public Applicant(String RegNumber, String FirstName, String SecondName, String LastName, String BirthDate, String BirthPlace, Address Address_, String Citizenship, String Passport, String Serial, String Number, String PassportIssuedDate, String HomePhone, String LearningForm, String Funding, Specialization[] Specs, String Education, String EducationDocument, String NumberOfEducationDocument, String EducationIssuedDate, EnteranceExamination[] EnteranceExaminations, bool AllowUniversityExams, String Grounds, String Facilities, String Olimpiads, bool NeedDorm, String IssuedUniversityEducation, bool MATICourses, bool MATISchool, bool Attest, String Sex, String SchoolType, String SchoolName) { this.RegNumber = RegNumber; this.FirstName = FirstName; this.SecondName = SecondName; this.LastName = LastName; this.BirthDate = BirthDate; this.BirthPlace = BirthPlace; this.Address_ = Address_; this.Citizenship = Citizenship; this.Passport = Passport; this.Serial = Serial; this.Number = Number; this.PassportIssuedDate = PassportIssuedDate; this.HomePhone = HomePhone; this.LearningForm = LearningForm; this.Funding = Funding; this.Specs = Specs; this.Education = Education; this.EducationDocument = EducationDocument; this.NumberOfEducationDocument = NumberOfEducationDocument; this.EducationIssuedDate = EducationIssuedDate; this.EnteranceExaminations = EnteranceExaminations; this.AllowUniversityExams = AllowUniversityExams; this.Grounds = Grounds; this.Facilities = Facilities; this.Olimpiads = Olimpiads; this.NeedDorm = NeedDorm; this.IssuedUniversityEducation = IssuedUniversityEducation; this.MATICourses = MATICourses; this.MATISchool = MATISchool; this.Attest = Attest; this.Sex = Sex; this.SchoolType = SchoolType; this.SchoolName = SchoolName; }
private void GenerateDocuments(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Address Addr = new Address(); Addr.Index = ControlIndex.Text; Addr.Region = ControlRegion.Text; Addr.Town = ControlTown.Text; Addr.AppAddress = ControlAddress.Text; List<EnteranceExamination> LExams = new List<EnteranceExamination>(); EnteranceExamination Exam = new EnteranceExamination(); if (ControlSubject1.SelectedIndex != -1) Exam.Subject = ControlSubject1.SelectedItem.ToString(); Exam.Points = ControlPoints1.Text; if (ControlEge1.IsChecked == true) { Exam.Ege = true; Exam.Olimp = false; } if (ControlOlimp1.IsChecked == true) { Exam.Ege = false; Exam.Olimp = true; } Exam.TitleAndNum = ControlTitleAndNum1.Text; Exam.DocumentIssuedDate = ControlDocumentIssuedDate1.Text; LExams.Add(Exam); Exam = new EnteranceExamination(); if (ControlSubject2.SelectedIndex != -1) Exam.Subject = ControlSubject2.SelectedItem.ToString(); Exam.Points = ControlPoints2.Text; if (ControlEge2.IsChecked == true) { Exam.Ege = true; Exam.Olimp = false; } if (ControlOlimp2.IsChecked == true) { Exam.Ege = false; Exam.Olimp = true; } Exam.TitleAndNum = ControlTitleAndNum2.Text; Exam.DocumentIssuedDate = ControlDocumentIssuedDate2.Text; LExams.Add(Exam); Exam = new EnteranceExamination(); if (ControlSubject3.SelectedIndex != -1) Exam.Subject = ControlSubject3.SelectedItem.ToString(); Exam.Points = ControlPoints3.Text; if (ControlEge3.IsChecked == true) { Exam.Ege = true; Exam.Olimp = false; } if (ControlOlimp3.IsChecked == true) { Exam.Ege = false; Exam.Olimp = true; } Exam.TitleAndNum = ControlTitleAndNum3.Text; Exam.DocumentIssuedDate = ControlDocumentIssuedDate3.Text; LExams.Add(Exam); Exam = new EnteranceExamination(); if (ControlSubject4.SelectedIndex != -1) Exam.Subject = ControlSubject4.SelectedItem.ToString(); Exam.Points = ControlPoints4.Text; if (ControlEge4.IsChecked == true) { Exam.Ege = true; Exam.Olimp = false; } if (ControlOlimp4.IsChecked == true) { Exam.Ege = false; Exam.Olimp = true; } Exam.TitleAndNum = ControlTitleAndNum4.Text; Exam.DocumentIssuedDate = ControlDocumentIssuedDate4.Text; LExams.Add(Exam); Exam = new EnteranceExamination(); if (ControlSubject5.SelectedIndex != -1) Exam.Subject = ControlSubject5.SelectedItem.ToString(); Exam.Points = ControlPoints5.Text; if (ControlEge5.IsChecked == true) { Exam.Ege = true; Exam.Olimp = false; } if (ControlOlimp5.IsChecked == true) { Exam.Ege = false; Exam.Olimp = true; } Exam.TitleAndNum = ControlTitleAndNum5.Text; Exam.DocumentIssuedDate = ControlDocumentIssuedDate5.Text; LExams.Add(Exam); EnterRegistrationNumber ERN = new EnterRegistrationNumber(); ERN.ShowDialog(); String RN = ERN.RegNumber; if(RN.Split(new Char[] { '-' }).Length != 3) { MessageBox.Show("Неправильный формат регистрационного номера."); return; } if (RN != "") { //OMFG begins Applicant NewApplicant = new Applicant( RN, ControlFirstName.Text, ControlSecondName.Text, ControlLastName.Text, ControlBirthDate.Text, ControlBirthPlace.Text, Addr, ControlCitizenship.Text, ControlPassport.Text, ControlSerial.Text, ControlNumber.Text, ControlPassportIssuedDate.Text, ControlHomePhone.Text, ControlLearningForm.Text, ControlFunding.Text, Specs, ControlEducation.Text, ControlTypeOfEducationDocument.Text, ControlNumberOfEducationDocument.Text, ControlEducationIssuedDate.Text, LExams.ToArray(), Convert.ToBoolean(ControlAllowUniversityExams.IsChecked), ControlGrounds.Text, ControlFacilities.Text, ControlOlimpiads.Text, Convert.ToBoolean(ControlNeedDorm.IsChecked), ControlIssuedUniversityEducation.Text, Convert.ToBoolean(ControlMATICourses.IsChecked), Convert.ToBoolean(ControlMATISchool.IsChecked), Convert.ToBoolean(ControlAttest.IsChecked), ControlSex.Text, ControlSchoolType.Text, ControlSchoolName.Text ); //OMFG ends if (Convert.ToBoolean(ControlMagistrProof.IsChecked)) { Master NewMaster = new Master( ControlMagistrUniversity.Text, ControlMagistrDiploma.Text, Specs ); GenerateMasterDocuments(NewApplicant, NewMaster); string[] split = NewApplicant.RegNumber.Split(new Char[] { '-' }); GenerateUSECheck(NewApplicant, GetFacultyNumber(split[0])); //USE means Unified State Exam, ЕГЭ короче } else { if (NewApplicant.LearningForm.Equals("очной")) { File.Copy(ProgramPath + @"Шаблоны\MainFormTemplate.xls", ProgramPath + @"Документы (оч)\" + NewApplicant.SecondName + " " + NewApplicant.RegNumber + ".xls"); ExcelForm = new ExcelFunc(); ExcelForm.OpenDocument(ProgramPath + @"Документы (оч)\" + NewApplicant.SecondName + " " + NewApplicant.RegNumber + ".xls"); } else if (NewApplicant.LearningForm.Equals("очно-заочной")) { File.Copy(ProgramPath + @"Шаблоны\MainFormTemplate.xls", ProgramPath + @"Документы (оч-заоч)\" + NewApplicant.SecondName + " " + NewApplicant.RegNumber + ".xls"); ExcelForm = new ExcelFunc(); ExcelForm.OpenDocument(ProgramPath + @"Документы (оч-заоч)\" + NewApplicant.SecondName + " " + NewApplicant.RegNumber + ".xls"); } else { if (File.Exists(ProgramPath + @"Документы (др)\" + NewApplicant.SecondName + " " + NewApplicant.RegNumber + ".xls")) { MessageBoxResult result = MessageBox.Show(this, "Документ с таким именем уже существует и будет безвозвратно утерян. Продолжить?", "Предупреждение!", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Warning, MessageBoxResult.No, MessageBoxOptions.None); if(result == MessageBoxResult.No) return; else File.Delete(ProgramPath + @"Документы (др)\" + NewApplicant.SecondName + " " + NewApplicant.RegNumber + ".xls"); } File.Copy(ProgramPath + @"Шаблоны\MainFormTemplate.xls", ProgramPath + @"Документы (др)\" + NewApplicant.SecondName + " " + NewApplicant.RegNumber + ".xls"); ExcelForm = new ExcelFunc(); ExcelForm.OpenDocument(ProgramPath + @"Документы (др)\" + NewApplicant.SecondName + " " + NewApplicant.RegNumber + ".xls"); } FillExcelForm(NewApplicant); ExcelForm.OpenWorksheet(2); FillExcelRequest(NewApplicant); ExcelForm.OpenWorksheet(3); FillExcelFacultiesList(NewApplicant); ExcelForm.OpenWorksheet(4); FillExcelContract(NewApplicant); ExcelForm.OpenWorksheet(5); FillExcelLKS(NewApplicant); ExcelForm.OpenWorksheet(6); FillExcelProfile(NewApplicant); ExcelForm.OpenWorksheet(7); FillExcelListOfExams(NewApplicant); ExcelForm.OpenWorksheet(8); FillExcelReceipt(NewApplicant); ExcelForm.CloseDocument(); int Fac; if (NewApplicant.Specs[0] != null) { String SFac = NewApplicant.RegNumber.Remove(2, (NewApplicant.RegNumber.Length - 2)); SFac = GetFacultyNumber(SFac); Int32.TryParse(SFac, out Fac); FillSummary(0, NewApplicant); } } } try { ExcelForm.CloseDocument(); ExcelForm.Dispose(); } catch { // Тут нет костыля. Совсем. Иди отсюда мальчик. Или девочка. В общем, вали быстро! // It's a lion! Get in the car! } try { ExcelSummary.CloseDocument(); ExcelForm.Dispose(); } catch { // Тут нет костыля. Совсем. Иди отсюда мальчик. Или девочка. В общем, вали быстро! // It's a lion! Get in the car! } }