public static void SaveItems(Items_products items_Products) { using (IDbConnection cnn = new SQLiteConnection(LoadConnectionString())) { cnn.Execute("insert into items_products (name, barcode, price, quantity) values (@name, @barcode, @price, @quantity)", items_Products); } }
public static void UpdateDatabase(Items_products store_inventory) { using (IDbConnection cnn = new SQLiteConnection(LoadConnectionString())) { cnn.Execute("UPDATE items_products SET quantity = " + store_inventory.quantity + " WHERE id = " + + ";"); } }
private void button_add_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Items_products product = new Items_products(); = textBox_name.Text; product.barcode = textBox_barcode.Text; product.price = Double.Parse(textBox_price.Text); product.quantity = Int32.Parse(textBox_quantity.Text); AccessSQLite.SaveItems(product); MessageBox.Show("product added to the database"); mainform.getFromSQLite(); }