//Super Xblox 360 Text Was here now blank /// <summary> /// Constructor fills in the menu contents. /// </summary> public TitleScreen(ScreenManager sm) : base(sm,"") { //Storage.LoadSettings(); Storage.LoadHighScores(); MediaPlayer.Volume = Storage.getsettings()[1] *(0.01f); //OptionsMenuScreen.soundVolume = Storage.getsettings()[0]; svolume = Storage.getsettings()[0]; mvolume = Storage.getsettings()[1]; // show the controller images show_playercontrol = false; // Create our menu entries. MenuEntry PlayMenuEntry = new MenuEntry(""); // Hook up menu event handlers. PlayMenuEntry.Selected += PlayMenuEntrySelected; // Add entries to the menu. MenuEntries.Add(PlayMenuEntry); //blockpositions = new Vector2[100]; // flying_blocks = new Block[100]; flying_shapes=new Shape[100]; random=new Random(); //blockcolors = new Color[100]; for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) { //blockpositions[i] = new Vector2(); //flying_blocks[i] = new Block(); //flying_blocks[i].blockcolor.A = 255; //flying_blocks[i].blockcolor.R = (byte)(int)(r.NextDouble() * 255); //flying_blocks[i].blockcolor.G = (byte)(int)(r.NextDouble() * 255); //flying_blocks[i].blockcolor.B = (byte)(int)(r.NextDouble() * 255); int X = (int)(random.NextDouble() * 1400) - 250; int Y = (int)(random.NextDouble() * 1200) - 250; flying_shapes[i] = new Shape(X,Y); flying_shapes[i].Rotation = random.Next(0, 4); flying_shapes[i].Type = (Shape.ShapeType)(int)(random.NextDouble() * 13); } }
//Description: Create a new random shape private void CreateNewShape() { if (mNextShape.Type == Shape.ShapeType.NotSet) { mNextShape.Type = ((Shape.ShapeType)(RandomNumber(0, 8))); }//end if (mNextShape.Type == Shape.ShapeType.NotSet) mCurrentShape = mNextShape; // mCurrentShape.Type = mNextShape.Type; // for (int i = 0; i < mCurrentShape.mNumberOfBlocks; i++) // mCurrentShape.Blocks[i] = mNextShape.Blocks[i]; mCurrentShape.DrawPositionY = 30; // mCurrentShape.DrawPositionX = mNextShape.DrawPositionX; mNextShape = new Shape(mPlayfield, true, true); mNextShape.Type = ((Shape.ShapeType)(RandomNumber(0, 8))); //Randomly set the block types of the new shape // int bt = RandomNumber(0, 8); // for (int i = 0; i < mNextShape.mNumberOfBlocks; i++) // mNextShape.Blocks[i].Type = (Block.BlockType)bt; // mCurrentShape.PositionX = 0; // mCurrentShape.PositionY = 0; mCurrentShape.Rotation = 0; }
/// <summary> /// Constructor. /// </summary> public GameplayScreen(ScreenManager sm) : base(sm) { TransitionOnTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1.5); TransitionOffTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.5); // mSound = (Sound)ScreenManager.Game.Components[4]; mCurrentShape = new Shape(mPlayfield, true, true); mNextShape = new Shape(mPlayfield, true, true); mNextShape.DrawPositionX = 400; mNextShape.DrawPositionY = 10; }
public void copy(Shape s) { this.Type = s.mType; for(int i=0;i<this.mNumberOfBlocks;i++) this.Blocks[i] = s.Blocks[i]; // this.DrawPositionX = s.DrawPositionX; // this.DrawPositionY = s.DrawPositionY; }
public void CreateNewShape() { //mCurrentShape.Type = mNextShape.Type; //for (int i = 0; i < mCurrentShape.mNumberOfBlocks; i++) // mCurrentShape.Blocks[i] = mNextShape.Blocks[i]; //Copy the next shape to the current mCurrentShape = new Shape(mPlayfield, linkedblocks, randomblocks); mCurrentShape = mNextShape; //Set the starting position in the play area // mCurrentShape.DrawPositionY = mPlayfield.Ypos; // mCurrentShape.DrawPositionX = mPlayfield.Xpos + 24 * (mPlayfield.Width / 2); //Create a new shape for the nextshape mNextShape = new Shape(mPlayfield, linkedblocks, randomblocks); mNextShape.DrawPositionX = mCurrentShape.DrawPositionX; mNextShape.Type = (Shape.ShapeType)(RandomNumber(0, shapelimit)); //rotation to zero? mCurrentShape.Rotation = 0; }
public void startnewgame() { playgosound = true; mSound.Play(Sound.SoundFX.Start); mCurrentShape = new Shape(mPlayfield, linkedblocks, randomblocks); mNextShape = new Shape(mPlayfield, linkedblocks, randomblocks); if (autoFallNumber == 1) { // mCurrentShape.DrawPositionY = 150; mNextShape.Type = ((Shape.ShapeType)(RandomNumber(0, 8))); mCurrentShape.Type = ((Shape.ShapeType)(RandomNumber(0, 8))); } else { mAutoFallThreshold = 1.0f; mNextShape.Type = ((Shape.ShapeType)(RandomNumber(0, 6))); mCurrentShape.Type = ((Shape.ShapeType)(RandomNumber(0, 6))); } mPlayfield.ClearPlayfield(); mScore = 0; //mNumberOfLinesCleared = 0; mTotalLines = 0; mLevel = 0; }