static void Main(string[] args) { if (args.Contains("--automated")) { runAutomated = true; } // we're going to mark all the records in the DB as being last seen as of today to keep track of historical values -- round it to today to account for incomplete runs on the same day _lastSeen = new DateTime(DateTime.UtcNow.Year, DateTime.UtcNow.Month, DateTime.UtcNow.Day, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc); // figure out where to start using (var db = new StoresEntities()) { var currentEntries = db.Stores.Select(s => s.LastSeen).Where(s => s == _lastSeen).Count(); var offset = 0; if (currentEntries == 0) { Console.WriteLine("No existing data, starting from scratch."); } else { // let's add a little overlap there, just to be safe. offset = currentEntries - _limit; Console.WriteLine("Existing data present, starting with {0} current stores, offset {1}.", currentEntries, offset); } // create our rest client var client = new RestClient(""); client.AddHandler("application/javascript", new RestSharp.Deserializers.JsonDeserializer()); // specify that we want our application/javascript deserialized as json client.Timeout = (10 * 1000); // 10 seconds IRestResponse <StarbucksResults> response; do { Console.WriteLine("Fetching page at offset {0}", offset); var request = new RestRequest("location/v1/stores", Method.GET); request.AddParameter("apikey", "7b35m595vccu6spuuzu2rjh4"); request.AddParameter("callback", ""); request.AddParameter("limit", _limit); request.AddParameter("ignore", "HoursNext7Days,today,extendedHours"); if (offset > 0) { request.AddParameter("offset", offset); } var attempts = 0; var threshold = 10; do { if (attempts > 0) { Console.WriteLine("Retrying..."); } response = client.Execute <StarbucksResults>(request); attempts++; }while (response != null && response.Data != null && response.StatusCode != System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK && attempts < threshold && response.ErrorMessage != ""); if (response == null || response.Data == null || response.StatusCode != System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK) { throw new Exception("Response was null, we couldn't decode the result, or status code was invalid and we're out of retries."); } Console.WriteLine("Got {0} in response.", response.Data.Paging.Returned); ProcessResults(response); // sleep for half a second to avoid what may be rate throttling on the api System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(500); offset = offset + response.Data.Paging.Limit; }while ((response.Data.Paging.Offset == 0 && response.Data.Paging.Total > response.Data.Paging.Limit) || (response.Data.Paging.Offset > 0 && (response.Data.Paging.Total > (response.Data.Paging.Offset + response.Data.Paging.Limit)))); Console.Write("Complete"); if (!runAutomated) { Console.ReadKey(); } } }
static void ProcessResults(IRestResponse <StarbucksResults> response) { using (var db = new StoresEntities()) { foreach (var item in response.Data.Items) { // check to see if the store we're looking for already exists var existing = db.Stores.Where(s => s.StarbucksStoreID == item.Id).FirstOrDefault(); Store store; // if it exists, we want to update the existing object, rather than creating a new one if (existing != null) { store = existing; } else { // otherwise, we want to create a new store to insert store = db.Stores.Create(); } store.BrandName = item.BrandName; store.City = item.Address.City; store.CountryCode = item.Address.CountryCode; store.CountrySubdivisionCode = item.Address.CountrySubdivisionCode; store.Name = item.Name; store.OwnershipType = item.OwnershipTypeCode; store.PhoneNumber = item.PhoneNumber; store.PostalCode = item.Address.PostalCode; store.StarbucksStoreID = item.Id; store.StoreNumber = item.StoreNumber; store.Street1 = item.Address.StreetAddressLine1; store.Street2 = item.Address.StreetAddressLine2; store.Street3 = item.Address.StreetAddressLine3; store.TZID = item.TimeZoneInfo.WindowsTimeZoneId; store.TZOffset = item.TimeZoneInfo.CurrentTimeOffset; store.TZOlsonID = item.TimeZoneInfo.OlsonTimeZoneId; store.LastSeen = _lastSeen; // only include the first seen date if this is a new entry if (existing == null) { store.FirstSeen = _lastSeen; } // for a handful of stores (1 so far) the coordinates may actually be null if (item.Coordinates != null) { store.Latitude = item.Coordinates.Latitude; store.Longitude = item.Coordinates.Longitude; } // we don't have the feature and hours updating down yet, so just ignore those updates if we got an existing store if (existing == null) { // now for the collections foreach (var feature in item.Features) { var f = db.Features.Create(); f.Code = feature.Code; f.Name = feature.Name; //f.StoreID = store.Id; f.Store = store; store.Features.Add(f); } if (item.RegularHours != null) { foreach (var day in new string[] { "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday" }) { StarbucksResultsItemsStoreRegularHour d = item.RegularHours.GetType().GetProperty(day).GetValue(item.RegularHours) as StarbucksResultsItemsStoreRegularHour; var hour = db.RegularHours.Create(); hour.Day = day; hour.CloseTime = d.CloseTime; hour.Open = d.Open; hour.Open24Hours = d.Open24Hours; hour.OpenTime = d.OpenTime; hour.Store = store; store.RegularHours.Add(hour); } } } // we only need to add the store as a new element if this is not an update if (existing == null) { // insert the store to generate an ID db.Stores.Add(store); //Console.WriteLine("Adding Store ID {0}", store.StarbucksStoreID); } else { //Console.WriteLine("Updating Store ID {0}", store.StarbucksStoreID); } } try { var wrote = db.SaveChanges(); Console.WriteLine("Wrote {0} items", wrote); } catch (System.Data.Entity.Validation.DbEntityValidationException e_validation) { foreach (var error in e_validation.EntityValidationErrors) { Console.Write("Validation Errors:"); foreach (var validation_error in error.ValidationErrors) { Console.WriteLine(validation_error.ErrorMessage); } Console.WriteLine("Entity:"); foreach (var key in error.Entry.CurrentValues.PropertyNames) { Console.WriteLine(key + ": " + error.Entry.CurrentValues[key]); } } throw; } catch (Exception e) { throw; Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); } } }