예제 #1
        public static MembershipEvents FromXml(string xml)
            XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(MembershipEvents));

            MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();

            byte[] xmlBytes = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(xml);
            stream.Write(xmlBytes, 0, xmlBytes.Length);

            stream.Position = 0;
            MembershipEvents result = (MembershipEvents)serializer.Deserialize(stream);


예제 #2
        public static MembershipEvents LoadAll()
            // This is a very expensive op - heavy databasery and some five to ten seconds of execution time.

            // This function works in three steps. First, we load all people and build a hash of their geographies, genders.
            // Second, we load all memberships.
            // Third, we generate membership events from the membership and hash combo.

            // (and fourth, we sort the events by date)

            // In the person-gathering phase, we use BasicPerson in order to avoid the unneeded translation to Person.

            BasicPerson[] allPeople = SwarmDb.GetDatabaseForReading().GetAllPeople();

            Dictionary <int, int>          geoLookup       = new Dictionary <int, int>();
            Dictionary <int, PersonGender> genderLookup    = new Dictionary <int, PersonGender>();
            Dictionary <int, int>          birthYearLookup = new Dictionary <int, int>();

            foreach (BasicPerson person in allPeople)
                geoLookup[person.Identity]       = person.GeographyId;
                genderLookup[person.Identity]    = person.IsMale ? PersonGender.Male : PersonGender.Female;
                birthYearLookup[person.Identity] = person.Birthdate.Year;

            // Second phase, load all memberships

            BasicParticipation[] allParticipations = SwarmDb.GetDatabaseForReading().GetParticipations();

            // Third phase - for every membership, generate one or two membership events

            MembershipEvents result = new MembershipEvents();

            foreach (BasicParticipation membership in allParticipations)
                int          geographyId = 1;
                int          birthYear   = 0;
                PersonGender gender      = PersonGender.Unknown;

                if (geoLookup.ContainsKey(membership.PersonId))
                    geographyId = geoLookup[membership.PersonId];
                    gender      = genderLookup[membership.PersonId];
                    birthYear   = birthYearLookup[membership.PersonId];

                result.Add(new MembershipEvent(membership.MemberSince, membership.PersonId, membership.OrganizationId,
                                               geographyId, birthYear, gender, 1));

                if (!membership.Active)
                    TimeSpan safetyDelta = new TimeSpan(0);

                    // A few records in the database have had their memberships terminated at the exact time of creation. This means that sorting will
                    // be unpredictable, when it relies on the termination coming at a later time than the creation.

                    // To solve this, make sure they are more than five seconds apart.

                    if (membership.DateTerminated.Date == membership.MemberSince.Date)
                    // First simple check
                        if ((membership.DateTerminated - membership.MemberSince) < new TimeSpan(0, 0, 5))
                            safetyDelta = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 5);

                    result.Add(new MembershipEvent(membership.DateTerminated + safetyDelta,
                                                   membership.PersonId, membership.OrganizationId, geographyId,
                                                   birthYear, gender, -1));

            // Fourth - sort

            result.Sort(new MembershipEventSorter());
