public void SetTextMargin()
            int maxWidth = 0;

            if (_component != null)
                foreach (PropertyInfo _info in _component.GetType().GetProperties())
                    if (_info.IsDefined(typeof(SquidComponentPropertyAttribute), true))
                        object[] attributes =
                                typeof(SquidComponentPropertyAttribute), false);
                        SquidComponentPropertyAttribute attribute = attributes[0] as SquidComponentPropertyAttribute;
                        Font font      = this.Font;
                        int  textWidth = 2 + (int)this.CreateGraphics().MeasureString(attribute.FriendlyName, font).Width;
                        // keep the biggest string's width
                        if (textWidth > maxWidth)
                            maxWidth = textWidth;
                for (int i = 0; i < this.Controls.Count; i++)
                    AutoControl control = this.Controls[i] as AutoControl;
        private void AddNewControl(PropertyInfo _info)
            AutoControl control = null;

            control = CreateCustomAutoControlInstance(_info);
            if (control != null)
                object[] attributes;
                attributes =
                        typeof(SquidComponentPropertyAttribute), false);
                SquidComponentPropertyAttribute attribute = attributes[0] as SquidComponentPropertyAttribute;
                object value = _info.GetValue(_component, null);
                if (value == null)
                    if (attribute.DefaultValue != null)
                    // special case for enums, convert to int first
                    if (value is Enum)
                        value = (int)value;
                //control.BackColor = Color.RoyalBlue;
                control.Location      = new System.Drawing.Point(0, _lastTop);
                control.Size          = new Size(this.Size.Width, control.Size.Height);
                control.Anchor        = AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Right;
                control.Tag           = _info;
                control.ValueChanged += ValueChangedEvent;
                _lastTop += control.Height + _padding;
        private void ValueChangedEvent(object sender, EventArgs e)
            AutoControl  control     = sender as AutoControl;
            PropertyInfo prop        = control.Tag as PropertyInfo;
            object       valueObject = prop.GetValue(_component, null);
            object       newValue    = control.GetValue();

            // special case for Enum, we need to convert back the int value to object
            if (valueObject is Enum)
                newValue = Enum.ToObject(prop.PropertyType, newValue);
            // if the value has really been changed, modify the component
            if (newValue.Equals(prop.GetValue(_component, null)) == false)
                Console.WriteLine("Value of prop \"" + prop.Name + "\" has changed to " + newValue.ToString());
                prop.SetValue(_component, newValue, null);