/// <summary>
        /// Parses and returns a event.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parent">
        /// The parent of the element.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="elementReference">
        /// A reference to the element being created.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="unsafeCode">
        /// Indicates whether the code is marked as unsafe.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="generated">
        /// Indicates whether the code is marked as generated code.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="xmlHeader">
        /// The element's documentation header.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="attributes">
        /// The attributes on the element.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// Returns the element.
        /// </returns>
        private Event ParseEvent(
            CsElement parent, Reference<ICodePart> elementReference, bool unsafeCode, bool generated, XmlHeader xmlHeader, ICollection<Attribute> attributes)
            Param.AssertNotNull(parent, "parent");
            Param.AssertNotNull(elementReference, "elementReference");

            Node<CsToken> previousTokenNode = this.tokens.Last;

            // Get the modifiers and access.
            AccessModifierType accessModifier = AccessModifierType.Private;

            // Events within interfaces always have the access of the parent interface.
            Interface parentInterface = parent as Interface;
            if (parentInterface != null)
                accessModifier = parentInterface.AccessModifier;

            // Get declared modifiers.
            Dictionary<CsTokenType, CsToken> modifiers = this.GetElementModifiers(elementReference, ref accessModifier, EventModifiers);

            unsafeCode |= modifiers.ContainsKey(CsTokenType.Unsafe);

            // Get the event keyword.
            this.tokens.Add(this.GetToken(CsTokenType.Event, SymbolType.Event, elementReference));

            // Get the event type.
            TypeToken eventHandlerType = this.GetTypeToken(elementReference, unsafeCode, true);

            List<EventDeclaratorExpression> declarators = new List<EventDeclaratorExpression>();
            string firstEventName = null;

            while (true)
                Symbol symbol = this.GetNextSymbol(SymbolType.Other, elementReference);

                Reference<ICodePart> declaratorExpressionReference = new Reference<ICodePart>();

                // Get the identifier.
                LiteralExpression identifier = this.GetTypeTokenExpression(declaratorExpressionReference, unsafeCode, false);
                if (identifier == null || identifier.Tokens.First == null)
                    throw new SyntaxException(this.document.SourceCode, symbol.LineNumber);

                if (firstEventName == null)
                    firstEventName = identifier.Token.Text;

                // Get the initializer if it exists.
                Expression initializer = null;

                symbol = this.GetNextSymbol(declaratorExpressionReference);
                if (symbol.SymbolType == SymbolType.Equals)
                    // Add the equals token.
                    this.tokens.Add(this.GetOperatorToken(OperatorType.Equals, declaratorExpressionReference));

                    initializer = this.GetNextExpression(ExpressionPrecedence.None, declaratorExpressionReference, unsafeCode);

                // Create the token list for the declarator.
                CsTokenList partialTokens = new CsTokenList(this.tokens, identifier.Tokens.First, this.tokens.Last);

                // Create and add the declarator.
                EventDeclaratorExpression declaratorExpression = new EventDeclaratorExpression(partialTokens, identifier, initializer);

                declaratorExpressionReference.Target = declaratorExpression;

                // Now check if the next character is a comma. If so there is another declarator.
                symbol = this.GetNextSymbol(elementReference);
                if (symbol.SymbolType != SymbolType.Comma)
                    // There are no more declarators.

                // Add the comma.
                this.tokens.Add(this.GetToken(CsTokenType.Comma, SymbolType.Comma, elementReference));

            // Create the declaration.
            Node<CsToken> firstTokenNode = previousTokenNode == null ? this.tokens.First : previousTokenNode.Next;
            CsTokenList declarationTokens = new CsTokenList(this.tokens, firstTokenNode, this.tokens.Last);
            Declaration declaration = new Declaration(declarationTokens, firstEventName, ElementType.Event, accessModifier, modifiers);

            Event @event = new Event(this.document, parent, xmlHeader, attributes, declaration, eventHandlerType, declarators.ToArray(), unsafeCode, generated);
            elementReference.Target = @event;

            Symbol s = this.GetNextSymbol(elementReference);

            if (s.SymbolType == SymbolType.Semicolon)
                this.tokens.Add(this.GetToken(CsTokenType.Semicolon, SymbolType.Semicolon, elementReference));
                // Parse the body of the event.
                this.ParseElementContainer(@event, elementReference, null, unsafeCode);

            return @event;
        private void Save(Event @event)
            // 1 to destHeader
            if (!(@event.Parent is Namespace))

            // 1 to destHeader
            this.headerWriter.Write("event ");

            this.Save(new TypeResolver(@event.EventHandlerType, this), this.headerWriter, SavingOptions.UseFullyQualifiedNames);
            this.headerWriter.Write(" ");
