private static void OnSillyCrashHandler(object sender, UnhandledExceptionEventArgs args) { var parentException = args.ExceptionObject as Exception; if (parentException is AggregateException aggregateException) { aggregateException.Flatten().Handle(e => { ErrorReporter.Notify("Bootstrapper", e); return(false); }); } else { ErrorReporter.Notify("Bootstrapper", parentException); } if (args.IsTerminating) { AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException -= OnSillyCrashHandler; IRC.Instance.SendOps("🥀 Backend process has crashed."); Application.Cleanup(); } }
public async Task Process() { Log.WriteInfo(ToString(), "Process"); try { DbConnection = await Database.GetConnectionAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); await LoadData().ConfigureAwait(false); if (ProductInfo == null) { await ProcessUnknown().ConfigureAwait(false); } else { await ProcessData().ConfigureAwait(false); } } catch (MySqlException e) { ErrorReporter.Notify(ToString(), e); JobManager.AddJob(() => RefreshSteam()); } #if DEBUG Log.WriteDebug(ToString(), "Processed"); #endif }
public void Connect() { try { IrcClientConnectionOptions options = null; if (Settings.Current.IRC.Ssl) { options = new IrcClientConnectionOptions { Ssl = true, SslHostname = Settings.Current.IRC.Server }; if (Settings.Current.IRC.SslAcceptInvalid) { options.SslCertificateValidationCallback = (sender, certificate, chain, policyErrors) => true; } } Client.Connect(Settings.Current.IRC.Server, Settings.Current.IRC.Port, options); } catch (Exception e) { ErrorReporter.Notify("IRC", e); } }
private async void OnServerList(SteamClient.ServerListCallback callback) { IList <CDNClient.Server> serverList; try { serverList = await CDNClient.FetchServerListAsync(maxServers : 60); } catch (Exception e) { ErrorReporter.Notify("Depot Downloader", e); return; } CDNServers = new List <string>(); foreach (var server in serverList) { if (server.Type == "CDN" && (server.Host.StartsWith("valve") || server.Host.StartsWith("cache"))) { Log.WriteDebug("Depot Processor", "Adding {0} to CDN server list", server.Host); CDNServers.Add(server.Host); } else { Log.WriteDebug("Depot Processor", "Skipping {0}, not added to CDN server list", server.Host); } } Log.WriteDebug("Depot Processor", "Finished adding CDN servers, added {0} out of {1}", CDNServers.Count, serverList.Count); }
public static void Cleanup() { Log.WriteInfo(nameof(Application), "Exiting..."); try { Steam.Instance.IsRunning = false; Steam.Instance.Client.Disconnect(); Steam.Instance.Dispose(); } catch (Exception e) { ErrorReporter.Notify(nameof(Application), e); } if (Settings.Current.IRC.Enabled) { Log.WriteInfo(nameof(Application), "Closing IRC connection..."); RssReader.Timer.Stop(); RssReader.Dispose(); IRC.Instance.Close(); IrcThread.Join(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)); } TaskManager.CancelAllTasks(); if (!Settings.IsFullRun) { LocalConfig.Update("backend.changenumber", Steam.Instance.PICSChanges.PreviousChangeNumber.ToString()) .GetAwaiter().GetResult(); } }
private async void OnServerList(SteamClient.ServerListCallback callback) { IList <CDNClient.Server> serverList; try { serverList = await CDNClient.FetchServerListAsync(maxServers : 30); } catch (Exception e) { if (CDNServers.Count == 0) { ErrorReporter.Notify("Depot Downloader", e); } return; } CDNServers = new List <string>(); foreach (var server in serverList) { // returns 404 Not Found unnecessarily if (server.Type == "CDN" && !server.Host.Contains("cdn.")) { CDNServers.Add(server.Host); } } }
public static void RegisterErrorHandler(Task t) { Tasks.TryAdd(t, 1); #if DEBUG Log.WriteDebug("Task Manager", "New task: {0}", t); #endif t.ContinueWith(task => { if (Tasks.TryRemove(task, out _)) { #if DEBUG Log.WriteDebug("Task Manager", "Removed task: {0} ({1} jobs left)", t, TasksCount); #endif } }); t.ContinueWith(task => { task.Exception.Flatten().Handle(e => { ErrorReporter.Notify("Task Manager", e); return(false); }); }, TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnFaulted); }
private static void RemoveProcessorLock(Task <BaseProcessor> task) { var processor = task.Result; lock (CurrentlyProcessing) { #if false if (CurrentlyProcessing[processor.Id]?.Id == task.Id) { CurrentlyProcessing.Remove(processor.Id); } #endif if (CurrentlyProcessing.TryGetValue(processor.Id, out var mostRecentItem)) { if (mostRecentItem.IsCompleted) { CurrentlyProcessing.Remove(processor.Id); Log.WriteDebug(processor.ToString(), $"Removed completed lock ({CurrentlyProcessing.Count})"); } else if (mostRecentItem.Id == task.Id) { ErrorReporter.Notify(processor.ToString(), new System.Exception($"Matching worker task ids, but task is not completed? @xPaw")); } } } }
private async void OnServerList(SteamClient.ServerListCallback callback) { IList <CDNClient.Server> serverList; try { serverList = await CDNClient.FetchServerListAsync(maxServers : 60); } catch (Exception e) { if (CDNServers.Count == 0) { ErrorReporter.Notify("Depot Downloader", e); } return; } CDNServers = new List <string>(); foreach (var server in serverList) { if (server.Type == "CDN" && server.Host.StartsWith("valve")) { CDNServers.Add(server.Host); } } }
private static void TryCommand(Command command, CommandArguments commandData) { #if false if (commandData.CommandType == ECommandType.IRC && IRC.IsRecipientChannel(commandData.Recipient)) { if (DateTime.Now.Subtract(LastCommandUseTime).TotalSeconds < 60) { commandData.ReplyAsNotice = ++LastCommandUseCount > 3; } else { LastCommandUseCount = 1; } LastCommandUseTime = DateTime.Now; } #endif try { command.OnCommand(commandData); } catch (Exception e) { Log.WriteError("CommandHandler", "Exception while executing a command: {0}\n{1}", e.Message, e.StackTrace); ReplyToCommand(commandData, "Exception: {0}", e.Message); ErrorReporter.Notify(e); } }
public static void Cleanup() { Log.WriteInfo(nameof(Application), "Exiting..."); try { Steam.Instance.IsRunning = false; Steam.Instance.Client.Disconnect(); Steam.Instance.Dispose(); } catch (Exception e) { ErrorReporter.Notify(nameof(Application), e); } if (Settings.Current.IRC.Enabled) { Log.WriteInfo(nameof(Application), "Closing IRC connection..."); RssReader.Timer.Stop(); RssReader.Dispose(); IRC.Instance.Close(); IrcThread.Join(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)); } TaskManager.CancelAllTasks(); LocalConfig.Save(); }
private void OnMachineAuth(SteamUser.UpdateMachineAuthCallback callback) { Log.WriteInfo("Steam", "Updating sentry file..."); byte[] sentryHash = CryptoHelper.SHAHash(callback.Data); if (callback.Data.Length != callback.BytesToWrite) { ErrorReporter.Notify(new InvalidDataException(string.Format("Data.Length ({0}) != BytesToWrite ({1}) in OnMachineAuth", callback.Data.Length, callback.BytesToWrite))); } using (var file = File.OpenWrite(SentryFile)) { file.Seek(callback.Offset, SeekOrigin.Begin); file.Write(callback.Data, 0, callback.BytesToWrite); } Steam.Instance.User.SendMachineAuthResponse(new SteamUser.MachineAuthDetails { JobID = callback.JobID, FileName = callback.FileName, BytesWritten = callback.BytesToWrite, FileSize = callback.Data.Length, Offset = callback.Offset, Result = EResult.OK, LastError = 0, OneTimePassword = callback.OneTimePassword, SentryFileHash = sentryHash }); }
public static void Cleanup() { // If threads is null, app was not yet initialized and there is nothing to cleanup if (Threads == null) { return; } Log.WriteInfo("Bootstrapper", "Exiting..."); ChangelistTimer.Stop(); Log.WriteInfo("Bootstrapper", "Disconnecting from Steam..."); try { Steam.Instance.IsRunning = false; Steam.Instance.Client.Disconnect(); } catch (Exception e) { ErrorReporter.Notify("Bootstrapper", e); } if (Settings.Current.IRC.Enabled) { Log.WriteInfo("Bootstrapper", "Closing IRC connection..."); RssReader.Timer.Stop(); IRC.Instance.Close(); } Log.WriteInfo("Bootstrapper", "Cancelling {0} tasks...", TaskManager.TasksCount); TaskManager.CancelAllTasks(); foreach (var thread in Threads.Where(thread => thread.ThreadState == ThreadState.Running)) { Log.WriteInfo("Bootstrapper", "Joining thread {0}...", thread.Name); thread.Join(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)); } Log.WriteInfo("Bootstrapper", "Saving local config..."); LocalConfig.Save(); try { Steam.Anonymous.IsRunning = false; Steam.Anonymous.Client.Disconnect(); } catch (Exception e) { ErrorReporter.Notify("Bootstrapper", e); } }
private static void OnUnobservedTaskException(object sender, UnobservedTaskExceptionEventArgs args) { args.Exception?.Flatten().Handle(e => { ErrorReporter.Notify(nameof(Bootstrapper), e); return(true); }); }
public static void RegisterErrorHandler(Task t) { t.ContinueWith(task => { task.Exception.Flatten().Handle(e => { ErrorReporter.Notify("Task Manager", e); return(false); }); }, TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnFaulted); }
private void OnMachineAuth(SteamUser.UpdateMachineAuthCallback callback) { Log.WriteInfo("Steam", "Updating sentry file... {0}", callback.FileName); if (callback.Data.Length != callback.BytesToWrite) { ErrorReporter.Notify(new InvalidDataException(string.Format("Data.Length ({0}) != BytesToWrite ({1}) in OnMachineAuth", callback.Data.Length, callback.BytesToWrite))); } int fileSize; byte[] sentryHash; using (var stream = new MemoryStream(LocalConfig.Sentry ?? new byte[callback.BytesToWrite])) { stream.Seek(callback.Offset, SeekOrigin.Begin); stream.Write(callback.Data, 0, callback.BytesToWrite); stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); fileSize = (int)stream.Length; using (var sha = new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider()) { sentryHash = sha.ComputeHash(stream); } LocalConfig.Sentry = stream.ToArray(); } LocalConfig.SentryFileName = callback.FileName; LocalConfig.Save(); Steam.Instance.User.SendMachineAuthResponse(new SteamUser.MachineAuthDetails { JobID = callback.JobID, FileName = callback.FileName, BytesWritten = callback.BytesToWrite, FileSize = fileSize, Offset = callback.Offset, Result = EResult.OK, LastError = 0, OneTimePassword = callback.OneTimePassword, SentryFileHash = sentryHash }); }
private static void RegisterErrorHandler(Task t) { t.ContinueWith(task => { task.Exception.Flatten().Handle(e => { Log.WriteError("Task Manager", "Exception: {0}\n{1}", e.Message, e.StackTrace); ErrorReporter.Notify(e); return(false); }); }, TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnFaulted); }
private void Tick(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e) { Parallel.ForEach(Settings.Current.RssFeeds, feed => { try { ProcessFeed(feed); } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorReporter.Notify("RSS", ex); } }); }
public override void HandleMsg(IPacketMsg packetMsg) { if (packetMsg.MsgType == EMsg.ClientServiceCall || packetMsg.MsgType == EMsg.ClientServiceModule || packetMsg.MsgType == EMsg.ClientReadMachineAuth || packetMsg.MsgType == EMsg.ClientRequestMachineAuth) { IRC.Instance.SendOps("Yo xPaw and Netshroud, got {0}", packetMsg.MsgType); ErrorReporter.Notify(new NotImplementedException(string.Format("Got {0}", packetMsg.MsgType))); string file = Path.Combine(Application.Path, "files", ".support", string.Format("dump_{0}_{1}.bin", packetMsg.MsgType, DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssfff"))); Console.WriteLine(file); File.WriteAllBytes(file, packetMsg.GetData()); } }
private static void AddTask(Task t) { Tasks.TryAdd(t, 1); t.ContinueWith(task => { task.Exception?.Flatten().Handle(e => { ErrorReporter.Notify(nameof(TaskManager), e); return(false); }); }, TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnFaulted); t.ContinueWith(task => Tasks.TryRemove(task, out _)); }
public async void UpdateContentServerList() { LastServerRefreshTime = DateTime.Now; KeyValue response; using (var steamDirectory = Steam.Configuration.GetAsyncWebAPIInterface("ISteamDirectory")) { steamDirectory.Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30); try { response = await steamDirectory.CallAsync(HttpMethod.Get, "GetCSList", 1, new Dictionary <string, object> { { "cellid", LocalConfig.Current.CellID }, { "maxcount", "20" } // Use the first 20 servers as they're sorted by cellid and we want low latency }); if ((EResult)response["result"].AsInteger() != EResult.OK) { throw new Exception($"GetCSList result is EResult.${response["result"]}"); } } catch (Exception e) { ErrorReporter.Notify("Depot Downloader", e); return; } } // Note: There are servers like `` // which are hosted in Seattle, and most likely are the source of truth for // game content, perhaps we should filter to these. But the latency is poor from Europe. var newServers = response["serverlist"].Children.Select(x => (CDNClient.Server) new DnsEndPoint(x.Value.ToString(), 80)).ToList(); if (newServers.Count > 0) { CDNServers = newServers; } }
private static void RegisterErrorHandler(Task t) { Tasks.TryAdd(t, 1); t.ContinueWith(task => { Tasks.TryRemove(task, out _); }); t.ContinueWith(task => { task.Exception.Flatten().Handle(e => { ErrorReporter.Notify("Task Manager", e); return(false); }); }, TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnFaulted); }
private static async void TryCommand(Command command, CommandArguments commandData) { try { await command.OnCommand(commandData); } catch (TaskCanceledException) { commandData.Reply("Your command timed out."); } catch (AsyncJobFailedException) { commandData.Reply("Steam says this job failed, unable to execute your command."); } catch (Exception e) { commandData.Reply("Exception: {0}", e.Message); ErrorReporter.Notify(e); } }
private static async void TryCommand(Command command, CommandArguments commandData) { try { await command.OnCommand(commandData); } catch (TaskCanceledException) { commandData.Reply("Your {0}{1}{2} command timed out.", Colors.OLIVE, command.Trigger, Colors.NORMAL); } catch (AsyncJobFailedException) { commandData.Reply("Steam says this job failed. Unable to execute your {0}{1}{2} command.", Colors.OLIVE, command.Trigger, Colors.NORMAL); } catch (Exception e) { ErrorReporter.Notify("IRC", e); commandData.Reply("Exception: {0}", e.Message); } }
public void Connect() { try { IrcClientConnectionOptions options = null; if (Settings.Current.IRC.Ssl) { options = new IrcClientConnectionOptions { Ssl = true, SslHostname = Settings.Current.IRC.Server }; } Client.Connect(Settings.Current.IRC.Server, Settings.Current.IRC.Port, options); } catch (Exception e) { ErrorReporter.Notify("IRC", e); } }
public static async Task SendWebhook(object payload) { if (Settings.Current.WebhookURL == null) { return; } var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(payload); var content = new StringContent(json, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"); try { var result = await HttpClient.PostAsync(Settings.Current.WebhookURL, content); var output = await result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); Log.WriteDebug("Webhook", $"Result: {output}"); } catch (Exception e) { ErrorReporter.Notify("Webhook", e); } }
public async Task Process(uint appID, uint changeNumber, KeyValue depots) { var requests = new List <ManifestJob>(); // Get data in format we want first foreach (var depot in depots.Children) { // Ignore these for now, parent app should be updated too anyway if (depot["depotfromapp"].Value != null) { continue; } var request = new ManifestJob { ChangeNumber = changeNumber, DepotName = depot["name"].AsString() }; // Ignore keys that aren't integers, for example "branches" if (!uint.TryParse(depot.Name, out request.DepotID)) { continue; } // TODO: instead of locking we could wait for current process to finish if (DepotLocks.ContainsKey(request.DepotID)) { continue; } if (depot["manifests"]["public"].Value == null || !ulong.TryParse(depot["manifests"]["public"].Value, out request.ManifestID)) { var branch = depot["manifests"].Children.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name != "local"); if (branch == null || !ulong.TryParse(branch.Value, out request.ManifestID)) { using (var db = Database.Get()) { await db.ExecuteAsync("INSERT INTO `Depots` (`DepotID`, `Name`) VALUES (@DepotID, @DepotName) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `Name` = VALUES(`Name`)", new { request.DepotID, request.DepotName }); } continue; } Log.WriteDebug("Depot Downloader", "Depot {0} (from {1}) has no public branch, but there is another one", request.DepotID, appID); request.BuildID = depots["branches"][branch.Name]["buildid"].AsInteger(); } else { request.BuildID = depots["branches"]["public"]["buildid"].AsInteger(); } requests.Add(request); } if (!requests.Any()) { return; } var depotsToDownload = new List <ManifestJob>(); using (var db = await Database.GetConnectionAsync()) { var firstRequest = requests.First(); await db.ExecuteAsync("INSERT INTO `Builds` (`BuildID`, `ChangeID`, `AppID`) VALUES (@BuildID, @ChangeNumber, @AppID) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `AppID` = VALUES(`AppID`)", new { firstRequest.BuildID, firstRequest.ChangeNumber, appID }); var dbDepots = (await db.QueryAsync <Depot>("SELECT `DepotID`, `Name`, `BuildID`, `ManifestID`, `LastManifestID` FROM `Depots` WHERE `DepotID` IN @Depots", new { Depots = requests.Select(x => x.DepotID) })) .ToDictionary(x => x.DepotID, x => x); foreach (var request in requests) { Depot dbDepot; if (dbDepots.ContainsKey(request.DepotID)) { dbDepot = dbDepots[request.DepotID]; if (dbDepot.BuildID > request.BuildID) { // buildid went back in time? this either means a rollback, or a shared depot that isn't synced properly Log.WriteDebug("Depot Processor", "Skipping depot {0} due to old buildid: {1} > {2}", request.DepotID, dbDepot.BuildID, request.BuildID); continue; } if (dbDepot.LastManifestID == request.ManifestID && dbDepot.ManifestID == request.ManifestID && Settings.Current.FullRun != FullRunState.WithForcedDepots) { // Update depot name if changed if (!request.DepotName.Equals(dbDepot.Name)) { await db.ExecuteAsync("UPDATE `Depots` SET `Name` = @DepotName WHERE `DepotID` = @DepotID", new { request.DepotID, request.DepotName }); } continue; } } else { dbDepot = new Depot(); } if (dbDepot.BuildID != request.BuildID || dbDepot.ManifestID != request.ManifestID || !request.DepotName.Equals(dbDepot.Name)) { await db.ExecuteAsync(@"INSERT INTO `Depots` (`DepotID`, `Name`, `BuildID`, `ManifestID`) VALUES (@DepotID, @DepotName, @BuildID, @ManifestID) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `LastUpdated` = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(), `Name` = VALUES(`Name`), `BuildID` = VALUES(`BuildID`), `ManifestID` = VALUES(`ManifestID`)", new { request.DepotID, request.DepotName, request.BuildID, request.ManifestID }); } if (dbDepot.ManifestID != request.ManifestID) { await MakeHistory(db, null, request, string.Empty, "manifest_change", dbDepot.ManifestID, request.ManifestID); } var owned = LicenseList.OwnedApps.ContainsKey(request.DepotID); if (!owned) { request.Anonymous = owned = LicenseList.AnonymousApps.ContainsKey(request.DepotID); if (owned) { Log.WriteWarn("Depot Processor", "Will download depot {0} using anonymous account", request.DepotID); } } if (owned) { lock (DepotLocks) { // This doesn't really save us from concurrency issues if (DepotLocks.ContainsKey(request.DepotID)) { Log.WriteWarn("Depot Processor", "Depot {0} was locked in another thread", request.DepotID); continue; } DepotLocks.Add(request.DepotID, 1); } depotsToDownload.Add(request); } } } if (depotsToDownload.Any()) { #pragma warning disable 4014 if (FileDownloader.IsImportantDepot(appID) && !Settings.IsFullRun && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Settings.Current.PatchnotesNotifyURL)) { TaskManager.Run(() => NotifyPatchnote(appID, depotsToDownload.First().BuildID)); } TaskManager.Run(async() => { try { await DownloadDepots(appID, depotsToDownload); } catch (Exception e) { ErrorReporter.Notify("Depot Processor", e); } foreach (var depot in depotsToDownload) { RemoveLock(depot.DepotID); } }); #pragma warning restore 4014 } }
private async Task <EResult> ProcessDepotAfterDownload(IDbConnection db, IDbTransaction transaction, ManifestJob request, DepotManifest depotManifest) { var filesOld = (await db.QueryAsync <DepotFile>("SELECT `ID`, `File`, `Hash`, `Size`, `Flags` FROM `DepotsFiles` WHERE `DepotID` = @DepotID", new { request.DepotID }, transaction: transaction)).ToDictionary(x => x.File, x => x); var filesAdded = new List <DepotFile>(); var shouldHistorize = filesOld.Any(); // Don't historize file additions if we didn't have any data before foreach (var file in depotManifest.Files) { var name = file.FileName.Replace('\\', '/'); byte[] hash = null; // Store empty hashes as NULL (e.g. an empty file) if (file.FileHash.Length > 0 && !file.Flags.HasFlag(EDepotFileFlag.Directory)) { for (int i = 0; i < file.FileHash.Length; ++i) { if (file.FileHash[i] != 0) { hash = file.FileHash; break; } } } // safe guard if (name.Length > 255) { ErrorReporter.Notify("Depot Processor", new OverflowException(string.Format("File \"{0}\" in depot {1} is too long", name, request.DepotID))); continue; } if (filesOld.ContainsKey(name)) { var oldFile = filesOld[name]; var updateFile = false; if (oldFile.Size != file.TotalSize || !Utils.IsEqualSHA1(hash, oldFile.Hash)) { await MakeHistory(db, transaction, request, name, "modified", oldFile.Size, file.TotalSize); updateFile = true; } if (oldFile.Flags != file.Flags) { await MakeHistory(db, transaction, request, name, "modified_flags", (ulong)oldFile.Flags, (ulong)file.Flags); updateFile = true; } if (updateFile) { await db.ExecuteAsync("UPDATE `DepotsFiles` SET `Hash` = @Hash, `Size` = @Size, `Flags` = @Flags WHERE `DepotID` = @DepotID AND `ID` = @ID", new DepotFile { ID = oldFile.ID, DepotID = request.DepotID, Hash = hash, Size = file.TotalSize, Flags = file.Flags }, transaction : transaction); } filesOld.Remove(name); } else { // We want to historize modifications first, and only then deletions and additions filesAdded.Add(new DepotFile { DepotID = request.DepotID, Hash = hash, File = name, Size = file.TotalSize, Flags = file.Flags }); } } if (filesOld.Any()) { await db.ExecuteAsync("DELETE FROM `DepotsFiles` WHERE `DepotID` = @DepotID AND `ID` IN @Files", new { request.DepotID, Files = filesOld.Select(x => x.Value.ID) }, transaction : transaction); await db.ExecuteAsync(HistoryQuery, filesOld.Select(x => new DepotHistory { DepotID = request.DepotID, ChangeID = request.ChangeNumber, Action = "removed", File = x.Value.File }), transaction : transaction); } if (filesAdded.Any()) { await db.ExecuteAsync("INSERT INTO `DepotsFiles` (`DepotID`, `File`, `Hash`, `Size`, `Flags`) VALUES (@DepotID, @File, @Hash, @Size, @Flags)", filesAdded, transaction : transaction); if (shouldHistorize) { await db.ExecuteAsync(HistoryQuery, filesAdded.Select(x => new DepotHistory { DepotID = request.DepotID, ChangeID = request.ChangeNumber, Action = "added", File = x.File }), transaction : transaction); } } await db.ExecuteAsync("UPDATE `Depots` SET `LastManifestID` = @ManifestID, `LastUpdated` = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() WHERE `DepotID` = @DepotID", new { request.DepotID, request.ManifestID }, transaction : transaction); return(EResult.OK); }
private async Task DownloadDepots(uint appID, List <ManifestJob> depots) { Log.WriteDebug("Depot Downloader", "Will process {0} depots ({1} depot locks left)", depots.Count(), DepotLocks.Count); var processTasks = new List <Task <EResult> >(); bool anyFilesDownloaded = false; foreach (var depot in depots) { var instance = depot.Anonymous ? Steam.Anonymous.Apps : Steam.Instance.Apps; depot.DepotKey = await GetDepotDecryptionKey(instance, depot.DepotID, appID); if (depot.DepotKey == null) { RemoveLock(depot.DepotID); continue; } var cdnToken = await GetCDNAuthToken(instance, appID, depot.DepotID); if (cdnToken == null) { RemoveLock(depot.DepotID); Log.WriteDebug("Depot Downloader", "Got a depot key for depot {0} but no cdn auth token", depot.DepotID); continue; } depot.CDNToken = cdnToken.Token; depot.Server = GetContentServer(); DepotManifest depotManifest = null; string lastError = string.Empty; for (var i = 0; i <= 5; i++) { try { depotManifest = await CDNClient.DownloadManifestAsync(depot.DepotID, depot.ManifestID, depot.Server, depot.CDNToken, depot.DepotKey); break; } catch (Exception e) { lastError = e.Message; Log.WriteError("Depot Processor", "Failed to download depot manifest for app {0} depot {1} ({2}: {3}) (#{4})", appID, depot.DepotID, depot.Server, lastError, i); } // TODO: get new auth key if auth fails depot.Server = GetContentServer(); if (depotManifest == null) { await Task.Delay(Utils.ExponentionalBackoff(i)); } } if (depotManifest == null) { LocalConfig.CDNAuthTokens.TryRemove(depot.DepotID, out _); RemoveLock(depot.DepotID); if (FileDownloader.IsImportantDepot(depot.DepotID)) { IRC.Instance.SendOps("{0}[{1}]{2} Failed to download manifest ({3})", Colors.OLIVE, depot.DepotName, Colors.NORMAL, lastError); } if (!Settings.IsFullRun) { JobManager.AddJob(() => Steam.Instance.Apps.PICSGetAccessTokens(appID, null)); } continue; } var task = ProcessDepotAfterDownload(depot, depotManifest); processTasks.Add(task); if (!FileDownloader.IsImportantDepot(depot.DepotID)) { continue; } task = TaskManager.Run(async() => { var result = EResult.Fail; try { result = await FileDownloader.DownloadFilesFromDepot(depot, depotManifest); if (result == EResult.OK) { anyFilesDownloaded = true; } } catch (Exception e) { ErrorReporter.Notify($"Depot Processor {depot.DepotID}", e); } return(result); }).Unwrap(); processTasks.Add(task); } if (SaveLocalConfig) { SaveLocalConfig = false; LocalConfig.Save(); } await Task.WhenAll(processTasks).ConfigureAwait(false); Log.WriteDebug("Depot Downloader", "{0} depot downloads finished", depots.Count()); // TODO: use ContinueWith on tasks if (!anyFilesDownloaded) { foreach (var depot in depots) { RemoveLock(depot.DepotID); } return; } if (!File.Exists(UpdateScript)) { return; } lock (UpdateScriptLock) { foreach (var depot in depots) { if (depot.Result == EResult.OK) { RunUpdateScript(string.Format("{0} no-git", depot.DepotID)); } else if (depot.Result != EResult.Ignored) { Log.WriteWarn("Depot Processor", "Dropping stored token for {0} due to download failures", depot.DepotID); LocalConfig.CDNAuthTokens.TryRemove(depot.DepotID, out _); using (var db = Database.Get()) { // Mark this depot for redownload db.Execute("UPDATE `Depots` SET `LastManifestID` = 0 WHERE `DepotID` = @DepotID", new { depot.DepotID }); } } RemoveLock(depot.DepotID); } // Only commit changes if all depots downloaded if (processTasks.All(x => x.Result == EResult.OK || x.Result == EResult.Ignored)) { if (!RunUpdateScript(appID, depots.First().BuildID)) { RunUpdateScript("0"); } } else { Log.WriteDebug("Depot Processor", "Reprocessing the app {0} because some files failed to download", appID); IRC.Instance.SendOps("{0}[{1}]{2} Reprocessing the app due to download failures", Colors.OLIVE, Steam.GetAppName(appID), Colors.NORMAL ); JobManager.AddJob(() => Steam.Instance.Apps.PICSGetAccessTokens(appID, null)); } } }
public static async Task <uint> TrySearchAppId(CommandArguments command) { uint appID = 0; var name = command.Message; Uri uri; var query = new Dictionary <string, string> { { "hitsPerPage", "1" }, { "attributesToHighlight", "null" }, { "attributesToSnippet", "null" }, { "attributesToRetrieve", "[\"objectID\"]" }, { "facetFilters", "[[\"appType:Game\",\"appType:Application\"]]" }, { "advancedSyntax", "true" }, { "query", name } }; using (var content = new FormUrlEncodedContent(query)) { uri = new UriBuilder("") { Query = await content.ReadAsStringAsync() }.Uri; } using (var requestMessage = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, uri)) { requestMessage.Headers.Add("Referer", ""); requestMessage.Headers.Add("X-Algolia-Application-Id", "94HE6YATEI"); requestMessage.Headers.Add("X-Algolia-API-Key", "2414d3366df67739fe6e73dad3f51a43"); try { var response = await Utils.HttpClient.SendAsync(requestMessage); var data = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); var json = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <AlgoliaSearchAppHits>(data); if (json.Hits.Length > 0) { appID = json.Hits[0].AppID; } } catch (Exception e) { ErrorReporter.Notify("Algolia search", e); } } if (appID > 0) { return(appID); } await using (var db = await Database.GetConnectionAsync()) { appID = await db.ExecuteScalarAsync <uint>("SELECT `AppID` FROM `Apps` LEFT JOIN `AppsTypes` ON `Apps`.`AppType` = `AppsTypes`.`AppType` WHERE (`AppsTypes`.`Name` IN ('game', 'application', 'video', 'hardware') AND (`Apps`.`StoreName` LIKE @Name OR `Apps`.`Name` LIKE @Name)) OR (`AppsTypes`.`Name` = 'unknown' AND `Apps`.`LastKnownName` LIKE @Name) ORDER BY `LastUpdated` DESC LIMIT 1", new { Name = name }); } if (appID == 0) { command.Reply("Nothing was found matching your request."); } return(appID); }