public PaymentModule(ICoreService service) : base("/payment") { Get["/"] = _ => { return View["Payments/TakePayment", new TransactionViewModel() { ApiEnvironment = service.APIEnvironment, RedirectUrl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PublicWebUrl"] + "/payment/redirect-back", Country = "GB" // Default it to help your customers, it's a long list! }]; }; Get["/redirect-back"] = _ => { // You can fetch the payment method before charging the card to say check the card type var paymentMethod = service.GetPaymentMethod(Request.Query.token); var transaction = service.ProcessPayment(new ProcessPaymentRequest { AmountInDecimal = 1.0m, // Same as saying Amount = 100 CurrencyCode = CurrencyCode.GBP, PaymentMethodToken = Request.Query.token }); if (transaction.Succeeded) { return View["Payments/Success"]; } var viewModel = new TransactionViewModel(); viewModel.PopulateFromTransaction(transaction, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PublicWebUrl"] + "/payment/redirect-back", service.APIEnvironment); return View["Payments/TakePayment", viewModel]; }; }
public Payment3DSecureModule(ICoreService service) : base("/3d-secure") { Get["/"] = parameters => { return View["TakePayment", new TransactionViewModel() { ApiEnvironment = service.APIEnvironment, RedirectUrl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PublicWebUrl"] + "/3d-secure/redirect", Country = "GB" // Default it to help your customers, it's a long list! }]; }; // First redirect from Core saying further processing // We then redirect or show the 3d secure form Get["/redirect"] = parameters => { // You can fetch the payment method before charging the card to say check the card type var paymentMethod = service.GetPaymentMethod(Request.Query.token); var transaction = service.ProcessPayment(new ProcessPaymentRequest { Attempt3DSecure = true, Amount = 100, CurrencyCode = CurrencyCode.GBP, PaymentMethodToken = Request.Query.token, RedirectUrl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PublicWebUrl"] + "/3d-secure/redirect-after", CallbackUrl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PublicWebUrl"] + "/3d-secure/callback" }); if (transaction.State == "pending" && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(transaction.CheckoutUrl)) { return Response.AsRedirect(transaction.RedirectUrl); } if (transaction.State == "pending" && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(transaction.CheckoutForm)) { return View["Transaction3DSecureForm", transaction.CheckoutForm]; } if (transaction.Succeeded) { return View["Success"]; } var viewModel = new TransactionViewModel(); viewModel.PopulateFromTransaction(transaction, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PublicWebUrl"] + "/3d-secure/redirect", service.APIEnvironment); return View["TakePayment", viewModel]; }; // Redirect after 3d secure Get["/redirect-after"] = parameters => { Transaction transaction = service.GetTransaction(Request.Query.transaction_token); if (transaction.Succeeded) { return View["Success"]; } var viewModel = new TransactionViewModel(); viewModel.PopulateFromTransaction(transaction, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PublicWebUrl"] + "/3d-secure/redirect", service.APIEnvironment); return View["TakePayment", viewModel]; }; // Callback after 3d secure, happens if something goes wrong/cancels also Post["/callback"] = parameters => { var xmlBody = new StreamReader(Request.Body).ReadToEnd(); var transactions = service.DeserializeTransactions(xmlBody).ToList(); if (!transactions.Any()) return "Pingback"; foreach (var transaction in transactions) { if (service.ValidateTransactionSignature(transaction)) { var token = transaction.Token; // Do stuff in your database } else { var token = transaction.Token; // Perhaps log we have an invalid transaction } } return "Pingback"; }; }