public void PriorityQueueTest1() { PriorityQueue<string> a = new PriorityQueue<string>(); a.Push("World", 7); a.Push("Hello", 2); Assert.AreEqual("Hello", a.Pop()); Assert.AreEqual("World", a.Pop()); a.Push("Hello", 2); a.Push("World", 7); Assert.AreEqual("Hello", a.Pop()); Assert.AreEqual("World", a.Pop()); }
public void PriorityQueueTest2() { PriorityQueue<string> a = new PriorityQueue<string>(new[] { Tuple.Create("Hello", 4), Tuple.Create("World", 9), Tuple.Create("Test", 1) }); a.Push("Test2", 2); Assert.AreEqual("Test", a.Pop()); int p2; Assert.AreEqual("Test2", a.Pop(out p2)); Assert.AreEqual(2, p2); a.Push("First", 0); a.Push("Second", 5); Assert.AreEqual("First", a.Pop()); Assert.AreEqual("Hello", a.Pop()); Assert.AreEqual("Second", a.Pop()); Assert.AreEqual("World", a.Pop()); a.Pop(); }
static int FindPath(char[,] map, int row, int col, Point start, Point end) { int[,] gscore = new int[row, col]; int[,] fscore = new int[row, col]; Color[,] status = new Color[row, col]; PriorityQueue<Point> queue = new PriorityQueue<Point>(); queue.Comparer = Compare; gscore[start.Y, start.X] = 0; start.F = fscore[start.Y, start.X] = Heuristic(start, end); queue.Push(start); status[start.Y, start.X] = Color.Grey; while (!queue.IsEmpty()) { Point cur = queue.Pop(); if (cur.X == end.X && cur.Y == end.Y) return fscore[cur.Y, cur.X]; foreach (var n in GetNeighbors(cur, map, row, col)) { if (status[n.Y, n.X] == Color.Black) continue; int tentative = gscore[cur.Y, cur.X] + 1; bool useTentative = true; if (status[n.Y, n.X] == Color.Grey && gscore[n.Y, n.X] <= tentative) useTentative = false; if (useTentative) { gscore[n.Y, n.X] = tentative; n.F = fscore[n.Y, n.X] = tentative + Heuristic(n, end); queue.Push(n); n.P = cur; } } } return int.MinValue; }
public static void Main() { PriorityQueue<int> queue = new PriorityQueue<int>(); queue.Push(1); queue.Push(2); queue.Push(12); queue.Push(34); queue.Push(6); queue.Push(9); Console.WriteLine(queue.Pop()); Console.WriteLine(queue.Pop()); }
public void PriorityQueueSize() { PriorityQueue<int> p = new PriorityQueue<int>(); Assert.AreEqual(0, p.Size); p.Push(5, 4); Assert.AreEqual(1, p.Size); p.Pop(); Assert.AreEqual(0, p.Size); p = new PriorityQueue<int>(new[] { Tuple.Create(1, 1), Tuple.Create(1, 7) }); Assert.AreEqual(2, p.Size); p.Push(9, 12); Assert.AreEqual(3, p.Size); p.Pop(); Assert.AreEqual(2, p.Size); }
public bool searchPath(Dictionary<string, string> pathMap) { PriorityQueue<Node> priorityQueue; priorityQueue = new PriorityQueue<Node>(); priorityQueue.Push(this.begainNode); while (!priorityQueue.Empty()) { Node topNode = priorityQueue.Pop(); #region 判断是否找到目状态 if (matched(topNode, this.targetNode)) { MessageBox.Show("Finished!"); return true; } #endregion int row = topNode.row_0; int col = topNode.col_0; if (row > 0 && topNode.cannotAct != Direction.up) { Node curNode = new Node(topNode); exchange(curNode, row, col, row - 1, col); curNode.ToString(); curNode.cannotAct = Direction.down; if (!pathMap.ContainsKey(curNode.state)) { curNode.deepth = topNode.deepth + 1; curNode.value = getValue(curNode, this.targetNode); curNode.row_0 = row - 1; curNode.col_0 = col; priorityQueue.Push(curNode); pathMap.Add(curNode.state, topNode.state); } } if (row < 2 && topNode.cannotAct != Direction.down) { Node curNode = new Node(topNode); exchange(curNode, row, col, row + 1, col); curNode.ToString(); curNode.cannotAct = Direction.up; if (!pathMap.ContainsKey(curNode.state)) { curNode.deepth = topNode.deepth + 1; curNode.value = getValue(curNode, this.targetNode); curNode.row_0 = row + 1; curNode.col_0 = col; priorityQueue.Push(curNode); pathMap.Add(curNode.state, topNode.state); } } if (col > 0 && topNode.cannotAct != Direction.left) { Node curNode = new Node(topNode); exchange(curNode, row, col, row, col - 1); curNode.ToString(); curNode.cannotAct = Direction.left; if (!pathMap.ContainsKey(curNode.state)) { curNode.deepth = topNode.deepth + 1; curNode.value = getValue(curNode, this.targetNode); curNode.row_0 = row; curNode.col_0 = col - 1; priorityQueue.Push(curNode); pathMap.Add(curNode.state, topNode.state); } } if (col < 2 && topNode.cannotAct != Direction.right) { Node curNode = new Node(topNode); exchange(curNode, row, col, row, col + 1); curNode.ToString(); curNode.cannotAct = Direction.right; if (!pathMap.ContainsKey(curNode.state)) { curNode.deepth = topNode.deepth + 1; curNode.value = getValue(curNode, this.targetNode); curNode.row_0 = row; curNode.col_0 = col + 1; priorityQueue.Push(curNode); pathMap.Add(curNode.state, topNode.state); } } } return false; }
public static Cell DijkstraNextCell(int startI, int startJ, int endI, int endJ, Cell[] forbidden) { if (_distMap == null) { _distMap = new double[world.Height, world.Width]; _distPrev = new Cell[world.Height, world.Width]; } var q = new PriorityQueue<Pair<double, Cell>>(); q.Push(new Pair<double, Cell>(0.0, new Cell(endI, endJ))); for (var i = 0; i < world.Height; i++) for (var j = 0; j < world.Width; j++) _distMap[i, j] = Infinity; _distMap[endI, endJ] = 0; while (q.Count > 0) { var cur = q.Top().Second; var minDist = -q.Top().First; q.Pop(); if (minDist > _distMap[cur.I, cur.J]) continue; EnumerateNeigbours(cur, to => { if (!CanPass(cur.I, cur.J, to.I, to.J) || forbidden.Any(x => x.Equals(to.I, to.J))) return; var distTo = _distMap[cur.I, cur.J] + GetCost(to); if (distTo < _distMap[to.I, to.J]) { _distMap[to.I, to.J] = distTo; _distPrev[to.I, to.J] = cur; q.Push(new Pair<double, Cell>(-distTo, to)); } }); } if (_distPrev[startI, startJ] == null) { if (forbidden.Length == 0) throw new Exception("path not found"); return DijkstraNextCell(startI, startJ, endI, endJ, new Cell[] {}); } return _distPrev[startI, startJ]; }
public static String Solve( Puzzle map ) { Puzzle initialNode = map; Puzzle end = null; var moves = Enum.GetValues(typeof(Puzzle.Position)); PriorityQueue<Puzzle> nodes = new PriorityQueue<Puzzle>(); nodes.Push(initialNode); while (nodes.Count != 0) { Puzzle currentNode = nodes.Top; nodes.Pop(); if (currentNode.MD == 0) { end = currentNode; break; } if (currentNode.Blank != -1) { foreach (var move in moves) { if (currentNode.NowStatus.answer.Count != 0) { Puzzle.Position now = currentNode.NowStatus.answer[currentNode.NowStatus.answer.Count - 1]; if (currentNode.ReversePosition(now) == (Puzzle.Position)move) continue; } Puzzle newPuzzle = (Puzzle)currentNode.Clone(); if (newPuzzle.DoMove((Puzzle.Position)move)) { newPuzzle.CalculateMD(); nodes.Push(newPuzzle); } } } if (currentNode.maxChoice != 0 && ( currentNode.NowStatus.answer.Count != 0 || currentNode.Blank == -1 )) { for (int i = 0; i < currentNode.Data.Count(); i++) { if (i == currentNode.Blank) continue; Puzzle newPuzzle = (Puzzle)currentNode.Clone(); newPuzzle.Choice(i); newPuzzle.CalculateMD(); nodes.Push(newPuzzle); } } } if (end != null){ return end.GetSolution(); } else return ""; }
static void Main(string[] args) { search begainSearch = new search(); //测试优先队列功能 PriorityQueue<int> que; que = new PriorityQueue<int>(); que.Push(12); que.Push(132); que.Push(123); que.Push(212); que.Push(322); que.Push(126); que.Push(13); que.Push(189); while (!que.Empty()) { Console.Write(que.Pop().ToString()+" "); } }
bool searchPath(Dictionary<string, string> pathMap, Node result) { PriorityQueue<Node> priorityQueue; Stack<Node> pathStack; priorityQueue = new PriorityQueue<Node>(); pathStack = new Stack<Node>(); priorityQueue.Push(this.begainNode); pathStack.Push(this.begainNode); int cycle = 0; while (!priorityQueue.Empty()) { cycle++; // Console.WriteLine("第 "+cycle.ToString()+" 步"); // Console.WriteLine("队列中的元素 " + priorityQueue.Count); Node topNode = priorityQueue.Top(); priorityQueue.Pop(); #region 判断是否找到目状态 if (matched(topNode, this.targetNode)) { printState(targetNode); Console.WriteLine("搜索完成"); printState(topNode); result = topNode; return true; } #endregion int row = topNode.row_0; int col = topNode.col_0; if (row > 0 && topNode.cannotAct != Direction.up) { Node curNode = new Node(topNode); // Console.WriteLine("当前状态"); // printState(topNode); // Console.WriteLine(row.ToString()+" "+col.ToString()+" 空格上移后状态"); exchange(curNode, row, col, row - 1, col); curNode.ToString(); curNode.cannotAct = Direction.down; if (!pathMap.ContainsKey(curNode.state)) { // printState(curNode); curNode.deepth = topNode.deepth + 1; curNode.value = getValue(curNode, this.targetNode); // Console.WriteLine("当前代价值:"+(curNode.value + curNode.deepth).ToString()); curNode.father = topNode; curNode.row_0 = row - 1; curNode.col_0 = col; priorityQueue.Push(curNode); pathStack.Push(curNode); pathMap.Add(curNode.state, topNode.state); } } if (row < 2 && topNode.cannotAct != Direction.down) { Node curNode = new Node(topNode); // Console.WriteLine("当前状态"); // printState(topNode); // Console.WriteLine(row.ToString()+" "+col.ToString()+" 下移后状态"); exchange(curNode, row, col, row + 1, col); curNode.ToString(); curNode.cannotAct = Direction.up; if (!pathMap.ContainsKey(curNode.state)) { // printState(curNode); curNode.deepth = topNode.deepth + 1; curNode.value = getValue(curNode, this.targetNode); // Console.WriteLine("当前代价值:"+(curNode.value + curNode.deepth).ToString()); curNode.father = topNode; curNode.row_0 = row + 1; curNode.col_0 = col; priorityQueue.Push(curNode); pathStack.Push(curNode); pathMap.Add(curNode.state, topNode.state); } } if (col > 0 && topNode.cannotAct != Direction.left) { Node curNode = new Node(topNode); // Console.WriteLine("当前状态"); // printState(topNode); // Console.WriteLine(row.ToString()+" "+col.ToString()+" 左移之后的状态"); exchange(curNode, row, col, row, col - 1); curNode.ToString(); curNode.cannotAct = Direction.left; if (!pathMap.ContainsKey(curNode.state)) { // printState(curNode); curNode.deepth = topNode.deepth + 1; curNode.value = getValue(curNode, this.targetNode); // Console.WriteLine("当前代价值:"+(curNode.value + curNode.deepth).ToString()); curNode.father = topNode; curNode.row_0 = row; curNode.col_0 = col - 1; priorityQueue.Push(curNode); pathStack.Push(curNode); pathMap.Add(curNode.state, topNode.state); } } if (col < 2 && topNode .cannotAct != Direction.right) { Node curNode = new Node(topNode); // Console.WriteLine("当前状态"); // printState(topNode); // Console.WriteLine(row.ToString()+" "+col.ToString()+" 右移后状态"); exchange(curNode, row, col, row, col + 1); curNode.ToString(); curNode.cannotAct = Direction.right; if (!pathMap.ContainsKey(curNode.state)) { // printState(curNode); curNode.deepth = topNode.deepth + 1; curNode.value = getValue(curNode, this.targetNode); // Console.WriteLine("当前代价值:"+(curNode.value+curNode.deepth).ToString()); curNode.father = topNode; curNode.row_0 = row; curNode.col_0 = col + 1; priorityQueue.Push(curNode); pathStack.Push(curNode); pathMap.Add(curNode.state, topNode.state); } } } return false; }
public List<Waypoint> FindPath(Waypoint start, Waypoint goal, OccupancyGrid2D og, out bool success) { List<Waypoint> path = new List<Waypoint>(); //added by aaron (sort of a hack) if (og == null || goal.Coordinate.DistanceTo(start.Coordinate) == 0) { path.Add(new Waypoint(start.Coordinate, true, 0)); success = true; return path; } int xIdx, yIdx; success = true; Vector2[] NESWVector = new Vector2[4]; Vector2[] diagVector = new Vector2[4]; bool[] NESW = new bool[4]; Vector2 startV = start.Coordinate; // Start Vector2 Vector2 goalV = goal.Coordinate; // Goal Vector2 PriorityQueue open = new PriorityQueue(); closed = new OccupancyGrid2D(resX, resY, extentX, extentY); opened = new OccupancyGrid2D(resX, resY, extentX, extentY); GetIndicies(startV.X, startV.Y, out xIdx, out yIdx); startV = new Vector2(xIdx, yIdx); GetIndicies(goalV.X, goalV.Y, out xIdx, out yIdx); goalV = new Vector2(xIdx, yIdx); Node root = new Node(goalV, goalV.DistanceTo(startV), 0, null); Node current = root; open.Push(current); // Do the spreading/discovering stuff until we discover a path. while (current.xy != startV) { if (open.q.Count == 0 || open.q.Count > MAX_OPEN) { Console.WriteLine("Failure in DSstar. Open count is: " + open.q.Count); success = false; break; } current = open.Pop(); NESWVector[0] = new Vector2(current.xy.X, current.xy.Y - 1); NESWVector[1] = new Vector2(current.xy.X + 1, current.xy.Y); NESWVector[2] = new Vector2(current.xy.X, current.xy.Y + 1); NESWVector[3] = new Vector2(current.xy.X - 1, current.xy.Y); diagVector[0] = new Vector2(current.xy.X + 1, current.xy.Y - 1); diagVector[1] = new Vector2(current.xy.X + 1, current.xy.Y + 1); diagVector[2] = new Vector2(current.xy.X - 1, current.xy.Y + 1); diagVector[3] = new Vector2(current.xy.X - 1, current.xy.Y - 1); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if ((int)og.GetCellByIdx((int)NESWVector[i].X, (int)NESWVector[i].Y) < 255) { if (closed.GetCellByIdx((int)NESWVector[i].X, (int)NESWVector[i].Y) == 0) { NESW[i] = true; if (opened.GetCellByIdx((int)NESWVector[i].X, (int)NESWVector[i].Y) == 0) { open.Push(new Node(NESWVector[i], NESWVector[i].DistanceTo(startV), current.h + 1 + og.GetCellByIdx((int)NESWVector[i].X, (int)NESWVector[i].Y) / blurWeight, current)); opened.SetCellByIdx((int)NESWVector[i].X, (int)NESWVector[i].Y, 1); } } } } for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (NESW[i % 4] && NESW[(i + 1) % 4]) { if (og.GetCellByIdx((int)diagVector[i].X, (int)diagVector[i].Y) < 255) { if (closed.GetCellByIdx((int)diagVector[i].X, (int)diagVector[i].Y) == 0) { if (opened.GetCellByIdx((int)diagVector[i].X, (int)diagVector[i].Y) == 0) { open.Push(new Node(diagVector[i], diagVector[i].DistanceTo(startV), current.h + 1.4 + og.GetCellByIdx((int)diagVector[i].X, (int)diagVector[i].Y) / blurWeight, current)); opened.SetCellByIdx((int)diagVector[i].X, (int)diagVector[i].Y, 1); } } } } } for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) NESW[i] = false; closed.SetCellByIdx((int) current.xy.X, (int) current.xy.Y, 1); } // Build a path using the discovered path. double x, y; Waypoint waypoint; // First waypoint is a user waypoint GetReals((int)current.xy.X, (int)current.xy.Y, out x, out y); waypoint = new Waypoint(x + resX / 2, y + resY / 2, true, og.GetCellByIdx((int)current.xy.X, (int)current.xy.Y)); path.Add(waypoint); current =; // Middle waypoints are path waypoints while (current != root && current != null) { GetReals((int) current.xy.X, (int) current.xy.Y, out x, out y); waypoint = new Waypoint(x + resX / 2, y + resY / 2, false, og.GetCellByIdx((int)current.xy.X, (int)current.xy.Y)); path.Add(waypoint); current =; } // Last waypoint is a user waypoint if (current != null) { GetReals((int)current.xy.X, (int)current.xy.Y, out x, out y); waypoint = new Waypoint(x + resX / 2, y + resY / 2, true, og.GetCellByIdx((int)current.xy.X, (int)current.xy.Y)); path.Add(waypoint); } return path; }
private void requeue() { _queue = new PriorityQueue<Node>(); for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) for (int j = 0; j < 9; j++) { _queue.Push(_board[i, j]); } }
//Given seed probability P, find the best k nodes that can maximize influence spread public Tuple<List<int>, double> Greedy(int k, List<double> P) { HashSet<int> seeds = new HashSet<int> (); List<int> seedSet = new List<int> (); List<double> edgeW = new List<double> (); for (int h = 0; h < numS; ++h) edgeW.Add (1.0); //CELF Algorithm PriorityQueue<VNode> pq = new PriorityQueue<VNode> (numV+1, new VNodeComparer ()); List<bool> update = new List<bool> (); for (int u = 0; u < numV; ++u) { VNode node = new VNode (u, numS); pq.Push (node); update.Add (false); } double total_gain = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < k; ++i) { for (int u = 0; u < numV; ++u) update [u] = false; int next = 0; double gain = 0; while (true) { VNode node = pq.Pop (); int max_u =; if (update [max_u]) { next = max_u; gain = node.val; break; } else { double sum = 0; if (i == 0) sum = V2S[max_u].Count * P[max_u]; else { foreach (int sid in V2S[max_u]) sum += edgeW[sid] * P[max_u]; } VNode n1 = new VNode (max_u, sum); pq.Push (n1); update [max_u] = true; } } total_gain += gain; foreach (int sid in V2S[next]) edgeW [sid] = edgeW [sid] * (1 - P [next]); seeds.Add (next); seedSet.Add (next); } return new Tuple<List<int>, double> (seedSet, total_gain*numV/numS); }
public static Map.Box AStar(Map m, Map.Box start, Vector3 target, out int pathLength) { Dictionary<Map.Box, int> closed = new Dictionary<Map.Box, int>(); PriorityQueue<AStarEntry> queue = new PriorityQueue<AStarEntry>(new LambdaComparer<AStarEntry>((x, y) => x.F.CompareTo(y.F))); Dictionary<Map.Box, AStarEntry> queueLookup = new Dictionary<Map.Box, AStarEntry>(); AStarEntry startEntry = new AStarEntry { Parent = null, Box = start, G = 0, F = (target - start.GetCenter()).Length(), BoxSize = Math.Max(start.Width, Math.Max(start.Height, start.Depth)), PathIndex = 0, }; queue.Push(startEntry); queueLookup[start] = startEntry; const float thresholdFCoefficient = 0.6f; const int iterationLimit = 10; int iteration = 0; while (queue.Count > 0) { AStarEntry entry = queue.Pop(); if (iteration >= iterationLimit || entry.F < entry.BoxSize * thresholdFCoefficient) return VoxelChaseAI.reconstructPath(entry, out pathLength); iteration++; queueLookup.Remove(entry.Box); closed[entry.Box] = entry.G; foreach (Map.Box adjacent in entry.Box.Adjacent.ToList()) { if (adjacent == null) continue; int boxSize = Math.Max(adjacent.Width, Math.Max(adjacent.Height, adjacent.Depth)); int tentativeGScore = entry.G + boxSize; int previousGScore; bool hasPreviousGScore = closed.TryGetValue(adjacent, out previousGScore); if (hasPreviousGScore && tentativeGScore > previousGScore) continue; AStarEntry alreadyInQueue; bool throwaway = queueLookup.TryGetValue(adjacent, out alreadyInQueue); if (alreadyInQueue == null || tentativeGScore < previousGScore) { AStarEntry newEntry = alreadyInQueue != null ? alreadyInQueue : new AStarEntry(); newEntry.Parent = entry; newEntry.G = tentativeGScore; newEntry.F = tentativeGScore + (target - adjacent.GetCenter()).Length(); newEntry.PathIndex = entry.PathIndex + 1; if (alreadyInQueue == null) { newEntry.Box = adjacent; newEntry.BoxSize = boxSize; queue.Push(newEntry); queueLookup[adjacent] = newEntry; } } } } pathLength = 0; return null; }