예제 #1
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (Session == null || Session["serviceInfo"] == null)
            objSvcInfo = new ServiceInfo();
            objSvcInfo = (ServiceInfo)Session["serviceInfo"];

        objDataPointInfo = DataPointInfo.getDataPointObject;
        objLocInfo = new LocationInfo();

        HttpCookie locCookie = Request.Cookies["ais_LocationInfo"];
        if (locCookie != null)
            LocationInfo newInfo = objLocInfo.DeserializeCookieString(locCookie.Value);
            if (newInfo != null)
                Session["objLocationInfo"] = newInfo;
                objLocInfo = newInfo;
            if (Session["AuditData"] != null)
                IDictionary dict = (IDictionary)Session["AuditData"];
                dict["locSearchType"] = "By Cookie";
                Session["AuditData"] = dict;

        objSvcPre = new ServicePresenter(this);

        //set the Cutlure code from ObjLocation object to Service info
        //this is used in Login page for tranlsation
        if (objLocInfo != null && objLocInfo.ServiceInfo != null)
            objSvcInfo.Culture = objLocInfo.ServiceInfo.Culture;

        // get weather icon info
        var iconNode = alNodeList.FirstOrDefault(q => q[0].ToString() == "icon");
        if (iconNode != null)
            common.LoadCtrl<Icon>(this.Page, weatherIcons, "Icon", iconNode[1].ToString(), "");
        /* Agricast CR - R6 - Add wind icons and legend for Humidity - Begin */

        /*Wind icons a seperate entity - BEGIN*/
        var windIconNode = alNodeList.FirstOrDefault(q => q[0].ToString() == "windIcon");
        if (windIconNode != null)
            //common.LoadCtrl(this.Page, windIcons, "WebChartIcons");
            common.LoadCtrl<WebChartIcons>(this.Page, windIcons, "WebChartIcons", windIconNode[1].ToString(), "");
        /*Wind icons a seperate entity - END*/
        /* Agricast CR - R6 - Add wind icons and legend for Humidity - End */

        var imgPath = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(Request.QueryString["img"]).Replace("'","").Replace('>',' ').Replace('<', ' ').Replace('"',' ').Replace(':',' ').Replace(';',' ');
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(imgPath))
            imgPath = Server.HtmlDecode(imgPath);
            if (!IsPostBack)
                imgBigger.ImageUrl = imgPath;