public override void PostProcess() { Rect mouseMoveBounds = GetMouseMoveBounds(); xAdjust = 100; yAdjust = 100; mouseMoveBounds.Inflate(xAdjust, yAdjust); // Get more than the mouse actually moved for context (useful for very tiny mouse moves). ScreenGrabs.Crop(mouseMoveBounds, ref xAdjust, ref yAdjust); base.PostProcess(); }
public override void PostProcess() { Rect mouseClickRect = new Rect(position.X, position.Y, 1, 1); xAdjust = 100; yAdjust = 100; mouseClickRect.Inflate(xAdjust, yAdjust); // Crop to a 200x200px square around the click for context. ScreenGrabs.Crop(mouseClickRect, ref xAdjust, ref yAdjust); base.PostProcess(); }