public static bool IsPrice52WeeksLow(Quote quote) { var averageVolume = quote.AverageDailyVolume; if (averageVolume < 300000) return false; if (quote.LastTradePrice < quote.YearlyLow) return true; return false; }
public void GetMessageDetailTest() { var quote = new Quote("SPPI"); var listQuotes = new List<Quote>(); listQuotes.Add(quote); Stock.StockFetcher.YahooStockEngine.Fetch(listQuotes); var result = MessageDetail.GetMessageDetail(listQuotes.FirstOrDefault()); Messaging.SendEmailGmail("Stock alert", result); //Assert.Fail(); }
public static StockAnalyzerResult AnalyzeStock(Quote quote) { var result = new StockAnalyzerResult { IsPriceChangedDramatically = PriceAnalyzer.IsPriceChangedDramatically(quote), IsVolumeAbnormal = VolumeAnalyzer.IsVolumeAbnormal(quote), IsPrice52WeeksLow = PriceAnalyzer.IsPrice52WeeksLow(quote) }; return result; }
public static bool IsPriceChangedDramatically(Quote quote) { var price = quote.LastTradePrice; var lastClosedPrice = quote.PreviousClose; if (lastClosedPrice > price) { if ((lastClosedPrice - price) * 100 / lastClosedPrice > PricePercentageChangeInt) return true; } return false; }
public static bool IsVolumeAbnormal(Quote quote) { var averageVolume = quote.AverageDailyVolume; if (averageVolume < 300000) return false; var volume = quote.Volume; if (volume > averageVolume && averageVolume > 0) { if (volume / averageVolume > VolumeAbnormalTimes) return true; } return false; }
public static string GetMessageDetail(Quote quote) { var sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("<html><body><table>"); sb.Append("<tr><td>"); sb.Append(string.Format(YahooFinanceLink, quote.Symbol.Trim())); sb.Append("</td></tr></table>"); sb.Append("<table border=\"1\" style=\"border-collapse : collapse; border : 1px solid orange;\"><tr>"); var i = DisplayColumns; foreach (PropertyInfo prop in typeof(Quote).GetProperties()) { sb.Append(string.Format("<td>{0}</td><td>{1}</td>", DisplayNameHelper.GetDisplayName(prop), prop.GetValue(quote, null))); if (i % ((DisplayColumns - 1) == 0 ? 1 : (DisplayColumns - 1)) == 0) sb.Append("</tr><tr>"); i++; } if (i % ((DisplayColumns - 1) == 0 ? 1 : (DisplayColumns - 1)) == 1) sb.Append("<td></td><td></td>"); sb.Append("</tr>"); sb.Append("</table></body></html>"); return sb.ToString(); }
public static void ScanStocks() { //Log.Error(typeof(CollectDataManager), "Test 1"); //Log.Error(typeof(CollectDataManager),"Test tets"); //Log.Error(typeof(CollectDataManager), "Test tets 123", new Exception("Failed to test")); var engine = new YahooStockEngine(); var quoteList = new ObservableCollection<Quote>(); var boList = new List<CompanyList>(); using(var db=new TheFishEntities()) { boList = db.CompanyLists.Where(x=>x.Sector.Equals("Health care",StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && x.Symbol.Length<5 ).ToList(); } int i = 1; var quoteSingleCollectionChunk = new List<Quote>(); foreach(var item in boList) { //if (i > 2) // break; try { var quote = new Quote(item.Symbol.Trim()); quoteSingleCollectionChunk.Add(quote); if (i == StockFetchTrunk) { YahooStockEngine.Fetch(quoteSingleCollectionChunk); //YahooStockDownoader.GetQuote(quoteSingleCollectionChunk); foreach (var stockInfo in quoteSingleCollectionChunk) quoteList.Add(stockInfo); quoteSingleCollectionChunk = new List<Quote>(); i = 1; } i++; }catch(Exception ex) { var message = ex.Message; } //i++; } try { if (quoteSingleCollectionChunk.Count > 0) { YahooStockEngine.Fetch(quoteSingleCollectionChunk); //YahooStockDownoader.GetQuote(quoteSingleCollectionChunk); foreach (var stockInfo in quoteSingleCollectionChunk) quoteList.Add(stockInfo); } }catch(Exception ex) { var message = ex.Message; } DateTime today = DateTime.Today; // earliest time today DateTime tomorrow = DateTime.Today.AddDays(1); // earliest time tomorrow using (var db = new TheFishEntities()) { foreach(var item in quoteList.ToList()) { try { var result = StockAnalyzer.AnalyzeStock(item); var isPriceChangeFish = result.IsPriceChangedDramatically; var isVolumeChangeFish = result.IsVolumeAbnormal; var isPrice52WeeksLow = result.IsPrice52WeeksLow; if (!(isPriceChangeFish || isVolumeChangeFish || isPrice52WeeksLow)) continue; if ( db.CaughtFish.Where( x => x.Symbol.Equals(item.Symbol) && x.WhenCreated > today && x.WhenCreated < tomorrow) .Any()) continue; var caughtFish = new CaughtFish(); caughtFish.Symbol = item.Symbol; caughtFish.WhenCreated = DateTime.Now; caughtFish.Price = item.LastTradePrice; caughtFish.PriceChangePercentage = item.ChangeInPercent; caughtFish.Volume = item.Volume; if (item.AverageDailyVolume > 0 && item.Volume > 0) caughtFish.VolumeChangePercentage = (int) (0.5M + 100M*(item.Volume - item.AverageDailyVolume)/item.AverageDailyVolume); var message = ""; var subject = ""; if (isPriceChangeFish) { caughtFish.FishType = 0; message = string.Format(MessageText, "Price Change Alert -- ", caughtFish.Symbol, caughtFish.Price.ToString(), caughtFish.PriceChangePercentage.ToString(), caughtFish.Volume.ToString(), caughtFish.VolumeChangePercentage); subject = " Price Drop Alert -- " + caughtFish.Symbol; } else if (isVolumeChangeFish) { caughtFish.FishType = 1; message = string.Format(MessageText, "Volume Change Alert -- ", caughtFish.Symbol, caughtFish.Price.ToString(), caughtFish.PriceChangePercentage.ToString(), caughtFish.Volume.ToString(), caughtFish.VolumeChangePercentage.ToString()); subject = " Volumne Change Alert -- " + caughtFish.Symbol; } else if (isPrice52WeeksLow) { caughtFish.FishType = 1; message = string.Format(MessageText, "52 Weeks low price Alert -- ", caughtFish.Symbol, caughtFish.Price.ToString(), caughtFish.PriceChangePercentage.ToString(), caughtFish.Volume.ToString(), caughtFish.VolumeChangePercentage.ToString()); subject = " 52 Weeks Low Alert -- " + caughtFish.Symbol; } db.CaughtFish.Add(caughtFish); db.SaveChanges(); Messaging.SendEmailGmail(subject, MessageDetail.GetMessageDetail(item)); } catch (Exception ex) { StaticLog.Error(ex); } } } }
public static void GetQuote(List<Quote> quotes) { // Set the return string to null. var quoteList = new List<Quote>(); try { // Use Yahoo finance service to download stock data from Yahoo var symbols = ""; foreach (var symbol in quotes) symbols += symbol.Symbol + ","; string yahooURL = @"" + symbols + "&f=,l1c6k2oghjkva2j1"; // Initialize a new WebRequest. HttpWebRequest webreq = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(yahooURL); // Get the response from the Internet resource. HttpWebResponse webresp = (HttpWebResponse)webreq.GetResponse(); // Read the body of the response from the server. var quoteDict = new Dictionary<string, Quote>(); using (var strm = new StreamReader(webresp.GetResponseStream(), Encoding.ASCII)) { // Construct a XML in string format. foreach (var item in quotes) { try { if (item.Symbol.Trim() == "") continue; var content = strm.ReadLine().Replace("\"", ""); string[] contents = content.ToString().Split(','); // If contents[2] = "N/A". the stock symbol is invalid. if (contents[2] == "N/A") { continue; } else { var quoteFromDownloader = new Quote(contents[0]); quoteFromDownloader.Symbol = contents[0]; quoteFromDownloader.YearlyLow = Convert.ToDecimal(contents[6]); quoteFromDownloader.YearlyHigh = Convert.ToDecimal(contents[7]); quoteDict.Add(quoteFromDownloader.Symbol, quoteFromDownloader); } } catch (Exception ex) { StaticLog.Error(ex); } } } foreach (var item in quotes) { if (quoteDict.ContainsKey(item.Symbol)) { item.YearlyLow = quoteDict[item.Symbol].YearlyLow; item.YearlyHigh = quoteDict[item.Symbol].YearlyHigh; } } } catch(Exception ex) { StaticLog.Error(ex); } // Return the stock quote data in XML format. }