예제 #1
         * Calculate the distance from the target vertex to the input
         * vertex using forward star form.
         * (FLOWER)
         * @param vertex
        public Path UpdateCostForward(BaseVertex vertex)
            double cost = Graph.DISCONNECTED;

            // 1. get the set of successors of the input vertex
            ISet <BaseVertex> adjVertexSet = graph.GetAdjacentVertices(vertex);

            // 2. make sure the input vertex exists in the index
            if (!startVertexDistanceIndex.ContainsKey(vertex))
                startVertexDistanceIndex.Add(vertex, Graph.DISCONNECTED);

            // 3. update the distance from the root to the input vertex if necessary
            foreach (BaseVertex curVertex in adjVertexSet)
                // 3.1 get the distance from the root to one successor of the input vertex
                double distance = startVertexDistanceIndex.ContainsKey(curVertex)?
                                  startVertexDistanceIndex[curVertex] : Graph.DISCONNECTED;

                // 3.2 calculate the distance from the root to the input vertex
                distance += graph.GetEdgeWeight(vertex, curVertex);
                //distance += ((VariableGraph)graph).get_edge_weight_of_graph(vertex, curVertex);

                // 3.3 update the distance if necessary
                double costOfVertex = startVertexDistanceIndex[vertex];
                if (costOfVertex > distance)
                    startVertexDistanceIndex.AddOrReplace(vertex, distance);
                    predecessorIndex.AddOrReplace(vertex, curVertex);
                    cost = distance;

            // 4. create the subPath if exists
            Path subPath = null;

            if (cost < Graph.DISCONNECTED)
                subPath = new Path();
                java.util.LinkedList <BaseVertex> vertexList = subPath.GetVertexList();

                BaseVertex selVertex = predecessorIndex[vertex];
                while (selVertex != null)
                    selVertex = predecessorIndex.GetValueIfExists(selVertex);
