public List <Post> getPostQ(int page, int pageSize) { using (var db = new stackOverflowContext()) { var query = (from u in db.posts where u.type == 1 //Makes sure it's only questions and not answers - A good solution imo would be to include a boolean (withAnswers or something) select new Post { id =, type = u.type, parent_id = u.parent_id, answer_id = u.answer_id, creationDate = u.creationDate, score = u.score, text = u.text, closedDate = u.closedDate, title = u.title }).OrderBy(u => .Skip(page * pageSize) .Take(pageSize) .ToList(); return(query); } }
public List <Post> getPost(int page, int pageSize) { using (var db = new stackOverflowContext()) { var query = (from u in db.Posts select new Post { id =, type = u.type, parent_id = u.parent_id, answer_id = u.answer_id, creationDate = u.creationDate, score = u.score, text = u.text, closedDate = u.closedDate, title = u.title }).OrderBy(u => .Skip(page * pageSize) .Take(pageSize) .ToList(); return(query); } }
public List <Word> wordCloud(string search) { List <Word> words = new List <Word>(); using (var db = new stackOverflowContext()) { var conn = (MySqlConnection)db.Database.GetDbConnection(); conn.Open(); var cmd = new MySqlCommand(); cmd.Connection = conn; cmd.Parameters.Add("@1", DbType.String); cmd.Parameters["@1"].Value = search; cmd.CommandText = "call subpj3_b6(@1)"; var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { Word word = new Word { Name = reader.GetString(0), weight = reader.GetDouble(1) }; words.Add(word); } } return(words); }
public bool updateMarking(int userid, int postid, string note) { using (var db = new stackOverflowContext()) { var update = new Marking { postId = postid, userID = userid, note = note }; try { db.Marking.Update(update); db.SaveChanges(); Console.WriteLine("Updated"); return(true); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Couldn't update"); return(false); } } }
public int amountWeightPosts(string search) { List <WeightedPost> posts = new List <WeightedPost>(); using (var db = new stackOverflowContext()) { var conn = (MySqlConnection)db.Database.GetDbConnection(); conn.Open(); var cmd = new MySqlCommand(); cmd.Connection = conn; cmd.Parameters.Add("@1", DbType.String); cmd.Parameters["@1"].Value = search; cmd.CommandText = "call subpj3_b4(@1)"; var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { WeightedPost post = new WeightedPost { postId = reader.GetInt32(0), }; posts.Add(post); } } return(posts.Count()); }
public List <Post> getPostWord(string postword, int page, int pageSize) { using (var db = new stackOverflowContext()) { var query = (from p in db.Posts where p.title.Contains(postword) select new Post { id =, type = p.type, parent_id = p.parent_id, answer_id = p.answer_id, creationDate = p.creationDate, score = p.score, text = p.text, closedDate = p.closedDate, title = p.title }).OrderBy(u => .Skip(page * pageSize) .Take(pageSize) .ToList(); return(query); } }
public List <Post> getPostByUser(int postuserid, int page, int pageSize) { using (var db = new stackOverflowContext()) { var query = (from u in db.Posts join us in db.User on equals where == postuserid select new Post { type = u.type, parent_id = u.parent_id, answer_id = u.answer_id, creationDate = u.creationDate, score = u.score, text = u.text, closedDate = u.closedDate, title = u.title }).OrderBy(u => .Skip(page * pageSize) .Take(pageSize) .ToList(); Console.WriteLine(query.Count()); return(query); } }
public void Select_post_bywordandtag(string a, string b) { using (var db = new stackOverflowContext()) { var conn = (MySqlConnection)db.Database.GetDbConnection(); conn.Open(); var cmd = new MySqlCommand(); cmd.Connection = conn; cmd.Parameters.Add("@1", DbType.String); cmd.Parameters.Add("@2", DbType.String); cmd.Parameters["@1"].Value = a; cmd.Parameters["@2"].Value = b; cmd.CommandText = "call select_posts(@1, @2)"; var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { Console.WriteLine((reader.GetInt32((int)0), reader.GetInt32(5), reader.GetString(6))); } } }
public bool deleteFavourites(int userid, int postid) { using (var db = new stackOverflowContext()) { var delete = new Marking { userID = userid, postId = postid }; try { db.Marking.Remove(delete); db.SaveChanges(); Console.WriteLine("Deletion complete"); return(true); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Couldn't delete"); return(false); throw; } } }
public Post getCommments(int postid, int page, int pageSize) { using (var db = new stackOverflowContext()) { var query1 = (from c in db.Comments where c.postId == postid select new Comment { score = c.score, text = c.text, creationDate = c.creationDate, }).ToList(); var query2 = (from p in db.Posts where == postid select new Post { score = p.score, text = p.text, creationDate = p.creationDate, comments = query1 }); return(query2.FirstOrDefault()); } }
public List <Post> getPostByTag(string tag, int page, int pageSize) { using (var db = new stackOverflowContext()) { var query = (from t in db.Tags join c in db.Combinations on equals c.tags_id join p in db.Posts on c.post_id equals where == tag select new Post { id =, type = p.type, parent_id = p.parent_id, answer_id = p.answer_id, creationDate = p.creationDate, score = p.score, text = p.text, closedDate = p.closedDate, title = p.title }).OrderBy(u => .Skip(page * pageSize) .Take(pageSize) .ToList(); Console.WriteLine(query.FirstOrDefault().title); return(query); } }
public int amountPost() { using (var db = new stackOverflowContext()) { var q = (from p in db.Posts select new Post { id = }).ToList(); return(q.Count()); } }
public int amountPostA(int id) { using (var db = new stackOverflowContext()) { var q = (from p in db.posts where p.type == 2 && p.parent_id == id select new Post { id = }).ToList(); return(q.Count()); } }
public int userAmount() { using (var db = new stackOverflowContext()) { var query = ( from u in db.User select new User { id = }).ToList(); return(query.Count()); } }
public int markingAmount(int userid) { using (var db = new stackOverflowContext()) { var query = ( from m in db.Marking where m.userID == userid select new Marking { postId = m.postId }).ToList(); return(query.Count()); } }
public int historyAmount(int userid) { using (var db = new stackOverflowContext()) { var query = ( from h in db.History where h.userId == userid select new History { userId = h.userId }).ToList(); return(query.Count()); } }
public int amountComments(int postid) { using (var db = new stackOverflowContext()) { var q = (from c in db.Comments where c.postId == postid select new Post { score = c.score }).ToList(); return(q.Count()); } }
public int amountPostWord(string postWord) { using (var db = new stackOverflowContext()) { var query = (from p in db.Posts where p.title.Contains(postWord) select new Post { id =, }).ToList(); return(query.Count()); } }
public int userNameAmount(string s) { using (var db = new stackOverflowContext()) { var query = ( from u in db.User where select new User { name = }).ToList(); return(query.Count()); } }
public Marking createMarking(int userid, int postid, string note) { using (var db = new stackOverflowContext()) { var query = new Marking { postId = postid, userID = userid, note = note }; db.Marking.Add(query); db.SaveChanges(); return(query); } }
public History createHistory(int id, string search) { using (var db = new stackOverflowContext()) { var query = new History { userId = id, searchWord = search }; db.History.Add(query); db.SaveChanges(); Console.WriteLine("Succesfully created"); return(query); } }
public int amountPostByUser(int postuserid) { using (var db = new stackOverflowContext()) { var query = (from u in db.Posts join us in db.User on equals where == postuserid select new Post { id = }).ToList(); return(query.Count()); } }
public List <WeightedPost> getWeightedPosts(string search, int page, int pageSize) { List <WeightedPost> posts = new List <WeightedPost>(); using (var db = new stackOverflowContext()) { var conn = (MySqlConnection)db.Database.GetDbConnection(); conn.Open(); var cmd = new MySqlCommand(); cmd.Connection = conn; cmd.Parameters.Add("@1", DbType.String); cmd.Parameters["@1"].Value = search; cmd.CommandText = "call subpj3_b4(@1)"; var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { WeightedPost post = new WeightedPost { postId = reader.GetInt32(0), title = reader.GetString(1), weight = reader.GetDouble(3) }; posts.Add(post); } } List <WeightedPost> trimmedPostList = new List <WeightedPost>(); for (int i = page * pageSize; i < (page * pageSize) + pageSize; i++) { if (i == posts.Count()) { break; } trimmedPostList.Add(posts[i]); } return(trimmedPostList); }
public List <User> getUserById(int id) { using (var db = new stackOverflowContext()) { var query = (from u in db.user where //Makes sure it's only questions and not answers - A good solution imo would be to include a boolean (withAnswers or something) select new User { id =, name =, location = u.location, age = u.age, creationDate = u.creationDate, }) .ToList(); return(query); } }
public List <Marking> getFavourites(int id, int page, int pageSize) { using (var db = new stackOverflowContext()) { var q = (from m in db.Marking where m.userID == id select new Marking { postId = m.postId, userID = m.userID, note = m.note }).OrderBy(u => u.userID) .Skip(page * pageSize) .Take(pageSize) .ToList(); return(q); } }
public int amountPostByTag(string tag) { using (var db = new stackOverflowContext()) { var query = (from t in db.Tags join c in db.Combinations on equals c.tags_id join p in db.Posts on c.post_id equals where == tag select new Post { id = }).ToList(); return(query.Count()); } }
public List <User> getUsername(string s, int page, int pageSize) { using (var db = new stackOverflowContext()) { var users = (from n in db.User where select new User { age = n.age, creationDate = n.creationDate, location = n.location, name = }).OrderBy(u => .Skip(page * pageSize) .Take(pageSize) .ToList(); return(users); } }
public List <History> getHistory(int id, int page, int pageSize) { using (var db = new stackOverflowContext()) { var q = (from h in db.History where h.userId == id select new History { id =, userId = h.userId, searchWord = h.searchWord }).OrderBy(u => .Skip(page * pageSize) .Take(pageSize) .ToList(); return(q); } }
public List <User> getUser(int page, int pageSize) { using (var db = new stackOverflowContext()) { var q = (from u in db.User select new User { age = u.age, creationDate = u.creationDate, location = u.location, name = }).OrderBy(u => .Skip(page * pageSize) .Take(pageSize) .ToList(); Console.WriteLine(q.FirstOrDefault()); return(q); } }
public bool deleteHistory(int id) { using (var db = new stackOverflowContext()) { var delete = new History { id = id }; try { db.History.Remove(delete); db.SaveChanges(); Console.WriteLine("Succesfully deleted"); return(true); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Couldn't delete"); return(false); } } }