예제 #1
 private void BTN_Delete_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
         //Make sure there is an item selected to delete
         if (LIV_SetList.SelectedItem != null)
             //Extract the List Item from the listview
             ListViewItem SelectedItem = (ListViewItem)LIV_SetList.SelectedItem;
             //Extract the set overview from the listview item
             Classes.SetOverview SetToDelete = (Classes.SetOverview)SelectedItem.Tag;
             string TableToDelete            = SetToDelete.SetName.ToString();
             //now if the table being deleted has an index text file associated with it delete that too because its tidy
             if (File.Exists(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + $"\\{TableToDelete}.txt"))
                 File.Delete(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + $"\\{TableToDelete}.txt");
             //Query the table to drop it like its thot
             string        TableDeleteQuery = $"DROP TABLE {TableToDelete}";
             SQLiteCommand DropTableCommand = new SQLiteCommand(TableDeleteQuery, Globals.GlobalVars.DatabaseConnection);
             //cleaning up
     catch (Exception ex)
         // If something goes wrong somehow show an error explaining what went wrong then kill the application
         MessageBox.Show($"An error occured {ex}");
예제 #2
 private void BTN_Edit_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
         //Extract the listview item that is selected
         if (LIV_SetList.SelectedItem != null)
             //extract the listview item from the listview
             ListViewItem SelectedItem = (ListViewItem)LIV_SetList.SelectedItem;
             //Get the SetOverview from the listview item
             Classes.SetOverview SelectedSet = (Classes.SetOverview)SelectedItem.Tag;
             //extract the name from the SetOverview
             string SelectedSetName = SelectedSet.SetName;
             //make a new Setviewer window passing it the set name extracted above
             SetViewer SetViewer = new SetViewer(SelectedSetName);
             //since the other window closed the connection it needs to be reopened
             // if they havent selected anything just return the function
     catch (Exception ex)
         // If something goes wrong somehow show an error explaining what went wrong then kill the application
         MessageBox.Show($"An error occured {ex}");
 private void LIV_Sets_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
         //Extract the listview item that is selected
         if (LIV_Sets.SelectedItem != null)
             //extract the listview item from the listview
             ListViewItem SelectedItem = (ListViewItem)LIV_Sets.SelectedItem;
             //Get the SetOverview from the listview item
             Classes.SetOverview SelectedSet = (Classes.SetOverview)SelectedItem.Tag;
             //extract the name from the SetOverview
             string SelectedSetName = SelectedSet.SetName;
             // if they havent selected anything just return the function
     catch (Exception ex)
         // If something goes wrong somehow show an error explaining what went wrong then kill the application
         MessageBox.Show($"An error occured {ex}");
예제 #4
 //Functions for the window
 public void UpdateSetList()
         //In Case There Is Anything In The ListView Clear It
         //Get information on all the tables in the database
         string           GetTableNames = "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table'";
         SQLiteCommand    GetSetCommand = new SQLiteCommand(GetTableNames, Globals.GlobalVars.DatabaseConnection);
         SQLiteDataReader SetReader     = GetSetCommand.ExecuteReader();
         //Go through the rows returned by the query, mine them for data and uncerimoniously stuff each into the listview
         while (SetReader.Read())
             //Check if the table selected is an internal one for sqlite
             bool TableInternal = SetReader["name"].ToString().Contains("sqlite_");
             //Make sure it isnts pulling shit from the internally designated databases (which contain sqlite_)
             if (TableInternal == false)
                 //Execute a query that selects the table so we can gather data from it
                 string           GetSetCode          = $"SELECT * FROM {SetReader["name"].ToString()}";
                 SQLiteCommand    GetTableCodeCommand = new SQLiteCommand(GetSetCode, Globals.GlobalVars.DatabaseConnection);
                 SQLiteDataReader CodeReader          = GetTableCodeCommand.ExecuteReader();
                 //extracts the returned cards code and splits it into two part, the 4 letter code and the 4 digit number
                 string TempCode = "";
                 if (CodeReader.Read())
                     string   CodeToSplit = CodeReader["card_code"].ToString();
                     string[] SplitCode   = CodeToSplit.Split('-');
                     TempCode = SplitCode[0].ToString();
                 //Do another query to find out the length of the table by looping through every row the data reader can find
                 SQLiteCommand    GetLengthCommand = new SQLiteCommand(GetSetCode, Globals.GlobalVars.DatabaseConnection);
                 SQLiteDataReader LengthReader     = GetLengthCommand.ExecuteReader();
                 int SetSize = 0;
                 while (LengthReader.Read())
                 // Shove all the data just gathered into a Set Overview
                 Classes.SetOverview SetData = new Classes.SetOverview {
                     SetName = SetReader["name"].ToString(), SetCode = TempCode, SetCount = SetSize
                 //Make a list view item to store this data as a tag
                 ListViewItem SetItem = new ListViewItem();
                 SetItem.Tag = SetData;
                 //also make the set data the item so it displays properly
                 SetItem.Content = SetData;
                 //Add the item to the listview
     catch (Exception ex)
         // If something goes wrong somehow show an error explaining what went wrong then kill the application
         MessageBox.Show($"An error occured {ex}");