static void EvalAceList(Type rightType, List <IAccessControlEntry> aces, SecurityResults securityResults)
            if (!securityResults.ContainsRightType(rightType))

            if (aces.Count > 0)
                aces.Sort(new AceComparer());

                //Logic: Look in the Dacl for aces of the given AceType, create a new mask of the combined rights.
                //  If Allowed: bitwise-OR the value into the mask.
                //  If Deined: if the mask contains the value, XOR the value out.
                //The result mask contains only the allowed rights.
                int mask = 0;
                foreach (IAccessControlEntry ace in aces)
                    if (ace.Allowed)
                        mask |= ace.RightData.Value;
                    else if ((mask & ace.RightData.Value) == ace.RightData.Value)
                        mask ^= ace.RightData.Value;

                //For each right of the given acetype, perform a bitwise - AND to see if the right is specified in the mask.
                int[] rights = rightType.GetRightTypeValues();
                for (int i = 0; i < rights.Length; i++)
                    securityResults.GetByTypeRight(rightType, rights[i]).AccessAllowed = (mask & rights[i]) == rights[i];

                RightsAccessorAttribute attrib =
                    (RightsAccessorAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(rightType.GetType(), typeof(RightsAccessorAttribute));
                if (attrib != null && attrib.HasMask)
                    EvalExtended(rightType, mask, securityResults, attrib);
 //HACK: Minor hack to address extended rights where the bitmask doesn't bear it out naturally.
 //NOTE: If I was smarter, I would be able to figure out the right bitmask for SyncRights and then probably drop the hack.
 static void EvalExtended(Type rightType, int summaryMask, SecurityResults securityResults, RightsAccessorAttribute ra)
     if (rightType.GetType() == typeof(SynchronizationRight))
         //this is just to block having "OneWay" as the only specified right
         securityResults.GetByTypeRight(rightType, (int)SynchronizationRight.OneWay).AccessAllowed =
             (summaryMask & (int)SynchronizationRight.Upload) == (int)SynchronizationRight.Upload ||
             (summaryMask & (int)SynchronizationRight.Download) == (int)SynchronizationRight.Download;