예제 #1
        public static void UpdateLocation(GPSLocate ms, CLLocation newLocation)
            ms.LblAltitude.Text = newLocation.Altitude.ToString () + " meters";
             ms.LblLongitude.Text = newLocation.Coordinate.Longitude.ToString () + "º";
             ms.LblLatitude.Text = newLocation.Coordinate.Latitude.ToString () + "º";
             ms.LblCourse.Text = newLocation.Course.ToString () + "º";
             ms.LblSpeed.Text = newLocation.Speed.ToString () + " meters/s";

             // get the distance from here to paris
             ms.LblDistanceToParis.Text = (newLocation.DistanceFrom(new CLLocation(48.857, 2.351)) / 1000).ToString() + " km";

             var x1 =Convert.ToDouble( "40.023408");
             var y1 =Convert.ToDouble( "40.643127");
             var x2 =Convert.ToDouble( "30.753657");
             var y2 = Convert.ToDouble("30.038635");
             var longdute =newLocation.Coordinate.Longitude;
             var latidute = newLocation.Coordinate.Latitude;

             ms.checkIt.Clicked+= (sender, e) => {

            if (longdute > x2 && longdute < x1 && latidute > y2 && latidute < y1)
               new UIAlertView("Ankara Dışındasın", "Konum : " + longdute + " " + latidute, null, "OK", null).Show();
               new UIAlertView("Ankara İçerisindesin", "Konum : " + longdute + " " + latidute, null, "OK", null).Show();

예제 #2
        static public void UpdateLocation(GPSLocate ms, CLLocation newLocation)
            ms.LblAltitude.Text  = newLocation.Altitude.ToString() + " meters";
            ms.LblLongitude.Text = newLocation.Coordinate.Longitude.ToString() + "º";
            ms.LblLatitude.Text  = newLocation.Coordinate.Latitude.ToString() + "º";
            ms.LblCourse.Text    = newLocation.Course.ToString() + "º";
            ms.LblSpeed.Text     = newLocation.Speed.ToString() + " meters/s";

            // get the distance from here to paris
            ms.LblDistanceToParis.Text = (newLocation.DistanceFrom(new CLLocation(48.857, 2.351)) / 1000).ToString() + " km";

            var x1       = Convert.ToDouble("40.023408");
            var y1       = Convert.ToDouble("40.643127");
            var x2       = Convert.ToDouble("30.753657");
            var y2       = Convert.ToDouble("30.038635");
            var longdute = newLocation.Coordinate.Longitude;
            var latidute = newLocation.Coordinate.Latitude;

            ms.checkIt.Clicked += (sender, e) => {
                if (longdute > x2 && longdute < x1 && latidute > y2 && latidute < y1)
                    new UIAlertView("Ankara Dışındasın", "Konum : " + longdute + " " + latidute, null, "OK", null).Show();
                    new UIAlertView("Ankara İçerisindesin", "Konum : " + longdute + " " + latidute, null, "OK", null).Show();