예제 #1
        public static bool IsParentOf(this ModelItem item, ModelItem child)
            if (null == item)
                throw FxTrace.Exception.ArgumentNull("item");
            if (null == child)
                throw FxTrace.Exception.ArgumentNull("child");

            bool isParent = false;

            child.GetParentEnumerator(p => { isParent = ModelItem.Equals(p, item); return(!isParent); }).LastOrDefault();
예제 #2
            void OnPopulateContainer(VirtualizedContainerService.VirtualizingContainer virtualContainer)
                if (this.shouldAbort)
                //if this is virutal container, it might contain multiple other virtual containers - i need to find the one
                //which either is a container for item i want to focus, or one which is parent designer for the item i'm looking for
                //look for the container which contains or is a parent of container i look for
                var target = virtualContainer
                             .FirstOrDefault(p => ModelItem.Equals(this.itemToFocus, p.ModelItem) || p.ModelItem.IsParentOf(this.itemToFocus));

                //if one is found - populate it and bring it into view
                if (null != target)
예제 #3
            //Expand method is executed repeatadly until maximum expand level is reached. it iterates through the model item tree
            //(from child up to MaximumExpandLevel parents) and tries to find first visible designer and populate it with content
            //If one elemnt is visited twice (denoted by currentItem argument) it means that expansion failed - (i.e. element is collapsed),
            //so i try to set that element as root designer and restart algoritm with that designer beeing new root
            void Expand(ModelItem currentItem)
                //can i continue?
                if (this.shouldAbort)

                //stop condition - prevents infinite loop (the method is delegated into dispatcher, so it would never cause stack overflow
                if (0 > this.currentLevel)
                    ModelItemFocusHelper.focusTicket = null;

                //browse direct parents, and Populate the fist one which is visible
                for (int index = 0; null != this.itemsToExpand && index < this.itemsToExpand.Length; ++index)
                    //is given parent visible? (it would return container for given model item)
                    var container = this.ContainerService.QueryContainerForItem(this.itemsToExpand[index]);

                    if (null != container)
                        //check if container we are trying to expand is not the same as the one in previous iteration
                        //if it isn't --> populate its content
                        if (!ModelItem.Equals(currentItem, this.itemsToExpand[index]))
                        //if it is --> it means it is collapsed and further expand doesn't make sense.
                        else if (null != currentItem)
                            int j = 0;
                            //get index of item which we've tried to expand recently
                            for (; j < this.itemsToExpand.Length; ++j)
                                if (ModelItem.Equals(this.itemsToExpand[j], currentItem))
                            //starting at that point, see if given item can be a breadcrumb root
                            for (int skipLevel = 0; j >= 0; --j)
                                currentItem = this.itemsToExpand[j];
                                //if it can - make it a new breadcrumb root and restart
                                if (this.viewService.ShouldAppearOnBreadCrumb(currentItem, true))
                                    //make that designer a new root (don't set selection)
                                    this.DesignerView.MakeRootDesigner(currentItem, false);
                                    //and try to set focus with less maximum expand level, assuming that current designer is now expanded
                                    ModelItemFocusHelper.Focus(this.itemToFocus, this.currentLevel - skipLevel, this.shouldGetKeyboardFocus);
                            //nothing in parent list can be made a breadcrumb, try set item which is supposed to get focus as a root
                            if (this.viewService.ShouldAppearOnBreadCrumb(this.itemToFocus, true))
                                this.DesignerView.MakeRootDesigner(this.itemToFocus, false);
                                ModelItemFocusHelper.Focus(this.itemToFocus, 1, this.shouldGetKeyboardFocus);
                            //the item we want to set focus to, also cannot be displayed as root;
                            //at this point - simply set selection to the current item, check if visibility has changed due to selection change
                            this.Context.Items.SetValue(new Selection(currentItem));
                            Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher.BeginInvoke(this.onElementFocusingDelegate, DispatcherPriority.ContextIdle, currentItem);
                            //the final check - if item is still not visible, force it to be
                            Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher.BeginInvoke(this.onForceElementFocusDelegate, DispatcherPriority.ContextIdle);
                ModelItemFocusHelper.focusTicket = null;
                //if we end up here and itemsToExpand is not null - something is wrong...
                //it is possible that algorithm stops here and itemsToExpand is null - this would be scenario when user tries to set focus to model item which cannot be
                //visualized and doesn't have any visual parent - i.e. Service or ActivityBuilder (they have a child property Body which can be visualized, but themselves - are not)
                if (null != this.itemsToExpand)
                    var displayProperty = this.itemToFocus.Properties["DisplayName"];
                    var displayName     = displayProperty == null ? "(unknown)" : displayProperty.ComputedValue.ToString();
                    Fx.Assert("Expand is in invalid state - we should never end up here. Item to focus: " + displayName + " (" + this.itemToFocus.ItemType.Name + ")");
        internal Connector GetLinkOnCanvas(ModelItem srcFlowElementModelItem, ModelItem destflowElementModelItem, string propertyName)
            Connector linkOnCanvas = null;
            ModelItem shapeModelItem = null;
            List<Connector> outGoingConnectors = null;
            if (!srcFlowElementModelItem.Equals(this.ModelItem))
                shapeModelItem = this.GetCorrespondingElementOnCanvas(srcFlowElementModelItem);
                outGoingConnectors = GetOutGoingConnectors(this.modelElement[shapeModelItem]);
            else // Must be startNode
                outGoingConnectors = GetOutGoingConnectors(this.StartSymbol);

            foreach (Connector connector in outGoingConnectors)
                ModelItem connectorDestModelItem = ((VirtualizedContainerService.VirtualizingContainer)FreeFormPanel.GetDestinationConnectionPoint(connector).ParentDesigner).ModelItem;
                ModelItem connectorDestFlowElementMI = this.GetFlowElementMI(connectorDestModelItem);
                //Following condition checks if the destination for current connector is equal to the destination passed in.
                if (destflowElementModelItem != null && destflowElementModelItem.Equals(connectorDestFlowElementMI))
                    if (GenericFlowSwitchHelper.IsGenericFlowSwitch(srcFlowElementModelItem.ItemType))
                        ModelItem linkModelItem = FlowchartDesigner.GetLinkModelItem(connector);
                        if (linkModelItem.Properties["IsDefaultCase"].Value.GetCurrentValue().Equals(true) && propertyName.Equals("Default"))
                            linkOnCanvas = connector;
                            ModelItem connectorCaseMI = linkModelItem.Properties["Case"].Value;
                            if (linkModelItem.Properties["IsDefaultCase"].Value.GetCurrentValue().Equals(false))
                                string caseName = connectorCaseMI == null ? null : GenericFlowSwitchHelper.GetString(connectorCaseMI.GetCurrentValue(), connectorCaseMI.ItemType);
                                if (connectorCaseMI != null && caseName.Equals(propertyName.Substring(GenericFlowSwitchHelper.FlowSwitchCasesKeyIdentifier.Length)))
                                    linkOnCanvas = connector;
                                else if (connectorCaseMI == null)
                                    if (GenericFlowSwitchHelper.FlowSwitchNullCaseKeyIdentifier.Equals(propertyName.Substring(GenericFlowSwitchHelper.FlowSwitchCasesKeyIdentifier.Length)))
                                        linkOnCanvas = connector;
                    else if (typeof(FlowDecision).IsAssignableFrom(srcFlowElementModelItem.ItemType))
                        ConnectionPoint trueConnPoint = FlowchartDesigner.GetTrueConnectionPoint(this.modelElement[shapeModelItem]);
                        ConnectionPoint falseConnPoint = FlowchartDesigner.GetFalseConnectionPoint(this.modelElement[shapeModelItem]);
                        ConnectionPoint connectorSrcConnPoint = FreeFormPanel.GetSourceConnectionPoint(connector);
                        if ((propertyName.Equals("True") && connectorSrcConnPoint.Equals(trueConnPoint))
                            || (propertyName.Equals("False") && connectorSrcConnPoint.Equals(falseConnPoint)))
                            linkOnCanvas = connector;
                    else    //FlowStep case.
                        linkOnCanvas = connector;
            return linkOnCanvas;