internal static string GetSignatureHelp(string scriptFile, int caret) { Output.WriteLine("GetSignatureHelp"); var script = new SourceInfo(scriptFile); string result = null; if (script.Content.IsEmpty()) { throw new Exception("The file containing code is empty"); } if (!script.RawFile.EndsWith(".g.cs")) { CSScriptHelper.DecorateIfRequired(ref script.Content, ref caret); } Project project = CSScriptHelper.GenerateProjectFor(script); var sources = project.Files .Where(f => f != project.Script) .Select(f => new Tuple <string, string>(File.ReadAllText(f), f)) .ToArray(); string bestMatchIndex; var items = Autocompleter.GetMethodSignatures(script.Content, caret, out bestMatchIndex, project.Refs, sources); result = $"{bestMatchIndex}\r\n" + items.Select(x => x.EscapeLB()) .JoinSerializedLines(); return(result); }
internal static string FindUsings(string scriptFile, string word, bool rich_serialization) { Output.WriteLine("FindUsings"); var script = new SourceInfo(scriptFile); if (script.Content.IsEmpty()) { throw new Exception("The file containing code is empty"); } Project project = CSScriptHelper.GenerateProjectFor(script); var sources = project.Files .Where(f => f != project.Script) .Select(f => new Tuple <string, string>(File.ReadAllText(f), f)); var regions = Autocompleter.GetNamespacesFor(script.Content, word, project.Refs, sources); fullyLoaded = true; if (rich_serialization) { return(regions.Select(Intellisense.Common.TypeInfo.Serialize).JoinSerializedLines()); } else { return(regions.Select(x => x.Namespace).JoinBy("\n")); } }
internal static string LookopDirectivePath(SourceInfo script, int offset, string directive, string word, string extensions = null) { extensions = extensions ?? GetAssociatedCompletionContext(directive); if (extensions != null && word.HasText()) // file of the //css_inc or //css_ref directive { bool ignoreCase = Utils.IsWinows; var probing_dirs = CSScriptHelper.GenerateProjectFor(script) .SearchDirs; var match = probing_dirs.Select(dir => { if (Directory.Exists(dir)) { return(Directory.GetFiles(dir, "*") .FirstOrDefault(file => { return Path.GetFileName(file).IsSameAs(word, ignoreCase) || (Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file).IsSameAs(word, ignoreCase) && extensions.Contains(Path.GetExtension(file))); })); } else { return(null); } }) .FirstOrDefault(x => x != null); return(match); } return(null); }
internal static DomRegion ResolveRaw(string scriptFile, int offset) { var script = new SourceInfo(scriptFile); if (script.Content.IsEmpty()) { throw new Exception("The file containing code is empty"); } DomRegion region = DomRegion.Empty; ParseAsCssDirective(script.Content, offset, directive => { region = CssSyntax.Resolve(directive); }, (directive, arg, extensions) => { if (LookopDirectivePath(script, offset, directive, arg) is string file) { region = new DomRegion { BeginColumn = -1, BeginLine = -1, EndLine = -1, FileName = file, IsEmpty = false } } ; else { region = CssSyntax.Resolve(directive); } }); if (region.IsEmpty) { bool decorated = false; if (!script.RawFile.EndsWith(".g.cs")) { decorated = CSScriptHelper.DecorateIfRequired(ref script.Content, ref offset); } Project project = CSScriptHelper.GenerateProjectFor(script); var sources = project.Files .Where(f => f != project.Script) .Select(f => new Tuple <string, string>(File.ReadAllText(f), f)) .ToArray(); region = Autocompleter.ResolveSymbol(script.Content, offset, script.File, project.Refs, sources); if (decorated && region.FileName == script.File) { CSScriptHelper.Undecorate(script.Content, ref region); } } return(region); }
internal static string[] LookupDirectivePaths(SourceInfo script, int offset, string directive, string word, string extensions) { if (extensions != null) { return(CSScriptHelper.GenerateProjectFor(script) .SearchDirs .Where(dir => Directory.Exists(dir)) .SelectMany(dir => extensions.Split('|').Select(x => new { ProbingDir = dir, FileExtension = x })) .SelectMany(x => Directory.GetFiles(x.ProbingDir, "*" + x.FileExtension)) .Where(x => x != script.File) .ToArray()); } return(new string[0]); }
internal static string FindRefreneces(string scriptFile, int offset, string context) { Output.WriteLine("FindRefreneces"); var script = new SourceInfo(scriptFile); if (script.Content.IsEmpty()) { throw new Exception("The file containing code is empty"); } bool decorated = false; if (!script.RawFile.EndsWith(".g.cs")) { decorated = CSScriptHelper.DecorateIfRequired(ref script.Content, ref offset); } Project project = CSScriptHelper.GenerateProjectFor(script); var sources = project.Files .Where(f => f != project.Script) .Select(f => new Tuple <string, string>(File.ReadAllText(f), f)) .ToArray(); var regions = new List <string>(); if (context == "all") // include definition and constructors { DomRegion[] refs = Autocompleter.GetSymbolSourceRefs(script.Content, offset, script.File, project.Refs, sources); foreach (DomRegion item in refs) { DomRegion region = item; if (decorated && item.FileName == script.File) { CSScriptHelper.Undecorate(script.Content, ref region); } regions.Add($"{item.FileName}({region.BeginLine},{item.BeginColumn}): ..."); } } regions.AddRange(Autocompleter.FindReferences(script.Content, offset, script.File, project.Refs, sources)); fullyLoaded = true; return(regions.Distinct().JoinBy("\n")); }
static CssCompletionData() { var help_file = CSScriptHelper.GetCSSHelp(); if (File.Exists(help_file)) { var text = File.ReadAllText(help_file); int prevIndex = -1; foreach (Match match in Regex.Matches(text, "(\r+|\n+)//css_")) { if (prevIndex != -1) { // sections are terminated by "-------------------" lines var section = text.Substring(prevIndex, match.Index - prevIndex).TrimEnd().TrimEnd('-'); var section_lines = Regex.Split(section, "\r\n|\r|\n"); var id = section_lines[0].Split(' ').First(); // '//css_include <file>;' var alt_id = section_lines.Where(x => x.StartsWith("Alias - //css")) .Select(x => x.Replace("Alias - ", "").Trim()) .FirstOrDefault(); help_map[id] = new SectionInfo { docOffset = prevIndex, text = section }; if (alt_id != null) { help_map[alt_id] = help_map[id]; } } prevIndex = match.Index + 1; // +1 because of the '/n' or '/n' prefix } AllDirectives = help_map.Select(x => new CssCompletionData { CompletionText = x.Key, DisplayText = x.Key, Description = x.Value.text }) .ToArray(); } }
static string GenerateProjectFor(string script) { //MessageBox.Show(typeof(Project).Assembly.Location, typeof(Project).Assembly.GetName().ToString()); var result = new StringBuilder(); Project project = CSScriptHelper.GenerateProjectFor(new SourceInfo(script)); foreach (string file in project.Files) { result.AppendLine($"file:{file}"); } foreach (string file in project.Refs) { result.AppendLine($"ref:{file}"); } return(result.ToString().Trim()); }
internal static string GetMemberInfo(string scriptFile, int caret, bool collapseOverloads) { // Complete API for N++ Output.WriteLine("GetMemberInfo"); //Console.WriteLine("hint: " + hint); var script = new SourceInfo(scriptFile); string result = null; if (script.Content.IsEmpty()) { throw new Exception("The file containing code is empty"); } void loockupDirective(string directive) { var css_directive = CssCompletionData.AllDirectives .FirstOrDefault(x => x.DisplayText == directive); if (css_directive != null) { result = $"Directive: {css_directive.DisplayText}\n{css_directive.Description}"; result = result.NormalizeLineEnding().Replace("\r\n\r\n", "\r\n").TrimEnd(); } }; ParseAsCssDirective(script.Content, caret, loockupDirective, (directive, arg, extensions) => { if (LookopDirectivePath(script, caret, directive, arg) is string file) { result = $"File: {file}"; } else { loockupDirective(directive); } }); if (result.HasText()) { return(MemberInfoData.Serialize(new MemberInfoData { Info = result })); } if (!script.RawFile.EndsWith(".g.cs")) { CSScriptHelper.DecorateIfRequired(ref script.Content, ref caret); } Project project = CSScriptHelper.GenerateProjectFor(script); var sources = project.Files .Where(f => f != script.File) .Select(f => new Tuple <string, string>(File.ReadAllText(f), f)) .ToArray(); int methodStartPosTemp; var items = Autocompleter.GetMemberInfo(script.Content, caret, out methodStartPosTemp, project.Refs, sources, includeOverloads: !collapseOverloads); if (collapseOverloads) { items = items.Take(1); } result = items.Select(x => new MemberInfoData { Info = x, MemberStartPosition = methodStartPosTemp }) .Select(MemberInfoData.Serialize) .JoinSerializedLines(); return(result); }
internal static string GetTooltip(string scriptFile, int caret, string hint, bool shortHintedTooltips) { // Simplified API for ST3 Output.WriteLine("GetTooltip"); //Console.WriteLine("hint: " + hint); string result = null; var script = new SourceInfo(scriptFile); if (script.Content.IsEmpty()) { throw new Exception("The file containing code is empty"); } void loockupDirective(string directive) { var css_directive = CssCompletionData.AllDirectives .FirstOrDefault(x => x.DisplayText == directive); if (css_directive != null) { result = $"Directive: {css_directive.DisplayText}\n{css_directive.Description}"; result = result.NormalizeLineEnding().Replace("\r\n\r\n", "\r\n").TrimEnd(); } }; ParseAsCssDirective(script.Content, caret, loockupDirective, (directive, arg, extensions) => { if (LookopDirectivePath(script, caret, directive, arg) is string file) { result = $"File: {file}"; } else { loockupDirective(directive); } }); if (result.HasText()) { return(result); } if (!script.RawFile.EndsWith(".g.cs")) { CSScriptHelper.DecorateIfRequired(ref script.Content, ref caret); } Project project = CSScriptHelper.GenerateProjectFor(script); var sources = project.Files .Where(f => f != project.Script) .Select(f => new Tuple <string, string>(File.ReadAllText(f), f)) .ToArray(); int methodStartPosTemp; var items = Autocompleter.GetMemberInfo(script.Content, caret, out methodStartPosTemp, project.Refs, sources, includeOverloads: hint.HasAny()); fullyLoaded = true; if (hint.HasAny()) { if (shortHintedTooltips) { items = items.Select(x => x.Split('\n').FirstOrDefault()).ToArray(); } int count = hint.Split(',').Count(); result = items.FirstOrDefault(x => { return(SyntaxMapper.GetArgumentCount(x) == count); }) ?? items.FirstOrDefault(); bool hideOverloadsSummary = false; if (result != null && hideOverloadsSummary) { var lines = result.Split('\n').Select(x => x.TrimEnd('\r')).ToArray(); //(+ 1 overloads) if (lines[0].EndsWith(" overloads)")) { try { lines[0] = lines[0].Split(new[] { "(+" }, StringSplitOptions.None).First().Trim(); } catch { } } result = lines.JoinBy("\n"); } } else { result = items.FirstOrDefault(); } if (result.HasText()) { result = result.NormalizeLineEnding().Replace("\r\n\r\n", "\r\n").TrimEnd(); } return(result); }
internal static IEnumerable <ICompletionData> GetCompletionRaw(string scriptFile, int caret, bool includDocumentation = false) { var script = new SourceInfo(scriptFile); if (script.Content.IsEmpty()) { throw new Exception("The file containing code is empty"); } IEnumerable <ICompletionData> completions = null; bool wasHandled = ParseAsCssDirective(script.Content, caret, (directive) => { completions = CssCompletionData.AllDirectives; }, (directive, arg, extensions) => { if (directive.OneOf("//css_ac", "//css_autoclass")) { completions = new[] { new CssCompletionData { CompletionText = "freestyle", DisplayText = "freestyle", Description = "Free style code without any entry point.", CompletionType = CompletionType.directive } }; } else { completions = LookupDirectivePaths(script, caret, directive, arg, extensions) .Select(file => new CssCompletionData { CompletionText = Path.GetFileName(file), DisplayText = Path.GetFileName(file), Description = "File: " + file, CompletionType = CompletionType.file }); } }, ignoreEmptyArgs: false); if (!wasHandled) { if (!script.RawFile.EndsWith(".g.cs")) { CSScriptHelper.DecorateIfRequired(ref script.Content, ref caret); } Project project = CSScriptHelper.GenerateProjectFor(script); var sources = project.Files .Where(f => f != project.Script) .Select(f => new Tuple <string, string>(File.ReadAllText(f), f)) .ToArray(); completions = Autocompleter.GetAutocompletionFor(script.Content, caret, project.Refs, sources, includDocumentation); var count = completions.Count(); } return(completions); }
internal static string CodeMap(string script, bool nppSerialization, bool vsCodeSerialization) { csscript.Log("CodeMap"); bool vs_code = vsCodeSerialization; bool sublime = !vsCodeSerialization && !nppSerialization; string code = File.ReadAllText(script); if (code.IsEmpty()) { throw new Exception("The file containing code is empty"); } CodeMapItem[] members = CSScriptHelper.GetMapOf(code, nppSerialization).OrderBy(x => x.ParentDisplayName).ToArray(); fullyLoaded = true; if (nppSerialization) { return(members.Select(CodeMapItem.Serialize).JoinSerializedLines()); } if (vs_code) { // // [indent]<name>|<line>|<icon> //see "static AutoCompiler.CodeMapItem[] GetMapOfCSharp(string code, bool decorated)" for possible MemberType var result = new StringBuilder(); var lines = members.Select(x => new { ParentType = (x.ParentDisplayName).Trim(), ParentTypeIcon = x.ParentDisplayType == "interface" ? "interface" : "class", Indent = " ", Name = x.DisplayName, Line = x.Line, Icon = (x.MemberType == "Enum" ? "class" : x.MemberType == "Method" ? "function" : x.MemberType == "Property" ? "property" : x.MemberType == "Field" ? "field" : "none") }); if (lines.Any()) { foreach (var group in lines.GroupBy(x => x.ParentType)) { bool first = true; foreach (var item in group) { var parentType = group.Key; if (first) { // do not pass any line number for class as it may be declared // at multiple locations (e.g. partial classes) first = false; result.AppendLine($"{parentType}||{item.ParentTypeIcon}"); } result.AppendLine($"{item.Indent}{item.Name}|{item.Line}|{item.Icon}"); } } } return(result.ToString().Trim()); } if (sublime) { var result = new StringBuilder(); var lines = members.Select(x => { return(new { Type = (x.ParentDisplayType + " " + x.ParentDisplayName).Trim(), Content = " " + x.DisplayName, Line = x.Line }); }); if (lines.Any()) { int maxLenghth = lines.Select(x => x.Type.Length).Max(); maxLenghth = Math.Max(maxLenghth, lines.Select(x => x.Content.Length).Max()); string prevType = null; foreach (var item in lines) { if (prevType != item.Type) { result.AppendLine(); result.AppendLine(item.Type); } prevType = item.Type; var suffix = new string(' ', maxLenghth - item.Content.Length); result.AppendLine($"{item.Content}{suffix} :{item.Line}"); } } return(result.ToString().Trim()); } return(null); }
// "project" - request public static Project GenerateProjectFor(string script) => CSScriptHelper.GenerateProjectFor(new SourceInfo(script));