public void CanCheckCommentForSpamWithoutOptionalParams() { string userAgent = GetExpectedUserAgent(); var checkUrl = new Uri(""); string parameters = "blog=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode("") + "&user_ip=" + "&user_agent=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode("Mozilla (My Silly Browser)"); var httpClient = new Mock<HttpClient>(); var comment = new Mock<IComment>(); //We'll try a mix of nulls and empty strings. SetupCallsAnComment(comment , string.Empty , string.Empty , IPAddress.Parse("") , "Mozilla (My Silly Browser)" , null , null , null , null , string.Empty , null); httpClient.Setup(hc => hc.PostRequest(checkUrl, userAgent, 5000, parameters)).Returns("true"); var client = new AkismetClient("myapikey", new Uri(""), httpClient.Object); Assert.IsTrue(client.CheckCommentForSpam(comment.Object), "If the request returns 'false' then we should return false!"); }
public AkismetSpamService(string apiKey, Blog blog, AkismetClient akismetClient, BlogUrlHelper urlHelper) { _blog = blog; _akismet = akismetClient ?? new AkismetClient(apiKey, urlHelper.BlogUrl().ToFullyQualifiedUrl(blog)); IWebProxy proxy = HttpHelper.GetProxy(); if (proxy != null) { _akismet.Proxy = proxy; } _urlHelper = urlHelper ?? new BlogUrlHelper(null, null); }
public void CanCheckCommentForSpam() { string userAgent = GetExpectedUserAgent(); Uri checkUrl = new Uri(""); string parameters = "blog=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode("") + "&user_ip=" + "&user_agent=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode("Mozilla (My Silly Browser)") + "&referer=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode("") + "&permalink=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode("") + "&comment_type=comment" + "&comment_author=Your+Mama" + "&comment_author_email=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode("*****@*****.**") + "&comment_author_url=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode("") + "&comment_content=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode("This is my rifle. There are many like it, but this one is MINE."); MockRepository mocks = new MockRepository(); HttpClient httpClient = (HttpClient)mocks.CreateMock(typeof(HttpClient)); IComment comment = (IComment)mocks.CreateMock(typeof(IComment)); SetupCallsAnComment(comment , "Your Mama" , "*****@*****.**" , IPAddress.Parse("") , "Mozilla (My Silly Browser)" , "" , new Uri("") , "comment" , new Uri("") , "This is my rifle. There are many like it, but this one is MINE." , null); Expect.Call(httpClient.PostRequest(checkUrl, userAgent, 5000, parameters)).Return("true"); mocks.ReplayAll(); AkismetClient client = new AkismetClient("myapikey", new Uri(""), httpClient); Assert.IsTrue(client.CheckCommentForSpam(comment), "If the request returns 'false' then we should return false!"); mocks.VerifyAll(); }
public void CanCheckCommentWithArbitraryServerParams() { string userAgent = GetExpectedUserAgent(); var checkUrl = new Uri(""); string parameters = "blog=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode("") + "&user_ip=" + "&user_agent=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode("Mozilla (My Silly Browser)") + "&Making=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode("This-Stuff") + "&Up=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode("As I-Go-Along"); var httpClient = new Mock<HttpClient>(); var comment = new Mock<IComment>(); var extendedProps = new NameValueCollection(); extendedProps.Add("Making", "This-Stuff"); extendedProps.Add("Up", "As I-Go-Along"); //We'll try a mix of nulls and empty strings. SetupCallsAnComment(comment , string.Empty , string.Empty , IPAddress.Parse("") , "Mozilla (My Silly Browser)" , null , null , null , null , string.Empty , extendedProps); httpClient.Setup(hc => hc.PostRequest(checkUrl, userAgent, 5000, parameters)).Returns("false"); var client = new AkismetClient("myapikey", new Uri(""), httpClient.Object); Assert.IsFalse(client.CheckCommentForSpam(comment.Object), "If the request returns 'false' then we should return false!"); }
public void ThrowsInvalidResponseWhenApiKeyInvalid() { // arrange string userAgent = GetExpectedUserAgent(); var checkUrl = new Uri(""); string parameters = "blog=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode("") + "&user_ip=" + "&user_agent=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode("Mozilla (My Silly Browser)"); var httpClient = new Mock<HttpClient>(); var comment = new Mock<IComment>(); //We'll try a mix of nulls and empty strings. SetupCallsAnComment(comment , string.Empty , string.Empty , IPAddress.Parse("") , "Mozilla (My Silly Browser)" , null , null , null , null , string.Empty , null); httpClient.Setup(hc => hc.PostRequest(checkUrl, userAgent, 5000, parameters)).Returns("invalid"); var client = new AkismetClient("myapikey", new Uri(""), httpClient.Object); // act, assert UnitTestHelper.AssertThrows<InvalidResponseException>(() => client.CheckCommentForSpam(comment.Object)); }
public void SubmitHamTest(string urlEnding, bool isHam) { string userAgent = GetExpectedUserAgent(); var checkUrl = new Uri("" + urlEnding); string parameters = "blog=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode("") + "&user_ip=" + "&user_agent=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode("Mozilla (My Silly Browser)"); var httpClient = new Mock<HttpClient>(); var comment = new Mock<IComment>(); //We'll try a mix of nulls and empty strings. SetupCallsAnComment(comment , string.Empty , string.Empty , IPAddress.Parse("") , "Mozilla (My Silly Browser)" , null , null , null , null , string.Empty , null); httpClient.Setup(hc => hc.PostRequest(checkUrl, userAgent, 5000, parameters)).Returns(string.Empty); var client = new AkismetClient("myapikey", new Uri(""), httpClient.Object); if(isHam) { client.SubmitHam(comment.Object); } else { client.SubmitSpam(comment.Object); } }
public void ConstructorSetsApiKeyAndUrl() { var client = new AkismetClient("fake-key", new Uri(""), new HttpClient()); Assert.AreEqual(new Uri(""), client.BlogUrl); Assert.AreEqual("fake-key", client.ApiKey); UnitTestHelper.AssertSimpleProperties(client, "ApiKey"); }
public void CheckCommentForSpam_WithNullComment_ThrowsArgumentNullException() { // arrange var client = new AkismetClient("fake-key", new Uri(""), new HttpClient()); // act, assert UnitTestHelper.AssertThrowsArgumentNullException(() => client.CheckCommentForSpam(null)); }
public void CanVerifyApiKeyIsWrong() { //act string userAgent = GetExpectedUserAgent(); var verifyUrl = new Uri(""); string parameters = "key=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode("wrong-key") + "&blog=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(""); var httpClient = new Mock<HttpClient>(); httpClient.Setup(hc => hc.PostRequest(verifyUrl, userAgent, 5000, parameters, null)).Returns("invalid"); var client = new AkismetClient("wrong-key", new Uri(""), httpClient.Object); //act bool isVerified = client.VerifyApiKey(); //assert Assert.IsFalse(isVerified, "If the request returns 'invalid' then we should return false!"); }
public AkismetSpamBlockingService(string apiKey, string blogUrl) { akismetClient = new AkismetClient(apiKey, new Uri(blogUrl)); }
public void CanCheckCommentForSpamWithoutOptionalParams() { string userAgent = GetExpectedUserAgent(); Uri checkUrl = new Uri(""); string parameters = "blog=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode("") + "&user_ip=" + "&user_agent=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode("Mozilla (My Silly Browser)"); MockRepository mocks = new MockRepository(); HttpClient httpClient = (HttpClient)mocks.CreateMock(typeof(HttpClient)); IComment comment = (IComment)mocks.CreateMock(typeof(IComment)); //We'll try a mix of nulls and empty strings. SetupCallsAnComment(comment , string.Empty , string.Empty , IPAddress.Parse("") , "Mozilla (My Silly Browser)" , null , null , null , null , string.Empty , null); Expect.Call(httpClient.PostRequest(checkUrl, userAgent, 5000, parameters)).Return("true"); mocks.ReplayAll(); AkismetClient client = new AkismetClient("myapikey", new Uri(""), httpClient); Assert.IsTrue(client.CheckCommentForSpam(comment), "If the request returns 'false' then we should return false!"); mocks.VerifyAll(); }
public void SubmitHamTest(string urlEnding, bool isHam) { string userAgent = GetExpectedUserAgent(); Uri checkUrl = new Uri("" + urlEnding); string parameters = "blog=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode("") + "&user_ip=" + "&user_agent=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode("Mozilla (My Silly Browser)"); MockRepository mocks = new MockRepository(); HttpClient httpClient = (HttpClient)mocks.CreateMock(typeof(HttpClient)); IComment comment = (IComment)mocks.CreateMock(typeof(IComment)); //We'll try a mix of nulls and empty strings. SetupCallsAnComment(comment , string.Empty , string.Empty , IPAddress.Parse("") , "Mozilla (My Silly Browser)" , null , null , null , null , string.Empty , null); Expect.Call(httpClient.PostRequest(checkUrl, userAgent, 5000, parameters)).Return(string.Empty); mocks.ReplayAll(); AkismetClient client = new AkismetClient("myapikey", new Uri(""), httpClient); if (isHam) client.SubmitHam(comment); else client.SubmitSpam(comment); mocks.VerifyAll(); }
public void CheckCommentThrowsArgumentNullException() { AkismetClient client = new AkismetClient("fake-key", new Uri(""), null); client.CheckCommentForSpam(null); }
public void CanVerifyApiKeyIsWrong() { string userAgent = GetExpectedUserAgent(); Uri verifyUrl = new Uri(""); string parameters = "key=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode("wrong-key") + "&blog=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(""); MockRepository mocks = new MockRepository(); HttpClient httpClient = (HttpClient)mocks.CreateMock(typeof(HttpClient)); Expect.Call(httpClient.PostRequest(verifyUrl, userAgent, 5000, parameters)).Return("invalid"); mocks.ReplayAll(); AkismetClient client = new AkismetClient("wrong-key", new Uri(""), httpClient); Assert.IsFalse(client.VerifyApiKey(), "If the request returns 'invalid' then we should return false!"); mocks.VerifyAll(); }