private void Search() { //If txtBookingID is not empty. if (txtBookingID.Text != "") { //This method will check if the BookingID is valid. using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(_connectionString)) { using (SqlCommand sqlCommand = new SqlCommand("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Booking WHERE (BookingID = @BookingID)", connection)) { connection.Open(); sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@BookingID", txtBookingID.Text); int booking = (int)sqlCommand.ExecuteScalar(); bool bookingExist = false; if (booking > 0) { bookingExist = true; //If bookingExist is true. if (bookingExist) { //Call the getBookingDate method from the Bookings Class and pass across the data. List <DateTime> bDates = Bookings.getBookingDate(txtBookingID.Text); { //If the amount of bookingsDates is greater than 0... if (bDates.Count > 0) { //Create an instance of the stringbuilder class. StringBuilder string_Builder = new StringBuilder(); foreach (DateTime date in bDates) { string_Builder.AppendLine(Convert.ToString(date)); //Display and convert the BookingDate in lblDisplayBookingDate. lblDisplayBookingDate.Text = Convert.ToString(date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")); } } } //Call the getMemberID method from the Bookings Class and pass across the data. List <int> ids = Bookings.getMemberID(txtBookingID.Text); { //If the amount of IDs is greater than 0... if (ids.Count > 0) { //Create an instance of the stringbuilder class. StringBuilder _sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (int id in ids) { _sb.AppendLine(Convert.ToString(id)); //Display the ID in lblMemberID. txtMemberID.Text = Convert.ToString(id); } } } //Call the getMemberForename method from the Bookings Class and pass across the data. List <string> fnames = Bookings.getMemberForename(txtMemberID.Text); { //If the amount of names is greater than 0... if (fnames.Count > 0) { //Create an instance of the stringbuilder class. StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); foreach (string fname in fnames) { stringBuilder.AppendLine(fname); //Display the name in lblDisplayName. lblDisplayName.Text = fname; //Save the name into the variable _fname. _fname = lblDisplayName.Text; } } } //Call the getBookingSurname method from the Bookings Class and pass across the data. List <string> snames = Bookings.getMemberSurname(txtMemberID.Text); { //If the amount of names is greater than 0... if (snames.Count > 0) { //Create an instance of the stringbuilder class. StringBuilder string_Builder = new StringBuilder(); foreach (string sname in snames) { string_Builder.AppendLine(sname); //Display the forname and surname in lblDisplayName. lblDisplayName.Text = _fname + " " + sname; } } } //Call the getMemberPostCode method from the Bookings Class and pass across the data. List <string> postCodes = Bookings.getMemberPostCode(txtMemberID.Text); { //If the amount of postcodes is greater than 0... if (postCodes.Count > 0) { //Create an instance of the stringbuilder class. StringBuilder string_Builder = new StringBuilder(); foreach (string pc in postCodes) { string_Builder.AppendLine(pc); //Display the postcode in lblDisplayPostCode. lblDisplayPostCode.Text = pc; } } } //Call the getClassID method from the Bookings Class and pass across the data. List <string> classIDs = Bookings.getClassID(txtBookingID.Text); { //If the amount of IDs is greater than 0... if (classIDs.Count > 0) { //Create an instance of the stringbuilder class. StringBuilder s_b = new StringBuilder(); foreach (string id in classIDs) { s_b.AppendLine(id); //Display the ClassID in lblClassID. cbClassID.Text = id; } } } //Call the getClassName method from the Bookings Class and pass across the data. List <string> classNames = Bookings.getClassName(cbClassID.Text); { //If the amount of names is greater than 0... if (classNames.Count > 0) { //Create an instance of the stringbuilder class. StringBuilder string_b = new StringBuilder(); foreach (string name in classNames) { string_b.AppendLine(name); //Display the name in lblDisplayClassName. lblDisplayClassName.Text = name; } } } //Call the getClassDay method from the Bookings Class and pass across the data. List <string> classDays = Bookings.getClassDay(cbClassID.Text); { //If the amount of days is greater than 0... if (classDays.Count > 0) { //Create an instance of the stringbuilder class. StringBuilder string_build = new StringBuilder(); foreach (string day in classDays) { string_build.AppendLine(day); //Display the day in lblDisplayDay. lblDisplayDay.Text = day; } } } //Call the getClassTime method from the Bookings Class and pass across the data. List <string> classTimes = Bookings.getClassTime(cbClassID.Text); { //If the amount of times is greater than 0... if (classTimes.Count > 0) { //Create an instance of the stringbuilder class. StringBuilder s_builder = new StringBuilder(); foreach (string time in classTimes) { s_builder.AppendLine(time); //Display the time in lblDisplayTime. lblDisplayTime.Text = time; } } } //Call the getClassDate method from the Bookings Class and pass across the data. List <DateTime> classDates = Bookings.getClassDate(txtBookingID.Text); { //If the amount of dates is greater than 0... if (classDates.Count > 0) { //Create an instance of the stringbuilder class. StringBuilder string_builder = new StringBuilder(); foreach (DateTime c_date in classDates) { string_builder.AppendLine(Convert.ToString(c_date)); //Display the ClassDate in dateTimePickerClass. dateTimePickerClass.Value = c_date; } } } } //Otherwise display the message below. else { MessageBox.Show("This booking does not exist."); } } //Otherwise display the message below. else { MessageBox.Show("This booking does not exist."); } } } } //Otherwise display the message below. else { MessageBox.Show("Please enter a BookingID."); } }