예제 #1
 void coinCenter_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
     if (!coin_interface.Checked)
     Vec2i mouse = new Vec2i(e.X, e.Y);
     if ((mouse - mCoinCenter).length() < 10)
         mCoinCenterOffset = mouse - mCoinCenter;
         mCoinCenterDragging = true;
예제 #2
 void coinCenter_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
     if (!mCoinCenterDragging)
     Vec2i mouse = new Vec2i(e.X, e.Y);
     if (mouse.x < 0)
         mouse.x = 0;
     if (mouse.x > coinCenter.Size.Width)
         mouse.x = coinCenter.Size.Width;
     if (mouse.y < 0)
         mouse.y = 0;
     if (mouse.y > coinCenter.Size.Height)
         mouse.y = coinCenter.Size.Height;
     mCoinCenter = mouse - mCoinCenterOffset;
예제 #3
 public void setSize(int state, Vec2i size)
예제 #4
 public void setHotspot(int state, Vec2i hotspot)
     CharacterState cs = (CharacterState)mStates[state];
     cs.basepoint = hotspot;
     mStates[state] = cs;
예제 #5
        public void drawBoundary(Graphics g, int state, Vec2i position, Color bordercolor)
            Pen p = new Pen(bordercolor);
            const int span = 4;
            g.DrawLine(p, position.x - 1, position.y - 1, position.x + span, position.y - 1);
            g.DrawLine(p, position.x - 1, position.y - 1, position.x - 1, position.y + span);
            Vec2i size = mData.getSize(state);
            g.DrawLine(p, position.x + size.x, position.y - 1, position.x + size.x - span -1 , position.y - 1);
            g.DrawLine(p, position.x + size.x, position.y - 1, position.x + size.x, position.y + span);

            g.DrawLine(p, position.x - 1, position.y + size.y, position.x + span, position.y + size.y);
            g.DrawLine(p, position.x - 1, position.y + size.y, position.x - 1, position.y + size.y - span-1);

            g.DrawLine(p, position.x +size.x, position.y + size.y, position.x + size.x -span - 1, position.y + size.y);
            g.DrawLine(p, position.x +size.x, position.y + size.y, position.x + size.x, position.y + size.y - span - 1);
예제 #6
 public void setFramePartOffset(int state, int frame, int part, Vec2i offset)
예제 #7
 public override bool isHit(Vec2i pos)
     return(isHit(State, pos - Position));
예제 #8
 public void setHotspot(int state, Vec2i hotspot)
     CursorState cs = (CursorState)mStates[state];
     cs.highlight = hotspot;
     mStates[state] = cs;
예제 #9
 private void setControls()
     //first page
     this.projetName.Text = mData.Settings.Projectname;
     this.aspect_ratio.Checked = mData.Settings.Is16to9;
     this.aspect_ratio2.Checked = !mData.Settings.Is16to9;
     if (mData.Settings.Resolution.y == 200)
         this.resolution.SelectedIndex = 0;
     else if (mData.Settings.Resolution.y == 240)
         this.resolution.SelectedIndex = 1;
     else if (mData.Settings.Resolution.x == 640)
         this.resolution.SelectedIndex = 2;
     else if (mData.Settings.Resolution.x == 800)
         this.resolution.SelectedIndex = 3;
     else if (mData.Settings.Resolution.x == 1024)
         this.resolution.SelectedIndex = 4;
     else if (mData.Settings.Resolution.x == 1440)
         this.resolution.SelectedIndex = 5;
     this.no_antialiasing.Checked = mData.Settings.NotAntialiased;
     this.mute_music.Checked = mData.Settings.MuteMusicWhenSpeech;
     if (mData.Settings.GameIcon.Length != 0)
         mIcon = mData.Settings.GameIcon;
             Bitmap bmp = (Bitmap)Bitmap.FromFile(mIcon);
             this.symbol.Image = bmp;
         catch (System.IO.FileNotFoundException)
             MessageBox.Show("Cannot find icon " + mIcon);
             this.symbol.Image = null;
         mIcon = new string('a', 0);
         this.symbol.Image = null;
     this.text_on.Checked = mData.Settings.TextOnOff;
     this.drawDraggedItems.Checked = mData.Settings.DrawDraggedItemIcons;
     this.groupItems.Checked = mData.Settings.GroupItems;
     this.actionText.Checked = mData.Settings.ActionText;
     this.actionTextHeight.Value = mData.Settings.ActionTextHeight;
     this.silentDelete.Checked = mData.Settings.SilentDelete;
     this.infoLine.Checked = mData.Settings.InfoLine;
     this.fitImages.Checked = mData.Persistence.FitImages;
     this.createBackups.Checked = mData.Persistence.CreateBackups;
     this.protectGamefiles.Checked = mData.Settings.ProtectGameFile;
     this.loadingImage.Text = mData.Settings.LoadingImage;
     this.settingsPicture.Text = mData.Settings.SettingsPicture;
     //second page
     this.start_script.Text = mData.Settings.Startscript;
     this.main_script.Text = mData.Settings.Mainscript;
     switch (mData.Settings.ScreenChange)
         case ScreenChange.SC_DIRECT:
             this.sc_direct.Checked = true;
         case ScreenChange.SC_FADEOUT:
             this.sc_blackfade.Checked = true;
         case ScreenChange.SC_RECTANGLE:
             this.sc_blackfade.Checked = true;
         case ScreenChange.SC_CIRCLE:
             this.sc_circle.Checked = true;
         case ScreenChange.SC_CLOCK:
             this.sc_clock.Checked = true;
         case ScreenChange.SC_SHUTTERS:
             this.sc_shutters.Checked = true;
         case ScreenChange.SC_BLEND:
             this.sc_blend.Checked = true;
         case ScreenChange.SC_BLEND_SLOW:
             this.sc_blend_slow.Checked = true;
     this.taskbar.Checked = mData.Settings.ShowTaskbar;
     this.taskBarHeight.Value = mData.Settings.TaskHeight;
     this.taskbar_room.Text = mData.Settings.TaskRoom;
     switch (mData.Settings.TaskPopup)
         case 0:
             this.ts_always.Checked = true;
         case 1:
             this.ts_popup.Checked = true;
         case 2:
             this.ts_scrolling.Checked = true;
     this.hideCompletely.Checked = mData.Settings.TaskHideCompletely;
     if (mData.Settings.TaskbarFromTop)
         ts_appears_top.Checked = true;
         ts_appear_bottom.Checked = true;
     this.anywhere_room.Text = mData.Settings.AnywhereRoom;
     this.anywhere_transparency.Value = mData.Settings.AnywhereTransparency;
     //third page
     //this.border_color.BackColor = Color.FromArgb((int)(((System.UInt32)mData.Settings.BorderColor >> 8) & 0xffffff | ((System.UInt32)mData.Settings.BorderColor << 24) & 0xff000000));
     this.border_color.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(Utilities.convertColor(mData.Settings.BorderColor));
     this.background_color.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(Utilities.convertColor(mData.Settings.BackgroundColor));
     this.text_color.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(Utilities.convertColor(mData.Settings.TextColor));
     this.useCustomMenu.Checked = mData.Settings.CustomMenu;
     this.customMenu.Text = mData.Settings.CustomMenuRoom;
     this.menu_fading.Value = mData.Settings.MenuFading;
     this.offspeech_color.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(Utilities.convertColor(mData.Settings.OffspeechColor));
     this.infotext_color.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(Utilities.convertColor(mData.Settings.InfotextColor));
     this.transparent_color.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(Utilities.convertColor(mData.Settings.TargaColor));
     //fourth page
     switch (mData.Settings.TsStyle)
         case 0:
             this.ts_solid.Checked = true;
         case 1:
             this.ts_transparent.Checked = true;
         case 2:
             this.ts_additive.Checked = true;
         case 3:
             this.ts_none.Checked = true;
     switch (mData.Settings.TsBorderStyle)
         case 0:
             this.ts_rectangles.Checked = true;
         case 1:
             this.ts_lines.Checked = true;
         case 2:
             this.ts_box.Checked = true;
         case 3:
             this.ts_border_none.Checked = true;
     this.textscene_fading.Value = mData.Settings.TextSceneFading;
     this.ts_area_color.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(Utilities.convertColor(mData.Settings.TsAreaColor));
     this.ts_border_color.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(Utilities.convertColor(mData.Settings.TsBorderColor));
     this.ts_text_color.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(Utilities.convertColor(mData.Settings.TsTextColor));
     this.ts_selection_color.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(Utilities.convertColor(mData.Settings.TsSelectionColor));
     if (mData.Settings.TsUseSymbols)
         this.ts_symbol.Checked = true;
         this.ts_text.Checked = true;
     this.use_background_image.Checked = mData.Settings.TsUseBgImage;
     this.ts_background_image.Text = mData.Settings.TsBackground;
     //fifth page
     this.coin_interface.Checked = mData.Settings.CoinActivated;
     this.coin_room.Text = mData.Settings.CoinRoom;
     this.coin_autopopup.Checked = mData.Settings.CoinAutoPopup;
     this.coin_fading.Value = mData.Settings.CoinFading;
     float xrange = (float)mData.Settings.CoinCenter.x / 190;
     float yrange = (float)mData.Settings.CoinCenter.y / 140;
     mCoinCenter = new Vec2i((int)(coinCenter.Size.Width * xrange), (int)(coinCenter.Size.Height * yrange));
     this.coinCenter.Paint += new PaintEventHandler(coinCenter_Paint);
     this.coinCenter.MouseDown += coinCenter_MouseDown;
     this.coinCenter.MouseUp += coinCenter_MouseUp;
     this.coinCenter.MouseMove += coinCenter_MouseMove;
     //sixth page
     this.pngToJpeg.Checked = mData.Settings.PngToJpeg;
     this.cropTransparent.Checked = mData.Persistence.CropTransparentImages;
     this.scriptLang.SelectedIndex = (int)mData.Settings.ScriptingLanguage;
예제 #10
 public abstract void setPosition(Vec2i pos);
예제 #11
        private void setControls()
            //first page
            this.projetName.Text       = mData.Settings.Projectname;
            this.aspect_ratio.Checked  = mData.Settings.Is16to9;
            this.aspect_ratio2.Checked = !mData.Settings.Is16to9;
            if (mData.Settings.Resolution.y == 200)
                this.resolution.SelectedIndex = 0;
            else if (mData.Settings.Resolution.y == 240)
                this.resolution.SelectedIndex = 1;
            else if (mData.Settings.Resolution.x == 640)
                this.resolution.SelectedIndex = 2;
            else if (mData.Settings.Resolution.x == 800)
                this.resolution.SelectedIndex = 3;
            else if (mData.Settings.Resolution.x == 1024)
                this.resolution.SelectedIndex = 4;
            else if (mData.Settings.Resolution.x == 1440)
                this.resolution.SelectedIndex = 5;
            this.no_antialiasing.Checked = mData.Settings.NotAntialiased;
            this.mute_music.Checked      = mData.Settings.MuteMusicWhenSpeech;
            if (mData.Settings.GameIcon.Length != 0)
                mIcon = mData.Settings.GameIcon;
                    Bitmap bmp = (Bitmap)Bitmap.FromFile(mIcon);
                    this.symbol.Image = bmp;
                catch (System.IO.FileNotFoundException)
                    MessageBox.Show("Cannot find icon " + mIcon);
                    this.symbol.Image = null;
                mIcon             = new string('a', 0);
                this.symbol.Image = null;
            this.text_on.Checked          = mData.Settings.TextOnOff;
            this.drawDraggedItems.Checked = mData.Settings.DrawDraggedItemIcons;
            this.groupItems.Checked       = mData.Settings.GroupItems;
            this.actionText.Checked       = mData.Settings.ActionText;
            this.actionTextHeight.Value   = mData.Settings.ActionTextHeight;
            this.silentDelete.Checked     = mData.Settings.SilentDelete;
            this.infoLine.Checked         = mData.Settings.InfoLine;
            this.fitImages.Checked        = mData.Persistence.FitImages;
            this.createBackups.Checked    = mData.Persistence.CreateBackups;
            this.protectGamefiles.Checked = mData.Settings.ProtectGameFile;
            this.loadingImage.Text        = mData.Settings.LoadingImage;
            this.settingsPicture.Text     = mData.Settings.SettingsPicture;
            //second page
            this.start_script.Text = mData.Settings.Startscript;
            this.main_script.Text  = mData.Settings.Mainscript;
            switch (mData.Settings.ScreenChange)
            case ScreenChange.SC_DIRECT:
                this.sc_direct.Checked = true;

            case ScreenChange.SC_FADEOUT:
                this.sc_blackfade.Checked = true;

            case ScreenChange.SC_RECTANGLE:
                this.sc_blackfade.Checked = true;

            case ScreenChange.SC_CIRCLE:
                this.sc_circle.Checked = true;

            case ScreenChange.SC_CLOCK:
                this.sc_clock.Checked = true;

            case ScreenChange.SC_SHUTTERS:
                this.sc_shutters.Checked = true;

            case ScreenChange.SC_BLEND:
                this.sc_blend.Checked = true;

            case ScreenChange.SC_BLEND_SLOW:
                this.sc_blend_slow.Checked = true;
            this.taskbar.Checked     = mData.Settings.ShowTaskbar;
            this.taskBarHeight.Value = mData.Settings.TaskHeight;
            this.taskbar_room.Text   = mData.Settings.TaskRoom;
            switch (mData.Settings.TaskPopup)
            case 0:
                this.ts_always.Checked = true;

            case 1:
                this.ts_popup.Checked = true;

            case 2:
                this.ts_scrolling.Checked = true;
            this.hideCompletely.Checked = mData.Settings.TaskHideCompletely;
            if (mData.Settings.TaskbarFromTop)
                ts_appears_top.Checked = true;
                ts_appear_bottom.Checked = true;
            this.anywhere_room.Text          = mData.Settings.AnywhereRoom;
            this.anywhere_transparency.Value = mData.Settings.AnywhereTransparency;
            //third page
            //this.border_color.BackColor = Color.FromArgb((int)(((System.UInt32)mData.Settings.BorderColor >> 8) & 0xffffff | ((System.UInt32)mData.Settings.BorderColor << 24) & 0xff000000));
            this.border_color.BackColor      = Color.FromArgb(Utilities.convertColor(mData.Settings.BorderColor));
            this.background_color.BackColor  = Color.FromArgb(Utilities.convertColor(mData.Settings.BackgroundColor));
            this.text_color.BackColor        = Color.FromArgb(Utilities.convertColor(mData.Settings.TextColor));
            this.useCustomMenu.Checked       = mData.Settings.CustomMenu;
            this.customMenu.Text             = mData.Settings.CustomMenuRoom;
            this.menu_fading.Value           = mData.Settings.MenuFading;
            this.offspeech_color.BackColor   = Color.FromArgb(Utilities.convertColor(mData.Settings.OffspeechColor));
            this.infotext_color.BackColor    = Color.FromArgb(Utilities.convertColor(mData.Settings.InfotextColor));
            this.transparent_color.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(Utilities.convertColor(mData.Settings.TargaColor));
            //fourth page
            switch (mData.Settings.TsStyle)
            case 0:
                this.ts_solid.Checked = true;

            case 1:
                this.ts_transparent.Checked = true;

            case 2:
                this.ts_additive.Checked = true;

            case 3:
                this.ts_none.Checked = true;
            switch (mData.Settings.TsBorderStyle)
            case 0:
                this.ts_rectangles.Checked = true;

            case 1:
                this.ts_lines.Checked = true;

            case 2:
                this.ts_box.Checked = true;

            case 3:
                this.ts_border_none.Checked = true;
            this.textscene_fading.Value       = mData.Settings.TextSceneFading;
            this.ts_area_color.BackColor      = Color.FromArgb(Utilities.convertColor(mData.Settings.TsAreaColor));
            this.ts_border_color.BackColor    = Color.FromArgb(Utilities.convertColor(mData.Settings.TsBorderColor));
            this.ts_text_color.BackColor      = Color.FromArgb(Utilities.convertColor(mData.Settings.TsTextColor));
            this.ts_selection_color.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(Utilities.convertColor(mData.Settings.TsSelectionColor));
            if (mData.Settings.TsUseSymbols)
                this.ts_symbol.Checked = true;
                this.ts_text.Checked = true;
            this.use_background_image.Checked = mData.Settings.TsUseBgImage;
            this.ts_background_image.Text     = mData.Settings.TsBackground;
            //fifth page
            this.coin_interface.Checked = mData.Settings.CoinActivated;
            this.coin_room.Text         = mData.Settings.CoinRoom;
            this.coin_autopopup.Checked = mData.Settings.CoinAutoPopup;
            this.coin_fading.Value      = mData.Settings.CoinFading;
            float xrange = (float)mData.Settings.CoinCenter.x / 190;
            float yrange = (float)mData.Settings.CoinCenter.y / 140;

            mCoinCenter                = new Vec2i((int)(coinCenter.Size.Width * xrange), (int)(coinCenter.Size.Height * yrange));
            this.coinCenter.Paint     += new PaintEventHandler(coinCenter_Paint);
            this.coinCenter.MouseDown += coinCenter_MouseDown;
            this.coinCenter.MouseUp   += coinCenter_MouseUp;
            this.coinCenter.MouseMove += coinCenter_MouseMove;
            //sixth page
            this.pngToJpeg.Checked        = mData.Settings.PngToJpeg;
            this.cropTransparent.Checked  = mData.Persistence.CropTransparentImages;
            this.scriptLang.SelectedIndex = (int)mData.Settings.ScriptingLanguage;
예제 #12
        public int[] createBitmapFont(int idx, out Bitmap[] images, out Bitmap[] alphaimages, out Vec2i dims, out Vec2i numchars)
            //font setup
            mCurrInfo = (FontInfo)mData.Settings.Fonts[idx - 1];
            mCurrFont = new Font(mCurrInfo.name, mCurrInfo.size);
            if (mCurrInfo.bold)
                mCurrFont = new Font(mCurrFont, FontStyle.Bold);
            if (mCurrInfo.italic)
                mCurrFont = new Font(mCurrFont, FontStyle.Italic);
            int outlinethickness = 0;
            int shadowthickness  = 0;

            if (mCurrInfo.outline == 1 || mCurrInfo.outline == 2)
                outlinethickness = 1;
            else if (mCurrInfo.outline == 3)
                outlinethickness = 2;
            if (mCurrInfo.shadow != 0)
                shadowthickness = 3;

            //character dimension measuring
            Bitmap   bmp = new Bitmap(256, 256);
            Graphics g   = Graphics.FromImage(bmp);

            g.SmoothingMode     = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
            g.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias;
            int maxwidth = 0, maxheight = 0;

            int[]        charwidths = new int[224];
            StringFormat fmt        = new StringFormat();

            fmt.FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.NoClip;
            CharacterRange[] range = new CharacterRange[1];
            range[0] = new CharacterRange(0, 1);
            Encoding enc = Encoding.GetEncoding(1252);

            byte [] b = new byte[1];
            for (int i = 0; i < 224; ++i)
                b[0] = (byte)(i + 0x20);
                char[]     chs   = enc.GetChars(b);
                char       ch    = chs[0];
                Region[]   reg   = g.MeasureCharacterRanges(new string(ch, 1), mCurrFont, new RectangleF(0, 0, 256, 256), fmt);
                RectangleF rect  = reg[0].GetBounds(g);
                int        width = (int)rect.Width;///*Math.Ceiling(*/ f.Width;//);
                if (width == 0)
                    SizeF f = g.MeasureString(new string(ch, 1), mCurrFont);
                    width = (int)f.Width;
                charwidths[i] = width + outlinethickness + mCurrInfo.spacing;
                maxwidth      = Math.Max(maxwidth, (int)(rect.Width + rect.X));
                int height = (int)(rect.Height + rect.Y);
                if (height > 256)
                maxheight = Math.Max(maxheight, height);
            if (maxheight == 0)
                maxheight = maxwidth;//a crappy workaround to compensate for crappy fonts
            int charwidth   = maxwidth + outlinethickness + shadowthickness;
            int charheight  = maxheight + 2 + outlinethickness + shadowthickness;
            int charsperrow = 256 / charwidth;
            int numrows     = 256 / charheight;
            int numtextures = (int)Math.Ceiling(224.0 / (charsperrow * numrows));

            //allocate bitmaps
            images      = new Bitmap[numtextures];
            alphaimages = new Bitmap[numtextures];
            int      currtexture = -1;
            Graphics g2          = null;

            //render bitmap font
            for (int i = 0; i < 224; ++i)
                b[0] = (byte)(i + 0x20);
                char[] chs     = enc.GetChars(b);
                char   ch      = chs[0];
                int    texture = i / (numrows * charsperrow);
                if (texture != currtexture)
                    images[texture] = new Bitmap(256, 256, PixelFormat.Format16bppRgb565);
                    g = Graphics.FromImage(images[texture]);
                    g.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.ClearTypeGridFit;
                    g.SmoothingMode     = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
                    alphaimages[texture] = new Bitmap(256, 256, PixelFormat.Format16bppRgb565);
                    if (g2 != null)
                    g2 = Graphics.FromImage(alphaimages[texture]);
                    g2.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.ClearTypeGridFit;
                    g2.SmoothingMode     = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
                    currtexture = texture;
                int row    = i / charsperrow - texture * numrows;
                int column = i % charsperrow;
                drawText(g, column * charwidth, row * charheight, new string(ch, 1), fmt);
                drawText(g2, column * charwidth, row * charheight, new string(ch, 1), fmt, true);
            dims     = new Vec2i(charwidth, charheight);
            numchars = new Vec2i(charsperrow, numrows);
예제 #13
        private void getControls()
            //first page
            mData.Settings.Projectname = this.projetName.Text;
            switch (this.resolution.SelectedIndex)
            case 0:
                mData.Settings.Resolution = new Vec2i(320, 200);

            case 1:
                mData.Settings.Resolution = new Vec2i(320, 240);

            case 2:
                mData.Settings.Resolution = new Vec2i(640, 480);

            case 3:
                mData.Settings.Resolution = new Vec2i(800, 600);

            case 4:
                mData.Settings.Resolution = new Vec2i(1024, 768);

            case 5:
                mData.Settings.Resolution = new Vec2i(1440, 1080);
            mData.Settings.Is16to9              = this.aspect_ratio.Checked;
            mData.Settings.NotAntialiased       = this.no_antialiasing.Checked;
            mData.Settings.MuteMusicWhenSpeech  = this.mute_music.Checked;
            mData.Settings.GameIcon             = mIcon;
            mData.Settings.TextOnOff            = this.text_on.Checked;
            mData.Settings.DrawDraggedItemIcons = this.drawDraggedItems.Checked;
            mData.Settings.GroupItems           = this.groupItems.Checked;
            mData.Settings.ActionText           = this.actionText.Checked;
            mData.Settings.ActionTextHeight     = (int)this.actionTextHeight.Value;
            mData.Settings.SilentDelete         = this.silentDelete.Checked;
            mData.Settings.InfoLine             = this.infoLine.Checked;
            mData.Persistence.FitImages         = this.fitImages.Checked;
            mData.Persistence.CreateBackups     = this.createBackups.Checked;
            mData.Settings.ProtectGameFile      = this.protectGamefiles.Checked;
            mData.Settings.LoadingImage         = this.loadingImage.Text;
            mData.Settings.SettingsPicture      = this.settingsPicture.Text;
            //second page
            mData.Settings.Startscript = this.start_script.Text;
            mData.Settings.Mainscript  = this.main_script.Text;
            if (sc_direct.Checked)
                mData.Settings.ScreenChange = ScreenChange.SC_DIRECT;
            else if (sc_blackfade.Checked)
                mData.Settings.ScreenChange = ScreenChange.SC_FADEOUT;
            else if (sc_rectangle.Checked)
                mData.Settings.ScreenChange = ScreenChange.SC_RECTANGLE;
            else if (sc_circle.Checked)
                mData.Settings.ScreenChange = ScreenChange.SC_CIRCLE;
            else if (sc_clock.Checked)
                mData.Settings.ScreenChange = ScreenChange.SC_CLOCK;
            else if (sc_shutters.Checked)
                mData.Settings.ScreenChange = ScreenChange.SC_SHUTTERS;
            else if (sc_blend.Checked)
                mData.Settings.ScreenChange = ScreenChange.SC_BLEND;
            else if (sc_blend_slow.Checked)
                mData.Settings.ScreenChange = ScreenChange.SC_BLEND_SLOW;
            mData.Settings.ShowTaskbar = this.taskbar.Checked;
            mData.Settings.TaskHeight  = (int)this.taskBarHeight.Value;
            mData.Settings.TaskRoom    = this.taskbar_room.Text;
            if (this.ts_always.Checked)
                mData.Settings.TaskPopup = 0;
            else if (this.ts_popup.Checked)
                mData.Settings.TaskPopup = 1;
            else if (this.ts_scrolling.Checked)
                mData.Settings.TaskPopup = 2;
            mData.Settings.TaskHideCompletely = this.hideCompletely.Checked;
            if (this.ts_appears_top.Checked)
                mData.Settings.TaskbarFromTop = true;
                mData.Settings.TaskbarFromTop = false;
            mData.Settings.AnywhereRoom         = this.anywhere_room.Text;
            mData.Settings.AnywhereTransparency = (int)this.anywhere_transparency.Value;
            //third page
            mData.Settings.BorderColor     = Utilities.convertColorInverse(this.border_color.BackColor.ToArgb());
            mData.Settings.BackgroundColor = Utilities.convertColorInverse(this.background_color.BackColor.ToArgb());
            mData.Settings.TextColor       = Utilities.convertColorInverse(this.text_color.BackColor.ToArgb());
            mData.Settings.CustomMenu      = this.useCustomMenu.Checked;
            mData.Settings.CustomMenuRoom  = this.customMenu.Text;
            mData.Settings.MenuFading      = (int)this.menu_fading.Value;
            mData.Settings.OffspeechColor  = Utilities.convertColorInverse(this.offspeech_color.BackColor.ToArgb());
            mData.Settings.InfotextColor   = Utilities.convertColorInverse(this.infotext_color.BackColor.ToArgb());
            mData.Settings.TargaColor      = Utilities.convertColorInverse(this.transparent_color.BackColor.ToArgb());
            //fourth page
            if (this.ts_solid.Checked)
                mData.Settings.TsStyle = 0;
            else if (this.ts_transparent.Checked)
                mData.Settings.TsStyle = 1;
            else if (this.ts_additive.Checked)
                mData.Settings.TsStyle = 2;
            else if (this.ts_none.Checked)
                mData.Settings.TsStyle = 3;
            if (this.ts_rectangles.Checked)
                mData.Settings.TsBorderStyle = 0;
            else if (this.ts_lines.Checked)
                mData.Settings.TsBorderStyle = 1;
            else if (this.ts_box.Checked)
                mData.Settings.TsBorderStyle = 2;
            else if (this.ts_border_none.Checked)
                mData.Settings.TsBorderStyle = 3;
            mData.Settings.TextSceneFading  = (int)this.textscene_fading.Value;
            mData.Settings.TsAreaColor      = Utilities.convertColorInverse(this.ts_area_color.BackColor.ToArgb());
            mData.Settings.TsBorderColor    = Utilities.convertColorInverse(this.ts_border_color.BackColor.ToArgb());
            mData.Settings.TsTextColor      = Utilities.convertColorInverse(this.ts_text_color.BackColor.ToArgb());
            mData.Settings.TsSelectionColor = Utilities.convertColorInverse(this.ts_selection_color.BackColor.ToArgb());
            if (this.ts_symbol.Checked)
                mData.Settings.TsUseSymbols = true;
                mData.Settings.TsUseSymbols = false;
            mData.Settings.TsUseBgImage = this.use_background_image.Checked;
            mData.Settings.TsBackground = this.ts_background_image.Text;
            //fifth page
            mData.Settings.CoinActivated = this.coin_interface.Checked;
            mData.Settings.CoinRoom      = this.coin_room.Text;
            mData.Settings.CoinAutoPopup = this.coin_autopopup.Checked;
            mData.Settings.CoinFading    = (int)this.coin_fading.Value;
            float xrange = (float)mCoinCenter.x / coinCenter.Size.Width;
            float yrange = (float)mCoinCenter.y / coinCenter.Size.Height;

            mData.Settings.CoinCenter = mCoinCenter = new Vec2i((int)(190 * xrange), (int)(140 * yrange));
            //sixth page
            mData.Settings.PngToJpeg = this.pngToJpeg.Checked;
            mData.Persistence.CropTransparentImages = this.cropTransparent.Checked;
            mData.Settings.ScriptingLanguage        = (ProjectSettings.ScriptLang) this.scriptLang.SelectedIndex;
예제 #14
 void pictureBox_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
     if (mData == null)
     string[] pics = mData.getFrame(mState, mFrame);
     if (pics == null)
         imageNames.Text = "none";
         if (mDrawHotspot)
             Utilities.drawCrosshair(e.Graphics, mData.getHotspot(mState) * mHotspotScale);
         if (PictureChanged != null)
             PictureChanged(this, new EventArgs());
     if (!mTimer.Enabled && mPictureDragging == 0)
         imageNames.Text = "";
     for (int i = 0; i < pics.Length; ++i)
         if (pics[i] == null)
         if (!mTimer.Enabled && mPictureDragging == 0)
             imageNames.Text += pics[i] + " ";
         System.Drawing.Bitmap bmp = mData.getImage(pics[i]);
         if (bmp == null)
         Vec2i offset = mData.getFramePartOffset(mState, mFrame, i);
         Pen   pen;
         if (i == mSelectedPart)
             pen = new Pen(Color.Yellow);
             pen = new Pen(Color.Red);
         pen.DashStyle   = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.DashStyle.Custom;
         pen.DashPattern = new float[] { 3, 3 };
         pen.DashOffset  = 3.0f;
         if (mScaleImage)
             e.Graphics.DrawImage(bmp, 0, 0, PictureBoxSize.Width, PictureBoxSize.Height);
             e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(pen, -1, -1, PictureBoxSize.Width + 1, PictureBoxSize.Height + 1);
             e.Graphics.DrawImage(bmp, offset.x, offset.y, bmp.Width, bmp.Height);
             e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(pen, offset.x - 1, offset.y - 1, bmp.Width + 1, bmp.Height + 1);
     if (mDrawHotspot)
         Utilities.drawCrosshair(e.Graphics, mData.getHotspot(mState) * mHotspotScale);
     if (PictureChanged != null)
         PictureChanged(this, new EventArgs());
예제 #15
 public override void setPosition(Vec2i pos)
     Position = pos;
예제 #16
 public void addWalkmapScript(Script scr, Vec2i pos, string roomname)
예제 #17
 public AdvObject(AdvData data, int numStates)
     mData = data;
     Name = "Object" + (mData.NumObjects + 1);
     mSize = new Vec2i(100, 100);
     for (int state = 0; state < numStates; ++state)
         ObjectState ost = new ObjectState();
         ost.frames = new System.Collections.ArrayList();
         ost.fpsDivider = 20;
 void pictureBox_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
     if (mPictureDragging == 0)
     Vec2i mouse = new Vec2i(e.X, e.Y);
     if (mouse.x < 0)
         mouse.x = 0;
     if (mouse.x > pictureBox.Size.Width)
         mouse.x = pictureBox.Size.Width;
     if (mouse.y < 0)
         mouse.y = 0;
     if (mouse.y > pictureBox.Size.Height)
         mouse.y = pictureBox.Size.Height;
     if (mPictureDragging == 100)
         mData.setHotspot(mState, (mouse-mDraggingOffset) / mHotspotScale);
         mData.setFramePartOffset(mState, mFrame, mPictureDragging - 1, mouse-mDraggingOffset);
예제 #19
 public void setSize(int state, Vec2i size)
     mSize = size;
예제 #20
 protected int readExtendedFrames(StreamReader rdr, System.Collections.ArrayList frames)
     string str;
     int realFrames = 0;
     for (int frms = 0; frms < FRAMES2_MAX; ++frms)
         ExtendedFrame frm = new ExtendedFrame();
         bool[] set = new bool[PARTS_MAX];
         for (int parts = 0; parts < PARTS_MAX; ++parts)
             str = rdr.ReadLine();
             if (str.Length > 0)
                 set[parts] = true;
         //read offsets
         str = rdr.ReadLine();
         string[] split = str.Split(';');
         for (int i = 0; i < PARTS_MAX; ++i)
             if (!set[i])
             Vec2i offset = new Vec2i(Convert.ToInt32(split[2*i]), Convert.ToInt32(split[2*i+1]));
         if (set[0] || set[1])
             realFrames = frms+1;
         if (split.Length > PARTS_MAX * 2)
             frm.script = split[PARTS_MAX * 2].Replace('\xaf', ';');
     frames.RemoveRange(realFrames, FRAMES2_MAX - realFrames);
     str = rdr.ReadLine();
     return Convert.ToInt32(str);
예제 #21
 public override bool isHit(Vec2i pos)
     return(isHit(LookDir, pos - RawPosition));
예제 #22
 public void setFramePartOffset(int state, int frame, int part, Vec2i offset)
     ObjectState os = (ObjectState)mStates[state];
     ExtendedFrame extfrm = (ExtendedFrame)os.frames[frame];
     extfrm.offsets[part] = offset;
예제 #23
 Vec2i clickToWalkmap(int x, int y)
     Vec2i ret = new Vec2i(x, y);
     ret.x += mRoom.ScrollOffset.x;
     ret.y += mRoom.ScrollOffset.y;
     int wmscale = mRoom.DoubleWalkmap ? 2 : 1;
     ret.x = wmscale * ret.x / mData.WalkGridSize;
     ret.y = wmscale * ret.y / mData.WalkGridSize;
     return ret;
예제 #24
 public CharacterState()
     frames = new ArrayList();
     fpsDivider = 20;
     size = new Vec2i(120, 200);
     basepoint = new Vec2i(60, 199);
예제 #25
 private void copyWalkmapScriptToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     ToolStripMenuItem item1 = menuWalkmap.Items[6] as ToolStripMenuItem;
     ToolStripMenuItem item2 = menuWalkmap.Items[10] as ToolStripMenuItem;
     item1.Enabled = true;
     item2.Enabled = true;
     Vec2i pos = new Vec2i(mMousePos.x / mData.WalkGridSize, mMousePos.y / mData.WalkGridSize);
     string scrname = Script.toScriptName(pos.x, pos.y, mRoom.Name, mData);
     Script scr = mData.getScript(Script.Type.WALKMAP, scrname);
     mCopiedWMScript = scr.Text;
예제 #26
 public void draw(Graphics g, int state, Vec2i position)
     if (state == 0)
     string[] parts = mData.getFrame(state - 1, 0);
     if (parts == null)
     for (int i = 0; i < parts.Length; ++i)
         if (parts[i] == null)
         System.Drawing.Bitmap bmp = mData.getImage(parts[i]);
         Vec2i offset = mData.getFramePartOffset(state - 1, 0, i);
         g.DrawImage(bmp, position.x + offset.x, position.y + offset.y, bmp.Width, bmp.Height);
예제 #27
 private void correctShapeBoundary(int index, Vec2i correctingDiff, ref Vec2i diff)
     for (int j = 0; j <= index; ++j)
         mDraggingShape.Positions[j] += correctingDiff;
     diff += correctingDiff;
예제 #28
 public bool isHit(int state, Vec2i position)
     if (position.x < 0 || position.y < 0)
         return false;
     Vec2i size = mData.getSize(state);
     if (position.x > size.x || position.y > size.y)
         return false;
     return true;
예제 #29
 private void editScriptToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     Vec2i pos = new Vec2i(mMousePos.x /mData.WalkGridSize, mMousePos.y / mData.WalkGridSize);
     mRoom.Walkmap[pos.x, pos.y].hasScript = true;
     MainForm form = mOwner;
     string scrname = Script.toScriptName(pos.x, pos.y, mRoom.Name, mData);
     form.showScript(Script.Type.WALKMAP, scrname);
예제 #30
 public void setHotspot(int state, Vec2i hotspot)
예제 #31
 private DrawableObject getObjectAt(Vec2i pos, bool secondObject)
     DrawableObject ret = null;
     DrawableObject ret2 = null;
     int retdepth = -1;
     int secretdepth = -1;
     foreach (ObjectInstance obj in mRoom.Objects)
         if (obj.isHit(pos))
             int depth = getDepth(obj);
             if (depth >= retdepth)
                 secretdepth = retdepth;
                 retdepth = depth;
                 ret2 = ret;
                 ret = obj;
     foreach (CharacterInstance chr in mRoom.Characters)
         if (chr.isHit(pos))
             int depth = getDepth(chr);
             if (depth > retdepth)
                 secretdepth = retdepth;
                 retdepth = depth;
                 ret2 = ret;
                 ret = chr;
             else if (depth > secretdepth)
                 secretdepth = depth;
                 ret2 = chr;
     return secondObject ? ret2 : ret;
예제 #32
 public void setFramePartOffset(int state, int frame, int part, Vec2i offset)
     CharacterState cs = (CharacterState)mStates[state];
     ExtendedFrame extfrm = (ExtendedFrame)cs.frames[frame];
     extfrm.offsets[part] = offset;
예제 #33
 void RoomDlg_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
     Point click = new Point(e.X, e.Y);
     Vec2i pos = new Vec2i(e.X, e.Y);
     mMousePos = pos;
     if (mMode == ViewMode.Objects)
         bool dragDepthFound = false;
         foreach (ObjectInstance obj in mRoom.Objects)
             if (obj.Layer != 1)
             Vec2i depthcenter = new Vec2i(obj.Position.x, obj.Depth * mData.WalkGridSize/2 - mData.WalkGridSize / 4);
             if ((depthcenter - pos - mRoom.ScrollOffset).length() <= 5)
                 mDragObject = obj;
                 mDragOffset = depthcenter - pos;
                 mDragDepth = true;
                 dragDepthFound = true;
         if (!dragDepthFound)
             mDragDepth = false;
             bool dragSecond = e.Button == MouseButtons.Middle;
             mDragObject = getObjectAt(pos + mRoom.ScrollOffset, dragSecond);
             mControl.SelectedObject = mDragObject;
             if (mDragObject != null)
                 mDragOffset = mDragObject.getPosition() - pos;
         if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right)
             if (mDragObject != null)
                 if (mDragObject.GetType() == typeof(ObjectInstance))
                     menuObject.Items[2].Text = "Show in Object window";
                     menuObject.Items[2].Text = "Show in Character window";
                 menuObject.Show(this, click);
                 menuRemoveBackground.Show(this, click);
     else if (mMode == ViewMode.Walkmap)
         if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right)
             Vec2i cp = clickToWalkmap(e.X, e.Y);
             ToolStripMenuItem it = menuWalkmap.Items[9] as ToolStripMenuItem;
             if (mRoom.Walkmap[cp.x, cp.y].hasScript)
                 it.Enabled = true;
                 it.Enabled = false;
             menuWalkmap.Show(this, click);
         modifyWalkmap(pos.x, pos.y);
         mDragDepth = true;
     else if (mMode == ViewMode.Deepmap)
         int depth = (e.Y+mData.WalkGridSize/2+mRoom.ScrollOffset.y) / mData.WalkGridSize;
         if (depth == mRoom.Depthmap.x)
             mDragDepth = true;
         if (depth == mRoom.Depthmap.y)
             mDragDepthBottom = true;
     else if (mMode == ViewMode.Inventory)
         if (mRoom.HasInventory)
             if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right)
                 menuInventory.Show(this, click);
             int sizex = mRoom.InvSize.x * ((int)(50 * mRoom.InvScale.x) + mRoom.InvSpacing) + 30;
             int sizey = mRoom.InvSize.y * ((int)(50 * mRoom.InvScale.y) + mRoom.InvSpacing) + 5;
             int ydown = -mRoom.ScrollOffset.y + mRoom.InvPos.y + sizey;
             int xmiddle = -mRoom.ScrollOffset.x + mRoom.InvPos.x + sizex / 2;
             int ymiddle = -mRoom.ScrollOffset.y + mRoom.InvPos.y + sizey / 2;
             int xright = -mRoom.ScrollOffset.x + mRoom.InvPos.x + sizex;
             int xleft = -mRoom.ScrollOffset.x + mRoom.InvPos.x;
             int yup = -mRoom.ScrollOffset.y + mRoom.InvPos.y;
             if (e.X >= xmiddle - 15 && e.X <= xmiddle + 15)
                 if (e.Y <= ydown + 3 && e.Y >= ydown - 5 - 3)
                     mDragMode = DragMode.DragBottom;
                     mDragOffset.y = e.Y - ydown;
                     mDragMode = DragMode.DragNone;
             else if (e.Y >= ymiddle - 15 && e.Y <= ymiddle + 15)
                 if (e.X <= xright + 3 && e.X >= xright - 5 - 3)
                     mDragMode = DragMode.DragRight;
                     mDragOffset.x = e.X - xright;
                     mDragMode = DragMode.DragNone;
             else if (e.X >= xright - 11 - 3 && e.X <= xright + 3)
                 if (e.Y >= ydown - 11 - 3 && e.Y <= ydown + 3)
                     mDragMode = DragMode.DragCorner;
                     mDragMode = DragMode.DragNone;
                 mDragMode = DragMode.DragNone;
             //elsewhere on inventory
             if (mDragMode == DragMode.DragNone && e.X >= xleft && e.X <= xright)
                 if (e.Y >= yup && e.Y <= ydown)
                     mDragMode = DragMode.DragPosition;
                     mDragOffset = new Vec2i(e.X, e.Y) - mRoom.InvPos;
             if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right)
             mRoom.InvPos = new Vec2i(e.X + mRoom.ScrollOffset.x, e.Y + mRoom.ScrollOffset.y);
             mRoom.InvScale = new Vec2f(1.0f, 1.0f);
             mRoom.HasInventory = true;
             mDragMode = DragMode.DragCorner;
             this.Cursor = Cursors.SizeNWSE;
     else if (mMode == ViewMode.Specialfx)
         Vec2i clickpos = pos;
         clickpos += mRoom.ScrollOffset;
         for (int shapeidx = 0; shapeidx < mRoom.FXShapes.Count; ++shapeidx)
             FxShape shape = (FxShape)mRoom.FXShapes[shapeidx];
             if (!shape.Active)
             Vec2i center = new Vec2i();
             for (int i = 0; i < shape.Positions.Length; ++i)
                 if ((shape.Positions[i] - clickpos).length() <= 4)
                     mDragMode = DragMode.DragCorner;
                     mDraggingShape = shape;
                     mShapeIndex = i;
                     mDragOffset = clickpos - center;
                 center += shape.Positions[i];
             center /= shape.Positions.Length;
             if ((center - clickpos).length() <= 10)
                 mDragMode = DragMode.DragPosition;
                 mDraggingShape = shape;
                 mDragOffset = pos;
             Vec2i depthcenter = new Vec2i(center.x, (int)((shape.Depth + 0.5f) * mData.WalkGridSize - mData.WalkGridSize / 2));
             if ((depthcenter - clickpos).length() <= 5)
                 mDragMode = DragMode.DragBottom;
                 mDraggingShape = shape;
                 mDragOffset = depthcenter - pos;
예제 #34
 public void setSize(int state, Vec2i size)
     CharacterState cs = (CharacterState)mStates[state];
     cs.size = size;
     mStates[state] = cs;
예제 #35
 void RoomDlg_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
     mMousePos.x = e.X;
     mMousePos.y = e.Y;
     if (mMode == ViewMode.Objects)
         if (mDragObject == null)
         if (mDragObject.isLocked() && !mDragDepth)
         Vec2i pos = new Vec2i(e.X, e.Y);
         if (mDragDepth)
             ObjectInstance obj = (ObjectInstance)mDragObject;
             obj.Depth = (int)((e.Y + 5 + mDragOffset.y + mData.WalkGridSize / 4.0f) / (mData.WalkGridSize/2.0f));
             if (obj.Depth < 1)
                 obj.Depth = 1;
             if (obj.Depth > mRoom.Size.y / (mData.WalkGridSize/2) - 2)
                 obj.Depth = mRoom.Size.y / (mData.WalkGridSize/2) - 2;
             mDragObject.setPosition(pos + mDragOffset);
     else if (mMode == ViewMode.Walkmap)
         if (!mDragDepth)
         modifyWalkmap(e.X, e.Y);
     else if (mMode == ViewMode.Deepmap)
         int depth = (e.Y + mData.WalkGridSize / 2 + mRoom.ScrollOffset.y) / mData.WalkGridSize;
         if (mDragDepth)
             if (depth < 1)
                 depth = 1;
             if (depth >= mRoom.Depthmap.y)
                 depth = mRoom.Depthmap.y - 1;
             mRoom.Depthmap.x = depth;
         if (mDragDepthBottom)
             if (depth <= mRoom.Depthmap.x)
                 depth = mRoom.Depthmap.x + 1;
             if (depth >= mRoom.Size.y/mData.WalkGridSize)
                 depth = mRoom.Size.y/mData.WalkGridSize-1;
             mRoom.Depthmap.y = depth;
     else if (mMode == ViewMode.Inventory)
         if (mDragMode == DragMode.DragNone)
             int sizex = mRoom.InvSize.x * ((int)(50 * mRoom.InvScale.x) + mRoom.InvSpacing) + 30;
             int sizey = mRoom.InvSize.y * ((int)(50 * mRoom.InvScale.y) + mRoom.InvSpacing) + 5;
             int ydown = -mRoom.ScrollOffset.y + mRoom.InvPos.y + sizey;
             int xmiddle = -mRoom.ScrollOffset.x + mRoom.InvPos.x + sizex / 2;
             //e.Graphics.DrawLine(tbp, xmiddle - 15, ydown - 3, xmiddle + 15, ydown - 3);
             int ymiddle = -mRoom.ScrollOffset.y + mRoom.InvPos.y + sizey / 2;
             int xright = -mRoom.ScrollOffset.x + mRoom.InvPos.x + sizex;
             if (e.X >= xmiddle - 15 && e.X <= xmiddle + 15)
                 if (e.Y <= ydown + 3 && e.Y >= ydown - 5 - 3)
                     this.Cursor = Cursors.SizeNS;
                     this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
             else if (e.Y >= ymiddle - 15 && e.Y <= ymiddle + 15)
                 if (e.X <= xright + 3 && e.X >= xright - 5 - 3)
                     this.Cursor = Cursors.SizeWE;
                     this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
             else if (e.X >= xright - 11 - 3 && e.X <= xright + 3)
                 if (e.Y >= ydown - 11 - 3 && e.Y <= ydown + 3)
                     this.Cursor = Cursors.SizeNWSE;
                     this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
                 this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
         else if (mDragMode == DragMode.DragCorner)
             int maxX = (int)((mData.Settings.Resolution.x - 30) / 60);
             int maxY = (int)((mData.Settings.Resolution.y - 5) / 60);
             mRoom.InvSize.x = (int)Math.Round((e.X + mRoom.ScrollOffset.x - mRoom.InvPos.x - 30) / (mRoom.InvScale.x * 50 + mRoom.InvSpacing));
             if (mRoom.InvSize.x < 1)
                 mRoom.InvSize.x = 1;
             if (mRoom.InvSize.x > maxX)
                 mRoom.InvSize.x = maxX;
             mRoom.InvSize.y = (int)Math.Round((e.Y + mRoom.ScrollOffset.y - mRoom.InvPos.y - 5) / (mRoom.InvScale.y * 50 + mRoom.InvSpacing));
             if (mRoom.InvSize.y < 1)
                 mRoom.InvSize.y = 1;
             if (mRoom.InvSize.y > maxY)
                 mRoom.InvSize.y = maxY;
         else if (mDragMode == DragMode.DragPosition)
             mRoom.InvPos = new Vec2i(e.X, e.Y) - mDragOffset;
             if (mRoom.InvPos.x < 0)
                 mRoom.InvPos.x = 0;
             if (mRoom.InvPos.y < 0)
                 mRoom.InvPos.y = 0;
         else if (mDragMode == DragMode.DragBottom)
             float newsize = (e.Y - mDragOffset.y - mRoom.InvPos.y + mRoom.ScrollOffset.y);
             float oldsize = (mRoom.InvSize.y * (50 + mRoom.InvSpacing)) + 5;
             mRoom.InvScale.y = newsize / oldsize;
             if (mRoom.InvScale.y > 1.5)
                 mRoom.InvScale.y = 1.5f;
             if (mRoom.InvScale.y < 0.3)
                 mRoom.InvScale.y = 0.3f;
         else if (mDragMode == DragMode.DragRight)
             float newsize = (e.X - mDragOffset.x - mRoom.InvPos.x + mRoom.ScrollOffset.x);
             float oldsize = (mRoom.InvSize.x * (50 + mRoom.InvSpacing)) + 30;
             mRoom.InvScale.x = newsize / oldsize;
             if (mRoom.InvScale.x > 1.5)
                 mRoom.InvScale.x = 1.5f;
             if (mRoom.InvScale.x < 0.3)
                 mRoom.InvScale.x = 0.3f;
     else if (mMode == ViewMode.Specialfx)
         if (mDragMode == DragMode.DragCorner)
             mDraggingShape.Positions[mShapeIndex] = mMousePos + mRoom.ScrollOffset;
             if (mDraggingShape.Positions[mShapeIndex].x < 0)
                 mDraggingShape.Positions[mShapeIndex].x = 0;
             if (mDraggingShape.Positions[mShapeIndex].x > mRoom.Size.x)
                 mDraggingShape.Positions[mShapeIndex].x = mRoom.Size.x;
             if (mDraggingShape.Positions[mShapeIndex].y < 0)
                 mDraggingShape.Positions[mShapeIndex].y = 0;
             if (mDraggingShape.Positions[mShapeIndex].y > mRoom.Size.y)
                 mDraggingShape.Positions[mShapeIndex].y = mRoom.Size.y;
         else if (mDragMode == DragMode.DragPosition)
             Vec2i diff = mMousePos - mDragOffset;
             for (int i = 0; i < mDraggingShape.Positions.Length; ++i)
                 mDraggingShape.Positions[i] += diff;
                 if (mDraggingShape.Positions[i].x < 0)
                     correctShapeBoundary(i, new Vec2i(-mDraggingShape.Positions[i].x, 0), ref diff);
                 if (mDraggingShape.Positions[i].x > mRoom.Size.x)
                     correctShapeBoundary(i, new Vec2i(mRoom.Size.x - mDraggingShape.Positions[i].x, 0), ref diff);
                 if (mDraggingShape.Positions[i].y < 0)
                     correctShapeBoundary(i, new Vec2i(0, -mDraggingShape.Positions[i].y), ref diff);
                 if (mDraggingShape.Positions[i].y > mRoom.Size.y)
                     correctShapeBoundary(i, new Vec2i(0, mRoom.Size.y - mDraggingShape.Positions[i].y), ref diff);
             mDragOffset = mMousePos;
         else if (mDragMode == DragMode.DragBottom)
             mDraggingShape.Depth = (e.Y + 5 + mDragOffset.y + mData.WalkGridSize / 2) / mData.WalkGridSize;
             if (mDraggingShape.Depth < 1)
                 mDraggingShape.Depth = 1;
             if (mDraggingShape.Depth > mRoom.Size.y / mData.WalkGridSize)
                 mDraggingShape.Depth = mRoom.Size.y / mData.WalkGridSize;
 void pictureBox_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
     Vec2i center = mData.getHotspot(mState)*mHotspotScale;
     Vec2i mouse = new Vec2i(e.X, e.Y);
     if ((mouse - center).length() < 10)
         mDraggingOffset = mouse - center;
         mPictureDragging = 100;
     string[] pics = mData.getFrame(mState, mFrame);
     if (pics == null)
     for (int i = pics.Length-1; i >= 0; --i)
         if (pics[i] == null)
         System.Drawing.Bitmap bmp = mData.getImage(pics[i]);
         Vec2i offset = mData.getFramePartOffset(mState, mFrame, i);
         if (mouse.x >= offset.x && mouse.x <= offset.x + bmp.Width)
             if (mouse.y >= offset.y && mouse.y <= offset.y + bmp.Height)
                 mDraggingOffset = mouse - offset;
                 mPictureDragging = i + 1;
                 mSelectedPart = i;
                 if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right)
                     Point p = pictureBox.PointToScreen(e.Location);
     mSelectedPart = -1;
예제 #37
        void RoomDlg_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
            Bitmap roombmp = new Bitmap(mRoom.Size.x, mRoom.Size.y);
            Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(roombmp);

            graphics.TranslateTransform(-mRoom.ScrollOffset.x, -mRoom.ScrollOffset.y);
            e.Graphics.TranslateTransform(-mRoom.ScrollOffset.x, -mRoom.ScrollOffset.y);
            if (mRoom.ParallaxBackground.Length > 0)
                Bitmap bmp = mData.getImage(mRoom.ParallaxBackground);
                graphics.DrawImage(bmp, 0, 0, bmp.Width, bmp.Height);
            if (mRoom.Background.Length > 0)
                Bitmap bmp = mData.getImage(mRoom.Background);
                graphics.DrawImage(bmp, 0, 0, bmp.Width, bmp.Height);

            System.Collections.Generic.LinkedList<System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<int, DrawableObject> > blitqueue = new LinkedList<KeyValuePair<int,DrawableObject>>();
            foreach (ObjectInstance obj in mRoom.Objects)
                int depth = getDepth(obj);
                KeyValuePair<int, DrawableObject> pair = new KeyValuePair<int, DrawableObject>(depth, obj);
                insetQueue(blitqueue, pair);
            foreach (CharacterInstance chr in mRoom.Characters)
                int depth = getDepth(chr);
                KeyValuePair<int, DrawableObject> pair = new KeyValuePair<int, DrawableObject>(depth, chr);
                insetQueue(blitqueue, pair);

            Color bordercolor = Color.Red;
            if (mFramecount < 5 || (mFramecount >= 10 && mFramecount < 15))
                bordercolor = Color.Yellow;
            foreach (System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<int,DrawableObject> pair in blitqueue)
                bool isSelected = mControl.SelectedObject == pair.Value;
                float scale = mRoom.getScale(pair.Value.getPosition());
                pair.Value.draw(graphics, mMode == ViewMode.Objects, isSelected ? bordercolor : Color.Red, scale);

            ImageAttributes bmpAttributes = new ImageAttributes();
            float[][] colorMatrixElements = {
                   new float[] {mRoom.Lighting.R/255.0f,  0,  0,  0, 0},
                   new float[] {0,  mRoom.Lighting.G/255.0f,  0,  0, 0},
                   new float[] {0,  0,  mRoom.Lighting.B/255.0f,  0, 0},
                   new float[] {0,  0,  0,  1, 0},
                   new float[] {0,  0,  0, 0, 1}
            ColorMatrix colorMatrix = new ColorMatrix(colorMatrixElements);
            bmpAttributes.SetColorMatrix(colorMatrix, ColorMatrixFlag.Default, ColorAdjustType.Bitmap);
            Rectangle screen = new Rectangle(0, 0, mRoom.Size.x, mRoom.Size.y);
            e.Graphics.DrawImage(roombmp, screen, -mRoom.ScrollOffset.x, -mRoom.ScrollOffset.y, mRoom.Size.x, mRoom.Size.y, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, bmpAttributes);

            //draw view specific stuff
            Vec2i mp = mMousePos + mRoom.ScrollOffset;
            int wmscale = mRoom.DoubleWalkmap ? 2 : 1;
            int wmx = wmscale * mp.x / mData.WalkGridSize;
            int wmy = wmscale * mp.y / mData.WalkGridSize;
            if (wmx < 0)
                wmx = 0;
            if (wmy < 0)
                wmy = 0;
            if (wmx > mRoom.Walkmap.GetUpperBound(0))
                wmx = mRoom.Walkmap.GetUpperBound(0);
            if (wmy > mRoom.Walkmap.GetUpperBound(1))
                wmy = mRoom.Walkmap.GetUpperBound(1);
            bool wmfree = mRoom.Walkmap[wmx, wmy].isFree;
            Font f = new Font(Fonts.DefaultFont.FontFamily, 11);
            if (mMode == ViewMode.Objects)
                if (mData.Settings.InfoLine)
                    string s = String.Format("Position: Room({0}/{1}) Walkmap({2}/{3}){4} Mouse({5}/{6})", mRoom.ScrollOffset.x / mData.WalkGridSize, mRoom.ScrollOffset.y / mData.WalkGridSize, wmx + 1, wmy + 1, wmfree ? 'F' : 'B', mp.x, mp.y);
                    Utilities.drawText(e.Graphics, mRoom.ScrollOffset.x, mRoom.ScrollOffset.y, s, f);
                string s2 = "Object:";
                DrawableObject drob = getObjectAt(mMousePos+mRoom.ScrollOffset, false);
                if (drob is ObjectInstance)
                    ObjectInstance obj = (ObjectInstance)drob;
                    string depth;
                    if (obj.Layer == 0)
                        depth = "Back";
                    else if (obj.Layer == 1)
                        depth = String.Format("{0}/{1}", getDepth(obj)/2, getDepth(obj));
                        depth = "Front";
                    s2 = String.Format("Object: {0} (PixelPos: {1},{2} Depth: {3})", obj.Name, obj.Position.x, obj.Position.y, depth);
                else if (drob is CharacterInstance)
                    CharacterInstance chr = (CharacterInstance)drob;
                    s2 = String.Format("Object: {0} (WalkmapPos: {1},{2})", chr.Name, wmscale*chr.Position.x/mData.WalkGridSize+1, wmscale*chr.Position.y/mData.WalkGridSize+1);
                Utilities.drawText(e.Graphics, mRoom.ScrollOffset.x, mRoom.ScrollOffset.y+f.Height, s2, f);
            else if (mMode == ViewMode.Walkmap)
                float scale = mRoom.DoubleWalkmap ? 0.5f : 1;
                SolidBrush b = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(100, Color.Blue));
                for (int x = 0; x <= mRoom.Walkmap.GetUpperBound(0); ++x)
                    for (int y = 0; y <= mRoom.Walkmap.GetUpperBound(1); ++y)
                        if (!mRoom.Walkmap[x, y].isFree)
                            e.Graphics.FillRectangle(b, x * mData.WalkGridSize * scale, y * mData.WalkGridSize * scale,
                                mData.WalkGridSize * scale, mData.WalkGridSize * scale);
                        if (mRoom.Walkmap[x, y].hasScript)
                            e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, (x * mData.WalkGridSize + 4) * scale,
                                (y * mData.WalkGridSize + 4) * scale,
                                (mData.WalkGridSize - 8) * scale, (mData.WalkGridSize - 8) * scale);
                            e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Yellow, (x * mData.WalkGridSize + 4) * scale + 1,
                                (y * mData.WalkGridSize + 4) * scale + 1,
                                (mData.WalkGridSize - 8) * scale, (mData.WalkGridSize - 8) * scale);
                //draw grid
                for (float i = mData.WalkGridSize*scale; i < mRoom.Size.x; i += mData.WalkGridSize*scale)
                    e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Brown, i, 0, i, mRoom.Size.y);
                for (float i = mData.WalkGridSize*scale; i < mRoom.Size.y; i += mData.WalkGridSize*scale)
                    e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Brown, 0, i, mRoom.Size.x, i);
                //draw cursor
                if (mWalkmapPaintMode >= 0 && mWalkmapPaintMode < 3)
                    int size = 2 * mWalkmapPaintMode + 1;
                    e.Graphics.DrawEllipse(Pens.Black, ((wmx - mWalkmapPaintMode) * mData.WalkGridSize + 2) * scale,
                                    ((wmy - mWalkmapPaintMode) * mData.WalkGridSize + 2) * scale,
                                    (size * mData.WalkGridSize - 4) * scale, (size * mData.WalkGridSize - 4) * scale);
                    e.Graphics.DrawEllipse(Pens.LightGray, ((wmx - mWalkmapPaintMode) * mData.WalkGridSize + 1) * scale,
                                    ((wmy - mWalkmapPaintMode) * mData.WalkGridSize + 1) * scale,
                                    (size * mData.WalkGridSize - 2) * scale, (size * mData.WalkGridSize - 2) * scale);
                    SolidBrush br = null;
                    if (mWalkmapPaintMode == 3)
                        br = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(100, Color.Yellow));
                        br = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(100, Color.Red));
                    e.Graphics.FillRectangle(br, wmx * mData.WalkGridSize * scale, wmy * mData.WalkGridSize * scale,
                                mData.WalkGridSize * scale, mData.WalkGridSize * scale);
                //draw information
                string s = String.Format("{0} ({1},{2})", wmfree ? "Free" : "Blocked", wmx + 1, wmy + 1);
                Utilities.drawText(e.Graphics, mRoom.ScrollOffset.x, mRoom.ScrollOffset.y, s, f);
            else if (mMode == ViewMode.Deepmap)
                int y1 = mRoom.Depthmap.x * mData.WalkGridSize;
                int y2 = mRoom.Depthmap.y * mData.WalkGridSize;
                SolidBrush blue1 = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(100, Color.Blue));
                e.Graphics.FillRectangle(blue1, 0, 0, mData.Settings.Resolution.x * 3, y1);
                SolidBrush blue2 = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(40, Color.Blue));
                e.Graphics.FillRectangle(blue2, 0, y1, mData.Settings.Resolution.x * 3, y2-y1);
                Pen bluepen = new Pen(Color.Blue, 3.0f);
                e.Graphics.DrawLine(bluepen, 0, y1, mData.Settings.Resolution.x * 3, y1);
                e.Graphics.DrawLine(bluepen, 0, y2, mData.Settings.Resolution.x * 3, y2);
                Utilities.drawText(e.Graphics, mRoom.ScrollOffset.x, y1-f.Height, "Depth 1: "+mRoom.Depthmap.x+" (Pull me)", f);
                Utilities.drawText(e.Graphics, mRoom.ScrollOffset.x, y2 - f.Height, "Depth 2: " + mRoom.Depthmap.y + " (Pull me)", f);
            else if (mMode == ViewMode.Inventory)
                if (!mRoom.HasInventory)
                    Utilities.drawText(e.Graphics, mRoom.ScrollOffset.x, mRoom.ScrollOffset.y, "Draw an inventoryfield into the room.", f);
                SolidBrush blue = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(50, Color.Blue));
                int sizex = (int)(mRoom.InvSize.x * ((50 * mRoom.InvScale.x) + mRoom.InvSpacing) + 30);
                int sizey = (int)(mRoom.InvSize.y * ((50 * mRoom.InvScale.y) + mRoom.InvSpacing) + 5);
                e.Graphics.FillRectangle(blue, mRoom.InvPos.x, mRoom.InvPos.y, sizex, sizey);
                e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.DarkBlue, mRoom.InvPos.x, mRoom.InvPos.y, sizex, sizey);
                for (int x = 0; x < mRoom.InvSize.x; ++x)
                    for (int y = 0; y < mRoom.InvSize.y; ++y)
                        float posx = x * ((int)(50 * mRoom.InvScale.x) + mRoom.InvSpacing) + 30 + mRoom.InvPos.x;
                        float posy = y * ((int)(50 * mRoom.InvScale.y) + mRoom.InvSpacing) + 5 + mRoom.InvPos.y;
                        e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Blue, posx, posy, 50*mRoom.InvScale.x, 48*mRoom.InvScale.y);
                Pen tbp = new Pen(Color.DarkBlue, 5.0f);
                int ydown = mRoom.InvPos.y+sizey;
                int xmiddle = mRoom.InvPos.x + sizex / 2;
                e.Graphics.DrawLine(tbp, xmiddle - 15, ydown - 3, xmiddle + 15, ydown - 3);
                int ymiddle = mRoom.InvPos.y + sizey / 2;
                int xright = mRoom.InvPos.x + sizex;
                e.Graphics.DrawLine(tbp, xright - 3, ymiddle - 15, xright - 3, ymiddle + 15);

                Point[] points = new Point[4];
                points[0] = new Point(xright-11, ydown);
                points[1] = new Point(xright-5, ydown);
                points[2] = new Point(xright, ydown - 5);
                points[3] = new Point(xright, ydown - 11);
                LinearGradientBrush lgb = new LinearGradientBrush(new Point(xright - 8, ydown), new Point(xright, ydown - 8), Color.DarkBlue, Color.Blue);
                e.Graphics.FillPolygon(lgb, points);
                string s = String.Format("Inventory field: {0}x{1} fields", mRoom.InvSize.x, mRoom.InvSize.y);
                Utilities.drawText(e.Graphics, mRoom.ScrollOffset.x, mRoom.ScrollOffset.y, s, f);
            else if (mMode == ViewMode.Specialfx)
                for (int coloridx = 0; coloridx < mRoom.FXShapes.Count; ++coloridx)
                    FxShape shape = (FxShape)mRoom.FXShapes[coloridx];
                    if (!shape.Active)
                    Color basecol = Color.Black;
                    switch (coloridx)
                        case 2:
                            basecol = Color.Red;
                        case 1:
                            basecol = Color.Green;
                        case 0:
                            basecol = Color.Blue;
                    SolidBrush b = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(75, basecol));
                    GraphicsPath path = new GraphicsPath();
                    for (int i = 0; i < shape.Positions.Length - 1; ++i)
                        path.AddLine(shape.Positions[i].x, shape.Positions[i].y, shape.Positions[i + 1].x, shape.Positions[i + 1].y);
                    path.AddLine(shape.Positions[shape.Positions.Length - 1].x, shape.Positions[shape.Positions.Length - 1].y, shape.Positions[0].x, shape.Positions[0].y);
                    e.Graphics.FillPath(b, path);
                    Pen p = new Pen(basecol);
                    e.Graphics.DrawPath(p, path);
                    Vec2i center = new Vec2i();
                    for (int i = 0; i < shape.Positions.Length; ++i)
                        Utilities.drawCircle(e.Graphics, p, 4, shape.Positions[i]);
                        center += shape.Positions[i];
                    center /= shape.Positions.Length;
                    Utilities.drawCrosshair(e.Graphics, center, basecol, 1.0f);
                    string s = "";
                    if (shape.Effect == FxShape.FxEffect.WALL_MIRROR)
                        Utilities.drawDepthHandle(e.Graphics, mData, center, shape.Depth + 0.5f, basecol);
                        s = "Wall-Mirror";
                    else if (shape.Effect == FxShape.FxEffect.FLOOR_MIRROR)
                        s = "Floor-Mirror";
                    else if (shape.Effect == FxShape.FxEffect.PARTICLE_BARRIER)
                        s = "Particle-Barrier";
                    Utilities.drawText(e.Graphics, shape.Positions[0].x, shape.Positions[0].y, s, f);
 void updateStateValues(int oldstate)
     if (mData == null)
     fps.Value = mData.getFPSDivider(mState);
     Vec2i newsize = mData.getSize(mState) * mHotspotScale;
     Vec2i oldsize = new Vec2i(pictureBox.Size.Width, pictureBox.Size.Height);
     if (newsize != oldsize)
         PictureBoxSize = new Size(newsize.x, newsize.y);
     if (StateChanged != null)
         StateChanged(this, new StateEventArgs(oldstate, mState));
예제 #39
 public abstract bool isHit(Vec2i pos);