예제 #1
 public PropertySuggestItem(string name, JsonSchema4 schema, bool isAlreadyExisting)
     this.isAlreadyExisting = isAlreadyExisting;
     MenuText     = string.IsNullOrEmpty(name) ? schema.Title ?? "\"\":" : name;
     ToolTipTitle = (schema.Title ?? name) + (isAlreadyExisting ? " (already exists)" : "");
     ToolTipText  = schema.Description ?? JsonSchemaTools.DescribeSchema(schema);
     Text         = "\"" + name + "\": ";
     if (schema.Enumeration.Count == 1)
         var value = JsonSchemaTools.FormatEnumValue(schema.Enumeration.First());
         MenuText += ": " + value;
         Text     += value;
예제 #2
        private IEnumerable <AutocompleteItem> SuggestValues(AnnotatedSchema annotatedSchema)
            // Help text.
            var title       = annotatedSchema.Title ?? annotatedSchema.Name;
            var description = annotatedSchema.Description ?? JsonSchemaTools.DescribeSchema(annotatedSchema);

            var targetSchema = annotatedSchema.Schema;

            if (targetSchema.Id != null && customSourcesBySchemeId.ContainsKey(targetSchema.Id))
                // Special handling for sources set by the environment (edge names, node names, files, etc.).
                foreach (var value in customSourcesBySchemeId[targetSchema.Id]())
                    yield return(new ValueSuggestItem(value, title != null ? title + ": " + value : value, description));
            else if (targetSchema.Id == "http://stonehearth.net/schemas/encounters/elements/file.json")
                // Special handling for files (alias or file insertion prompts).
                yield return(new AliasSuggestItem(title, description));

                yield return(new FileSuggestItem(title, description, filePath));
            else if (targetSchema.Enumeration.Count > 0)
                // Suggest enumeration alternatives.
                foreach (var alternative in targetSchema.Enumeration)
                    yield return(new ValueSuggestItem(JsonSchemaTools.FormatEnumValue(alternative), title, description));
            else if (targetSchema.Type == JsonObjectType.Boolean)
                // Suggest the two alternatives of bool.
                yield return(new ValueSuggestItem("true", title, description));

                yield return(new ValueSuggestItem("false", title, description));
            else if (targetSchema.Default != null)
                // If there's a default value, suggest that.
                yield return(new ValueSuggestItem(JsonSchemaTools.FormatEnumValue(targetSchema.Default), title, description));
            else if (targetSchema.Type == JsonObjectType.Object || targetSchema.ActualProperties.Count > 0)
                // Construct as much of an object as required.
                var left           = "{\n   ";
                var right          = "\n}";
                var addedAnyToLeft = false;
                foreach (var property in targetSchema.ActualProperties)
                    if (property.Value.IsRequired)
                        if (addedAnyToLeft)
                            left += ",\n   ";
                        left += "\"" + property.Key + "\": ";

                        if (property.Value.Default != null)
                            left += JsonSchemaTools.FormatEnumValue(property.Value.Default);
                        else if (property.Value.Enumeration.Count == 1)
                            left += JsonSchemaTools.FormatEnumValue(property.Value.Enumeration.First());
                        else if (property.Value.Type == JsonObjectType.Number || property.Value.Type == JsonObjectType.Integer)
                            left += "0";
                        else if (property.Value.Type == JsonObjectType.Boolean)
                            left += "false";
                        else if (property.Value.Type == JsonObjectType.Null)
                            left += "null";
                        else if (property.Value.Type == JsonObjectType.Object)
                            left += "{}";
                        else if (property.Value.Type == JsonObjectType.Array)
                            left += "[]";
                        else if (property.Value.Type == JsonObjectType.String)
                            left += "\"\"";

                        addedAnyToLeft = true;

                if (addedAnyToLeft)
                    right = "," + right;

                yield return(new ValueSuggestItem(left, right, title, description));
            else if (targetSchema.Type == JsonObjectType.Array)
                // Trivial array form.
                yield return(new ValueSuggestItem("[\n   ", "\n]", title, description));
            else if (targetSchema.Type == JsonObjectType.String)
                // Trivial string form.
                yield return(new ValueSuggestItem("\"", "\"", title ?? "\"...\"", description));
            else if (targetSchema.Type == JsonObjectType.Number || targetSchema.Type == JsonObjectType.Integer)
                // Trivial number.
                yield return(new ValueSuggestItem((targetSchema.Minimum ?? 0).ToString(), title, description));
            else if (targetSchema.Type == JsonObjectType.Null)
                // Null has only one option.
                yield return(new ValueSuggestItem("null", title, description));
예제 #3
        private Tuple <string, int> GetTooltipAt(int x, int y)
            // Translate mouse x,y to character position.
            var position = this.textBox.CharPositionFromPoint(x, y);
            var line     = this.textBox.LineFromPosition(position);

            // Sometimes CharPositionFromPoint() returns out of range values (looks like when replacing few lines with many).
            if (position < 0 || position >= textBox.Text.Length)
                return(new Tuple <string, int>(null, kAnchorNone));

            // Are we are hovering over an error icon in the margin?
            var isInErrorMargin = x > textBox.Margins[0].Width && x <= textBox.Margins[0].Width + textBox.Margins[kErrorMarginNumber].Width;

            if (isInErrorMargin && validationErrors != null && validationErrors.ContainsKey(line))
                return(new Tuple <string, int>(WordWrapString(validationErrors[line]), kAnchorError));

            // Are we hovering over an indicator?
            var currentAnchor    = this.getIndicatorStartPosition(position);
            var hoveredIndicator = this.getIndicatorAt(position);

            if (hoveredIndicator == kFileIndicator)
                return(new Tuple <string, int>("Ctrl-click to open file.", currentAnchor));
            else if (hoveredIndicator == kI18nIndicator)
                var locKey = this.getLocKey(position);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(locKey))
                    return(new Tuple <string, int>("No such i18n entry found!", currentAnchor));

                mI18nLocKey = locKey;
                    // Translate and display it as a tip.
                    var translated = ModuleDataManager.GetInstance().LocalizeString(locKey);
                    translated = JsonHelper.WordWrap(translated, 100).Trim();
                    return(new Tuple <string, int>(translated + "\n\nCtrl-click to edit.", currentAnchor));
                catch (Exception)
                    return(new Tuple <string, int>($"(Uncaught exception while trying to find i18n for {locKey})", currentAnchor));

            // For JSON, display tips about the property or value being hovered over.
            if (jsonSuggester != null && !char.IsWhiteSpace(textBox.Text[position]))
                var contextParsingPosition = position;

                // Find a following (or as a fallback, preceding) colon or open square bracket on the same line.
                // Could fail for colons/brackets embedded in strings, but that's good enough for now.
                while (contextParsingPosition < textBox.Lines[line].EndPosition &&
                       (textBox.Text[contextParsingPosition] != ':' && textBox.Text[contextParsingPosition] != '['))

                if (contextParsingPosition == textBox.Lines[line].EndPosition)
                    contextParsingPosition = position;
                    while (contextParsingPosition >= textBox.Lines[line].Position &&
                           (textBox.Text[contextParsingPosition] != ':' && textBox.Text[contextParsingPosition] != '['))

                if (contextParsingPosition >= 0 && (textBox.Text[contextParsingPosition] != ':' || textBox.Text[contextParsingPosition] != '['))
                    var context = jsonSuggester.ParseOutContext(contextParsingPosition + 1, 0);
                    if (context.IsValid)
                        var targetSchemas = JsonSchemaTools.GetSchemasForPath(jsonValidationSchema, context.Path, context.ObjectAroundCursor, context.ActivePropertyName);
                        if (targetSchemas.Count > 0)
                            var schemaDescriptions = new HashSet <string>(targetSchemas.Select(
                                                                              annotated => JsonSchemaTools.DescribeSchema(annotated) +
                                                                              (annotated.Description != null ? "\n" + annotated.Description : "")));
                            var tipText = context.ActivePropertyName ?? context.Path.LastOrDefault() ?? "0";
                            if (schemaDescriptions.Count == 1)
                                tipText = (tipText == "0" ? "" : tipText + ": ") + schemaDescriptions.First();
                                tipText = (tipText == "0" ? "One" : tipText + ", one") +
                                          " of:\n- " + string.Join("\n- ", schemaDescriptions.Select(s => s.Replace("\n", "\n   ")));

                            return(new Tuple <string, int>(WordWrapString(tipText), contextParsingPosition));

            return(new Tuple <string, int>(null, kAnchorNone));