public GenericBindingVector4Editor(string Name = "", bool isColor = false) : base() { _value = new PropertyBinding <Vector4>(); IsColor = isColor; MaximumSize = new System.Drawing.Size(int.MaxValue, 32); NameLabel = new Label(); NameLabel.Text = Name; Controls.Add(NameLabel, 0, 0); if (isColor) { ColorSelect = new SBButton(""); ColorSelect.Click += SelectColor; Controls.Add(ColorSelect); Controls.Add(ColorSelect, 1, 0); } else { XEdit = new GenericBindingTextBox <float>(); YEdit = new GenericBindingTextBox <float>(); ZEdit = new GenericBindingTextBox <float>(); WEdit = new GenericBindingTextBox <float>(); System.Drawing.Size MaxSize = new System.Drawing.Size(64, 32); XEdit.MaximumSize = MaxSize; YEdit.MaximumSize = MaxSize; ZEdit.MaximumSize = MaxSize; WEdit.MaximumSize = MaxSize; Controls.Add(XEdit, 1, 0); Controls.Add(YEdit, 2, 0); Controls.Add(ZEdit, 3, 0); Controls.Add(WEdit, 4, 0); } RowStyles.Add(new RowStyle() { SizeType = SizeType.AutoSize }); }
public SBRenderSettingsEditor() { ApplicationSettings.SkinControl(this); Text = "Application Settings"; TopMost = true; Dictionary <SettingsGroupType, SBPopoutPanel> Groups = new Dictionary <SettingsGroupType, SBPopoutPanel>(); toolTips = new ToolTip(); // Set up the delays for the ToolTip. toolTips.AutoPopDelay = 5000; toolTips.InitialDelay = 1000; toolTips.ReshowDelay = 500; // Force the ToolTip text to be displayed whether or not the form is active. toolTips.ShowAlways = true; foreach (var e in (SettingsGroupType[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(SettingsGroupType))) { if (e == SettingsGroupType.Application) { continue; } var panel = new SBPopoutPanel(PopoutSide.Bottom, e.ToString(), e.ToString()) { Dock = DockStyle.Top }; Groups.Add(e, panel); Controls.Add(panel); } foreach (var prop in typeof(ApplicationSettings).GetProperties().Reverse()) { SettingsGroup attr = (SettingsGroup)prop.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(SettingsGroup)); if (attr != null && attr.Type != SettingsGroupType.Application) { Control control = null; string ExtraLabel = null; if (prop.PropertyType == typeof(Color)) { var tb = new GenericColorEditor(attr.Name); tb.Bind(typeof(ApplicationSettings), prop.Name); control = tb; } else if (prop.PropertyType == typeof(int)) { var tb = new GenericBindingTextBox <int>(); tb.Bind(typeof(ApplicationSettings), prop.Name); control = tb; control.MaximumSize = new Size(64, 32); ExtraLabel = attr.Name + ":"; } else if (prop.PropertyType == typeof(bool)) { var tb = new GenericBindingCheckBox(attr.Name); tb.Bind(typeof(ApplicationSettings), prop.Name); control = tb; } else if (prop.PropertyType.IsEnum) { // this feel so weird, but it works Type genericClass = typeof(GenericBindingComboBox <>); Type constructedClass = genericClass.MakeGenericType(prop.PropertyType); var tb = (Control)Activator.CreateInstance(constructedClass, prop.Name); tb.GetType().GetMethod("Bind").Invoke(tb, new object[] { typeof(ApplicationSettings), prop.Name }); control = tb; control.MaximumSize = new Size(128, 32); ExtraLabel = prop.Name + ":"; } else { control = new Label() { Text = attr.Name, Dock = DockStyle.Top } }; toolTips.SetToolTip(control, attr.Description); control.Dock = DockStyle.Top; Groups[attr.Type].Contents.Add(control); if (ExtraLabel != null) { Groups[attr.Type].Contents.Add(new Label() { Text = ExtraLabel, Dock = DockStyle.Top }); } } } SaveSettings = new SBButton("Save Settings"); SaveSettings.Dock = DockStyle.Bottom; SaveSettings.Click += Editor_SaveSettings; Controls.Add(SaveSettings); FormClosing += Editor_FormClosing; }
public SBBoneEditor() { ApplicationSettings.SkinControl(this); X = new GenericBindingTextBox <float>(); X.Size = BoxSize; Y = new GenericBindingTextBox <float>(); Y.Size = BoxSize; Z = new GenericBindingTextBox <float>(); Z.Size = BoxSize; RX = new GenericBindingTextBox <float>(); RX.Size = BoxSize; RY = new GenericBindingTextBox <float>(); RY.Size = BoxSize; RZ = new GenericBindingTextBox <float>(); RZ.Size = BoxSize; SX = new GenericBindingTextBox <float>(); SX.Size = BoxSize; SY = new GenericBindingTextBox <float>(); SY.Size = BoxSize; SZ = new GenericBindingTextBox <float>(); SZ.Size = BoxSize; panel = new TableLayoutPanel(); panel.Padding = new Padding(2, 2, 2, 2); panel.Margin = new Padding(2, 2, 2, 2); panel.Controls.Add(new Label() { Text = "Trans", AutoSize = true, Anchor = AnchorStyles.Bottom }, 1, 0); panel.Controls.Add(new Label() { Text = "Rot", AutoSize = true, Anchor = AnchorStyles.Bottom }, 2, 0); panel.Controls.Add(new Label() { Text = "Scale", AutoSize = true, Anchor = AnchorStyles.Bottom }, 3, 0); panel.Controls.Add(new Label() { Text = "X", MaximumSize = LabelSize, Anchor = AnchorStyles.Right }, 0, 1); panel.Controls.Add(new Label() { Text = "Y", MaximumSize = LabelSize, Anchor = AnchorStyles.Right }, 0, 2); panel.Controls.Add(new Label() { Text = "Z", MaximumSize = LabelSize, Anchor = AnchorStyles.Right }, 0, 3); panel.Controls.Add(X, 1, 1); panel.Controls.Add(Y, 1, 2); panel.Controls.Add(Z, 1, 3); panel.Controls.Add(RX, 2, 1); panel.Controls.Add(RY, 2, 2); panel.Controls.Add(RZ, 2, 3); panel.Controls.Add(SX, 3, 1); panel.Controls.Add(SY, 3, 2); panel.Controls.Add(SZ, 3, 3); panel.RowStyles.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < panel.RowCount; i++) { panel.RowStyles.Add(new RowStyle(SizeType.AutoSize)); } transformPanel = new SBPopoutPanel(PopoutSide.Bottom, "Transform"); transformPanel.OpenText = "Transform"; transformPanel.CloseText = "Transform"; transformPanel.Contents.Add(panel); transformPanel.Dock = DockStyle.Top; NameLabel = new Label() { Dock = DockStyle.Top }; Controls.Add(transformPanel); Controls.Add(NameLabel); }