예제 #1
        private void DecorateCircle(Circle circle)
            if (circle.decorated)

            var under = new Rectangle(circle.position.X - circle.radius - 1, circle.position.Y + 18, circle.radius * 2 + 2, circle.radius - 12);

            if (circle.radius > 22 && !CheckForTunnel(under))                                                                  //no tunnels under this circle
                WorldGen.PlaceTile(circle.position.X - 15, circle.position.Y - 15, TileType <Tiles.Permafrost.VFX.CaveVFX>()); //aurora VFX actor
                Helper.PlaceMultitile(circle.position - new Point16(8, 0), TileType <BigTree>());                              //tree

                for (int x = -4; x <= 4; x++)                                                                                  //island under the tree
                    for (int y = 0; y < 2; y++)
                        WorldGen.PlaceTile(circle.position.X + x, circle.position.Y + 17 + y, TileType <PermafrostSnow>());

                FloodRectangle(under);                                //water under the tree

                for (int x = -circle.radius; x <= circle.radius; x++) //layer of ice over the water
                    WorldGen.PlaceTile(circle.position.X + x, circle.position.Y + 17, TileType <PhotoreactiveIce>());
예제 #2
        private void PlaceTeleporter(Point16 pos, Point16 target)
            Helper.PlaceMultitile(pos, TileType <PermafrostTeleporter>());
            TileEntity.PlaceEntityNet(pos.X, pos.Y, TileEntityType <PermafrostTeleporterEntity>());

            var entity = TileEntity.ByPosition[pos] as PermafrostTeleporterEntity;

            entity.target = target.ToVector2() * 16;
예제 #3
        private void ForestHerbGen(GenerationProgress progress)
            progress.Message = "Planting ivy...";
            for (int k = 60; k < Main.maxTilesX - 60; k++)
                if (Main.rand.Next(8) == 0 && k > Main.maxTilesX / 3 && k < Main.maxTilesX / 3 * 2) //Berry Bushes
                    for (int y = 10; y < Main.worldSurface; y++)
                        if (Main.tile[k, y].type == TileID.Grass && Helper.CheckAirRectangle(new Point16(k, y - 2), new Point16(2, 2)))
                            Helper.PlaceMultitile(new Point16(k, y - 2), ModContent.TileType <Tiles.Herbology.ForestBerryBush>());

                /*else if(Main.rand.Next(30) == 0) //Ivy Patches
                 * {
                 *  int size = Main.rand.Next(7, 20);
                 *  for (int x = k - (int)(size / 2); x < k + (int)(size / 2); x++)
                 *  {
                 *      for (int y = 10; y < Main.worldSurface; y++)
                 *      {
                 *          if (Main.tile[x, y].type == TileID.Grass && Main.tile[x, y - 1].collisionType != 1 && Main.tile[x, y].slope() == 0)
                 *          {
                 *              WorldGen.PlaceTile(x, y - 1, ModContent.TileType<Tiles.Herbology.ForestIvyWild>());
                 *          }
                 *      }
                 *  }
                 *  //k += size * 2;
                 * }*/

                for (int j = 15; j < Main.worldSurface; j++)
                    if (Main.rand.Next(500) == 0) //a check for grass could also be here which would speed up this step
                        int size = Main.rand.Next(3, 10);

                        for (int x = k - (int)(size / 2); x < k + (int)(size / 2); x++)
                            for (int y = j - (int)(size / 2); y < j + (int)(size / 2); y++)
                                if (Main.tile[x, y].active() && Main.tile[x, y].type == TileID.Grass && Main.tile[x, y - 1].collisionType != 1 && Main.tile[x, y].slope() == 0) //!Main.tileSolid[Main.tile[x, y - 1].type] may be redundant
                                    WorldGen.PlaceTile(x, y - 1, ModContent.TileType <Tiles.Herbology.ForestIvyWild>());
                                    //WorldGen.PlaceTile((int)x, y - 2, TileID.RubyGemspark, true, true);
예제 #4
        private void ForestHerbGen(GenerationProgress progress)
            progress.Message = "Planting the forest...";
            for (int k = 60; k < Main.maxTilesX - 60; k++)
                if (k > Main.maxTilesX / 3 && k < Main.maxTilesX / 3 * 2) //inner part of the world
                    if (k % 50 == 0 && WorldGen.genRand.Next(3) == 0)     //Starlight groves
                        int max = WorldGen.genRand.Next(30, 50);

                        for (int x = 0; x < max; x++)
                            bool shouldPlace = (x <5 || x> max - 5) ? WorldGen.genRand.NextBool() : true;

                            if (shouldPlace)
                                for (int y = 10; y < Main.worldSurface; y++)
                                    if (Main.tile[k + x, y].type == TileID.Grass)
                                        WorldGen.PlaceTile(k + x, y, TileType <Tiles.Forest.Sod>(), true, true);

                        k += max + 5;

                    if (WorldGen.genRand.Next(16) == 0) //Berry Bushes
                        for (int y = 10; y < Main.worldSurface; y++)
                            if (Main.tile[k, y].type == TileID.Grass && Main.tile[k + 1, y].type == TileID.Grass && Helper.CheckAirRectangle(new Point16(k, y - 2), new Point16(2, 2)))
                                Helper.PlaceMultitile(new Point16(k, y - 2), TileType <Tiles.Herbology.ForestBerryBush>());
                                k += 3;

                    else if (WorldGen.genRand.Next(50) == 0) //Palestone
                        for (int y = 10; y < Main.worldSurface; y++)
                            bool canPlace = true;

                            for (int w = -2; w < 2; ++w) //Scans are for valid placement (fixed some really bizzare placement issues)
                                if (Main.tile[k, y].type != TileID.Grass || !Main.tile[k, y].active())
                                    canPlace = false;

                            if (canPlace)
                                PalestoneChunk(k, y); //Place chunk
                        k += 15;

                for (int j = 15; j < Main.worldSurface; j++) //ivy
                    if (WorldGen.genRand.Next(500) == 0)     //a check for grass could also be here which would speed up this step
                        int size = WorldGen.genRand.Next(6, 15);

                        for (int x = k - size / 2; x < k + size / 2; x++)
                            for (int y = j - size / 2; y < j + size / 2; y++)
                                if (Main.tile[x, y].active() && Main.tile[x, y].type == TileID.Grass && Main.tile[x, y - 1].collisionType != 1 && Main.tile[x, y].slope() == 0) //!Main.tileSolid[Main.tile[x, y - 1].type] may be redundant
                                    WorldGen.PlaceTile(x, y - 1, TileType <Tiles.Herbology.ForestIvyWild>());

                if (WorldGen.genRand.Next(30) == 0 && AnyGrass(k))
                    int size = WorldGen.genRand.Next(10, 15);

                    for (int x = 0; x < size; x++)
                        int surface = 0;

                        for (int j = 50; j < Main.worldSurface; j++) //Wall Bushes
                            if (Main.tile[k + x, j].wall != 0 && Main.tile[k, j].wall != WallType <Tiles.Forest.LeafWall>())
                                surface = j; break;

                        int xOff = x > size / 2 ? size - x : x;

                        for (int y = surface - (xOff / 2 + WorldGen.genRand.Next(2)) - 3; true; y++)
                            WorldGen.PlaceWall(k + x, y, WallType <Tiles.Forest.LeafWall>());
                            if (y - surface > 20 || !WorldGen.InWorld(k + x, y + 1) || Main.tile[k + x, y + 1].wall != 0)
예제 #5
        /// <summary>Generates a large island at X/Y.</summary>
        /// <param name="x">X position.</param>
        /// <param name="y">Y position.</param>
        private static void CreateIsland(int x, int y, bool small = false)
            int wid = genRand.Next(32, 42);

            if (small)
                wid = genRand.Next(10, 18);
            int top   = 5;
            int depth = 2;

            bool peak      = false;
            int  peakEnd   = 0;
            int  peakStart = 0;
            int  offset    = 0;

            for (int i = x - (int)(wid / 2f); i < x + (wid / 2f); ++i)
                if (i == x - (int)(wid / 2f) + 1)
                else if (i == (x + (int)(wid / 2f)) - 1)

                if (!peak)
                    if (depth <= 2)
                        depth += genRand.Next(2);
                        depth += genRand.Next(-1, 2);

                    if (genRand.Next(3) == 0)
                        peak      = true;
                        peakStart = i;
                        peakEnd   = i + genRand.Next(3, 8);
                        if (peakEnd > (x + (wid / 2f)) - 1)
                            peakEnd = (int)(x + (wid / 2f)) - 1;
                    int dist = peakEnd - i;
                    int dif  = peakEnd - peakStart;
                    int deep = (7 - dif);

                    if (dist > (int)(dif / 2f))
                        depth += genRand.Next(deep, deep + 2);
                        depth -= genRand.Next(deep, deep + 2);

                    if (x >= peakEnd)
                        peak = false;

                if (i % 4 == 0)
                    if (i < x)
                        top += genRand.Next(2);
                        top -= genRand.Next(2);

                if (i % 8 == 2)
                    offset += genRand.Next(-1, 2);

                if (top < 3)
                    top = 3;

                if (i > x + (wid / 2f) - 4 && depth > 4)
                if (i > x + (wid / 2f) - 4 && depth > 8)

                for (int j = y - top + offset; j < y + depth + offset; j++)
                    int t = j > (y + depth + offset) - 4 ? TileType <VitricSand>() : TileType <VitricSoftSand>();
                    PlaceTile(i, j, t, false, true);

            //Place crystal if needed
            if (crystalsPlaced <= (VitricBiome.Width / 240) + 2 && !small)
                int tries = 0;
                while (true)
                    int cX = x + genRand.Next((int)(wid * -0.60f), (int)(wid * 0.60f)) - 3;
                    int cY = y - 5;
                    while (Main.tile[cX, cY].active())
                    cY = Math.Max(
                        FindType(cX, cY, -1, ValidGround),
                        FindType(cX + 1, cY, -1, ValidGround)
                    if (ValidGround.Any(v => v == Main.tile[cX + 1, cY].type) && ValidGround.Any(v => v == Main.tile[cX + 2, cY].type) && ScanRectangle(cX, cY - 6, 4, 6) < 3)
                            "Structures/Vitric/VitricSmallCrystal_" + genRand.Next(2),
                            new Point16(cX, cY - 6),
                    if (tries++ >= 20)
            else if (small)
                // Input variables
                int spawnAttempts = 30;
                int cX, cY;

                // Perform several checks
                while (spawnAttempts-- > 0)
                    cX = x + genRand.Next((int)(wid * -0.60f), (int)(wid * 0.60f)) - 3;
                    cY = y - 5;
                    cY = FindType(cX, cY, -1, ValidGround);
                    // If the left side of the crystal isn't valid,
                    // or if the right side is occupied,
                    // skip.
                    if (cY == -1)

                    // If there are solid tiles in the way, skip.
                    if (ScanRectangle(cX, cY - 3, 2, 3) > 2)

                    // Success! Halve the spawnAttempts count so we don't spam crystals.
                    PlaceTile(cX + 1, cY, Framing.GetTileSafely(cX, cY).type, true, true);
                    Helper.PlaceMultitile(new Point16(cX, cY - 3), TileType <VitricOre>());
                    spawnAttempts /= 4;