/// <summary> /// 更新任务库存 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public void UpdateGoodsStock(string orderId) { if (new BllTableObject("T_Order_Info").Util_CheckIsExsitData("orderId='" + orderId + "' and (IsComplete=1 or IsPay=1)") == true) { DataTable dtDetail = new BllTableObject(" T_Order_InfoDetail").Util_GetList("OrderType,GoodsId,GoodsCode,Quantity,GoodsFormate", "orderId='" + orderId + "'"); foreach (DataRow row in dtDetail.Rows) { int quantity = Int32.Parse(row["Quantity"].ToString()); if (row["OrderType"].ToString() == "PT") { if (row["GoodsFormate"].ToString() == "") { new BllTableObject("T_Goods_Info").Util_UpdateBat("TotalSaleCount=TotalSaleCount+" + quantity + ",Sotck=Sotck-" + quantity + "", "GoodsId='" + row["GoodsId"].ToString() + "'"); } else { new BllTableObject("T_Goods_Info").Util_UpdateBat("TotalSaleCount=TotalSaleCount+" + quantity + "", "GoodsId='" + row["GoodsId"].ToString() + "'"); new BllTableObject("T_Goods_Formate").Util_UpdateBat("Stock=Stock-" + quantity + "", "GoodsId='" + row["GoodsId"].ToString() + "' and GoodsCode='" + row["GoodsCode"].ToString() + "'"); } } else if (row["OrderType"].ToString() == "TG") { new BllTableObject("T_Group_GoodsInfo").Util_UpdateBat("GroupNumber=GroupNumber+" + quantity + ",Stock=Stock-" + quantity + "", "GoodsId='" + row["GoodsId"].ToString() + "'"); } } } }
/// <summary> /// 支付订单 /// </summary> public int PayOrder(string memberId, string orderId, string payInterfaceCode) { int r = 0; ModOrder mod = GetModel(orderId); if ((mod != null) && (mod.IsPay == 0)) { r = new BllTableObject("T_Order_Info").Util_UpdateBat("IsPay=1,PayTime=getdate(),PayInterfaceCode='" + payInterfaceCode + "'", "isPay=0 and orderId='" + orderId + "' and memberId='" + memberId + "'"); //进一步判断,更新销售量和库存数量 UpdateGoodsStock(orderId); } return(r); }
/// <summary> /// 订单中包含的全部任务 /// </summary> public string GetOrderAllGoods(string orderId) { string s = ""; DataTable dtCate = new BllTableObject("T_Order_InfoDetail").Util_GetList("GoodsName,GoodsFormate,GoodsPic", "OrderId='" + orderId + "'"); foreach (DataRow row in dtCate.Rows) { if (row["GoodsFormate"].ToString() != "") { s += row["GoodsName"].ToString() + "(规格:" + row["GoodsFormate"].ToString() + "),"; } else { s += row["GoodsName"].ToString() + ","; } } if (s != "") { s = s.TrimEnd(','); } return(s); }