public bool CanPlace(NbtWorld World) { int averageHeight = 0; int maxHeight = 0; BlockManager bm = (BlockManager)World.GetBlockManager (); for (int x = 0; x < _fp.X; ++x) { for (int z = 0; z < _fp.Z; ++z) { int h = bm.GetHeight (x + _x, z + _z); averageHeight += h; if (maxHeight < h) maxHeight = h; } } averageHeight /= _fp.X * _fp.Z; if (averageHeight > 120) return false; for (int x = 0; x < _fp.X; ++x) { for (int z = 0; z < _fp.Z; ++z) { if (Abs (bm.GetHeight (x + _x, z + _z) - averageHeight) > 3) return false; } } //Build the house! BuildHouse (_x, _z, averageHeight, bm); return true; }
public bool CanPlace(int X, int Z, NbtWorld World) { if (X - _radius < 0 || X + _radius >= _xMax || Z - _radius < 0 || Z + _radius >= _zMax) return false; BlockManager bm = (BlockManager)World.GetBlockManager (); bool tr = true; foreach (IBuilding b in _buildings) { tr = tr && b.CanPlace (World); } if (tr) { foreach (IBuilding b in _buildings) { b.Build (World); } for (int x = 0; x < 2 * _radius; ++x) { for (int z = 0; z < 2 * _radius; ++z) { int xp = x + X - _radius; int zp = z + Z - _radius; bool isEdge = x == 0 || z == 0 || x == 2 * _radius - 1 || z == 2 * _radius - 1; if (isEdge) { bm.SetID (xp, bm.GetHeight (xp, zp) - 1, zp, BlockInfo.Wool.ID); bm.SetData (xp, bm.GetHeight (xp, zp) - 1, zp, (int)WoolColor.PURPLE); } } } } return tr; }
/// <summary> /// Creates a copy of an existing <see cref="Level"/> object. /// </summary> /// <param name="p">The <see cref="Level"/> object to copy.</param> protected Level(Level p) { _world = p._world; _time = p._time; _lastPlayed = p._lastPlayed; _spawnX = p._spawnX; _spawnY = p._spawnY; _spawnZ = p._spawnZ; _sizeOnDisk = p._sizeOnDisk; _randomSeed = p._randomSeed; _version = p._version; _name = p._name; _raining = p._raining; _thundering = p._thundering; _rainTime = p._rainTime; _thunderTime = p._thunderTime; _gameType = p._gameType; _mapFeatures = p._mapFeatures; _hardcore = p._hardcore; if (p._player != null) { _player = p._player.Copy(); } if (p._source != null) { _source = p._source.Copy() as TagNodeCompound; } }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new <see cref="Level"/> object with reasonable defaults tied to the given world. /// </summary> /// <param name="world">The world that the <see cref="Level"/> should be tied to.</param> public Level(NbtWorld world) { _world = world; // Sane defaults _time = 0; _lastPlayed = 0; _spawnX = 0; _spawnY = 64; _spawnZ = 0; _sizeOnDisk = 0; _randomSeed = new Random().Next(); //_version = 19132; _version = 19133; _name = "Untitled"; _generator = "default"; _hardcore = 0; _generatorOptions = ""; _generatorVersion = 1; _initialized = 0; _allowCommands = 0; _DayTime = 0; _gameRules = new GameRules(); GameType = GameType.SURVIVAL; UseMapFeatures = true; _source = new TagNodeCompound(); }
public RoadType GetRoadType(NbtWorld World) { //First, figure out which way the road is going. bool roadDir = Math.Abs ((End.Y - Start.Y) / (End.X - Start.X)) > 1.0; //Detect the min/max Y vals, as well as the average. return _rt; }
public JsApi(string worldDirectory) { if (!Directory.Exists(worldDirectory)) Directory.CreateDirectory(worldDirectory); = AnvilWorld.Create(worldDirectory); this.blockManager =; }
/// <summary> /// Create an obsidian podium under the player's current location /// </summary> /// <param name="world">The world to be modified</param> /// <returns name="world">The world to be modified</returns> public static NbtWorld MakePodium(NbtWorld world) { BlockManager bm = (BlockManager)world.GetBlockManager(); Player player = world.Level.Player; MakeArena(bm, player.Position, 2, 2); return world; }
/// <summary> /// Save changes to a modified Minecraft world. /// </summary> /// <param name="world">The world to be saved. The world will be written back to the location it was opened from.</param> /// <returns name="world">The world to be saved</returns> public static NbtWorld SaveWorld(NbtWorld world) { RegionChunkManager rcm = (RegionChunkManager)world.GetChunkManager(); rcm.RelightDirtyChunks(); world.Save(); return world; }
public static Dictionary<String, Int32> GetPlayerPosition(NbtWorld world) { Vector3 pos = world.Level.Player.Position; return new Dictionary<String, Int32> { {"X coordinate", (Int32)Math.Round(pos.X)}, {"Y coordinate", (Int32)Math.Round(pos.Y)}, {"Z coordinate", (Int32)Math.Round(pos.Z)} }; }
public ChunkRef GetChunk(NbtWorld World, int X, int Z) { ChunkRef tr; lock (World) { if (World.GetChunkManager ().ChunkExists (X, Z)) { World.GetChunkManager ().DeleteChunk (X, Z); //Delete the chunk if it exists. } tr = World.GetChunkManager ().CreateChunk (X, Z); Populate (tr); return tr; } }
public void Build(NbtWorld World) { int averageHeight = 0; BlockManager bm = (BlockManager)World.GetBlockManager (); for (int x = 0; x < _fp.X; ++x) { for (int z = 0; z < _fp.Z; ++z) { averageHeight += bm.GetHeight (x + _x, z + _z); } } averageHeight /= _fp.X * _fp.Z; BuildHouse (_x, _z, averageHeight, bm); }
public bool PlaceTown(NbtWorld world, Town t) { int x; int z; for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { x = _mt.Next (_maxXSearchArea); z = _mt.Next (_maxZSearchArea); if (t.CanPlace (x, z, world)) return true; } return false; }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new <see cref="Level"/> object with reasonable defaults tied to the given world. /// </summary> /// <param name="world">The world that the <see cref="Level"/> should be tied to.</param> public Level(NbtWorld world) { _world = world; // Sane defaults _time = 0; _lastPlayed = 0; _spawnX = 0; _spawnY = 64; _spawnZ = 0; _sizeOnDisk = 0; _randomSeed = new Random().Next(); _version = 19132; _name = "Untitled"; }
public void PopulateWorld(NbtWorld World, int Width, int Height) { Thread[] ts = new Thread [Width * Height]; ChunkRef tr; for (int x = 0; x < Width; ++x) { for (int z = 0; z < Height; ++z) { Thread t = new Thread (Run); t.Name = "Chunk Generation Thread (" + x + ", " + z + ")"; t.Start (new ChunkThreadParams (x, z, 1, 1, World)); ts [x + z * Width] = t; } } for (int i = 0; i < ts.Length; ++i) { ts [i].Join (); } }
public ChunkProcessor(NbtWorld world, List<BlockType> blockArgs) { _world = world; _blockIds = new Dictionary<int, Dictionary<int, BlockType>>(); foreach (var blockArg in blockArgs) { if (_blockIds.ContainsKey(blockArg.Id)) { _blockIds[blockArg.Id][blockArg.Data] = blockArg; continue; } _blockIds[blockArg.Id] = new Dictionary<int, BlockType>(); _blockIds[blockArg.Id][blockArg.Data] = blockArg; } _blockArgs = blockArgs; }
public void initializeMinecraftWorld() { currentWorld = AnvilWorld.Create(Settings.Default.outputPath); // We can set different world parameters currentWorld.Level.LevelName = Settings.Default.levelName; currentWorld.Level.Spawn = new SpawnPoint(0, 255, 0); if (Settings.Default.gameMode == 0) { currentWorld.Level.GameType = GameType.SURVIVAL; } else { currentWorld.Level.GameType = GameType.CREATIVE; currentWorld.Level.AllowCommands = true; } }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new <see cref="Level"/> object with reasonable defaults tied to the given world. /// </summary> /// <param name="world">The world that the <see cref="Level"/> should be tied to.</param> public Level(NbtWorld world) { _world = world; // Sane defaults _time = 0; _lastPlayed = 0; _spawnX = 0; _spawnY = 64; _spawnZ = 0; _sizeOnDisk = 0; _randomSeed = new Random().Next(); _version = 19132; _name = "Untitled"; GameType = GameType.SURVIVAL; UseMapFeatures = true; }
/// <summary> /// Creates a copy of an existing <see cref="Level"/> object. /// </summary> /// <param name="p">The <see cref="Level"/> object to copy.</param> protected Level(Level p) { _world = p._world; _time = p._time; _lastPlayed = p._lastPlayed; _spawnX = p._spawnX; _spawnY = p._spawnY; _spawnZ = p._spawnZ; _sizeOnDisk = p._sizeOnDisk; _randomSeed = p._randomSeed; _version = p._version; _name = p._name; _generator = p._generator; _raining = p._raining; _thundering = p._thundering; _rainTime = p._rainTime; _thunderTime = p._thunderTime; _gameType = p._gameType; _mapFeatures = p._mapFeatures; _hardcore = p._hardcore; _generatorVersion = p._generatorVersion; _generatorOptions = p._generatorOptions; _initialized = p._initialized; _allowCommands = p._allowCommands; _DayTime = p._DayTime; _gameRules = p._gameRules.Copy(); if (p._player != null) { _player = p._player.Copy(); } if (p._source != null) { _source = p._source.Copy() as TagNodeCompound; } }
/// <summary> /// Creates a copy of an existing <see cref="Level"/> object. /// </summary> /// <param name="p">The <see cref="Level"/> object to copy.</param> protected Level(Level p) { _world = p._world; _time = p._time; _lastPlayed = p._lastPlayed; _spawnX = p._spawnX; _spawnY = p._spawnY; _spawnZ = p._spawnZ; _sizeOnDisk = p._sizeOnDisk; _randomSeed = p._randomSeed; _version = p._version; _name = p._name; _raining = p._raining; _thundering = p._thundering; _rainTime = p._rainTime; _thunderTime = p._thunderTime; if (p._player != null) { _player = p._player.Copy(); } }
public ChunkThreadParams(int X, int Z, int Width, int Height, NbtWorld World) { _x = X; _z = Z; _width = Width; _height = Height; _world = World; }
private IEnumerable<ChunkRef> CreateWorld(NbtWorld world) { var cm = world.GetChunkManager(); var radius = 10; int xmin = -radius; int xmax = radius; int zmin = -radius; int zmaz = radius; world.Level.AllowCommands = true; world.Level.LevelName = "MineDefined"; world.Level.Spawn = new SpawnPoint(-5, -5, 9); world.Level.SetDefaultPlayer(); world.Level.Player.GameType= PlayerGameType.Creative; world.Level.Player.Position = new Vector3() { X = -5, Y = 9, Z = -5 }; world.Level.Player.IsOnGround = false; var chunks = new List<ChunkRef>(); // We'll create chunks at chunk coordinates xmin,zmin to xmax,zmax for (int xi = xmin; xi < xmax; xi++) { for (int zi = zmin; zi < zmaz; zi++) { // This line will create a default empty chunk, and create a // backing region file if necessary (which will immediately be // written to disk) ChunkRef chunk = cm.CreateChunk(xi, zi); chunks.Add(chunk); // This will suppress generating caves, ores, and all those // other goodies. chunk.IsTerrainPopulated = true; // Auto light recalculation is horrifically bad for creating // chunks from scratch, because we're placing thousands // of blocks. Turn it off. chunk.Blocks.AutoLight = false; // Set the blocks FlatChunk(chunk, 8); //Console.WriteLine("Built Chunk {0},{1}", chunk.X, chunk.Z); // Save the chunk to disk so it doesn't hang around in RAM } } return chunks; }
private void btnLoad_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if(folderBrowser.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { selectedWorldPath = folderBrowser.SelectedPath; aDisplayReady = false; string worldPath = selectedWorldPath; aSelectedChunks.Clear(); zoomLabel.Text = "1"; NbtWorld world = NbtWorld.Open(worldPath); string worldName = world.Level.LevelName; RegionChunkManager chunkMan = (RegionChunkManager)world.GetChunkManager(0); aWorld = world; aChunkMan = chunkMan; Bitmap map = GenerateMap(world, chunkMan); mapBox.Image = map; mapBox.Width = map.Width; mapBox.Height = map.Height; handleGraphics(); /*string MapDirPath = System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + @"\MapData\"; if (!Directory.Exists(MapDirPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(MapDirPath); } map.Save(MapDirPath + worldName + ".png");*/ aDisplayReady = true; } }
public void ApplyChunk(NbtWorld world, ChunkRef chunk) { IBlockFilter opt_b = opt.GetBlockFilter(); //chunk.Blocks.AutoLight = false; //chunk.Blocks.AutoTileTick = false; int xBase = chunk.X * chunk.Blocks.XDim; int zBase = chunk.Z * chunk.Blocks.ZDim; // Determine X range int xmin = 0; int xmax = 15; if (opt_b.XAboveEq != null) { xmin = (int)opt_b.XAboveEq - xBase; } if (opt_b.XBelowEq != null) { xmax = (int)opt_b.XBelowEq - xBase; } xmin = (xmin < 0) ? 0 : xmin; xmax = (xmax > 15) ? 15 : xmax; if (xmin > 15 || xmax < 0 || xmin > xmax) { return; } // Determine Y range int ymin = 0; int ymax = 127; if (opt_b.YAboveEq != null) { ymin = (int)opt_b.YAboveEq; } if (opt_b.YBelowEq != null) { ymax = (int)opt_b.YBelowEq; } if (ymin > ymax) { return; } // Determine X range int zmin = 0; int zmax = 15; if (opt_b.ZAboveEq != null) { zmin = (int)opt_b.ZAboveEq - zBase; } if (opt_b.ZBelowEq != null) { zmax = (int)opt_b.ZBelowEq - zBase; } zmin = (zmin < 0) ? 0 : zmin; zmax = (zmax > 15) ? 15 : zmax; if (zmin > 15 || zmax < 0 || zmin > zmax) { return; } int xdim = chunk.Blocks.XDim; int ydim = chunk.Blocks.YDim; int zdim = chunk.Blocks.ZDim; // Bin blocks for (int y = ymin; y <= ymax; y++) { for (int x = xmin; x <= xmax; x++) { for (int z = zmin; z <= zmax; z++) { int id = chunk.Blocks.GetID(x, y, z); if (!_sort.ContainsKey(id)) _sort[id] = new List<BlockKey>(); _sort[id].Add(new BlockKey(x, y, z)); } } } // Process bins //for (int i = 0; i < maxBin; i++) { foreach (var kv in _sort) { if (kv.Value.Count == 0) { continue; } if (opt_b.IncludedBlockCount > 0 & !opt_b.IncludedBlocksContains(kv.Key)) { continue; } if (opt_b.ExcludedBlockCount > 0 & opt_b.ExcludedBlocksContains(kv.Key)) { continue; } foreach (BlockKey key in kv.Value) { // Probability test if (opt_b.ProbMatch != null) { double c = rand.NextDouble(); if (c > opt_b.ProbMatch) continue; } if (opt_b.BlocksAboveCount > 0 && key.y < ydim - 1) { int neighborId = chunk.Blocks.GetID(key.x, key.y + 1, key.z); if (!opt_b.BlocksAboveContains(neighborId)) continue; } if (opt_b.BlocksBelowCount > 0 && key.y > 0) { int neighborId = chunk.Blocks.GetID(key.x, key.y - 1, key.z); if (!opt_b.BlocksBelowContains(neighborId)) continue; } if (opt_b.BlocksSideCount > 0) { bool validNeighbor = false; AlphaBlockRef block1 = GetNeighborBlock(chunk, key.x - 1, key.y, key.z); if (block1.IsValid && opt_b.BlocksSideContains(block1.ID) && !validNeighbor) validNeighbor = true; AlphaBlockRef block2 = GetNeighborBlock(chunk, key.x + 1, key.y, key.z); if (block2.IsValid && opt_b.BlocksSideContains(block2.ID) && !validNeighbor) validNeighbor = true; AlphaBlockRef block3 = GetNeighborBlock(chunk, key.x, key.y, key.z - 1); if (block3.IsValid && opt_b.BlocksSideContains(block3.ID) && !validNeighbor) validNeighbor = true; AlphaBlockRef block4 = GetNeighborBlock(chunk, key.x, key.y, key.z + 1); if (block4.IsValid && opt_b.BlocksSideContains(block4.ID) && !validNeighbor) validNeighbor = true; if (!validNeighbor) continue; } if (opt_b.BlocksNAboveCount > 0 && key.y < ydim - 1) { int neighborId = chunk.Blocks.GetID(key.x, key.y + 1, key.z); if (opt_b.BlocksNAboveContains(neighborId)) continue; } if (opt_b.BlocksNBelowCount > 0 && key.y > 0) { int neighborId = chunk.Blocks.GetID(key.x, key.y - 1, key.z); if (opt_b.BlocksNBelowContains(neighborId)) continue; } if (opt_b.BlocksNSideCount > 0) { AlphaBlockRef block1 = GetNeighborBlock(chunk, key.x - 1, key.y, key.z); if (block1.IsValid && opt_b.BlocksNSideContains(block1.ID)) continue; AlphaBlockRef block2 = GetNeighborBlock(chunk, key.x + 1, key.y, key.z); if (block2.IsValid && opt_b.BlocksNSideContains(block2.ID)) continue; AlphaBlockRef block3 = GetNeighborBlock(chunk, key.x, key.y, key.z - 1); if (block3.IsValid && opt_b.BlocksNSideContains(block3.ID)) continue; AlphaBlockRef block4 = GetNeighborBlock(chunk, key.x, key.y, key.z + 1); if (block4.IsValid && opt_b.BlocksNSideContains(block4.ID)) continue; } if (opt_b.IncludedDataCount > 0 || opt_b.ExcludedDataCount > 0) { int data = chunk.Blocks.GetData(key.x, key.y, key.z); if (opt_b.IncludedDataCount > 0 && !opt_b.IncludedDataContains(data)) { continue; } if (opt_b.ExcludedDataCount > 0 && opt_b.ExcludedDataContains(data)) { continue; } } chunk.Blocks.SetID(key.x, key.y, key.z, (int)opt.OPT_AFTER); if (opt.OPT_VV) { int gx = chunk.X * xdim + key.x; int gz = chunk.Z * zdim + key.z; Console.WriteLine("Replaced block {0} at {1},{2},{3}", kv.Key, gx, key.y, gz); } if (opt.OPT_DATA != null) { chunk.Blocks.SetData(key.x, key.y, key.z, (int)opt.OPT_DATA); } } } // Reset bins _sort.Clear(); // Process Chunk /*for (int y = ymin; y <= ymax; y++) { for (int x = xmin; x <= xmax; x++) { for (int z = zmin; z <= zmax; z++) { // Probability test if (opt_b.ProbMatch != null) { double c = rand.NextDouble(); if (c > opt_b.ProbMatch) { continue; } } int lx = x % xdim; int ly = y % ydim; int lz = z % zdim; // Get the old block int oldBlock = chunk.Blocks.GetID(lx , ly, lz); // Skip block if it doesn't match the inclusion list if (opt_b.IncludedBlockCount > 0) { bool match = false; foreach (int ib in opt_b.IncludedBlocks) { if (oldBlock == ib) { match = true; break; } } if (!match) { continue; } } // Skip block if it does match the exclusion list if (opt_b.ExcludedBlockCount > 0) { bool match = false; foreach (int xb in opt_b.ExcludedBlocks) { if (oldBlock == xb) { match = true; break; } } if (match) { continue; } } // Replace the block chunk.Blocks.SetID(lx, ly, lz, (int)opt.OPT_AFTER); if (opt.OPT_VV) { int gx = chunk.X * xdim + lx; int gz = chunk.Z * zdim + lz; Console.WriteLine("Replaced block at {0},{1},{2}", gx, ly, gz); } if (opt.OPT_DATA != null) { chunk.Blocks.SetData(lx, ly, lz, (int)opt.OPT_DATA); } } } }*/ }
public Bitmap GenerateMap(NbtWorld world, RegionChunkManager chunkMan) { int[,] colors = { { 0, 255, 0, 255 }, { 1, 128, 128, 128 }, { 2, 64, 192, 64 }, { 3, 128, 48, 0 }, { 4, 64, 64, 64 }, { 5, 255, 128, 64 }, { 6, 0, 192, 0 }, { 7, 32, 32, 32 }, { 8, 16, 16, 128 }, { 9, 16, 16, 128 }, { 10, 255, 0, 0 }, { 11, 255, 0, 0 }, { 12, 255, 255, 192 }, { 13, 156, 128, 128 }, { 14, 192, 192, 128 }, { 15, 192, 128, 96 }, { 16, 48, 48, 32 }, { 17, 192, 96, 48 }, { 18, 0, 128, 0 }, { 19, 255, 255, 0 }, { 20, 224, 224, 224 }, { 21, 128, 128, 192 }, { 22, 64, 64, 255 }, { 23, 64, 64, 64 }, { 24, 128, 128, 96 }, { 25, 192, 96, 48 }, { 26, 255, 128, 128 }, { 27, 224, 128, 128 }, { 28, 224, 128, 128 }, { 29, 128, 192, 48 }, { 30, 224, 224, 224 }, { 31, 96, 32, 0 }, { 32, 128, 64, 32 }, { 33, 255, 192, 96 }, { 34, 255, 192, 96 }, { 35, 224, 224, 224 }, { 36, 0, 0, 0 }, { 37, 255, 255, 0 }, { 38, 255, 48, 48 }, { 39, 192, 128, 96 }, { 40, 255, 192, 96 }, { 41, 255, 255, 64 }, { 42, 192, 192, 192 }, { 43, 140, 140, 140 }, { 44, 150, 150, 150 }, { 45, 192, 64, 64 }, { 46, 128, 0, 0 }, { 47, 255, 128, 64 }, { 48, 64, 128, 64 }, { 49, 16, 16, 24 }, { 50, 255, 255, 0 }, { 51, 255, 224, 0 }, { 52, 96, 128, 192 }, { 53, 255, 192, 96 }, { 54, 224, 128, 64 }, { 55, 128, 0, 0 }, { 56, 128, 138, 92 }, { 57, 128, 192, 255 }, { 58, 192, 96, 48 }, { 59, 192, 255, 0 }, { 60, 192, 96, 0 }, { 61, 96, 96, 96 }, { 62, 96, 96, 96 }, { 63, 255, 128, 64 }, { 64, 255, 128, 64 }, { 65, 255, 128, 64 }, { 66, 224, 224, 192 }, { 67, 78, 78, 78 }, { 68, 255, 128, 64 }, { 69, 128, 96, 64 }, { 70, 133, 133, 133 }, { 71, 192, 192, 192 }, { 72, 255, 192, 128 }, { 73, 224, 128, 128 }, { 74, 224, 128, 128 }, { 75, 255, 64, 64 }, { 76, 255, 64, 64 }, { 77, 255, 64, 64 }, { 78, 255, 255, 255 }, { 79, 0, 192, 224 }, { 80, 255, 255, 255 }, { 81, 0, 192, 0 }, { 82, 170, 160, 170 }, { 83, 96, 255, 32 }, { 84, 192, 96, 48 }, { 85, 255, 128, 64 }, { 86, 255, 128, 0 }, { 87, 128, 24, 48 }, { 88, 128, 96, 64 }, { 89, 255, 224, 96 }, { 90, 128, 0, 255 }, { 91, 255, 128, 0 }, { 92, 255, 192, 192 }, { 93, 255, 96, 96 }, { 94, 255, 96, 96 }, { 95, 0, 0, 0 }, { 96, 255, 128, 64 } }; int[] minXZ = { 0, 0 }; int[] maxXZ = { 0, 0 }; foreach (ChunkRef chunk in chunkMan) { minXZ[0] = Math.Min(chunk.X * 16, minXZ[0]); minXZ[1] = Math.Min(chunk.Z * 16, minXZ[1]); maxXZ[0] = Math.Max(16 + chunk.X * 16, maxXZ[0]); maxXZ[1] = Math.Max(16 + chunk.Z * 16, maxXZ[1]); } aMinXZ = minXZ; int[] worldSize = { maxXZ[0] - minXZ[0], maxXZ[1] - minXZ[1] }; Bitmap map = new Bitmap(worldSize[0], worldSize[1]); int y; int block; int[] pixelpos = { 0, 0 }; Color color; long chunkCount = chunkMan.Count(); long chunkCurrent = 0; foreach (ChunkRef chunk in chunkMan) { for (int x = 0; x < 16; x++) { for (int z = 0; z < 16; z++) { y = chunk.Blocks.GetHeight(x, z); if (y > 0 && y < 256) { block = chunk.Blocks.GetID(x, y - 1, z); int blockColor = block; if (blockColor < colors.GetUpperBound(0) + 1) { color = color = Color.FromArgb(colors[blockColor, 1], colors[blockColor, 2], colors[blockColor, 3]); } else { color = color = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 255); } if (x == 0 || z == 0) { color = Color.FromArgb(color.R / 2, color.G / 2, color.B / 2); } } else { color = Color.Black; } pixelpos[0] = Math.Abs(minXZ[0]) + (chunk.X * 16) + x; pixelpos[1] = Math.Abs(minXZ[1]) + (chunk.Z * 16) + z; map.SetPixel(pixelpos[0], pixelpos[1], color); } } chunkCurrent++; pbProgress.Value = (int)(100.0 * ((double)chunkCurrent / (double)chunkCount)); pbProgress.PerformStep(); } pbProgress.Value = 0; pbProgress.PerformStep(); return map; }
public BlockStamp(NbtWorld world) { _world = world; }
public void ApplyChunk (NbtWorld world, ChunkRef chunk) { if (opt.OPT_V) { Console.WriteLine("Generating {0} size {1} deposits of {2} between {3} and {4}", opt.OPT_ROUNDS, opt.OPT_SIZE, opt.OPT_ID, opt.OPT_MIN, opt.OPT_MAX); } IGenerator generator; if (opt.OPT_DATA == null) { generator = new NativeGenOre((int)opt.OPT_ID, (int)opt.OPT_SIZE); ((NativeGenOre)generator).MathFix = opt.OPT_MATHFIX; } else { generator = new NativeGenOre((int)opt.OPT_ID, (int)opt.OPT_DATA, (int)opt.OPT_SIZE); ((NativeGenOre)generator).MathFix = opt.OPT_MATHFIX; } IChunkManager cm = world.GetChunkManager(opt.OPT_DIM); IBlockManager bm = new GenOreBlockManager(cm, opt); for (int i = 0; i < opt.OPT_ROUNDS; i++) { if (opt.OPT_VV) { Console.WriteLine("Generating round {0}...", i); } int x = chunk.X * chunk.Blocks.XDim + rand.Next(chunk.Blocks.XDim); int y = (int)opt.OPT_MIN + rand.Next((int)opt.OPT_MAX - (int)opt.OPT_MIN); int z = chunk.Z * chunk.Blocks.ZDim + rand.Next(chunk.Blocks.ZDim); generator.Generate(bm, rand, x, y, z); } }
public WorldStamp(NbtWorld world) { _world = world; _blockManager = _world.GetBlockManager(); }
public void ApplyChunk(NbtWorld world, ChunkRef chunk) { IBlockFilter opt_b = opt.GetBlockFilter(); int xBase = chunk.X * chunk.Blocks.XDim; int zBase = chunk.Z * chunk.Blocks.ZDim; // Determine X range int xmin = 0; int xmax = 15; if (opt_b.XAboveEq != null) { xmin = (int)opt_b.XAboveEq - xBase; } if (opt_b.XBelowEq != null) { xmax = (int)opt_b.XBelowEq - xBase; } xmin = (xmin < 0) ? 0 : xmin; xmax = (xmax > 15) ? 15 : xmax; if (xmin > 15 || xmax < 0 || xmin > xmax) { return; } // Determine Y range int ymin = 0; int ymax = 127; if (opt_b.YAboveEq != null) { ymin = (int)opt_b.YAboveEq; } if (opt_b.YBelowEq != null) { ymax = (int)opt_b.YBelowEq; } if (ymin > ymax) { return; } // Determine X range int zmin = 0; int zmax = 15; if (opt_b.ZAboveEq != null) { zmin = (int)opt_b.ZAboveEq - zBase; } if (opt_b.ZBelowEq != null) { zmax = (int)opt_b.ZBelowEq - zBase; } zmin = (zmin < 0) ? 0 : zmin; zmax = (zmax > 15) ? 15 : zmax; if (zmin > 15 || zmax < 0 || zmin > zmax) { return; } int xdim = chunk.Blocks.XDim; int ydim = chunk.Blocks.YDim; int zdim = chunk.Blocks.ZDim; // Bin blocks for (int y = ymin; y <= ymax; y++) { for (int x = xmin; x <= xmax; x++) { for (int z = zmin; z <= zmax; z++) { int id = chunk.Blocks.GetID(x, y, z); _sort[id].Add(new BlockKey(x, y, z)); } } } // Process bins for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { if (_sort[i].Count == 0) { continue; } if (opt_b.IncludedBlockCount > 0 & !opt_b.IncludedBlocksContains(i)) { continue; } if (opt_b.ExcludedBlockCount > 0 & opt_b.ExcludedBlocksContains(i)) { continue; } foreach (BlockKey key in _sort[i]) { chunk.Blocks.SetID(key.x, key.y, key.z, (int)opt.OPT_AFTER); if (opt.OPT_VV) { int gx = chunk.X * xdim + key.x; int gz = chunk.Z * zdim + key.z; Console.WriteLine("Replaced block {0} at {1},{2},{3}", i, gx, key.y, gz); } if (opt.OPT_DATA != null) { chunk.Blocks.SetData(key.x, key.y, key.z, (int)opt.OPT_DATA); } } } // Reset bins for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { _sort[i].Clear(); } // Process Chunk /*for (int y = ymin; y <= ymax; y++) { for (int x = xmin; x <= xmax; x++) { for (int z = zmin; z <= zmax; z++) { // Probability test if (opt_b.ProbMatch != null) { double c = rand.NextDouble(); if (c > opt_b.ProbMatch) { continue; } } int lx = x % xdim; int ly = y % ydim; int lz = z % zdim; // Get the old block int oldBlock = chunk.Blocks.GetID(lx , ly, lz); // Skip block if it doesn't match the inclusion list if (opt_b.IncludedBlockCount > 0) { bool match = false; foreach (int ib in opt_b.IncludedBlocks) { if (oldBlock == ib) { match = true; break; } } if (!match) { continue; } } // Skip block if it does match the exclusion list if (opt_b.ExcludedBlockCount > 0) { bool match = false; foreach (int xb in opt_b.ExcludedBlocks) { if (oldBlock == xb) { match = true; break; } } if (match) { continue; } } // Replace the block chunk.Blocks.SetID(lx, ly, lz, (int)opt.OPT_AFTER); if (opt.OPT_VV) { int gx = chunk.X * xdim + lx; int gz = chunk.Z * zdim + lz; Console.WriteLine("Replaced block at {0},{1},{2}", gx, ly, gz); } if (opt.OPT_DATA != null) { chunk.Blocks.SetData(lx, ly, lz, (int)opt.OPT_DATA); } } } }*/ }