public DocOrder() { Inventory = new DocInventory(); Foundation = ""; Number = ""; RegDate = DateTime.Now; LastUpdate = DateTime.Now; }
public DocInsideBill() { Inventory = new DocInventory(); From = new UserOtdel(); To = new UserOtdel(); Number = ""; RegDate = DateTime.Now; LastUpdate = DateTime.Now; }
public DocOrder(int id, DocInventory inventory, string foundation, string number, DateTime date, DateTime lastUpdate) { Id = id; Inventory = inventory; Foundation = foundation; Number = number; RegDate = date; LastUpdate = lastUpdate; }
public DocInsideBill(int id, DocInventory inventory, UserOtdel from, UserOtdel to, string number, DateTime date, DateTime lastUpdate) { Id = id; Inventory = inventory; From = from; To = to; Number = number; RegDate = date; LastUpdate = lastUpdate; }