public static void GetProps(ObjectWrapper wrapper, XmlElement parent_elem) { ClassDescriptor klass = wrapper.ClassDescriptor; foreach (ItemGroup group in klass.ItemGroups) { foreach (ItemDescriptor item in group) { PropertyDescriptor prop = item as PropertyDescriptor; if (prop == null) { continue; } if (!prop.VisibleFor(wrapper.Wrapped) || !prop.CanWrite || prop.Name == "Name") // Name is written in the id attribute { continue; } object value = prop.GetValue(wrapper.Wrapped); // If the property has its default value, we don't need to write it if (value == null || (prop.HasDefault && prop.IsDefaultValue(value))) { continue; } string val = prop.ValueToString(value); if (val == null) { continue; } XmlElement prop_elem = parent_elem.OwnerDocument.CreateElement("property"); prop_elem.SetAttribute("name", prop.Name); if (val.Length > 0) { prop_elem.InnerText = val; } if (prop.Translatable && prop.IsTranslated(wrapper.Wrapped)) { prop_elem.SetAttribute("translatable", "yes"); string tcx = prop.TranslationContext(wrapper.Wrapped); if (tcx != null && tcx.Length > 0) { prop_elem.SetAttribute("context", "yes"); prop_elem.InnerText = tcx + "|" + prop_elem.InnerText; } string tcm = prop.TranslationComment(wrapper.Wrapped); if (tcm != null && tcm.Length > 0) { prop_elem.SetAttribute("comments", prop.TranslationComment(wrapper.Wrapped)); } } parent_elem.AppendChild(prop_elem); } } }
public void SetData(object instance, PropertyDescriptor property, PropertyEditorCell editor) { this.instance = instance; = property; if (property == null) { this.CellBackgroundGdk = tree.Style.MidColors [(int)Gtk.StateType.Normal]; } else { this.CellBackground = null; } visible = property != null?property.VisibleFor(instance) : true; sensitive = property != null?property.EnabledFor(instance) && property.VisibleFor(instance) : true; editorCell = editor; }
void GroupData(Gtk.TreeViewColumn tree_column, Gtk.CellRenderer cell, Gtk.TreeModel model, Gtk.TreeIter iter) { CellRendererPropertyGroup rc = (CellRendererPropertyGroup)cell; rc.IsGroup = (bool)model.GetValue(iter, 2); rc.Text = (string)model.GetValue(iter, 0); PropertyDescriptor prop = (PropertyDescriptor)model.GetValue(iter, 1); if (prop != null) { InstanceData idata = (InstanceData)model.GetValue(iter, 3); rc.SensitiveProperty = prop.EnabledFor(idata.Instance) && prop.VisibleFor(idata.Instance); } else { rc.SensitiveProperty = true; } }
public void SetData(object instance, PropertyDescriptor property, PropertyEditorCell editor) { this.instance = instance; = property; if (property == null) this.CellBackgroundGdk = tree.Style.MidColors [(int)Gtk.StateType.Normal]; else this.CellBackground = null; visible = property != null ? property.VisibleFor (instance): true; sensitive = property != null ? property.EnabledFor (instance) && property.VisibleFor (instance): true; editorCell = editor; }