public ResponseUserList GetUserDetail(string aUsername) { ResponseUserList theResponse = new ResponseUserList(); if (aUsername.Equals("")) { theResponse.statusCode = 1; theResponse.statusDescription = "No username was provided"; return theResponse; } openDataConnection(); SqlCommand cmdUserDetail = new SqlCommand("SELECT \"User\".*, UserAssociation.AssociatedID FROM \"User\" LEFT JOIN UserAssociation ON \"User\".Username = UserAssociation.Username WHERE \"User\".Username = '******'", theConnection); theReader = cmdUserDetail.ExecuteReader(); if (theReader.HasRows) { theResponse.users = new List<StarbucksUser>(); while (theReader.Read()) { StarbucksUser thisUser = new StarbucksUser(); thisUser.username = aUsername; thisUser.firstName = theReader["FirstName"].ToString(); thisUser.lastName = theReader["LastName"].ToString(); thisUser.emailAddress = theReader["EmailAddress"].ToString(); thisUser.phoneNumber = theReader["PhoneNumber"].ToString(); thisUser.userType = (int)theReader["UserTypeID"]; thisUser.password = theReader["Password"].ToString(); thisUser.state = Boolean.Parse(theReader["State"].ToString()); thisUser.associatedID = theReader["AssociatedID"].ToString(); if (thisUser.userType == 2) { thisUser.associatedFieldName = "Provider"; } else if (thisUser.userType == 3) { thisUser.associatedFieldName = "CDC"; } theResponse.users.Add(thisUser); } theResponse.statusCode = 0; } else { theResponse.statusCode = 4; theResponse.statusDescription = "The user " + aUsername + " could not be found"; } theReader.Close(); if (theResponse.users != null && theResponse.users.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0, l = theResponse.users.Count; i < l; i++) { StarbucksUser thisUser = theResponse.users[i]; if (thisUser != null) { if (!thisUser.associatedID.ToUpper().Equals("NULL") && !thisUser.associatedID.Equals("")) { if (thisUser.userType == 2) { SqlCommand cmdGetAssociatedValue = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM Provider WHERE ProviderID = " + thisUser.associatedID, theConnection); theReader = cmdGetAssociatedValue.ExecuteReader(); string providerName = ""; if (theReader.HasRows) { while (theReader.Read()) { providerName = theReader["ProviderName"].ToString(); } } theReader.Close(); thisUser.associatedFieldValue = providerName; } else if (thisUser.userType == 3) { SqlCommand cmdGetAssociatedValue = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM CDC WHERE CDCID = " + thisUser.associatedID, theConnection); theReader = cmdGetAssociatedValue.ExecuteReader(); string cdcName = ""; if (theReader.HasRows) { while (theReader.Read()) { cdcName = theReader["CDCName"].ToString(); } } theReader.Close(); thisUser.associatedFieldValue = cdcName; } } } } } closeDataConnection(); return theResponse; }
public ResponseUserList GetAllUsersByTypeAndProvider(string userType, string providerId) { ResponseUserList theResponse = new ResponseUserList(); openDataConnection(); SqlCommand cmdGetCDCIDByProviderID = new SqlCommand("select CDCID from CDC where ProviderID =" + Convert.ToInt32(providerId), theConnection); //cmdGetCDCIDByProviderID.Parameters.AddWithValue("@providerID", Convert.ToInt32(providerId)); theReader = cmdGetCDCIDByProviderID.ExecuteReader(); List<int> cdcId = new List<int>(); if (theReader.HasRows) { while (theReader.Read()) { cdcId.Add(int.Parse(theReader["CDCID"].ToString())); } } theReader.Close(); List<StarbucksUser> listOfUsers = new List<StarbucksUser>(); foreach (int id in cdcId) { SqlCommand cmdGetAllUsers = new SqlCommand("SELECT \"User\".*, UserType.TypeName, UserAssociation.AssociatedID FROM \"User\" JOIN UserType ON \"User\".UserTypeID = UserType.TypeID LEFT JOIN UserAssociation ON \"User\".Username = UserAssociation.Username WHERE UserTypeID = " + userType + "and AssociatedID = " + id, theConnection); theReader = cmdGetAllUsers.ExecuteReader(); if (theReader.HasRows) { while (theReader.Read()) { StarbucksUser thisUser = new StarbucksUser(); thisUser.username = theReader["Username"].ToString(); thisUser.firstName = theReader["FirstName"].ToString(); thisUser.lastName = theReader["LastName"].ToString(); thisUser.phoneNumber = theReader["PhoneNumber"].ToString(); thisUser.emailAddress = theReader["EmailAddress"].ToString(); thisUser.userType = (int)theReader["UserTypeID"]; thisUser.userTypeName = theReader["TypeName"].ToString(); thisUser.state = Boolean.Parse(theReader["State"].ToString()); thisUser.associatedID = theReader["AssociatedID"].ToString(); if (thisUser.userType == 2) { thisUser.associatedFieldName = "Provider"; } else if (thisUser.userType == 3) { thisUser.associatedFieldName = "CDC"; } listOfUsers.Add(thisUser); } theResponse.statusCode = 0; theResponse.statusDescription = ""; } else { theResponse.statusCode = 4; theResponse.statusDescription = "There are no users in the database"; } theReader.Close(); } theResponse.users = listOfUsers; if (theResponse.users != null && theResponse.users.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0, l = theResponse.users.Count; i < l; i++) { StarbucksUser thisUser = theResponse.users[i]; if (thisUser != null) { if (!thisUser.associatedID.ToUpper().Equals("NULL") && !thisUser.associatedID.Equals("")) { if (thisUser.userType == 2) { SqlCommand cmdGetAssociatedValue = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM Provider WHERE ProviderID = " + thisUser.associatedID, theConnection); theReader = cmdGetAssociatedValue.ExecuteReader(); string providerName = ""; if (theReader.HasRows) { while (theReader.Read()) { providerName = theReader["ProviderName"].ToString(); } } theReader.Close(); thisUser.associatedFieldValue = providerName; } else if (thisUser.userType == 3) { SqlCommand cmdGetAssociatedValue = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM CDC WHERE CDCID = " + thisUser.associatedID, theConnection); theReader = cmdGetAssociatedValue.ExecuteReader(); string cdcName = ""; if (theReader.HasRows) { while (theReader.Read()) { cdcName = theReader["CDCName"].ToString(); } } theReader.Close(); thisUser.associatedFieldValue = cdcName; } } } } } closeDataConnection(); return theResponse; }