예제 #1
            /// Entry::shelter_storm() calculates shelter and storm penalties for the file
            /// the king is on, as well as the two adjacent files.
            public Value shelter_storm(Position pos, Square ksq, Color Us)
                Color Them = (Us == ColorS.WHITE ? ColorS.BLACK : ColorS.WHITE);

                Value    safety = Pawns.MaxSafetyBonus;
                Bitboard b = pos.pieces_piecetype(PieceTypeS.PAWN) & (BitBoard.in_front_bb(Us, Types.rank_of(ksq)) | BitBoard.rank_bb_square(ksq));
                Bitboard ourPawns = b & pos.pieces_color(Us);
                Bitboard theirPawns = b & pos.pieces_color(Them);
                Rank     rkUs, rkThem;
                File     kf = Math.Max(FileS.FILE_B, Math.Min(FileS.FILE_G, Types.file_of(ksq)));

                for (File f = kf - 1; f <= kf + 1; ++f)
                    b    = ourPawns & BitBoard.file_bb_file(f);
                    rkUs = b != 0 ? Types.relative_rank_square(Us, BitBoard.backmost_sq(Us, b)) : RankS.RANK_1;

                    b      = theirPawns & BitBoard.file_bb_file(f);
                    rkThem = b != 0 ? Types.relative_rank_square(Us, BitBoard.frontmost_sq(Them, b)) : RankS.RANK_1;

                    if ((MiddleEdges & BitBoard.SquareBB[Types.make_square(f, rkThem)]) != 0 &&
                        Types.file_of(ksq) == f &&
                        Types.relative_rank_square(Us, ksq) == rkThem - 1)
                        safety += 200;
                        safety -= ShelterWeakness[rkUs]
                                  + StormDanger[rkUs == RankS.RANK_1 ? 0 : rkThem == rkUs + 1 ? 2 : 1][rkThem];

예제 #2
        /// KB and one or more pawns vs K. It checks for draws with rook pawns and
        /// a bishop of the wrong color. If such a draw is detected, SCALE_FACTOR_DRAW
        /// is returned. If not, the return value is SCALE_FACTOR_NONE, i.e. no scaling
        /// will be used.
        public ScaleFactor KBPsK(Position pos)
            Debug.Assert(pos.non_pawn_material(strongSide) == ValueS.BishopValueMg);
            Debug.Assert(pos.count(strongSide, PieceTypeS.PAWN) >= 1);

            // No assertions about the material of weakSide, because we want draws to
            // be detected even when the weaker side has some pawns.

            Bitboard pawns    = pos.pieces_color_piecetype(strongSide, PieceTypeS.PAWN);
            File     pawnFile = Types.file_of(pos.list(strongSide, PieceTypeS.PAWN)[0]);

            // All pawns are on a single rook file ?
            if ((pawnFile == FileS.FILE_A || pawnFile == FileS.FILE_H) &&
                0 == (pawns & ~BitBoard.file_bb_file(pawnFile)))
                Square bishopSq   = pos.list(strongSide, PieceTypeS.BISHOP)[0];
                Square queeningSq = Types.relative_square(strongSide, Types.make_square(pawnFile, RankS.RANK_8));
                Square kingSq     = pos.king_square(weakSide);

                if (Types.opposite_colors(queeningSq, bishopSq) &&
                    BitBoard.square_distance(queeningSq, kingSq) <= 1)

            // If all the pawns are on the same B or G file, then it's potentially a draw
            if ((pawnFile == FileS.FILE_B || pawnFile == FileS.FILE_G) &&
                0 == (pos.pieces_piecetype(PieceTypeS.PAWN) & ~BitBoard.file_bb_file(pawnFile)) &&
                pos.non_pawn_material(weakSide) == 0 &&
                pos.count(weakSide, PieceTypeS.PAWN) >= 1)
                // Get weakSide pawn that is closest to the home rank
                Square weakPawnSq = BitBoard.backmost_sq(weakSide, pos.pieces_color_piecetype(weakSide, PieceTypeS.PAWN));

                Square strongKingSq = pos.king_square(strongSide);
                Square weakKingSq   = pos.king_square(weakSide);
                Square bishopSq     = pos.list(strongSide, PieceTypeS.BISHOP)[0];

                // There's potential for a draw if our pawn is blocked on the 7th rank,
                // the bishop cannot attack it or they only have one pawn left
                if (Types.relative_rank_square(strongSide, weakPawnSq) == RankS.RANK_7 &&
                    (pos.pieces_color_piecetype(strongSide, PieceTypeS.PAWN) & BitBoard.SquareBB[(weakPawnSq + Types.pawn_push(weakSide))]) != 0 &&
                    (Types.opposite_colors(bishopSq, weakPawnSq) || pos.count(strongSide, PieceTypeS.PAWN) == 1))
                    int strongKingDist = BitBoard.square_distance(weakPawnSq, strongKingSq);
                    int weakKingDist   = BitBoard.square_distance(weakPawnSq, weakKingSq);

                    // It's a draw if the weak king is on its back two ranks, within 2
                    // squares of the blocking pawn and the strong king is not
                    // closer. (I think this rule only fails in practically
                    // unreachable positions such as 5k1K/6p1/6P1/8/8/3B4/8/8 w
                    // and positions where qsearch will immediately correct the
                    // problem such as 8/4k1p1/6P1/1K6/3B4/8/8/8 w)
                    if (Types.relative_rank_square(strongSide, weakKingSq) >= RankS.RANK_7 &&
                        weakKingDist <= 2 &&
                        weakKingDist <= strongKingDist)
