예제 #1
        // Function - Takes an undergrad record, edits it, and saves it
        // Precondidtions - There is an undergrad record to edit
        // Inputs - The int location is passed in to this method so it knows where to look to edit
        // Postconditions - the edited record is updated and saved
        private void EditUndergradRecord(int location)
            Undergrad under = (Undergrad)students[location];

            Console.WriteLine($"  Student    ID:    {under.StudentID} (**readonly field**)");
            Console.WriteLine($"  [F]irst  name:    {under.FirstName}");
            Console.WriteLine($"  [L]ast   name:    {under.LastName}");
            Console.WriteLine($"  [E]mail addre:    {under.EmailAddress} (**readonly field**)");
            Console.WriteLine($"[D]ate Enrolled:    {under.EnrollmentDate}");
            Console.WriteLine($"    [Y]ear Rank:    {under.Rank}");
            Console.WriteLine($"[G]rade Pt. Avg:    {under.GradePointAverage}");

            char selection = char.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            switch (selection)
            case 'F':
            case 'f':
                Console.WriteLine("Enter the new first name: ");
                students[location].FirstName = Console.ReadLine();

            case 'L':
            case 'l':
                Console.WriteLine("Enter the new last name: ");
                students[location].LastName = Console.ReadLine();

            case 'Y':
            case 'y':
                Console.WriteLine("Enter the new year rank in school [1, 2, 3, or 4 only]: ");
                int yearRank = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                if (YearRank.Freshman.Equals(yearRank))
                    under.Rank = YearRank.Freshman;
                if (YearRank.Sophomore.Equals(yearRank))
                    under.Rank = YearRank.Sophomore;
                if (YearRank.Junior.Equals(yearRank))
                    under.Rank = YearRank.Junior;
                if (YearRank.Senior.Equals(yearRank))
                    under.Rank = YearRank.Senior;

            case 'G':
            case 'g':
                Console.WriteLine("Enter the new GPA");
                under.GradePointAverage = float.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

예제 #2
        // Function - A test driver that makes student objects, and changes them
        // Postconditions - Student objects are created, edited, and printed
        public void TestMain()
            //make some students(POCO objects)
            Student stu01 = new Undergrad("Alice", "Anderson", "*****@*****.**", YearRank.Freshman, 3.1f);
            Student stu02 = new Undergrad("Bob", "Bradshaw", "*****@*****.**", YearRank.Sophomore, 3.2f);
            Student stu03 = new Undergrad("Chuck", "Costerella", "*****@*****.**", YearRank.Junior, 3.3f);

            Student stu04 = new GradStudent("Damn", "Daniel", "*****@*****.**", "Dr. Donald Chinn", 11111.99m);

            //but now with the new dynamic arraylist, here is the "add" operation

            //manipulate students in some way
            stu03.FirstName    = "Chuck";
            stu03.LastName     = "Costarella";
            stu03.EmailAddress = "*****@*****.**";

            //print out data for the students
            foreach (var stu in students)
예제 #3
        internal void ReadDataFromInputFile()
            StreamReader infile = new StreamReader(STUDENTDB_DATAFILE);

            string studentType = string.Empty;

            // read the file
            while ((studentType = infile.ReadLine()) != null)
                // read the rest of the record
                string   first = infile.ReadLine();
                string   last  = infile.ReadLine();
                double   gpa   = double.Parse(infile.ReadLine());
                string   email = infile.ReadLine();
                DateTime date  = DateTime.Parse(infile.ReadLine());

                if (studentType == "StudentDB.GradStudent")
                    decimal credit     = decimal.Parse(infile.ReadLine());
                    string  facAdvisor = infile.ReadLine();

                    GradStudent grad = new GradStudent(first, last, gpa, email, date, credit, facAdvisor);

                else if (studentType == "StudentDB.Undergrad")
                    YearRank rank  = (YearRank)Enum.Parse(typeof(YearRank), infile.ReadLine());
                    string   major = infile.ReadLine();

                    Undergrad undergrad = new Undergrad(first, last, gpa, email, date, rank, major);

                    Console.WriteLine($"ERROR: type {studentType} is not a valid student.");

                // now you have all the data from a single rec - add a new student to the list
                // Student stu = new Student(first, last, gpa, email, date);
                // students.Add(stu);
                // Console.WriteLine(stu);   // as the objects are created, we can monitor the data

            Console.WriteLine("Reading input file complete...");
예제 #4
        internal void ReadDataFromInputFile()
            // create a stream reader to attach to the input file on disk
            StreamReader infile = new StreamReader("INPUTDATAFILE.txt");

            // use the file to read in student data
            string studentType = string.Empty;

            while ((studentType = infile.ReadLine()) != null)
                // reading the student records
                string   first = infile.ReadLine();
                string   last  = infile.ReadLine();
                double   gpa   = double.Parse(infile.ReadLine());
                string   email = infile.ReadLine();
                DateTime date  = DateTime.Parse(infile.ReadLine());

                // now we've read everything for a student - branch depending
                // on what kind of student
                if (studentType == "StudentDB.Undergrad")
                    YearRank rank  = (YearRank)Enum.Parse(typeof(YearRank), infile.ReadLine());
                    string   major = infile.ReadLine();

                    Undergrad undergrad = new Undergrad(first, last, gpa, email, date, rank, major);
                    students.Add(undergrad); // adding the undergrad to the list

                    // Console.WriteLine(undergrad);
                // if not undergrad, must mean we have a grad student
                else if (studentType == "StudentDB.GradStudent")
                    decimal tuition    = decimal.Parse(infile.ReadLine());
                    string  facAdvisor = infile.ReadLine();

                    GradStudent grad = new GradStudent(first, last, gpa, email, date, tuition, facAdvisor);

                // create the new read-in student from the data and store in the list
                //Student stu = new Student(first, last, gpa, email, date);
                //Console.WriteLine($"Done reading record for:\n {stu}");

            // release the resource
            Console.WriteLine("Reading input file is complete...");
예제 #5
        // as stated by the name, this method reads the data from the input file
        // before we had two separate files - INPUTFILE and OUTPUTFILE so we could clearly see
        // what was happenning with the two files and making sure everything was working properly
        // now that we have finished we only have one input and output data file called STUDENTDB_DATAFILE
        internal void ReadDataFromInputFile()
            // StreamReader and StreamWriter = .txt files only
            StreamReader inFile      = new StreamReader(STUDENTDB_DATAFILE);
            string       studentType = string.Empty;

            // keep looping as long as there is something to store in first
            while ((studentType = inFile.ReadLine()) != null)
                // read the rest of the record
                string   first = inFile.ReadLine();
                string   last  = inFile.ReadLine();
                double   gpa   = double.Parse(inFile.ReadLine());
                string   email = inFile.ReadLine();
                DateTime date  = DateTime.Parse(inFile.ReadLine());

                // now we've read everything for a student - branch depending
                // on what kind of student

                if (studentType == "StudentDB.Undergrad")
                    YearRank rank  = (YearRank)Enum.Parse(typeof(YearRank), inFile.ReadLine());
                    string   major = inFile.ReadLine();

                    Undergrad undergrad = new Undergrad(first, last, gpa, email, date, rank, major);

                else if (studentType == "StudentDB.GradStudent")
                    decimal tuition    = decimal.Parse(inFile.ReadLine());
                    string  facAdvisor = inFile.ReadLine();

                    GradStudent grad = new GradStudent(first, last, gpa, email, date, tuition, facAdvisor);

                    Console.WriteLine($"ERROR: type {studentType} is not a valid student.");
            Console.WriteLine("Reading input file complete...");
예제 #6
        // Function - Finds and displays a student record
        // Precondidtions - There is a student that is able to be found
        // Postconditions - The student record was printed
        private void FindStudentRecord()
            int location = GetIndexFromList();

            Console.WriteLine($"Student    ID:    {students[location].StudentID} (id is read only)");
            Console.WriteLine($"[F]irst  name:    {students[location].FirstName}");
            Console.WriteLine($"[L]ast   name:    {students[location].LastName}");
            Console.WriteLine($"[E]mail addre:    {students[location].EmailAddress}");
            Console.WriteLine($"[D]ate Enrolled:    {students[location].EnrollmentDate}");
            if (students[location] is GradStudent)
                GradStudent grad = (GradStudent)students[location];

                Console.WriteLine($"Faculty [A]dvisor:   {grad.FacultyAdvisor}");
                Console.WriteLine($"[T]uition Credit :   {grad.TuitionCredit}");
                Undergrad under = (Undergrad)students[location];

                Console.WriteLine($"Year Rank:     {under.Rank}");
                Console.WriteLine($"GPA      :     {under.GradePointAverage}");
예제 #7
        private void AddStudentRecord()
            //first search the list to see if this email record already exists
            string  email = string.Empty;
            Student stu   = FindStudentRecord(out email);

            if (stu == null)
                //Record was not found - go ahead and add
                //gather all data needed for a new student
                Console.WriteLine($"Adding new student, email: {email}");

                //start gathering data
                //do not need email

                Console.WriteLine("Enter first name: ");
                string first = Console.ReadLine();
                Console.WriteLine("Enter last name: ");
                string last = Console.ReadLine();
                Console.WriteLine("Enter grade point average: ");
                double gpa = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

                //find out what kind of student
                Console.WriteLine("[U]ndergrad or [G]rad student? ");
                char studentType = char.Parse(Console.ReadLine().ToUpper());

                //branch based on type of student

                if (studentType == 'U')
                    //reading an enumerated type
                    Console.WriteLine("[1]Freshman, [2]Sophomore, [3]Junior, [4]Senior");
                    Console.Write("Enter year/rank in school from above choices: ");
                    YearRank rank = (YearRank)int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

                    Console.Write("Enter the major degree program: ");
                    string major = Console.ReadLine();

                    //TODO: test if this use of polymorphism is allowing undergrad info
                    //in the list collection
                    stu = new Undergrad(first, last, gpa, email, DateTime.Now, rank, major);
                else if (studentType == 'G')
                    //gather additional grad student info
                    Console.Write("Enter the tuition reimbursement earned (no commas): $");
                    decimal discount = decimal.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                    Console.Write("Enter full name of graduate faculty advisor: ");
                    string facAdvisor = Console.ReadLine();

                    GradStudent grad = new GradStudent(first, last, gpa, email, DateTime.Now, discount, facAdvisor);
                    Console.WriteLine($"ERROR: No student {email} created \n\"{studentType}\" is not valid type.");
                Console.WriteLine($"{email} record is already in the database \nRecord cannot be added.");
                //TODO would you like to update?
예제 #8
        //modifies the student profile
        private void ModifyStudent(Student stu)
            string studentType = stu.GetType().ToString();

            Console.WriteLine($"Editing student type: {studentType.Substring(10)}");
            DisplayModifyMenu(); //displays list of options for user
            char selection = GetUserSelection();

            if (studentType == "StudentDB.Undergrad")
                Undergrad undergrad = stu as Undergrad;
                //if student is an undergrad
                switch (selection)
                case 'Y':
                case 'y':
                    Console.WriteLine("\nEnter the new year/rank in your school from the following choices:");
                    Console.Write("[1] Freshman, [2] Sophomore, [3] Junior, [4] Senior: ");
                    undergrad.Rank = (YearRank)int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

                case 'D':
                case 'd':
                    Console.Write("\nEnter the new degree major: ");
                    undergrad.DegreeMajor = Console.ReadLine();
            else if (studentType == "StudentDB.GradStudent")
                GradStudent grad = stu as GradStudent;
                //if student is a grad
                switch (selection)
                case 'T':
                case 't':      //tuition credit
                    Console.Write("\nEnter new tuiton reimbursement credit:");
                    grad.TuitionCredit = decimal.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

                case 'A':
                case 'a':
                    Console.Write("\nEnter new faculty advisor name: ");
                    grad.FacultyAdvisor = Console.ReadLine();

            switch (selection)
            case 'F':
            case 'f':
                Console.Write("\nEnter new student first name: ");
                stu.Info.FirstName = Console.ReadLine();

            case 'L':
            case 'l':
                Console.Write("\nEnter new student last name: ");
                stu.Info.LastName = Console.ReadLine();

            case 'G':
            case 'g':
                Console.Write("\nEnter new student grade pt average: ");
                stu.GradePtAvg = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            case 'E':
            case 'e':
                Console.Write("\nEnter new student Enrollment date: ");
                stu.EnrollmentDate = DateTime.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
            Console.WriteLine($"\n Edit operation finished. Current record info :\n{stu}\nPress any key to continue...");
예제 #9
        private void AddStudentRecord()
            // first, search the list to see if this email rec already exists
            string  email = string.Empty;
            Student stu   = FindStudentRecord(out email);

            if (stu == null)
                // Record was NOT FOUND - go ahead and add
                // first, gather all the data needed for a new student
                Console.WriteLine($"Adding new student, Email: {email}");

                // start gathering data
                Console.Write("ENTER first name: ");
                string first = Console.ReadLine();
                Console.Write("ENTER last name: ");
                string last = Console.ReadLine();
                Console.Write("ENTER grade pt. average: ");
                double gpa = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                // we have the email, obviously!
                // we have to find out what kind of a student? undergrad/grad?
                Console.Write("[U]ndergrad or [G]rad Student? ");
                string studentType = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper();

                // branch out based on what the type of student is
                if (studentType == "U")
                    // reading in an enumnerated type
                    Console.WriteLine("[1]Freshman [2]Sophomore [3]Junior [4]Senior");
                    Console.Write("ENTER year/rank in school from above choices: ");
                    YearRank rank = (YearRank)int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

                    Console.Write("ENTER major degree program: ");
                    string major = Console.ReadLine();

                    stu = new Undergrad(first, last, gpa, email, DateTime.Now, rank, major);
                else if (studentType == "G")
                    // gather additional grad student info
                    Console.Write("ENTER the tuition reimbursement earned (no commas): $");
                    decimal discount = decimal.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                    Console.Write("ENTER full name of graduate faculty advisor: ");
                    string facAdvisor = Console.ReadLine();

                    GradStudent grad = new GradStudent(first, last, gpa, email, DateTime.Now,
                                                       discount, facAdvisor);

                    Console.WriteLine($"ERROR: No student {email} created.\n" +
                                      $"{studentType} is not valid type.");
                Console.WriteLine($"{email} RECORD FOUND! Can't add student {email},\n" +
                                  $"Record already exists.");
예제 #10
        // Function - Takes the input file, reads it, and stores the data
        // Precondidtions - The input file has data to store, and the data is in the correct format
        // Postconditions - The data is stored as variables within the program
        private void ReadDataFromInputFile()
            // construct an object connected to the input file
            StreamReader infile = new StreamReader("STUDENT_DATABASE_INPUT_FILE.txt");

            string str = string.Empty;

            // read the data - and store it in the list<>
            while ((str = infile.ReadLine()) != null)
                int      id       = int.Parse(str);
                string   first    = infile.ReadLine();
                string   last     = infile.ReadLine();
                string   email    = infile.ReadLine();
                DateTime enrolled = DateTime.Parse(infile.ReadLine());

                //assumes the value is the year rank, if it is not, the advisor variable is assigned the rank value
                string rank = infile.ReadLine();

                if (rank == "Freshman" || rank == "Sophomore" || rank == "Junior" || rank == "Senior")
                    float gpa = float.Parse(infile.ReadLine());

                    if (rank == "Freshman")
                        Undergrad under = new Undergrad(id, first, last, email, enrolled, YearRank.Freshman, gpa);
                        students.Add(new Undergrad(id, first, last, email, enrolled, YearRank.Freshman, gpa));
                    else if (rank == "Sophomore")
                        Undergrad under = new Undergrad(id, first, last, email, enrolled, YearRank.Sophomore, gpa);
                        students.Add(new Undergrad(id, first, last, email, enrolled, YearRank.Sophomore, gpa));
                    else if (rank == "Junior")
                        Undergrad under = new Undergrad(id, first, last, email, enrolled, YearRank.Junior, gpa);
                        students.Add(new Undergrad(id, first, last, email, enrolled, YearRank.Junior, gpa));
                        Undergrad under = new Undergrad(id, first, last, email, enrolled, YearRank.Senior, gpa);
                        students.Add(new Undergrad(id, first, last, email, enrolled, YearRank.Senior, gpa));
                    string      advisor = rank;
                    decimal     credit  = decimal.Parse(infile.ReadLine());
                    GradStudent grad    = new GradStudent(id, first, last, email, enrolled, advisor, credit);
                    students.Add(new GradStudent(id, first, last, email, enrolled, advisor, credit));

                //we should have enough data for a complete record
                // and we can make a student
                //Student stu = new Student(id, first, last, email, enrolled);

                //put the new student in the list<>
                //students.Add(new Student(id, first, last, email, enrolled));
            //close the file
예제 #11
        // method first makes sure the student doesn't already exist and adds if the stu == null
        // asks for general information then branches off based on what the type of student is
        private void AddStudentRecord()
            // 1. search the list to see if this email record already exists
            string  email = string.Empty;
            Student stu   = FindStudentRecord(out email);

            // record doesn't exist
            if (stu == null)
                // 1. gather all the data needed for a new student
                Console.WriteLine($"Adding a new student, Email: {email}");

                // start gathering data
                Console.Write("Enter first name: ");
                string first = Console.ReadLine();

                Console.Write("Enter last name: ");
                string last = Console.ReadLine();

                // already have the email

                Console.Write("Enter grade pt average: ");
                double gpa = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

                // find out what kind of student - undergrad or grad

                Console.Write("[U]ndergrad or [G]rad student? ");
                string studentType = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper();

                // branch out based on what the type of student is
                if (studentType == "U")
                    Console.WriteLine("[1] Freshman, [2] Sophomore, [3] Junior, [4] Senior");
                    Console.Write("Enter the year/rank in school from above choices: ");
                    YearRank rank = (YearRank)int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

                    Console.Write("Enter major degree program: ");
                    string major = Console.ReadLine();

                    stu = new Undergrad(first, last, gpa, email, DateTime.Now, rank, major);

                else if (studentType == "G")
                    // gather additional grad student info
                    Console.Write("Enter the tuition reimbursement earned (no comas): $");
                    decimal discount = decimal.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

                    Console.Write("Enter full name of graduate faculty advisor: ");
                    string facAdvisor = Console.ReadLine();

                    GradStudent grad = new GradStudent(first, last, gpa,
                                                       email, DateTime.Now,
                                                       discount, facAdvisor);

                    Console.WriteLine($"ERROR: No student {email} created.\n" +
                                      $"{studentType} is not a valid type");

            // record already exists
                Console.WriteLine($"{email} RECORD FOUND! Can't add student {email},\n" +
                                  $"Record already exists.");
예제 #12
        // first branches off based on student type then asks for general info that the
        // user wants to mofify
        private void ModifyStudent(Student stu)
            string studentType = stu.GetType().ToString();

            Console.WriteLine($"Editing student type: {studentType.Substring(10)}");


            char selection = GetUserSelection();

            // undergrad student
            if (studentType == "StudentDB.Undergrad")
                // polymorphic call - can see past the data that we are attempting to call
                // aka run time attempt identification
                Undergrad undergrad = stu as Undergrad;
                switch (selection)
                case 'Y':
                case 'y':
                    Console.WriteLine("\nEnter new year/rank in school from the following choices.");
                    Console.Write("[1] Freshman, [2] Sophomore, [3] Junior, [4] Senior: ");
                    undergrad.Rank = (YearRank)int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

                case 'D':
                case 'd':
                    Console.Write("\nEnter new degree major: ");
                    undergrad.DegreeMajor = Console.ReadLine();

                case '`':     // gray hat backdoor
                    if (Console.ReadLine() == "admin-admin")

            // grad student
            else if (studentType == "StudentDB.GradStudent")
                GradStudent grad = stu as GradStudent;
                switch (selection)
                case 'T':
                case 't':
                    Console.Write("\nEnter new tuition reimbursement credit: ");
                    grad.TuitionCredit = decimal.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

                case 'A':
                case 'a':
                    Console.Write("\nEnter the new faculty advisor name: ");
                    grad.FacultyAdvisor = Console.ReadLine();

            // choices for all students
            switch (selection)
            case 'F':
            case 'f':
                Console.Write("\nEnter new student first name: ");
                stu.Info.FirstName = Console.ReadLine();

            case 'L':
            case 'l':
                Console.Write("\nEnter new student last name: ");
                stu.Info.LastName = Console.ReadLine();

            case 'G':
            case 'g':
                Console.Write("\nEnter new student grade pt average: ");
                stu.GradePtAvg = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            case 'E':
            case 'e':
                Console.Write("\nEnter new student enrollment date: ");
                stu.EnrollmentDate = DateTime.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
            Console.WriteLine($"\nEdit operaion done. Current record info:\n{stu}\nPress any key to continue...");
예제 #13
        // the class that the user modifies the record
        private void ModifyStudent(Student stu)
            // gets each type of student and turns to string
            string studentType = stu.GetType().ToString();

            Console.WriteLine($"Editing student type: {studentType.Substring(10)}");
            char selection = GetUserSelection();

            if (studentType == "StudentDB.Undergrad")
                // allows for the student to have
                // the things that a undergrad will have
                Undergrad undergrad = stu as Undergrad;
                // if student is an undergrad
                switch (selection)
                case 'Y':
                case 'y':     // year rank in school
                    Console.WriteLine("\nENTER new year/rank in school from the following choices.");
                    Console.Write("[1] Freshman, [2] Sophomore, [3] Junior, [4] Senior: ");
                    undergrad.Rank = (YearRank)int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

                case 'D':
                case 'd':     // degree in school
                    Console.Write("\nENTER new degree major: ");
                    undergrad.DegreeMajor = Console.ReadLine();
            else if (studentType == "StudentDB.GradStudent")
                GradStudent grad = stu as GradStudent;
                // if student is an grad
                switch (selection)
                case 'T':
                case 't':     // Tuition credit
                    Console.Write("\nENTER new tuition reimbursement credit: ");
                    grad.TuitionCredit = decimal.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

                case 'A':
                case 'a':     // faculty advisor in school
                    Console.Write("\nENTER new faculty advisor name: ");
                    grad.FacultyAdvisor = Console.ReadLine();
            // choices for all students
            switch (selection)
            case 'F':
            case 'f':
                Console.Write("\nENTER new student first name: ");
                stu.Info.FirstName = Console.ReadLine();

            case 'L':
            case 'l':
                Console.Write("\nENTER new student last name: ");
                stu.Info.LastName = Console.ReadLine();

            case 'G':
            case 'g':
                Console.Write("\nENTER new student grade pt average: ");
                stu.GradePtAvg = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            case 'E':
            case 'e':
                Console.Write("\nENTER new student enrollment date: ");
                stu.EnrollmentDate = DateTime.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
            // the end of the code, user presses anything to reset
            Console.WriteLine($"\nEDIT operation done. Current record info:\n{stu}\nPress any key to continue...");