상속: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour
        /// <summary>
        /// Awake retrieves visualEffects child object reference and disables it.
        /// </summary>
        void Awake()
            hand = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Hand").GetComponent<Hand>();

            // First child of selection object will be GameObject controlling selection visual effect
            visualEffect = transform.GetChild(0).gameObject;
            Deselect();  // Turn off follow and visual effects
 void Awake()
     listeners = new List<IStaffManagerListener>();
     supermarket = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Supermarket").GetComponent<Supermarket>();
     hand = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Hand").GetComponent<Hand>();
     pool = new ObjectPool<Staff>(staffPrefab, 20);
     hirePool = new List<Staff>();