public ModifierUI(MainUI ui) { ui_ = ui; header_ = new Header("", Widget.Right); delete_ = new ConfirmableButton( "Delete modifier", DeleteModifier, Widget.Right); enabled_ = new Checkbox( "Modifier enabled", true, EnabledChanged, Widget.Right); disableOthers_ = new Button( "Disable other modifiers", DisableOthers, Widget.Right); enableAll_ = new Button( "Enable all modifiers", EnableAll, Widget.Right); type_ = new ModifierStringList( "Type", "", TypeChanged, Widget.Right); type_.PopupHeight = 520; modifierSync_ = new ModifierSyncStringList( "Sync", ModifierSyncChanged, Widget.Right); }
public StringListStorableParameterUI() { av_ = new StringList("Available strings", null, Widget.Right); strings_ = new StringList("Strings", null, Widget.Right); current_ = new Textbox("Selected", "", CurrentChanged, Widget.Right); save_ = new Button("Save changes", SaveChanges, Widget.Right); add_ = new Button("Add new", AddNew, Widget.Right); delete_ = new ConfirmableButton( "Delete selected", DeleteSelected, Widget.Right); strings_.SelectionIndexChanged += StringSelected; }
public EyesModifierTargetUIContainer(EyesModifier m, EyesTargetContainer t) { modifier_ = m; container_ = t; delete_ = new ConfirmableButton( "Delete target", DeleteTarget, Widget.Right); types_ = new FactoryStringList <EyesTargetFactory, IEyesTarget>( "Type", TypeChanged, Widget.Right); enabled_ = new Checkbox( "Enabled", t.Enabled, EnabledChanged, Widget.Right); collapsible_ = new Collapsible( container_.Name, null, Widget.Right); UpdateWidgets(); }
public UnsyncedModifierUI(int flags) : base(flags) { durationCollapsible_ = new Collapsible( "Duration", null, flags_); durationWidgets_ = new DurationWidgets( "Duration", DurationTypeChanged, flags_); delayCollapsible_ = new Collapsible("Delay", null, flags_); delayWidgets_ = new DelayWidgets(flags_); delayWidgets_.SupportsHalfMove = false; copy_ = new ConfirmableButton( "Copy to other unsynced", CopyToAll, flags_); syncToThis_ = new ConfirmableButton( "Sync all to this", SyncToThis, flags_); }
public LinkModifierControllerUI( LinkModifier m, LinkModifierController mc) { modifier_ = m; mc_ = mc; collapsible_ = new Collapsible(mc_.Name, null, Widget.Right); delete_ = new ConfirmableButton("Delete", Delete, Widget.Right); controller_ = new FreeControllerList( "Controller", mc_.ControllerName, ControllerChanged, Widget.Right); atom_ = new AtomList( "Link to atom", mc_.AtomName, AtomChanged, null, Widget.Right | Widget.AllowNone); rb_ = new LinkTargetList( "Link to", mc_.RigidbodyName, RigidbodyChanged, Widget.Right | Widget.AllowNone); position_ = new PositionStateList( "Position", "", PositionChanged, Widget.Right | Widget.AllowNone); rotation_ = new RotationStateList( "Rotation", "", RotationChanged, Widget.Right | Widget.AllowNone); Update(); collapsible_.Add(delete_); collapsible_.Add(controller_); collapsible_.Add(atom_); collapsible_.Add(rb_); collapsible_.Add(position_); collapsible_.Add(rotation_); collapsible_.Add(new SmallSpacer(Widget.Right)); }
public SelectedMorphWidget( MorphModifierUI ui, SelectedMorph sm, int flags = 0) { ui_ = ui; sm_ = sm; collapsible_ = new Collapsible(sm_.DisplayName, null, flags); enabled_ = new Checkbox("Enabled", EnabledChanged, flags); remove_ = new ConfirmableButton("Remove", Remove, flags); movementUI_ = new MovementUI(flags); enabled_.Parameter = sm_.EnabledParameter; movementUI_.SetValue(sm_.Movement, sm_.PreferredRange); collapsible_.Add(enabled_); collapsible_.Add(remove_); foreach (var w in movementUI_.GetWidgets()) { collapsible_.Add(w); } RenameCollapsible(); }