예제 #1
 private void GameLoop_UpdateTicked(object sender, StardewModdingAPI.Events.UpdateTickedEventArgs e)
     if (!Context.IsWorldReady)
     if (sw.ElapsedMilliseconds >= 1000 * config.Time)
         Ring r  = new Ring();
         int  ID = rand.Next(0, 930);
         Item o  = new Object(ID, config.Stack);
         while (o.Name is "???" or "Error Item" or "Weeds" || o.getDescription() is "..." or "???")
             o = new Object(rand.Next(0, 930), config.Stack);
         if (o.Category == -96 || o.DisplayName.Contains("Ring") || o.DisplayName is "Iridium Band" or "Immunity Band")
             o = new Ring(ID);
         if (Game1.player.freeSpotsInInventory() != 0)
             Game1.player.currentLocation.debris.Add(new Debris(o, Game1.player.getStandingPosition()));
             Monitor.Log($"Added object {o.Name} at {Game1.player.getStandingPosition()}.");
예제 #2
        public static ValMap ToMap(StardewValley.Object obj)
            var    result = new ValMap();
            string type   = obj.Type;

            if (type == "asdf")
                type = obj.Name;                                // because, c'mon.
            result.map[_type] = new ValString(type);
            // ToDo: limit the following to ones that really apply for this type.
            result.map[_name]     = new ValString(obj.Name);
            result["displayName"] = new ValString(obj.DisplayName);
            result["health"]      = new ValNumber(obj.getHealth());
            if (obj.isLamp.Get())
                result["isOn"] = ValNumber.Truth(obj.IsOn);
            result["quality"]          = new ValNumber(obj.Quality);
            result.map[_harvestable]   = ValNumber.Truth(obj.readyForHarvest.Get());
            result["minutesTillReady"] = new ValNumber(obj.MinutesUntilReady);
            result["value"]            = new ValNumber(obj.sellToStorePrice());
            result["description"]      = new ValString(obj.getDescription());
예제 #3
 public static void DumpObject(string sName, SDVObject oObject)
     if (oObject == null)
         LogTrace("SDVObject " + sName, " is null");
         LogTrace("SDVObject " + sName, "Dump");
         DumpObject("   Type", oObject.GetType().Name);
         DumpObject("   name", oObject.Name);
         DumpObject("   displayname", oObject.DisplayName);
         DumpObject("   category", oObject.category.Value);
         DumpObject("   parentindex", oObject.parentSheetIndex.Value);
         DumpObject("   description", oObject.getDescription());
         DumpObject("   contexttags value", oObject.GetContextTagList());
         DumpObject("   parentSheetIndex", oObject.parentSheetIndex.Value);
         DumpObject("   heldObject", oObject.heldObject.Value == null ? "Nothing" : oObject.heldObject.Value.displayName ?? oObject.heldObject.Value.name);
         DumpObject("   preservedParentSheetIndex", oObject.preservedParentSheetIndex);
예제 #4
 public override string getDescription()
예제 #5
        public static IList <Fish> GetFishForToday()
            var             fish        = Game1.content.Load <Dictionary <int, string> >("Data\\Fish");
            var             neededItems = new List <int>();
            CommunityCenter cc          = Game1.locations.OfType <CommunityCenter>().SingleOrDefault();

            // get fish still needed for cc bundles
            if (cc != null && !Game1.MasterPlayer.mailReceived.Contains("JojaMember") && !cc.areAllAreasComplete())
                foreach (var b in Game1.content.Load <Dictionary <string, string> >("Data\\Bundles"))
                    var bid   = int.Parse(b.Key.Split('/')[1]);
                    var items = b.Value.Split('/')[2].Split(' ').GroupsOf(3).Select(y => y.First()).ToList();
                    for (var i = 0; i < items.Count; i++)
                        if (cc.bundles[bid][i])
                        var itemId      = int.Parse(items[i]);
                        var objectToAdd = new Object(Vector2.Zero, itemId, 1);
                        if (objectToAdd.Name.Contains("rror") || objectToAdd.Category != -4)

            var locations = Game1.content.Load <Dictionary <string, string> >("Data\\Locations")
                            .Where(x => x.Key != "fishingGame" && x.Key != "Temp" && x.Key != "Backwoods");
            var fishField = 4 + Utility.getSeasonNumber(Game1.currentSeason);

            return(fish.Where(x => !x.Value.Contains("/trap/"))
                   .Select(x =>
                var parts = x.Value.Split('/');
                var o = new StardewValley.Object(x.Key, 1);
                return new Fish
                    ID = x.Key,
                    Name = parts[0],
                    Difficulty = int.Parse(parts[1]),
                    Description = o.getDescription().Replace("\r\n", ""),
                    Times = parts[5].Split(' ').GroupsOf(2).Select(y => string.Join("-", y)).ToArray(),
                    MinLevel = int.Parse(parts[12]),
                    Weather = parts[7],
                    NumSeasons = parts[6].Split(' ').Length,
                    NeedForCC = neededItems.Contains(x.Key),
                    NeedForCollection = !Game1.player.fishCaught.ContainsKey(x.Key),
                    Locations = locations.Where(y => {
                        var fishes = y.Value.Split('/')[fishField];
                        return fishes.Contains(x.Key.ToString());
                    }).Select(y => y.Key).ToArray(),
                   // filter for today's weather
                   .Where(x => x.Weather == "both" || (x.Weather == "rainy") == (Game1.isRaining))
                   // filter for those with valid locations this season
                   .Where(x => x.Locations.Length > 0)

                   .OrderByDescending(x => x.NeedForCC)                       // all cc fish first
                   .ThenByDescending(x => x.NeedForCollection || x.NeedForCC) // then unmet collection requirements
                   .ThenByDescending(x => x.Weather == "rainy")               // rainy day fish higher on rainy days get highest priority
                   .ThenBy(x => x.NumSeasons)                                 // fewer seasons makes it more urgent
                   .ThenBy(x => x.Difficulty)                                 // easiest first