protected static StateFunding ReadRow(Excel.Range row) { StateFunding result = new StateFunding(); try { var cells = (System.Array)row.Cells.Value; result.recordNumber = cells.GetValue(1, 1) as string; result.jurisdiction = cells.GetValue(1, 2) as string; result.yearFunded = cells.GetValue(1, 3).ToString(); result.recipient = cells.GetValue(1, 4) as string; result.amount = cells.GetValue(1, 5).ToString(); result.ministryAgency = cells.GetValue(1, 6) as string; = cells.GetValue(1, 7) as string; result.jurisdictionFederal = cells.GetValue(1, 8) as string; result.source = cells.GetValue(1, 9) as string; result.program = cells.GetValue(1, 10) as string; result.masterProgram = cells.GetValue(1, 11) as string; result.project = cells.GetValue(1, 12) as string; result.recipientOriginal = cells.GetValue(1, 13) as string; result.movementAboriginal = cells.GetValue(1, 14) as string; result.movementEnvironment = cells.GetValue(1, 15) as string; result.movementRights = cells.GetValue(1, 16) as string; result.movementWomen = cells.GetValue(1, 17) as string; result.movementOther = cells.GetValue(1, 18) as string; result.movementABgovt = cells.GetValue(1, 19) as string; result.notes = cells.GetValue(1, 20) as string; // calculate inflation int year = int.Parse(result.yearFunded); double average = 1.0 + decimal.ToDouble(AverageInflation[year]) / 100.0; double inflatedAmount = double.Parse(result.amount) * Math.Pow(average, (double)(MAX_YEAR - year)); result.amountInflation = string.Format("{0:0.00}", inflatedAmount); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error reading data:" + ex.Message); Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); return(null); } return(result); }
public static XElement AddAggregations(string msGuid, Excel.Worksheet worksheet /*CsvReader csv*/, string currDir, XElement metadataSet) { XDocument doc = new XDocument(new XDeclaration("1.0", "utf-8", "yes")); XElement ingestion = new XElement("ingestion"); ingestion.Add(new XAttribute("overwrite", "false")); doc.Add(ingestion); XAttribute xmlLang = new XAttribute(XNamespace.Xml + "lang", "en"); XElement aggregations = new XElement("aggregations"); int countAggregation = 1; int fileCount = 1; Excel.Range range = worksheet.UsedRange; int rowsCount = range.Rows.Count; string inflationField = "amount" + MAX_YEAR + "Inflation"; for (int i = 2; i <= rowsCount; ++i) { StateFunding sf = ReadRow(worksheet.get_Range("A" + i, "T" + i)); try { XElement item = new XElement("item"); aggregations.Add(item); string now = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); item.Add(new XAttribute("created", now)); item.Add(new XAttribute("updated", now)); item.Add(new XAttribute("model-type", "Catfish.Core.Models.CFItem, Catfish.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null")); item.Add(new XAttribute("IsRequired", "false")); item.Add(new XAttribute("guid", Guid.NewGuid().ToString())); item.Add(new XAttribute("entity-type", EntityTypeName)); XElement metadata = new XElement("metadata"); item.Add(metadata); XElement ms = new XElement(metadataSet); metadata.Add(ms); ms.SetAttributeValue("created", now); ms.SetAttributeValue("updated", now); XElement fields = ms.Element("fields"); Action <XElement, string> setValue = (field, value) => { XElement valueElement = field.Element("value"); if (valueElement == null) { valueElement = new XElement("value"); field.Add(valueElement); } XElement textValue = valueElement.Element("text"); if (textValue == null) { textValue = new XElement("text"); valueElement.Add(textValue); textValue.Add(xmlLang); } textValue.Value = value ?? ""; }; foreach (XElement field in fields.Elements()) { field.SetAttributeValue("updated", now); string name = field.Element("name").Element("text").Value; if (name == "jurisdiction") { setValue(field, sf.jurisdiction); } else if (name == "yearFunded") { setValue(field, sf.yearFunded); } else if (name == "recipient") { setValue(field, sf.recipient); } else if (name == "amount") { //TODO: add the inflation amount setValue(field, sf.amount); } else if (name == "ministryAgency") { setValue(field, sf.ministryAgency); } else if (name == "city") { setValue(field,; } else if (name == "jurisdictionFederal") { setValue(field, sf.jurisdictionFederal); } else if (name == "source") { setValue(field, sf.source); } else if (name == "program") { setValue(field, sf.program); } else if (name == "masterProgram") { setValue(field, sf.masterProgram); } else if (name == "project") { setValue(field, sf.project); } else if (name == "recipientOriginal") { setValue(field, sf.recipientOriginal); } else if (name == "notes") { setValue(field, sf.notes); } else if (name == inflationField) { setValue(field, sf.amountInflation); } else if (name == "movement") { var options = field.Element("options").Elements(); foreach (var option in options) { string optionName = option.Element("text").Value; if (optionName == "Aboriginal Peoples") { option.SetAttributeValue("selected", sf.movementAboriginal == "1"); } else if (optionName == "Environment") { option.SetAttributeValue("selected", sf.movementEnvironment == "1"); } else if (optionName == "Human Rights") { option.SetAttributeValue("selected", sf.movementRights == "1"); } else if (optionName == "Women") { option.SetAttributeValue("selected", sf.movementWomen == "1"); } else if (optionName == "Other") { option.SetAttributeValue("selected", sf.movementOther == "1"); } else if (optionName == "Aboriginal Government") { option.SetAttributeValue("selected", sf.movementABgovt == "1"); } } } } XElement access = XElement.Parse(ACCESS); item.Add(access); } catch (Exception ex) { if (sf != null) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("An error occured while reading enty {0}: {1}", sf.recordNumber, ex.Message)); } else { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("An error occured reading line {0} of the excel file:", i, ex.Message)); } Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); } if (countAggregation == TotAggregations) //save the file for every 10k items { ingestion.Add(aggregations); doc.Save(currDir + "\\SFundingIngestion-Aggregation-" + fileCount + ".xml"); countAggregation = 1; aggregations.RemoveAll(); ingestion.RemoveAll(); fileCount++; } else { countAggregation++; } } //write the reminding of the file ingestion.Add(aggregations); doc.Save(currDir + "\\SFundingIngestion-Aggregation-" + fileCount + ".xml"); //countAggregation = 1; // aggregations.RemoveAll(); // ingestion.RemoveAll(); return(aggregations); }