count != cnt + 1) { Assert.False(true, string.Format("Error, count is {1} instead of {2}", i, nvc.Count, cnt + 1)); } // verify that collection contains newly added item // if (Array.IndexOf(nvc.AllKeys, intlValues[i + len]) < 0) { Assert.False(true, string.Format("Error, collection doesn't contain key of new item", i)); } // access the item // if (String.Compare(nvc[intlValues[i + len]], intlValues[i]) != 0) { Assert.False(true, string.Format("Error, returned item \"{1}\" instead of \"{2}\"", i, nvc[intlValues[i + len]], intlValues[i])); } } // // [] Case sensitivity // Casing doesn't change ( keys are not converted to lower!) // string[] intlValuesLower = new string[len * 2]; // fill array with unique strings // for (int i = 0; i < len * 2; i++) { intlValues[i] = intlValues[i].ToUpperInvariant(); } for (int i = 0; i < len * 2; i++) { intlValuesLower[i] = intlValues[i].ToLowerInvariant(); } nvc.Clear(); // // will use first half of array as values and second half as keys // for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { cnt = nvc.Count; // add uppercase items nvc.Set(intlValues[i + len], intlValues[i]); if (nvc.Count != cnt + 1) { Assert.False(true, string.Format("Error, count is {1} instead of {2}", i, nvc.Count, cnt + 1)); } // verify that collection contains newly added uppercase item // if (Array.IndexOf(nvc.AllKeys, intlValues[i + len]) < 0) { Assert.False(true, string.Format("Error, collection doesn't contain key of new item", i)); } // access the item // if (String.Compare(nvc[intlValues[i + len]], intlValues[i]) != 0) { Assert.False(true, string.Format("Error, returned item \"{1}\" instead of \"{2}\"", i, nvc[intlValues[i + len]], intlValues[i])); } // verify that collection doesn't contains lowercase item // if (!caseInsensitive && String.Compare(nvc[intlValuesLower[i + len]], intlValuesLower[i]) == 0) { Assert.False(true, string.Format("Error, returned item \"{1}\" is lowercase after adding uppercase", i, nvc[intlValuesLower[i + len]])); } // key is not converted to lower if (!caseInsensitive && Array.IndexOf(nvc.AllKeys, intlValuesLower[i + len]) >= 0) { Assert.False(true, string.Format("Error, key was converted to lower", i)); } // but search among keys is case-insensitive if (String.Compare(nvc[intlValuesLower[i + len]], intlValues[i]) != 0) { Assert.False(true, string.Format("Error, could not find item using differently cased key", i)); } } // // [] Set multiple values with the same key // nvc.Clear(); len = values.Length; string k = "keykey"; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { nvc.Set(k, "Value" + i); // should replace previous value if (nvc.Count != 1) { Assert.False(true, string.Format("Error, count is {0} instead of 1", nvc.Count, i)); } if (String.Compare(nvc[k], "Value" + i) != 0) { Assert.False(true, string.Format("Error, didn't replace value", i)); } } if (nvc.AllKeys.Length != 1) { Assert.False(true, "Error, should contain only 1 key"); } // verify that collection contains newly added item // if (Array.IndexOf(nvc.AllKeys, k) < 0) { Assert.False(true, "Error, collection doesn't contain key of new item"); } // access the item // string[] vals = nvc.GetValues(k); if (vals.Length != 1) { Assert.False(true, string.Format("Error, number of values at given key is {0} instead of {1}", vals.Length, 1)); } if (Array.IndexOf(vals, "Value" + (len - 1).ToString()) < 0) { Assert.False(true, string.Format("Error, value is not {0}", "Value" + (len - 1))); } // // [] Set(string, null) // k = "kk"; nvc.Remove(k); // make sure there is no such item already cnt = nvc.Count; nvc.Set(k, null); if (nvc.Count != cnt + 1) { Assert.False(true, string.Format("Error, count is {0} instead of {1}", nvc.Count, cnt + 1)); } if (Array.IndexOf(nvc.AllKeys, k) < 0) { Assert.False(true, "Error, collection doesn't contain key of new item"); } // verify that collection contains null // if (nvc[k] != null) { Assert.False(true, "Error, returned non-null on place of null"); } nvc.Remove(k); // make sure there is no such item already nvc.Add(k, "kItem"); cnt = nvc.Count; nvc.Set(k, null); if (nvc.Count != cnt) { Assert.False(true, string.Format("Error, count has changed: {0} instead of {1}", nvc.Count, cnt)); } if (Array.IndexOf(nvc.AllKeys, k) < 0) { Assert.False(true, "Error, collection doesn't contain key of new item"); } // verify that item at k-key was replaced with null // if (nvc[k] != null) { Assert.False(true, "Error, non-null was not replaced with null"); } // // Set item with null key - no NullReferenceException expected // [] Set(null, string) // nvc.Remove(null); cnt = nvc.Count; nvc.Set(null, "item"); if (nvc.Count != cnt + 1) { Assert.False(true, string.Format("Error, count is {0} instead of {1}", nvc.Count, cnt + 1)); } if (Array.IndexOf(nvc.AllKeys, null) < 0) { Assert.False(true, "Error, collection doesn't contain null key "); } // verify that collection contains null // if (nvc[null] != "item") { Assert.False(true, "Error, returned wrong value at null key"); } // replace item with null key cnt = nvc.Count; nvc.Set(null, "newItem"); if (nvc.Count != cnt) { Assert.False(true, string.Format("Error, count has changed: {0} instead of {1}", nvc.Count, cnt)); } if (Array.IndexOf(nvc.AllKeys, null) < 0) { Assert.False(true, "Error, collection doesn't contain null key "); } // verify that item with null key was replaced // if (nvc[null] != "newItem") { Assert.False(true, "Error, didn't replace value at null key"); } }
private async void SubmitCampaign(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool moveOn = true; if (CampaignNameEntry.Text == "") { CampaignNameLabel.TextColor = Color.Red; moveOn = false; } if (CampaignDescriptionEntry.Text == "") { CampaignDescriptionLabel.TextColor = Color.Red; moveOn = false; } if (isCrowdfund.IsToggled == true) { if (GoalEntry.Text == "") { GoalLabel.TextColor = Color.Red; moveOn = false; } if (StartDateEntry.Date.CompareTo(EndDateEntry.Date) >= 0) { dateWarning.IsVisible = true; moveOn = false; } } if (moveOn == true) { sendingData.Set("campaignName", CampaignNameEntry.Text); sendingData.Set("campaignDescription", CampaignDescriptionEntry.Text); if (isCrowdfund.IsToggled) { sendingData.Set("goal", GoalEntry.Text); sendingData.Set("startDate", StartDateEntry.Date.ToShortDateString()); sendingData.Set("endDate", EndDateEntry.Date.ToShortDateString()); } client.UploadValues("", sendingData); await Navigation.PushAsync(new CandidateDashboard()); } }
private void SubmitData(object sender, EventArgs e) { Button current = (Button)sender; if (current.ClassId == "CampaignDescription") { editData.Set("property", current.ClassId); editData.Set("value", CampaignDescriptionEntry.Text); editData.Set("campaign", campaignNumber); CampaignDescriptionDisplay.Text = CampaignDescriptionEntry.Text; CampaignDescriptionEntry.IsVisible = false; CampaignDescriptionSubmit.IsVisible = false; CampaignDescriptionCancel.IsVisible = false; CampaignDescriptionDisplay.IsVisible = true; CampaignDescriptionEdit.IsVisible = true; } else if (current.ClassId == "CampaignName") { editData.Set("property", current.ClassId); editData.Set("value", CampaignNameEntry.Text); editData.Set("campaign", campaignNumber); CampaignNameDisplay.Text = CampaignNameEntry.Text; CampaignNameEntry.IsVisible = false; CampaignNameSubmit.IsVisible = false; CampaignNameCancel.IsVisible = false; CampaignNameDisplay.IsVisible = true; CampaignNameEdit.IsVisible = true; } else if (current.ClassId == "StartDate") { editData.Set("property", current.ClassId); editData.Set("value", StartDateEntry.Date.ToShortDateString()); editData.Set("campaign", campaignNumber); StartDateDisplay.Text = StartDateEntry.Date.ToShortDateString(); StartDateEntry.IsVisible = false; StartDateSubmit.IsVisible = false; StartDateCancel.IsVisible = false; StartDateDisplay.IsVisible = true; StartDateEdit.IsVisible = true; } else if (current.ClassId == "EndDate") { editData.Set("property", current.ClassId); editData.Set("value", EndDateEntry.Date.ToShortDateString()); editData.Set("campaign", campaignNumber); EndDateDisplay.Text = EndDateEntry.Date.ToShortDateString(); EndDateEntry.IsVisible = false; EndDateSubmit.IsVisible = false; EndDateCancel.IsVisible = false; EndDateDisplay.IsVisible = true; EndDateEdit.IsVisible = true; } else { editData.Set("property", current.ClassId); editData.Set("value", GoalEntry.Text); editData.Set("campaign", campaignNumber); GoalDisplay.Text = GoalEntry.Text; GoalEntry.IsVisible = false; GoalSubmit.IsVisible = false; GoalCancel.IsVisible = false; GoalDisplay.IsVisible = true; GoalEdit.IsVisible = true; } if (StartDateEntry.Date.CompareTo(EndDateEntry.Date) > 0) { dateWarning.IsVisible = true; } else { dateWarning.IsVisible = false; client.UploadValues("", editData); } }
public static string HttpRequestURLSyn(RequestHeader currentHeader, string requestUrl) { System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection nv = new System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection(StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase); StringBuilder urlBuilder = new StringBuilder(); int qIdx = requestUrl.IndexOf('?'); if (qIdx != -1) { string paramStr = requestUrl.Substring(qIdx + 1); urlBuilder.Append(requestUrl.Substring(0, qIdx) + "?"); string[] subParams = paramStr.Split(new char[] { '&' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); string[] kvPairs = new string[2]; foreach (string crtParam in subParams) { kvPairs = crtParam.Split('='); if (kvPairs.Length == 2) { nv.Set(kvPairs[0], kvPairs[1]); } else { //TODO? nv.Set(crtParam, crtParam); } } } if (!nv.HasKeys()) { urlBuilder.Append(requestUrl + "?"); } #region 参数附加 /* * 参数名 参数说明 * sid 参考2.4.2 * imei 参考2.4.5 * imsi 参考2.4.6 * nid 参考2.4.3 * did 参考2.4.1 * dtd 拨号方式说明: * 0-CTNET * 1-CTWAP */ nv.Set("sid", currentHeader.ESP_SoftwareID.ToString()); nv.Set("imei", currentHeader.ESP_IMEI.GetRawString()); nv.Set("imsi", currentHeader.ESP_IMEI.GetRawString()); //?? nv.Set("nid", currentHeader.ESP_NID.GetHashCode().ToString()); nv.Set("did", currentHeader.ESP_DID.ToString()); nv.Set("dtd", currentHeader.ESP_DailType.GetHashCode().ToString()); #endregion foreach (string key in nv.AllKeys) { urlBuilder.AppendFormat("{0}={1}&", key, nv[key]); } return(urlBuilder.ToString().TrimEnd('&')); }