public virtual void DrawChatSnippet(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, ChatSnippet snippet, ref float offset, bool drawShadow = true) { if (snippet.emojiIndex != -1) { spriteBatch.Draw( ChatBox.emojiTexture, new Vector2(offset, DrawOrigin.Y), new Rectangle?(new Rectangle( snippet.emojiIndex * 9 % ChatBox.emojiTexture.Width, snippet.emojiIndex * 9 / ChatBox.emojiTexture.Width * 9, 9, 9)), Color.White, 0f, Vector2.Zero, 4f, SpriteEffects.None, 0.99f); } else if (snippet.message != null) { spriteBatch.DrawString( //ChatBox.messageFont(LocalizedContentManager.CurrentLanguageCode), Font, snippet.message, new Vector2(offset, DrawOrigin.Y), //ChatMessage.getColorFromName(Game1.player.defaultChatColor), TextColor, 0f, Vector2.Zero, 1f, SpriteEffects.None, 0.99f); } offset += snippet.myLength; }
public void receiveEmoji(int emoji) { ReplaceSelection(""); if (currentWidth + 40f > Width - 66) { return; } int index = 0; ChatSnippet chatSnippet = new ChatSnippet(emoji); for (int i = 0; i < finalText.Count; i++) { ChatSnippet item = finalText[i]; index += item.emojiIndex != -1 ? 1 : item.message.Length; if (index == acp.Start)//[text message/emoji][caret] { finalText.Insert(i + 1, chatSnippet); goto FinalEmoji; } else if (index > acp.Start)//[text [caret] message] { var sep_str1 = new ChatSnippet(item.message.Substring(0, acp.Start - (index - item.message.Length)), LocalizedContentManager.CurrentLanguageCode); var sep_str2 = new ChatSnippet(item.message.Substring(acp.Start - (index - item.message.Length)), LocalizedContentManager.CurrentLanguageCode); finalText[i] = sep_str1; finalText.Insert(i + 1, chatSnippet); finalText.Insert(i + 2, sep_str2); goto FinalEmoji; } } finalText.Add(chatSnippet); FinalEmoji: updateWidth(); acp.Start++; acp.End++; #if TSF if (Game1.keyboardDispatcher.Subscriber == this) { Game1.tsf.onTextChange(); } #endif return; }
public override void ReplaceSelection(string _text) { if (acp.Start != acp.End)//delete selection { if (acp.End < acp.Start) { var temp = acp.Start; acp.Start = acp.End; acp.End = temp; } int _index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < finalText.Count && acp.End - acp.Start > 0; i++)//delete text/emoji before end reach start { ChatSnippet item = finalText[i]; _index += item.emojiIndex != -1 ? 1 : item.message.Length; if (_index > acp.Start) { if (item.emojiIndex != -1) { finalText.RemoveAt(i); i--; acp.End--; _index--; if (i >= 0 && finalText.Count > i + 1 && finalText[i].emojiIndex == -1 && finalText[i + 1].emojiIndex == -1) { //both text,merge it _index -= finalText[i].message.Length; finalText[i].message += finalText[i + 1].message; finalText[i].myLength += finalText[i + 1].myLength; finalText.RemoveAt(i + 1); //re-handle this snippet i--; } } else { //acp selection may cross snippet, dont out of range var start = acp.Start - (_index - item.message.Length); int len = Math.Min(acp.End - acp.Start, item.message.Length - start); item.message = item.message.Remove(start, len); acp.End -= len; _index -= len; if (item.message.Length == 0)//empty, remove it { finalText.RemoveAt(i); i--; } else { item.myLength = Font.MeasureString(item.message).X; } } } } updateWidth(); } int index = 0; ChatSnippet chatSnippet = new ChatSnippet(_text, LocalizedContentManager.CurrentLanguageCode); if (chatSnippet.myLength == 0) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < finalText.Count; i++) { if (chatSnippet.myLength + currentWidth >= Width - 66) { acp.End = acp.Start; return; } ChatSnippet item = finalText[i]; index += item.emojiIndex != -1 ? 1 : item.message.Length; if (index >= acp.Start && item.emojiIndex == -1)//[text [caret > ] message][ = caret (index)] { item.message = item.message.Insert(acp.Start - (index - item.message.Length), chatSnippet.message); item.myLength += chatSnippet.myLength; goto Final; } else if (index > acp.Start)//[nothing/emoji][caret here][emoji(now index is here, larger than caret pos)] { finalText.Insert(i, chatSnippet); goto Final; } } finalText.Add(chatSnippet); Final: acp.End = acp.Start + chatSnippet.message.Length; updateWidth(); //IME input dont play sound, english input sound is handled at IKeyboadSubscriber //Game1.playSound("cowboy_monsterhit");//TSF may replace some word, which will make the sound strange }
protected override void DrawByAcp(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Acp acp, ref float offset, Color color, bool drawShadow = true) { var start = Math.Min(acp.Start, acp.End); var end = Math.Max(acp.Start, acp.End); int index = 0; if (end == 0 || start == GetTextLength()) { return; } bool foundstart = start == 0; foreach (ChatSnippet item in finalText) { var len = item.emojiIndex != -1 ? 1 : item.message.Length; if ((!foundstart && index + len > start) || (foundstart && index + len >= end)) { if (!foundstart) { if (item.emojiIndex != -1) { index++; DrawChatSnippet(spriteBatch, item, ref offset, drawShadow); if (index == end) { goto Finish; } } else { var sub_len = Math.Min(start - index, len); if (index + len >= end) { ChatSnippet sep_text = new ChatSnippet(item.message.Substring(sub_len, end - start), LocalizedContentManager.CurrentLanguageCode); DrawChatSnippet(spriteBatch, sep_text, ref offset, drawShadow); goto Finish; } else { ChatSnippet sep_text = new ChatSnippet(item.message.Substring(sub_len), LocalizedContentManager.CurrentLanguageCode); DrawChatSnippet(spriteBatch, sep_text, ref offset, drawShadow); index += len; } } foundstart = true; continue; } else { if (item.emojiIndex != -1) { DrawChatSnippet(spriteBatch, item, ref offset, drawShadow); } else { var sub_len = end - index; ChatSnippet sep_text = new ChatSnippet(item.message.Substring(0, sub_len), LocalizedContentManager.CurrentLanguageCode); DrawChatSnippet(spriteBatch, sep_text, ref offset, drawShadow); } goto Finish; } } index += len; if (foundstart) { DrawChatSnippet(spriteBatch, item, ref offset, drawShadow); } } Finish: return; }
public override Acp GetAcpByRange(RECT rect) { Acp result = new Acp(); float width = DrawOrigin.X; //emoji Menu button 61------> if (rect.left <= X + Width - 61 && <= Y + Height && rect.right >= X && rect.bottom >= Y)//check if overlap textbox { if (rect.right <= width) { result.Start = result.End = 0; } else if (rect.left >= currentWidth + width) { result.Start = result.End = GetTextLength(); } else { bool found_start = false; for (int j = 0; j < finalText.Count; j++) { ChatSnippet item = finalText[j]; if ((!found_start && width + item.myLength > rect.left) || (found_start && width + item.myLength > rect.right)) { if (item.emojiIndex != -1) { width += item.myLength; if (!found_start) { //divide char from middle, if selection is on the left part, we dont sel this word result.Start += (width - item.myLength / 2) <= rect.left ? 1 : 0; result.End = result.Start; result.End += (((width - item.myLength / 2) < rect.right) && ((width - item.myLength / 2) > rect.left)) ? 1 : 0; found_start = true; if (width >= rect.right) { return(result); } continue; } else { //divide char from middle, if selection is on the left part, we dont sel this word result.End += (width - item.myLength / 2) < rect.right ? 1 : 0; return(result); } } else { foreach (char ch in item.message) { var char_x = Font.MeasureString(ch.ToString()).X; width += char_x; if (!found_start && width > rect.left) { //divide char from middle, if selection is on the left part, we dont sel this word result.Start += (width - char_x / 2) <= rect.left ? 1 : 0; result.End = result.Start; found_start = true; result.End += (((width - char_x / 2) < rect.right) && ((width - char_x / 2) > rect.left)) ? 1 : 0; if (width >= rect.right) { return(result); } continue; } else if (found_start && width > rect.right) { //divide char from middle, if selection is on the left part, we dont sel this word result.End += (width - char_x / 2) < rect.right ? 1 : 0; return(result); } if (found_start) { result.End++; } else { result.Start++; } } } continue; } width += item.myLength; if (found_start) { result.End += item.emojiIndex != -1 ? 1 : item.message.Length; } else { result.Start += item.emojiIndex != -1 ? 1 : item.message.Length; } } } } else { result.Start = result.End = -1; } return(result); }