private static void SerializeByteArray(TagNodeByteArray tag, StringBuilder str, int level) { if (tag.Length == 0) { str.Append("[ ]"); return; } str.Append("[ "); bool first = true; for (int i = 0; i < tag.Length; i++) { if (!first) { str.Append(", "); } str.Append(tag.Data[i]); first = false; } str.Append(" ]"); }
private TagNode ReadByteArray() { var lenBytes = new byte[4]; _stream.Read(lenBytes, 0, 4); if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian) { Array.Reverse(lenBytes); } var length = BitConverter.ToInt32(lenBytes, 0); if (length < 0) { throw new NBTException(NBTException.MSG_READ_NEG); } var data = new byte[length]; _stream.Read(data, 0, length); var val = new TagNodeByteArray(data); return(val); }
private void WriteByteArray(TagNodeByteArray val) { byte[] lenBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(val.Length); if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian) { Array.Reverse(lenBytes); } _stream.Write(lenBytes, 0, 4); _stream.Write(val.Data, 0, val.Length); }
private bool VerifyArray(TagNode tag, SchemaNodeArray schema) { TagNodeByteArray atag = tag as TagNodeByteArray; if (atag == null) { if (!OnInvalidTagType(new TagEventArgs(schema, tag))) { return(false); } } if (schema.Length > 0 && atag.Length != schema.Length) { if (!OnInvalidTagValue(new TagEventArgs(schema, tag))) { return(false); } } return(true); }
public override bool Verify(NbtVerifier verifier, TagNode tag) { TagNodeByteArray atag = tag as TagNodeByteArray; if (atag == null) { if (!verifier.OnInvalidTagType(new TagEventArgs(this, tag))) { return(false); } } if (Length > 0 && atag.Length != Length) { if (!verifier.OnInvalidTagValue(new TagEventArgs(this, tag))) { return(false); } } return(true); }
public TagByteArrayDataNode (TagNodeByteArray tag) : base(tag) { }
internal static void AddTagToNode(TreeNode node, int descriptionIndex, TagType type) { TagNode tag = GetTagNode(node); if (tag == null) return; if (tag.GetTagType() != TagType.TAG_COMPOUND && tag.GetTagType() != TagType.TAG_LIST) return; if (tag.GetTagType() == TagType.TAG_LIST && tag.ToTagList().ValueType != type && tag.ToTagList().Count > 0) return; TagNode newNode = null; switch (type) { case TagType.TAG_BYTE: newNode = new TagNodeByte(); break; case TagType.TAG_SHORT: newNode = new TagNodeShort(); break; case TagType.TAG_INT: newNode = new TagNodeInt(); break; case TagType.TAG_LONG: newNode = new TagNodeLong(); break; case TagType.TAG_FLOAT: newNode = new TagNodeFloat(); break; case TagType.TAG_DOUBLE: newNode = new TagNodeDouble(); break; case TagType.TAG_BYTE_ARRAY: newNode = new TagNodeByteArray(); break; case TagType.TAG_STRING: newNode = new TagNodeString(); break; case TagType.TAG_LIST: newNode = new TagNodeList(TagType.TAG_BYTE); break; case TagType.TAG_COMPOUND: newNode = new TagNodeCompound(); break; case TagType.TAG_INT_ARRAY: newNode = new TagNodeIntArray(); break; } if (tag is TagNodeCompound) { TagNodeCompound ctag = tag as TagNodeCompound; EditValue form = new EditValue(""); foreach (string key in ctag.Keys) { form.InvalidNames.Add(key); } if (form.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) return; ctag.Add(form.NodeName, newNode); TreeNode tnode = NodeFromTag(newNode, descriptionIndex, form.NodeName); node.Nodes.Add(tnode); tnode.TreeView.SelectedNode = tnode; tnode.Expand(); } else if (tag is TagNodeList) { var ltag = tag as TagNodeList; if (ltag.ValueType != type) ltag.ChangeValueType(type); ltag.Add(newNode); TreeNode tnode = NodeFromTag(newNode, descriptionIndex); node.Nodes.Add(tnode); tnode.TreeView.SelectedNode = tnode; tnode.Expand(); } node.Text = GetNodeText(node); TreeNode baseNode = BaseNode(node); if (baseNode != null) { (baseNode.Tag as DataNode).Modified = true; } }
/// <summary> /// Exports the <see cref="Schematic"/> object to a schematic file. /// </summary> /// <param name="path">The path to write out the schematic file to.</param> public void Export(string path) { int xdim = _blockset.XDim; int ydim = _blockset.YDim; int zdim = _blockset.ZDim; byte[] blockData = new byte[xdim * ydim * zdim]; byte[] dataData = new byte[xdim * ydim * zdim]; YZXByteArray schemaBlocks = new YZXByteArray(_blockset.XDim, _blockset.YDim, _blockset.ZDim, blockData); YZXByteArray schemaData = new YZXByteArray(_blockset.XDim, _blockset.YDim, _blockset.ZDim, dataData); TagNodeList entities = new TagNodeList(TagType.TAG_COMPOUND); TagNodeList tileEntities = new TagNodeList(TagType.TAG_COMPOUND); for (int x = 0; x < xdim; x++) { for (int z = 0; z < zdim; z++) { for (int y = 0; y < ydim; y++) { AlphaBlock block = _blockset.GetBlock(x, y, z); schemaBlocks[x, y, z] = (byte)block.ID; schemaData[x, y, z] = (byte)block.Data; TileEntity te = block.GetTileEntity(); if (te != null) { te.X = x; te.Y = y; te.Z = z; tileEntities.Add(te.BuildTree()); } } } } foreach (TypedEntity e in _entityset) { entities.Add(e.BuildTree()); } TagNodeCompound schematic = new TagNodeCompound(); schematic["Width"] = new TagNodeShort((short)xdim); schematic["Length"] = new TagNodeShort((short)zdim); schematic["Height"] = new TagNodeShort((short)ydim); schematic["Entities"] = entities; schematic["TileEntities"] = tileEntities; schematic["Materials"] = new TagNodeString("Alpha"); schematic["Blocks"] = new TagNodeByteArray(blockData); schematic["Data"] = new TagNodeByteArray(dataData); NBTFile schematicFile = new NBTFile(path); Stream nbtStream = schematicFile.GetDataOutputStream(); if (nbtStream == null) { return; } NbtTree tree = new NbtTree(schematic, "Schematic"); tree.WriteTo(nbtStream); nbtStream.Close(); }