예제 #1
        private void Thumb_DragCompleted(object sender, DragCompletedEventArgs e)
            //need to alter the drop code for new tilegrid behavior
            //before snapping back, see if we move to a new column/row
            DependencyObject parent = LogicalTreeHelper.GetParent(this);

            if (parent is TileGrid tg)
                Tuple <int, int> rowCol = tg.GetRowColDimensions(new Size(tg.ActualWidth, tg.ActualHeight));
                //use relative end positioning to panel rather than to start position.
                Point endPos = Mouse.GetPosition(tg);
                //we know where the thumb is but really we would like to know where THIS is
                Point thumbOffset = Mouse.GetPosition(this);
                endPos.X -= thumbOffset.X;
                endPos.Y -= thumbOffset.Y;
                //get the width and height of each row
                double colWidth  = tg.ActualWidth / rowCol.Item2;
                double rowHeight = tg.ActualHeight / rowCol.Item1;

                //get row and column based on position of top-left corner. round off to an integer to snap to nearest
                int newCol = (int)Math.Round(endPos.X / colWidth);
                int newRow = (int)Math.Round(endPos.Y / rowHeight);

                //if the rowspan and columnspan would exceed the number of rows or columns, fix it
                newCol = Math.Min(rowCol.Item2 - TileGrid.GetColumnSpan(this), newCol);
                newRow = Math.Min(rowCol.Item1 - TileGrid.GetRowSpan(this), newRow);

                //snap to the correct row/column
                //this doesn't need to change
                TileGrid.SetColumn(this, newCol);
                TileGrid.SetRow(this, newRow);
                //reset back to no margin
                //only do this if snapping; presumably we actually want to stay dragged otherwise
                Margin = defaultMargin;
예제 #2
 public TileGridlineAdorner(TileGrid adornedElement) : base(adornedElement)
     target = adornedElement;
예제 #3
 private void AlignAdorner()
     //prefer the adorner to be on the left, but move to the right if we're in the first column
     menu.HorizontalAlignment = TileGrid.GetColumn(this) == 0 ? HorizontalAlignment.Right : HorizontalAlignment.Left;