public void setColorsTriadic(ChunkDecorator decorator) { Color start = getRandomStartColor(decorator); float h; float s; float v; RGBtoHSV(start, out h, out s, out v); Color triad1 = HSVtoRGB((h + 120) % 360, s, v); Color triad2 = HSVtoRGB((h + 360 - 120) % 360, s, v); groundColor = start; skyColorDay = Color.Lerp(triad1, Color.White, .3f); skyColorNight = Color.Lerp(triad2, Color.Black, .5f); if ( < 1 || decorator.rand.NextDouble() < .9) { groundColor = Color.Lerp(groundColor, Color.Black, .85f); } else { skyColorDay = Color.Lerp(skyColorDay, Color.Black, .9f); skyColorNight = Color.Lerp(skyColorNight, Color.Black, .9f); } }
public ColorManager(ChunkDecorator decorator) { this.decorator = decorator; if (primaries == null) { primaries = new Color[] { Color.Blue, Color.Red, Color.Yellow }; } int chosenColorScheme = decorator.rand.Next(4); switch (chosenColorScheme) { case 0: setColorsComplimentary(decorator); break; case 1: setColorsTriadic(decorator); break; case 2: setColorsAnalagous(decorator); break; case 3: setColorsSplitCompliment(decorator); break; } }
public Color getRandomStartColor(ChunkDecorator decorator) { int startPoint = decorator.rand.Next(3); float spin = (float)decorator.rand.NextDouble(); Color start = Color.Lerp(primaries[startPoint], primaries[(startPoint + 1 + decorator.rand.Next(3)) % 3], spin); return(start); }
private void selectEasyMonster(ChunkDecorator decorator) { if (decorator.worldGenSubtype == World.WorldGenSubtype.CENOTE) { decorator.monsters.Add(easyMonstersCave[decorator.rand.Next(easyMonstersCave.Length)]); } else { decorator.monsters.Add(easyMonsters[decorator.rand.Next(easyMonsters.Length)]); } }
public AmbientSoundManager(ChunkDecorator decorator) { this.decorator = decorator; string selectedDaySound = null; string selectedNightSound = null; if (decorator.worldGenSubtype != World.WorldGenSubtype.CENOTE) { switch ( { case WeatherManager.Weather.NONE: selectedDaySound = daySoundsNoWeather[decorator.rand.Next(daySoundsNoWeather.Length)]; break; case WeatherManager.Weather.WINDY: selectedDaySound = daySoundsWind[decorator.rand.Next(daySoundsWind.Length)]; break; case WeatherManager.Weather.FOGGY: selectedDaySound = daySoundsNoWeather[decorator.rand.Next(daySoundsNoWeather.Length)]; break; case WeatherManager.Weather.RAINY: selectedDaySound = daySoundsRain[decorator.rand.Next(daySoundsRain.Length)]; break; } selectedNightSound = nightSounds[decorator.rand.Next(nightSounds.Length)]; } else { selectedDaySound = caveSounds[decorator.rand.Next(caveSounds.Length)]; selectedNightSound = caveSounds[decorator.rand.Next(caveSounds.Length)]; } SoundEffect daySound = decorator.content.Load <SoundEffect>(baseAmbienceString + selectedDaySound); SoundEffect nightSound = decorator.content.Load <SoundEffect>(baseAmbienceString + selectedNightSound); daySoundInstance = daySound.CreateInstance(); nightSoundInstance = nightSound.CreateInstance(); daySoundInstance.IsLooped = true; nightSoundInstance.IsLooped = true; daySoundInstance.Play(); nightSoundInstance.Play(); SoundManager.addSoundToManagement(daySoundInstance); SoundManager.addSoundToManagement(nightSoundInstance); worldSongIndex = decorator.rand.Next(songs.Length); manageAmbientSound(; }
private void selectDifficultMonster(ChunkDecorator decorator) { float subSelectedCritter = (float)decorator.rand.NextDouble(); if (subSelectedCritter < .5f) { decorator.chanceCritterIsMonster *= .1f; decorator.monsters.Add(typeof(EntityOwl)); } else { decorator.chanceCritterIsMonster *= .1f; decorator.monsters.Add(typeof(EntityAntlion)); } }
public CritterManager(ChunkDecorator decorator) { Type decorativeCritter = null; Type smallCritter = null; Type mediumCritter = null; if (decorator.worldGenSubtype == World.WorldGenSubtype.CENOTE) { decorativeCritter = decorativeCrittersCave[decorator.rand.Next(decorativeCrittersCave.Length)]; smallCritter = smallPreyCrittersCave[decorator.rand.Next(smallPreyCrittersCave.Length)]; mediumCritter = medPreyCrittersCave[decorator.rand.Next(medPreyCrittersCave.Length)]; } else { decorativeCritter = decorativeCritters[decorator.rand.Next(decorativeCritters.Length)]; smallCritter = smallPreyCritters[decorator.rand.Next(smallPreyCritters.Length)]; mediumCritter = medPreyCritters[decorator.rand.Next(medPreyCritters.Length)]; } decorator.decorativeCritters.Add(decorativeCritter); decorator.critters.Add(mediumCritter); decorator.critters.Add(smallCritter); decorator.critters.Add(smallCritter); if (decorator.isCity) { decorator.monsters.Add(typeof(EntityConstable)); } else { if (decorator.metaDifficulty >= 4) { if (decorator.rand.NextDouble() < .8f) { selectEasyMonster(decorator); } else { selectDifficultMonster(decorator); } } else { selectEasyMonster(decorator); } } }
public void setColorsComplimentary(ChunkDecorator decorator) { Color start = getRandomStartColor(decorator); float h; float s; float v; RGBtoHSV(start, out h, out s, out v); Color compliment = HSVtoRGB((h + 180) % 360, s, v); skyColorDay = Color.Lerp(start, Color.White, .75f); groundColor = compliment; if ( < 1 || decorator.rand.NextDouble() < .9) { groundColor = Color.Lerp(groundColor, Color.Black, .85f); } else { skyColorDay = Color.Lerp(skyColorDay, Color.Black, .9f); skyColorNight = Color.Lerp(skyColorNight, Color.Black, .9f); } }
public DecorationManager(ChunkDecorator decorator) { for (int i = 0; i < 1 + decorator.rand.Next((Math.Max(decorator.metaDifficulty, 1)) * 8); i++) { decorator.foliage.Add(new Decoration(new Point(0, 0), new TileType[, ] { { TileTypeReferencer.STONES } })); decorator.foliageBiome2.Add(new Decoration(new Point(0, 0), new TileType[, ] { { TileTypeReferencer.STONES } })); } for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { decorator.subTerranianFoliage.Add(new Decoration(new Point(0, 0), new TileType[, ] { { TileTypeReferencer.MUSHROOMS } })); decorator.subTerranianFoliage.Add(new Decoration(new Point(0, 0), new TileType[, ] { { TileTypeReferencer.STONES } })); } decorator.subTerranianFoliage.Add(new Decoration(new Point(0, 0), new TileType[, ] { { TileTypeReferencer.CHEST } })); if (decorator.metaDifficulty >= 1) { TileType[] potentialTotems = new TileType[] { TileTypeReferencer.TOTEM_RABBIT, TileTypeReferencer.TOTEM_TAPIR, TileTypeReferencer.TOTEM_CROCODILE, TileTypeReferencer.TOTEM_CONDOR, TileTypeReferencer.TOTEM_FALCON, }; TileType chosenTotem = potentialTotems[decorator.rand.Next(potentialTotems.Length)]; decorator.foliage.Add(new Decoration(new Point(0, 0), new TileType[, ] { { chosenTotem } })); decorator.foliageBiome2.Add(new Decoration(new Point(0, 0), new TileType[, ] { { chosenTotem } })); } decorator.subTerranianFoliage.Add(new Decoration(new Point(0, 0), new TileType[, ] { { TileTypeReferencer.CHARMSTONE } })); decorator.subTerranianFoliage.Add(new Decoration(new Point(0, 0), new TileType[, ] { { TileTypeReferencer.CHARMSTONE } })); decorator.subTerranianFoliage.Add(new Decoration(new Point(0, 0), new TileType[, ] { { TileTypeReferencer.LADDER, TileTypeReferencer.LADDER, TileTypeReferencer.LADDER, TileTypeReferencer.LADDER, TileTypeReferencer.LADDER } })); decorator.subTerranianFoliage.Add(new Decoration(new Point(0, -6), new TileType[, ] { { TileTypeReferencer.LADDER, TileTypeReferencer.LADDER, TileTypeReferencer.LADDER, TileTypeReferencer.LADDER, TileTypeReferencer.LADDER, TileTypeReferencer.LADDER, TileTypeReferencer.LADDER, TileTypeReferencer.LADDER } })); decorator.subTerranianFoliage.Add(new Decoration(new Point(0, -9), new TileType[, ] { { TileTypeReferencer.LADDER, TileTypeReferencer.LADDER, TileTypeReferencer.LADDER, TileTypeReferencer.LADDER, TileTypeReferencer.LADDER, TileTypeReferencer.LADDER, TileTypeReferencer.LADDER, TileTypeReferencer.LADDER, TileTypeReferencer.LADDER, TileTypeReferencer.LADDER, TileTypeReferencer.LADDER } })); if (decorator.worldGenSubtype == World.WorldGenSubtype.CENOTE) { decorator.foliage.Add(new Decoration(new Point(0, 0), new TileType[, ] { { TileTypeReferencer.LAMP } })); decorator.foliageBiome2.Add(new Decoration(new Point(0, 0), new TileType[, ] { { TileTypeReferencer.LAMP } })); decorator.foliage.Add(new Decoration(new Point(0, 0), new TileType[, ] { { TileTypeReferencer.LAMP } })); decorator.foliageBiome2.Add(new Decoration(new Point(0, 0), new TileType[, ] { { TileTypeReferencer.LAMP } })); decorator.foliage.Add(new Decoration(new Point(0, 0), new TileType[, ] { { TileTypeReferencer.ALTAR } })); decorator.foliageBiome2.Add(new Decoration(new Point(0, 0), new TileType[, ] { { TileTypeReferencer.ALTAR } })); decorator.foliage.Add(new Decoration(new Point(0, 0), new TileType[, ] { { TileTypeReferencer.LAMP } })); decorator.foliageBiome2.Add(new Decoration(new Point(0, 0), new TileType[, ] { { TileTypeReferencer.ALTAR } })); } if (decorator.isCity) { decorator.foliage.Add(DecorationReader.readDecorationFromContent("Decorations/")); decorator.foliageBiome2.Add(DecorationReader.readDecorationFromContent("Decorations/")); decorator.foliage.Add(DecorationReader.readDecorationFromContent("Decorations/city_segment_0")); decorator.foliageBiome2.Add(DecorationReader.readDecorationFromContent("Decorations/city_segment_0")); decorator.foliage.Add(DecorationReader.readDecorationFromContent("Decorations/city_segment_1")); decorator.foliageBiome2.Add(DecorationReader.readDecorationFromContent("Decorations/city_segment_1")); decorator.foliage.Add(DecorationReader.readDecorationFromContent("Decorations/city_segment_2")); decorator.foliageBiome2.Add(DecorationReader.readDecorationFromContent("Decorations/city_segment_2")); decorator.foliage.Add(DecorationReader.readDecorationFromContent("Decorations/city_segment_3")); decorator.foliageBiome2.Add(DecorationReader.readDecorationFromContent("Decorations/city_segment_3")); decorator.foliage.Add(DecorationReader.readDecorationFromContent("Decorations/city_segment_4")); decorator.foliageBiome2.Add(DecorationReader.readDecorationFromContent("Decorations/city_segment_4")); decorator.foliage.Add(DecorationReader.readDecorationFromContent("Decorations/city_segment_5")); decorator.foliageBiome2.Add(DecorationReader.readDecorationFromContent("Decorations/city_segment_5")); decorator.foliage.Add(DecorationReader.readDecorationFromContent("Decorations/city_segment_6")); decorator.foliageBiome2.Add(DecorationReader.readDecorationFromContent("Decorations/city_segment_6")); decorator.foliage.Add(DecorationReader.readDecorationFromContent("Decorations/city_segment_7")); decorator.foliageBiome2.Add(DecorationReader.readDecorationFromContent("Decorations/city_segment_7")); corpseTableRare = new HashSet <Item>(); corpseTableRare.Add(new Item_Bullet(1)); corpseTableRare.Add(new Item_Laser_Gun(15)); corpseTableCommon = new HashSet <Item>(); corpseTableCommon.Add(new Item_Bullet(1)); decorator.critters.Add(typeof(prePopulatedCorpseRare)); decorator.critters.Add(typeof(prePopulatedCorpseCommon)); decorator.critters.Add(typeof(prePopulatedCorpseCommon)); } }
public WeatherManager(ChunkDecorator decorator) { if ( is World) { World wd = ((World); float windDir = 0; if (decorator.metaDifficulty > 0 && != Game1.findGirlWorld && decorator.worldGenSubtype != WorldGenSubtype.CENOTE) { Weather selectedWeather = weatherByProbability[decorator.rand.Next(weatherByProbability.Length)]; weather = selectedWeather; cloudyness = (3 + decorator.rand.Next(6)) * (3 + decorator.rand.Next(6)); switch (selectedWeather) { case Weather.NONE: if (decorator.rand.NextDouble() <= .5) { windDir = .2f; } else { windDir = -.2f; } windStrength = (float)(decorator.rand.NextDouble() * .1f) + windDir; break; case Weather.WINDY: if (decorator.rand.NextDouble() <= .5) { windDir = 1; } else { windDir = -1f; } windStrength = (float)(decorator.rand.NextDouble() * .07f) + windDir; if (windStrength > .9f) { windStrength = .9f; } else if (windStrength < -.9f) { windStrength = -.9f; } break; case Weather.FOGGY: windStrength = 0; break; case Weather.RAINY: if (decorator.rand.NextDouble() <= .5) { windDir = .05f; } else { windDir = -.05f; } windStrength = windDir; cloudyness += cloudyness / 2; break; } } else { weather = Weather.NONE; if (decorator.rand.NextDouble() <= .5) { windDir = .2f; } else { windDir = -.2f; } windStrength = (float)(decorator.rand.NextDouble() * .1f) + windDir; cloudyness = (3 + decorator.rand.Next(6)) * (3 + decorator.rand.Next(6)); } } }
private void generateTreeTrunk(ChunkDecorator decorator, out TileType treeTrunk, out TileType treeTop) { //we want to generate an appropriate variety of trunk images. int numGeneratedTrunks = 9; //set up the texture array and spritebatch RenderTarget2D[] trunks = new RenderTarget2D[numGeneratedTrunks]; RenderTarget2D[] treeTops = new RenderTarget2D[numGeneratedTrunks]; SpriteBatch batch = new SpriteBatch(Game1.instance.GraphicsDevice); //numPrimitives represents the number of different "basic shapes" used to generate the tree trunk. int numPrimitives = 1 + decorator.rand.Next(2); //each primitive gets N different "strings" of drawings. int[] branches = new int[numPrimitives]; //each primitive gets to move N distance each pass along its "string". float[] jumpHeight = new float[numPrimitives]; //each primitive can change direction N amount each pass along its string. float[] rotationRange = new float[numPrimitives]; //each primitive can start rotated an arbitrary amount. float[] startDisplayRotation = new float[numPrimitives]; float[] displayRotationRange = new float[numPrimitives]; Texture2D[] primitives = new Texture2D[numPrimitives]; for (int i = 0; i < numPrimitives; i++) { //select a random primitive texture primitives[i] = Game1.instance.primitives[decorator.rand.Next(Game1.instance.primitives.Count)]; //select a random number of times for the primitive to draw a string on the texture. branches[i] = 2 + decorator.rand.Next(3); //select a random distance for the primitive to jump through each pass. jumpHeight[i] = 7 + decorator.rand.Next(5); //select a random rotation for each primitive to use on each pass. rotationRange[i] = (float)(decorator.rand.NextDouble() / 2); //select a random display rotation for each primitive to use startDisplayRotation[i] = (float)(decorator.rand.NextDouble() * Math.PI * 2); displayRotationRange[i] = (float)(decorator.rand.NextDouble() * Math.PI * 2); } //make the texture size a bit bigger than the normal block, so that //the generation has room to work without ugly cut-offs on the final texture. int texSizeTrunk = (int)(Chunk.tileDrawWidth * 1.5); for (int i = 0; i < numGeneratedTrunks; i++) { RenderTarget2D trunkImages = new RenderTarget2D( Game1.instance.GraphicsDevice, texSizeTrunk, texSizeTrunk, false, Game1.instance.GraphicsDevice.PresentationParameters.BackBufferFormat, DepthFormat.Depth24); Game1.instance.GraphicsDevice.SetRenderTarget(trunkImages); Game1.instance.GraphicsDevice.Clear(Color.Transparent); batch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, null, SamplerState.PointClamp, null, null, null, null); for (int k = 0; k < numPrimitives; k++) { for (int j = 0; j < branches[k]; j++) { //set up the start position and rotations. Vector2 lastLocation = new Vector2((texSizeTrunk * .66f) - decorator.rand.Next((int)(texSizeTrunk * .33f)), 10); float lastRotation = (float)((Math.PI * -1.5) + decorator.rand.NextDouble() * rotationRange[k] - rotationRange[k] / 2); //turns out that this number is more-or-less vertically aligned for some reason. //stop drawing when we've reached the other side of the texture while (lastLocation.Y < texSizeTrunk - 15) { //find the rotation location and rotation after a jump float nextRotation = lastRotation + (float)(decorator.rand.NextDouble() * rotationRange[k] - rotationRange[k] / 2); Vector2 nextLocation = lastLocation + vectorFromAngle(nextRotation) * jumpHeight[k]; //50% chance to flip the sprite SpriteEffects effect = SpriteEffects.None; if (decorator.rand.NextDouble() < .5f) { effect = SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally; } //calculate the overall location of the primitive given the parameters Rectangle rect = new Rectangle((int)(nextLocation.X), (int)(nextLocation.Y), 20, 20); //draw onto the trunk texture batch.Draw(primitives[k], rect, null, Color.White, nextRotation + startDisplayRotation[k] + (float)decorator.rand.NextDouble() * displayRotationRange[k], Vector2.Zero, effect, 0); lastLocation = nextLocation; lastRotation = nextRotation; } } } batch.End(); Game1.instance.GraphicsDevice.SetRenderTarget(null); trunks[i] = trunkImages; } //lastly, generate a texture for the branches. //make the texture size a bit bigger than the normal block, so that //the generation has room to work without ugly cut-offs on the final texture. int texSizeTop = (int)(Chunk.tileDrawWidth * 3); for (int i = 0; i < numGeneratedTrunks; i++) { RenderTarget2D treeTopImages = new RenderTarget2D( Game1.instance.GraphicsDevice, texSizeTop, texSizeTop, false, Game1.instance.GraphicsDevice.PresentationParameters.BackBufferFormat, DepthFormat.Depth24); //blah blah blah Game1.instance.GraphicsDevice.SetRenderTarget(treeTopImages); Game1.instance.GraphicsDevice.Clear(Color.Transparent); batch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, null, SamplerState.PointClamp, null, null, null, null); for (int k = 0; k < numPrimitives; k++) { for (int j = 0; j < branches[k]; j++) { //set up the start position and rotations. //Vector2 lastLocation = new Vector2((texSize / 2) + rand.Next(texSize / 4) - texSize / 8, 10); Vector2 lastLocation = new Vector2((texSizeTop * .66f) - decorator.rand.Next((int)(texSizeTop * .33f)), texSizeTop - 15); float lastRotation = (float)((Math.PI * -1.5) + decorator.rand.NextDouble() * rotationRange[k] - rotationRange[k] / 2); //turns out that this number is more-or-less vertically aligned for some reason. //stop drawing when we've reached the other side of the texture while (lastLocation.Y > 15 && lastLocation.X > 15 && lastLocation.X < texSizeTop - 15) { //find the rotation location and rotation after a jump float nextRotation = lastRotation + (float)(decorator.rand.NextDouble() * rotationRange[k] - rotationRange[k] / 2); Vector2 nextLocation = lastLocation - vectorFromAngle(nextRotation) * jumpHeight[k]; //50% chance to flip the sprite SpriteEffects effect = SpriteEffects.None; if (decorator.rand.NextDouble() < .5f) { effect = SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally; } //calculate the overall location of the primitive given the parameters Rectangle rect = new Rectangle((int)(nextLocation.X), (int)(nextLocation.Y), 20, 20); //draw onto the trunk texture batch.Draw(primitives[k], rect, null, Color.White, nextRotation + startDisplayRotation[k] + (float)decorator.rand.NextDouble() * displayRotationRange[k], Vector2.Zero, effect, 0); lastLocation = nextLocation; lastRotation = nextRotation; } } } batch.End(); Game1.instance.GraphicsDevice.SetRenderTarget(null); treeTops[i] = treeTopImages; } //TODO: randomize parameters //treeTrunk = new RandomImageTile(new TileTag[] { TagReferencer.AIR, TagReferencer.Climbeable, TagReferencer.DRAWOUTSIDEOFBOUNDS }, trunks, false); //trunk.friction += .03f; //TODO: randomize parameters //treeTop = new RandomImageTile(new TileTag[] { TagReferencer.AIR, TagReferencer.Climbeable, TagReferencer.DRAWOUTSIDEOFBOUNDS }, treeTops, false); //treeTop.friction += .03f; treeTrunk = new RandomImageTileFromSpritesheet(new TileTag[] { TagReferencer.AIR, TagReferencer.Climbeable, TagReferencer.Harvest, TagReferencer.DRAWOUTSIDEOFBOUNDS }, trunks, texSizeTrunk, batch, false); treeTrunk.harvestTicks = 5 + getRandValuePlusOrMinus(decorator.rand, Math.Max(decorator.metaDifficulty, 1)); treeTop = new RandomImageTileFromSpritesheet(new TileTag[] { TagReferencer.AIR, TagReferencer.Climbeable, TagReferencer.DRAWOUTSIDEOFBOUNDS }, treeTops, texSizeTop, batch, false); batch.Dispose(); }
private List <Decoration> generateTrees(ChunkDecorator decorator, TileType trunk, TileType treeTop, TileType leaves) { List <Decoration> generatedTrees = new List <Decoration>(); int MODE_BULB = 0; int MODE_CONE = 1; int MODE_POCKETS = 2; int minTrunkHeight = 1 + decorator.rand.Next(8); int trunkHeightVariation = 1 + decorator.rand.Next(6); int minLeafWidth = decorator.rand.Next(8); int leafWidthVariation = decorator.rand.Next(6); int minLeafHeight = 1 + decorator.rand.Next(8); int leafHeightVariation = decorator.rand.Next(6); int mode = decorator.rand.Next(3); //used only in cone generation int coneMod = 1 + decorator.rand.Next(minLeafHeight); //used only in pocket generation int minPockets = 2 + decorator.rand.Next(4); int pocketsVariation = decorator.rand.Next(4); float minLeafFullness = .4f + (float)decorator.rand.NextDouble() * .6f; float leafFullnessVariation = (float)decorator.rand.NextDouble() * .6f; for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { int trunkHeight = minTrunkHeight + decorator.rand.Next(trunkHeightVariation); int leafWidth = minLeafWidth + decorator.rand.Next(leafWidthVariation); int leafHeight = minLeafHeight + decorator.rand.Next(leafHeightVariation); float leafFullness = minLeafFullness + (float)decorator.rand.NextDouble() * leafFullnessVariation; if (leafWidth % 2 == 0) { leafWidth++; } TileType[,] tiles = new TileType[leafWidth, trunkHeight + leafHeight]; for (int n = 0; n < trunkHeight + leafHeight; n++) { tiles[leafWidth / 2, n] = trunk; } mode = MODE_BULB; if (mode == MODE_BULB) { for (int x = 0; x < leafWidth; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < leafHeight; y++) { if (decorator.rand.NextDouble() < leafFullness) { tiles[x, y] = leaves; } } } tiles[leafWidth / 2, leafHeight] = treeTop; } else if (mode == MODE_CONE) { int expansionIX = leafHeight / leafWidth; int currentW = 0; for (int y = 0; y < leafHeight + trunkHeight - 1; y++) { if (y % coneMod == 0) { currentW++; } for (int x = 0; x < currentW; x++) { if (decorator.rand.NextDouble() < leafFullness) { tiles[Math.Min(leafWidth - 1, leafWidth / 2 + x), y] = leaves; } if (decorator.rand.NextDouble() < leafFullness) { tiles[Math.Max(0, leafWidth / 2 - x), y] = leaves; } } } for (int n = 0; n < trunkHeight + leafHeight; n++) { if (decorator.rand.NextDouble() < .7) { tiles[leafWidth / 2, n] = trunk; } } } else if (mode == MODE_POCKETS) { int pockets = minPockets + decorator.rand.Next(pocketsVariation); for (int z = 0; z < pockets; z++) { int thisPocketWidth = (minLeafHeight + decorator.rand.Next(leafHeightVariation)) / 2; int thisPocketHeight = (minLeafHeight + decorator.rand.Next(leafHeightVariation)) / 2; int pocketX = leafWidth / 2 + (decorator.rand.Next(leafWidth) - decorator.rand.Next(leafWidth)); int pocketY = decorator.rand.Next(trunkHeight + leafHeight); for (int x = 0; x < thisPocketWidth; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < thisPocketHeight; y++) { if (decorator.rand.NextDouble() < leafFullness) { tiles[Math.Max(0, Math.Min(pocketX + x, leafWidth - 1)), Math.Max(0, Math.Min(pocketY + y, trunkHeight + leafHeight - 1))] = leaves; } } } } for (int n = leafHeight; n < trunkHeight + leafHeight; n++) { if (decorator.rand.NextDouble() < .7) { tiles[leafWidth / 2, n] = trunk; } } } generatedTrees.Add(new Decoration(new Point(leafWidth / 2, trunkHeight + leafHeight - 1), tiles)); } return(generatedTrees); }
public TreeManager(ChunkDecorator decorator) { if (decorator.worldGenSubtype != World.WorldGenSubtype.CENOTE) { //build leaves Texture2D leafTexOne = decorator.content.Load <Texture2D>("Blocks/Variety/" + decorator.rand.Next(50)); Texture2D leafTexTwo = decorator.content.Load <Texture2D>("Blocks/Variety/" + decorator.rand.Next(50)); leaves = new TileType(new TileTag[] { TagReferencer.AIR, TagReferencer.Harvest, }, leafTexOne, false); leaves.harvestTicks = 5 + getRandValuePlusOrMinus(decorator.rand, Math.Max(decorator.metaDifficulty, 1)); leaves2 = new TileType(new TileTag[] { TagReferencer.AIR, TagReferencer.Harvest, }, leafTexTwo, false); leaves2.harvestTicks = 5 + getRandValuePlusOrMinus(decorator.rand, Math.Max(decorator.metaDifficulty, 1)); //build trunks generateTreeTrunk(decorator, out trunk, out treeTop); generateTreeTrunk(decorator, out trunk2, out treeTop2); decorator.foliage.AddRange(generateTrees(decorator, trunk, treeTop, leaves)); decorator.foliageBiome2.AddRange(generateTrees(decorator, trunk2, treeTop2, leaves2)); TileType.replaceTileInDictionary(TileTypeReferencer.REACTIVE_LEAVES_0.TILEID, leaves); TileType.replaceTileInDictionary(TileTypeReferencer.REACTIVE_LEAVES_1.TILEID, leaves2); TileType.replaceTileInDictionary(TileTypeReferencer.REACTIVE_TRUNK_0.TILEID, trunk); TileType.replaceTileInDictionary(TileTypeReferencer.REACTIVE_TRUNK_1.TILEID, trunk2); ItemDropper dropSticks = new ItemDropper(); dropSticks.registerNewDrop(new Item_Stick(0), null, 1, .1f); dropSticks.registerNewDrop(new Item_Stick(0), new Item_Axe(1), 1, .2f); if (decorator.metaDifficulty == 0) { dropSticks.registerNewDrop(new Item_Stick(0), null, 1, .4f); dropSticks.registerNewDrop(new Item_Stick(0), new Item_Axe(1), 1, .4f); } HarvestDictionary.registerNewHarvestWithGhost(trunk, new ItemDropper[] { dropSticks }); HarvestDictionary.registerNewHarvestWithGhost(trunk2, new ItemDropper[] { dropSticks }); } else { decorator.foliage.Add(new Decoration(new Point(0, -6), new TileType[, ] { { TileTypeReferencer.LADDER, TileTypeReferencer.LADDER, TileTypeReferencer.LADDER, TileTypeReferencer.LADDER, TileTypeReferencer.LADDER, TileTypeReferencer.LADDER, TileTypeReferencer.LADDER, TileTypeReferencer.LADDER } })); decorator.foliage.Add(new Decoration(new Point(0, -9), new TileType[, ] { { TileTypeReferencer.LADDER, TileTypeReferencer.LADDER, TileTypeReferencer.LADDER, TileTypeReferencer.LADDER, TileTypeReferencer.LADDER, TileTypeReferencer.LADDER, TileTypeReferencer.LADDER, TileTypeReferencer.LADDER, TileTypeReferencer.LADDER, TileTypeReferencer.LADDER, TileTypeReferencer.LADDER } })); decorator.foliage.Add(new Decoration(new Point(0, 6), new TileType[, ] { { TileTypeReferencer.LADDER, TileTypeReferencer.LADDER, TileTypeReferencer.LADDER, TileTypeReferencer.LADDER, TileTypeReferencer.LADDER, TileTypeReferencer.LADDER, TileTypeReferencer.LADDER, TileTypeReferencer.LADDER } })); decorator.foliage.Add(new Decoration(new Point(0, 9), new TileType[, ] { { TileTypeReferencer.LADDER, TileTypeReferencer.LADDER, TileTypeReferencer.LADDER, TileTypeReferencer.LADDER, TileTypeReferencer.LADDER, TileTypeReferencer.LADDER, TileTypeReferencer.LADDER, TileTypeReferencer.LADDER, TileTypeReferencer.LADDER, TileTypeReferencer.LADDER, TileTypeReferencer.LADDER } })); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { decorator.foliage.Add(new Decoration(new Point(0, 2), new TileType[, ] { { TileTypeReferencer.STALAGMITE_TOP, TileTypeReferencer.STALAGMITE_MIDDLE, TileTypeReferencer.STALAGMITE_BOTTOM } })); decorator.foliageBiome2.Add(new Decoration(new Point(0, 2), new TileType[, ] { { TileTypeReferencer.STALAGMITE_TOP, TileTypeReferencer.STALAGMITE_MIDDLE, TileTypeReferencer.STALAGMITE_BOTTOM } })); } } }
public TileType generateGrass(ChunkDecorator decorator) { //we want to generate an appropriate variety of trunk images. int numGeneratedGrasses = 16; //set up the texture array and spritebatch RenderTarget2D[] grasses = new RenderTarget2D[numGeneratedGrasses]; SpriteBatch batch = new SpriteBatch(Game1.instance.GraphicsDevice); //numPrimitives represents the number of different "basic shapes" used to generate the tree trunk. //int numPrimitives = 1 + rand.Next(2); //each primitive gets N different "strings" of drawings. //int[] branches = new int[numPrimitives]; //each primitive gets to move N distance each pass along its "string". float jumpHeight = 1 + decorator.rand.Next(1); float bumpiness = 1 + decorator.rand.Next(7); //each primitive can change direction N amount each pass along its string. //each primitive can start rotated an arbitrary amount. float startDisplayRotation = (float)(decorator.rand.NextDouble() * Math.PI * 2); float displayRotationRange = (float)(decorator.rand.NextDouble() * Math.PI * 2); Texture2D primitives = Game1.instance.primitives[decorator.rand.Next(Game1.instance.primitives.Count)]; //make the texture size a bit bigger than the normal block, so that //the generation has room to work without ugly cut-offs on the final texture. int texSize = (int)(Chunk.tileDrawWidth * 1.7); for (int i = 0; i < numGeneratedGrasses; i++) { RenderTarget2D grassImage = new RenderTarget2D( Game1.instance.GraphicsDevice, texSize, texSize, false, Game1.instance.GraphicsDevice.PresentationParameters.BackBufferFormat, DepthFormat.Depth24); //blah blah blah Game1.instance.GraphicsDevice.SetRenderTarget(grassImage); Game1.instance.GraphicsDevice.Clear(Color.Transparent); batch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, null, SamplerState.PointClamp, null, null, null, null); //set up the start position and rotations. //Vector2 lastLocation = new Vector2((texSize / 2) + rand.Next(texSize / 4) - texSize / 8, 10); Vector2 lastLocation = new Vector2(15, Chunk.tileDrawWidth + 19); //stop drawing when we've reached the other side of the texture for (int z = 0; z < 10; z++) { while (lastLocation.X < texSize - 20) { //find the rotation location and rotation after a jump Vector2 nextLocation = lastLocation + new Vector2(jumpHeight, 0); //50% chance to flip the sprite SpriteEffects effect = SpriteEffects.None; if (decorator.rand.NextDouble() < .5f) { effect = SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally; } //calculate the overall location of the primitive given the parameters Rectangle rect = new Rectangle((int)(nextLocation.X), (int)(nextLocation.Y + decorator.rand.NextDouble() * bumpiness), 7, 7); //draw onto the trunk texture batch.Draw(primitives, rect, null, Color.White, startDisplayRotation + (float)decorator.rand.NextDouble() * displayRotationRange, Vector2.Zero, effect, 0); lastLocation = nextLocation; } } batch.End(); Game1.instance.GraphicsDevice.SetRenderTarget(null); grasses[i] = grassImage; } //TODO: randomize parameters //return new RandomImageTile(new TileTag[] { TagReferencer.AIR, TagReferencer.DRAWOUTSIDEOFBOUNDS }, grasses, false); RandomImageTileFromSpritesheet tile = new RandomImageTileFromSpritesheet(new TileTag[] { TagReferencer.AIR, TagReferencer.DRAWOUTSIDEOFBOUNDS }, grasses, texSize, batch, false); batch.Dispose(); return(tile); }
public ShrubManager(ChunkDecorator decorator) { if (decorator.worldGenSubtype != World.WorldGenSubtype.CENOTE) { //build grass and bushes grass = generateGrass(decorator); bush = generateBush(decorator); bush.harvestTicks += getRandValuePlusOrMinus(decorator.rand, Math.Max(decorator.metaDifficulty, 1) * 8); grass2 = generateGrass(decorator); bush2 = generateBush(decorator); bush2.harvestTicks += getRandValuePlusOrMinus(decorator.rand, Math.Max(decorator.metaDifficulty, 1) * 8); TileType.replaceTileInDictionary(TileTypeReferencer.REACTIVE_GRASS.TILEID, grass); TileType.replaceTileInDictionary(TileTypeReferencer.REACTIVE_BUSH_0.TILEID, bush); TileType.replaceTileInDictionary(TileTypeReferencer.REACTIVE_BUSH_1.TILEID, bush2); ItemDropper bushDrops = new ItemDropper(); bushDrops.registerNewDrop(new Item_Grass(0), null, 1, 1f); ItemDropper bushDrops2 = new ItemDropper(); bushDrops2.registerNewDrop(new Item_Grass(0), null, 1, 1f); if ( is World) { if (decorator.rand.NextDouble() < .15)//chance to give the bush an interesting drop. { Item_Berry bushBerry = UniverseProperties.availableBerries[decorator.rand.Next(3)]; bushDrops.registerNewDrop(bushBerry, null, 1 + decorator.rand.Next(4), (float)(.05 + decorator.rand.NextDouble() * .3)); } if (decorator.rand.NextDouble() < .15)//chance to give the bush an interesting drop. { Item_Berry bushBerry = UniverseProperties.availableBerries[decorator.rand.Next(3)]; bushDrops2.registerNewDrop(bushBerry, null, 1 + decorator.rand.Next(4), (float)(.05 + decorator.rand.NextDouble() * .3)); } } HarvestDictionary.registerNewHarvest(bush, new ItemDropper[] { bushDrops }); HarvestDictionary.registerNewHarvest(bush2, new ItemDropper[] { bushDrops2 }); for (int i = 0; i < 7 + decorator.rand.Next(7); i++) { decorator.foliage.Add(new Decoration(new Point(0, 0), new TileType[, ] { { bush }, })); decorator.foliageBiome2.Add(new Decoration(new Point(0, 0), new TileType[, ] { { bush2 }, })); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < 7 + decorator.rand.Next(7); i++) { decorator.foliage.Add(new Decoration(new Point(0, 0), new TileType[, ] { { TileTypeReferencer.STALAGMITE_TINY }, })); decorator.foliageBiome2.Add(new Decoration(new Point(0, 0), new TileType[, ] { { TileTypeReferencer.STALAGMITE_TINY }, })); } } // }