public void SelectRandomPerson(Friendly targ1, Friendly targ2) { var hold = new List <Person>() { targ1, targ2 }; var RNG = new Random(); target = hold[RNG.Next(0, hold.Count)]; }
public Battle(Friendly _F1, Friendly _F2, Enemy _E1, Enemy _E2, SpriteBatch sb, SpriteFont sf) { F1 = _F1; F2 = _F2; E1 = _E1; E2 = _E2; config = new Config(); CombatantList = new List <Person> { { F1 }, { F2 }, { E1 }, { E2 }, }; drawBattle = new DrawBattle(sb, sf); }
/// <summary> /// Allows the game to run logic such as updating the world, /// checking for collisions, gathering input, and playing audio. /// </summary> /// <param name="gameTime">Provides a snapshot of timing values.</param> protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { if (GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).Buttons.Back == ButtonState.Pressed || Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.Escape)) { Exit(); } ms = new MouseState(); // Makes sure game is only running the logic it needs to. switch (state) { case GameState.SelectMove: // Has button logic for finding correct moves and saving them each person's Attackname attribute // Attempting to catch game-breaking bug with parCou. try { // Removes party member from pool if they die. if (!Party[parCou].checkAlive()) { Party.Remove(Party[parCou]); // if Party [1] dies, remove party[1] from the list, and move on with Party[2](Now Party[1]) // So do nothing. // if Party [3] dies, remove party[3] from the list, and go to the next state. // 0 base 1 base if (parCou > Party.Count + 1) { state = GameState.PreformAttack; break; } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("ParCou error. Inform Developer of exact steps to replicate" + e.Message); } // Has logic for clicking on buttons. #region if (Manager.Move1Select.ButtonClicked()) { Party[parCou].attackName = Manager.Move1Select.moveName; state = GameState.SelectTarget; Click.Play(); } if (Manager.Move2Select.ButtonClicked()) { Party[parCou].attackName = Manager.Move2Select.moveName; state = GameState.SelectTarget; Click.Play(); } if (Manager.Move3Select.ButtonClicked()) { Party[parCou].attackName = Manager.Move3Select.moveName; state = GameState.SelectTarget; Click.Play(); } if (Manager.Move4Select.ButtonClicked()) { Party[parCou].attackName = Manager.Move4Select.moveName; state = GameState.SelectTarget; Click.Play(); } #endregion // Logic purly for sounds. #region // If the mouse has entered a button[enterbutton], the sound is not playing[hover.state], and the sound has // only played once [hovercheck] if ((Manager.Move1Select.enterButton() || Manager.Move2Select.enterButton() || Manager.Move3Select.enterButton() || Manager.Move4Select.enterButton()) && hover.State != SoundState.Playing && !hoverCheck) { hover.Play(); hoverCheck = true; } // Makes the hoverCheck false when the mouse leaves the button area. if (!(Manager.Move1Select.enterButton() || Manager.Move2Select.enterButton() || Manager.Move3Select.enterButton() || Manager.Move4Select.enterButton())) { hoverCheck = false; } #endregion break; case GameState.SelectTarget: // Logic for selecting target and going back to previous screen. #region if (Enemy1Select.ButtonClicked() && { Party[parCou].target =; if (parCou == (Party.Count - 1)) { state = GameState.PreformAttack; parCou = 0; } else { parCou++; state = GameState.SelectMove; } Click.Play(); } if (Enemy2Select.ButtonClicked() && { Party[parCou].target =; if (parCou == (Party.Count - 1)) { state = GameState.PreformAttack; parCou = 0; } else { state = GameState.SelectMove; parCou++; } Click.Play(); } if (Manager.Back.ButtonClicked()) { state = GameState.SelectMove; Click.Play(); } #endregion // Logic stricly for sounds if ((Manager.Back.enterButton() || Enemy1Select.enterButton() || Enemy2Select.enterButton()) && hover.State != SoundState.Playing && !hoverCheck) { hover.Play(); hoverCheck = true; } if (!(Manager.Back.enterButton() || Enemy1Select.enterButton() || Enemy2Select.enterButton())) { hoverCheck = false; } break; case GameState.PreformAttack: // Begins the turn var test = new Battle(player, ally, guard1, guard2, spriteBatch, font); // Running the turn returns a string. If the string is null, it runs the logic. if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(battleData)) { battleData = test.RunBattle(player.attackName, ally.attackName, guard1.attackName, guard2.attackName); } // If the screen is clicked during this state, the timer times out. if (Manager.Screen.ButtonClicked()) { count = 600; } // increments timer if there is time to be counted. if (count < 600) { count++; } // If the timer is done or the screen is clicked. else { // Run each stage of the battle until the user clicks. // Lose if your team dies if (!player.checkAlive() && !ally.checkAlive()) { state = GameState.Lose; } // win if the other team dies else if (!guard1.checkAlive() && !guard2.checkAlive()) { //Reruns all initialize data to reset game(creates entirely new combatant group). // Also where the round/level increment. #region // Increments current round currentRound++; // Resets all combatants, and levels up guards. player = new Friendly("Player", "(Special Unit)", 5, Divine, Evasive); ally = new Friendly("Ally", "(Attack Unit)", 5, Divine, Offensive); guard1 = new Enemy("Guard 1", "(Attack Unit)", currentRound, Mage, Offensive); guard2 = new Enemy("Guard 2", "(Tank Unit)", currentRound, Martial, Defensive); // Brings everyone back to life. Party = new List <Friendly> { player, ally }; // Begins counter at 0 parCou = 0; // TODO: FIGURE OUT HOW TO GET BUTTONS IN MANAGER // The problem is that the enemies aren't established in the manager class. // The manager class is only for Rectangles and Buttons. Changable logic // (such as players, kingdoms, and movelists) stay in the Game1 class for now. // Units can't be made public because it messes with the game in scary ways. Enemy1Select = new Button(Manager.BattleButton1, guard1,; Enemy2Select = new Button(Manager.BattleButton3, guard2,; // Handles enemy "AI" guard1.AddMove(new List <string> { "Chop", "Ready Guard", "Faint Attack", "Helm Smash", "Shield Charge" }); guard2.AddMove(new List <string> { "Chop", "Ready Guard", "Faint Attack", "Helm Smash", "Shield Charge" }); guard1.LoadAI(player, ally); guard2.LoadAI(player, ally); // Resets Data Box logic battleData = ""; count = 0; grow = 0; #endregion state = GameState.SelectMove; } // if someone on both teams is alive, goes back to select move. else { // text display box is reset battleData = ""; count = 0; grow = 0; // State is reverted. state = GameState.SelectMove; } } break; } // Saves previous ms state. msPrev = ms; base.Update(gameTime); }
/// <summary> /// Allows the game to perform any initialization it needs to before starting to run. /// This is where it can query for any required services and load any non-graphic /// related content. Calling base.Initialize will enumerate through any components /// and initialize them as well. /// </summary> protected override void Initialize() { // Logic for Gauntlet currentRound = 1; // Kingdoms #region Martial = new Kingdom(0.8, 1.2, 1.0, 0.8); Mage = new Kingdom(1.2, 1.0, 0.8, 1.0); Divine = new Kingdom(1.0, 0.8, 1.2, 1.2); TestKingdom = new Kingdom(1, 1, 1, 1); #endregion // Specilizations #region Offensive = new Specilization(0.8, 1.0, false); Defensive = new Specilization(1.2, 0.6, false); Evasive = new Specilization(0.5, 1.3, true); TestSpec = new Specilization(1, 1, false); #endregion // Combatants player = new Friendly("Player", "(Special Unit)", 5, Divine, Evasive); ally = new Friendly("Ally", "(Attack Unit)", 5, Divine, Offensive); guard1 = new Enemy("Guard 1", "(Attack Unit)", currentRound, Mage, Offensive); guard2 = new Enemy("Guard 2", "(Tank Unit)", currentRound, Martial, Defensive); Party = new List <Friendly> { player, ally }; parCou = 0; // Rectangles for buttons and drawings Manager = new Manager(); Manager.Intl(); // Shows mouse IsMouseVisible = true; // TODO: FIGURE OUT HOW TO GET BUTTONS IN MANAGER Enemy1Select = new Button(Manager.BattleButton1, guard1,; Enemy2Select = new Button(Manager.BattleButton3, guard2,; // Handles enemy "AI" guard1.AddMove(new List <string> { "Chop", "Ready Guard", "Faint Attack", "Helm Smash", "Shield Charge" }); guard2.AddMove(new List <string> { "Chop", "Ready Guard", "Faint Attack", "Helm Smash", "Shield Charge" }); guard1.LoadAI(player, ally); guard2.LoadAI(player, ally); // Begins game on the select move screen state = GameState.SelectMove; // data needed for showing count = 0; grow = 0; // Sound effect data hoverCheck = false; // THIS MUST BE LAST. base.Initialize(); }
/// <summary> /// Runs all necesary logic for choosing attacks and targets. /// ADDMOVE MUST BE CALLED FIRST. /// </summary> /// <param name="target1"></param> /// <param name="target2"></param> public void LoadAI(Friendly target1, Friendly target2) { SelectRandomMove(); SelectRandomPerson(target1, target2); }