예제 #1
        public SpreadsheetGear.IWorkbook DrawChart(List <ChartModel> columns, List <DataTable> allitem, string sheetname,
                                                   bool OpenSheet = false, bool cellText = false, int cellInt = 0)
            SpreadsheetGear.IWorkbook   workbook   = Factory.GetWorkbook();
            SpreadsheetGear.IWorksheets worksheets = workbook.Worksheets;
            IWorksheet worksheet = worksheets[0];

            worksheet.Name = sheetname + 1;
            IWorksheetWindowInfo windowInfo = worksheet.WindowInfo;
            IShapes shapes = worksheet.Shapes;

            int    high    = 1;
            int    Rowhigh = 17;
            double top     = 0.5;
            double bottom  = 15.5;

            for (int a = 0; a < columns.Count; a++)
                int row    = 0;
                int column = 0;
                int piecol = 0;

                string site = null;

                if (columns[a].series.Count > 0)
                    row    = columns[a].xAxis.Count;
                    column = columns[a].series.Count;
                if (columns[a].pieseries.Count > 0)
                    piecol = columns[a].pieseries.Count;
                //+((17 + row) * j);

                string[,] arrayChart = null;
                if ((columns[a].charttype.ToString()) == "Pie")
                    site       = "A" + Rowhigh + ":B" + (piecol + Rowhigh);
                    arrayChart = new string[piecol + 1, 2];
                    for (int j = 0; j < (piecol + 1); j++)
                        if (j == 0)
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(columns[a].title))
                                arrayChart[0, 0] = "";
                                arrayChart[0, 1] = columns[a].title;
                                arrayChart[0, 0] = "";
                                arrayChart[0, 1] = "";
                            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                                if (i == 0)
                                    arrayChart[j, i] = columns[a].pieseries[j - 1].name;
                                    arrayChart[j, i] = columns[a].pieseries[j - 1].y.ToString();
                else if ((columns[a].charttype.ToString()) == "Radar")
                    if (row < 3)
                        row = 3;
                    string aaa = column / 26 == 0 ? ((char)((65 + column))).ToString() : "" + (char)((64 + column / 26)) + (char)((65 + column % 26));
                    site = "A" + Rowhigh + ":" + aaa + (row + Rowhigh);
                    if (column > 25)
                        arrayChart = new string[(row + 1), (column + 1)];
                    for (int j = 0; j < row + 1; j++)
                        if (j == 0)
                            for (int i = 0; i < column + 1; i++)
                                if (i == 0)
                                    arrayChart[j, i] = "";
                                    arrayChart[j, i] = columns[a].series[i - 1].name;
                            for (int k = 0; k < column + 1; k++)
                                if (k == 0)
                                    if (j > columns[a].xAxis.Count)
                                        arrayChart[j, k] = "";
                                        arrayChart[j, k] = columns[a].xAxis[j - 1];
                                    if (j > columns[a].xAxis.Count)
                                        arrayChart[j, k] = "";
                                        List <double> adata = columns[a].series[k - 1].data;
                                        arrayChart[j, k] = adata[j - 1].ToString();
                    string aaa = column / 26 == 0 ? ((char)((65 + column))).ToString() : "" + (char)((64 + column / 26)) + (char)((65 + column % 26));
                    site       = "A" + Rowhigh + ":" + aaa + (row + Rowhigh);
                    arrayChart = new string[(row + 1), (column + 1)];
                    for (int j = 0; j < row + 1; j++)
                        if (j == 0)
                            for (int i = 0; i < column + 1; i++)
                                if (i == 0)
                                    arrayChart[j, i] = "";
                                    arrayChart[j, i] = columns[a].series[i - 1].name;
                            for (int k = 0; k < column + 1; k++)
                                if (k == 0)
                                    arrayChart[j, k] = columns[a].xAxis[j - 1];
                                    List <double> adata = columns[a].series[k - 1].data;
                                    arrayChart[j, k] = adata[j - 1].ToString();

                double chartleft   = windowInfo.ColumnToPoints(0.15);
                double charttop    = windowInfo.RowToPoints(top);
                double chartright  = windowInfo.ColumnToPoints(7.85);
                double chartbottom = windowInfo.RowToPoints(bottom);

                SpreadsheetGear.Charts.IChart chart =
                    shapes.AddChart(chartleft, charttop, chartright - chartleft, chartbottom - charttop).Chart;
                IRange source = worksheet.Cells[site];
                source.Value = arrayChart;
                chart.SetSourceData(source, RowCol.Columns);

                if ((columns[a].charttype.ToString()) == "Column")
                    chart.ChartType = ChartType.ColumnClustered;
                else if ((columns[a].charttype.ToString()) == "Line")
                    chart.ChartType = ChartType.Line;
                else if ((columns[a].charttype.ToString()) == "Pie")
                    chart.ChartType = ChartType.Pie;
                    ISeries seriesTotal = chart.SeriesCollection[0];

                    seriesTotal.HasDataLabels             = true;
                    seriesTotal.DataLabels.ShowPercentage = true;
                    seriesTotal.DataLabels.ShowValue      = false;
                else if ((columns[a].charttype.ToString()) == "Radar")
                    chart.ChartType = ChartType.Radar;
                else if ((columns[a].charttype.ToString()) == "Bar")
                    chart.ChartType = ChartType.BarClustered;
                else if ((columns[a].charttype.ToString()) == "BarStacked")
                    chart.ChartType = ChartType.BarStacked;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(columns[a].title))
                    chart.HasTitle             = true;
                    chart.ChartTitle.Text      = columns[a].title;
                    chart.ChartTitle.Font.Size = 12;

                if ((columns[a].charttype.ToString()) == "Pie")
                    Rowhigh += 17 + piecol;
                    top     += 17 + piecol;
                    bottom  += 17 + piecol;
                    high    += 17 + piecol;
                    Rowhigh += 17 + row;
                    top     += 17 + row;
                    bottom  += 17 + row;
                    high    += 17 + row;
            if (allitem.Count > 0)
                if (OpenSheet)
                    for (int c = 0; c < allitem.Count; c++)
                        if (columns.Count > 0)
                            worksheet      = worksheets[worksheets.Count - 1];
                            worksheet.Name = sheetname + worksheets.Count;
                            if (c > 0)
                                worksheet      = workbook.Worksheets[worksheets.Count - 1];
                                worksheet.Name = sheetname + worksheets.Count;
                        string allsite = "A1";
                        IRange cell    = worksheet.Cells[allsite];
                        //cell.CopyFromDataTable(allitem[c], SetDataFlags.None);
                        cell.CopyFromDataTable(allitem[c], SetDataFlags.AllText);

                        //high += allitem[c].Rows.Count;
                    if (columns.Count > 0)
                        high += 2;
                    for (int b = 0; b < allitem.Count; b++)
                        if (b > 0)
                            high += 1;
                        string allsite = "A" + high;
                        IRange cell    = worksheet.Cells[allsite];
                        //cell.CopyFromDataTable(allitem[b], SetDataFlags.None);
                        cell.CopyFromDataTable(allitem[b], SetDataFlags.AllText);
                        if (cellText)
                            for (int i = 1; i <= allitem[0].Rows.Count; i++)
                                // cell[i, cellInt].NumberFormat = "@";
                                cell[i, cellInt].NumberFormat = "@";

                        high += allitem[b].Rows.Count;
예제 #2
        public SpreadsheetGear.IWorkbook BuildSheet(List <SheetModel> sheets)
            SpreadsheetGear.IWorkbook   workbook   = Factory.GetWorkbook();
            SpreadsheetGear.IWorksheets worksheets = workbook.Worksheets;
            for (int i = 0; i < sheets.Count; i++)
                int high = 1;
                if (i > 0)
                IWorksheet worksheet = worksheets[i];
                worksheet.Name = sheets[i].SheetName == null ? "sheet" + (i + 1) : sheets[i].SheetName;
                IWorksheetWindowInfo windowInfo = worksheet.WindowInfo;
                IShapes          shapes         = worksheet.Shapes;
                List <DataModel> dataList       = sheets[i].DataModels;
                for (int j = 0; j < dataList.Count; j++)
                    if (dataList[j].datatype.ToString() != "DataTable")
                        high += 16;
                        string allsite = "A" + high;
                        IRange cell    = worksheet.Cells[allsite];
                        cell.CopyFromDataTable(dataList[j].Dataseries, SetDataFlags.None);

                        double top         = high - 16.5;
                        double bottom      = high - 1.5;
                        double chartleft   = windowInfo.ColumnToPoints(0.15);
                        double charttop    = windowInfo.RowToPoints(top);
                        double chartright  = windowInfo.ColumnToPoints(7.85);
                        double chartbottom = windowInfo.RowToPoints(bottom);

                        SpreadsheetGear.Charts.IChart chart = shapes.AddChart(chartleft, charttop, chartright - chartleft, chartbottom - charttop).Chart;
                        string site   = ((char)(65 + dataList[j].StartPoint.x)).ToString() + (high + dataList[j].StartPoint.y) + ":" + ((char)(64 + dataList[j].ColumnCount + dataList[j].StartPoint.x)).ToString() + (high + dataList[j].StartPoint.y + dataList[j].RowCount);
                        IRange source = worksheet.Cells[site];
                        chart.SetSourceData(source, RowCol.Columns);
                        switch (dataList[j].datatype.ToString())
                        case "Column":
                            chart.ChartType = ChartType.ColumnClustered;

                        case "Line":
                            chart.ChartType = ChartType.Line;

                        case "Radar":
                            chart.ChartType = ChartType.Radar;

                        case "Bar":
                            chart.ChartType = ChartType.BarClustered;

                        case "BarStacked":
                            chart.ChartType = ChartType.BarStacked;

                        case "Pie":
                            chart.ChartType = ChartType.Pie;
                            ISeries seriesTotal = chart.SeriesCollection[0];
                            seriesTotal.HasDataLabels             = true;
                            seriesTotal.DataLabels.ShowPercentage = true;
                            seriesTotal.DataLabels.ShowValue      = false;
                        high += dataList[j].Dataseries.Rows.Count + 1 + sheets[i].space;
                        string allsite = "A" + high;
                        IRange cell    = worksheet.Cells[allsite];
                        //cell.CopyFromDataTable(dataList[j].Dataseries, SetDataFlags.None);
                        cell.CopyFromDataTable(dataList[j].Dataseries, SetDataFlags.AllText);
                        high += dataList[j].Dataseries.Rows.Count + 1 + sheets[i].space;
예제 #3
        private static void BuildBarGraph(IWorksheet dataWorksheet, BarGraphBE barGraphConfig, Dictionary <string, int> columnNameIndex, string pathNameColumnName)
            SpreadsheetGear.IWorkbook workbook = dataWorksheet.Workbook;
            int           columnIdx            = -1;
            int           xAxisTargetColumnIdx = -1;
            string        xAxisColumnName      = barGraphConfig.XAxis.FromColumnName;
            List <string> missingColumnNames   = new List <string>();

            // step 1: find the column we want to target for the XAxis
            if (!columnNameIndex.TryGetValue(xAxisColumnName, out xAxisTargetColumnIdx))

            // step 2.1: find the columns we want to target for the YAxis
            Dictionary <int, string> yAxisTargetColIdxs = new Dictionary <int, string>();

            foreach (string yAxisColumnName in barGraphConfig.YAxis.FromColumnNames)
                if (columnNameIndex.TryGetValue(yAxisColumnName, out columnIdx))
                    yAxisTargetColIdxs.Add(columnIdx, yAxisColumnName);

            // step 3: find the columns we want to reference for the Gains
            string pidGainsColumnName      = barGraphConfig.Gains?.PIDGains;
            string followerGainsColumnName = barGraphConfig.Gains?.FollowerGains;
            string controlModeColumnName   = barGraphConfig.Gains?.ControlMode;

            int pidGainsColumnIdx      = -1;
            int followerGainsColumnIdx = -1;
            int controlModeColumnIdx   = -1;
            int elapsedDeltaColumnIdx  = -1;
            int targetColumnIdx        = -1;
            int actualColumnIdx        = -1;
            int pathNameColumnIdx      = -1;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pidGainsColumnName))
                if (!columnNameIndex.TryGetValue(pidGainsColumnName, out pidGainsColumnIdx))

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(followerGainsColumnName))
                if (!columnNameIndex.TryGetValue(followerGainsColumnName, out followerGainsColumnIdx))

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(controlModeColumnName))
                if (!columnNameIndex.TryGetValue(controlModeColumnName, out controlModeColumnIdx))

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(barGraphConfig.XAxis.FromColumnName))
                if (!columnNameIndex.TryGetValue(barGraphConfig.XAxis.FromColumnName, out elapsedDeltaColumnIdx))

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pathNameColumnName))
                if (!columnNameIndex.TryGetValue(pathNameColumnName, out pathNameColumnIdx))

            // stop if any were missing
            if (missingColumnNames.Count > 0)
                string errList = String.Join(",", missingColumnNames);
                throw new ApplicationException($"... Error building graph: [{barGraphConfig.Name}], Expected cols: [{errList}] cannot be found!");

            // Step 4: add a new worksheet to hold the chart
            IWorksheet chartSheet = workbook.Worksheets.Add();

            chartSheet.Name = barGraphConfig.Name;

            // Step 5.1: time to build the chart
            SpreadsheetGear.Shapes.IShape chartShape = chartSheet.Shapes.AddChart(1, 1, 500, 500);
            SpreadsheetGear.Charts.IChart chart      = chartShape.Chart;

            // working variables
            int     lastRowIdx  = dataWorksheet.UsedRange.RowCount;
            IRange  xAxisColumn = dataWorksheet.Cells[1, 0, lastRowIdx - 1, 0];
            IRange  yAxisColumn = null;
            ISeries chartSeries = null;
            string  seriesName  = string.Empty;

            // Step 5.2: add a chart series for each Y axis column in the config
            foreach (var kvp in yAxisTargetColIdxs)
                seriesName  = dataWorksheet.Cells[0, kvp.Key].Text;
                yAxisColumn = dataWorksheet.Cells[1, kvp.Key, lastRowIdx - 1, kvp.Key];

                chartSeries         = chart.SeriesCollection.Add();
                chartSeries.XValues = $"={xAxisColumn.ToString()}"; // "Sheet1!$A2:$A200";
                chartSeries.Values  = yAxisColumn.ToString();       //"Sheet1!$H2:$H200";

                switch (barGraphConfig.ChartTypeOverride)
                case @"StackedBar":
                    chartSeries.ChartType = ChartType.ColumnStacked;

                    chartSeries.ChartType = ChartType.ColumnClustered;

                chartSeries.Name = seriesName;

            // Step 5.3: format the chart title
            chart.HasTitle = true;
            StringBuilder chartTitle = new StringBuilder();
            string        pathName   = dataWorksheet.Cells[1, pathNameColumnIdx].Text;

            chartTitle.AppendLine($"{barGraphConfig.Name} | Path: [{pathName}]");
            // optional add follower gains only if available
            if (pidGainsColumnIdx >= 0)
                chartTitle.AppendLine($"PID Gains: {GetPIDGains(dataWorksheet, pidGainsColumnIdx, controlModeColumnIdx)}");
            // optional add follower gains only if available
            if (followerGainsColumnIdx >= 0)
                chartTitle.AppendLine($"Follower Gains: {dataWorksheet.Cells[1, followerGainsColumnIdx].Text}");

            chart.ChartTitle.Text      = chartTitle.ToString();
            chart.ChartTitle.Font.Size = 12;

            // Step 5.4: format the chart legend
            chart.Legend.Position  = SpreadsheetGear.Charts.LegendPosition.Bottom;
            chart.Legend.Font.Bold = true;

            // Step 5.5: format X & Y Axes
            IAxis xAxis = chart.Axes[AxisType.Category];

            xAxis.HasMinorGridlines = true;
            xAxis.HasTitle          = true;
            if (chart.ChartType == ChartType.Line)
                // this option not valid on xy graphs
                xAxis.TickMarkSpacing = 100;    // 10Msec per step * 100 = gidline every second
            IAxisTitle xAxisTitle = xAxis.AxisTitle;

            xAxisTitle.Text = barGraphConfig.XAxis.AxisTitle;

            IAxis yAxis = chart.Axes[AxisType.Value, AxisGroup.Primary];

            yAxis.HasTitle = true;
            yAxis.TickLabels.NumberFormat = "General";
            yAxis.ReversePlotOrder        = barGraphConfig.YAxis.IsYAxisValuesInReverseOrder;

            if (barGraphConfig.YAxis.MajorUnitOverride.HasValue)
                yAxis.MajorUnit = (double)barGraphConfig.YAxis.MajorUnitOverride.Value;

            IAxisTitle yAxisTitle = yAxis.AxisTitle;

            yAxisTitle.Text = barGraphConfig.YAxis.AxisTitle;
예제 #4
        private static void BuildHistogram(IWorksheet dataWorksheet, HistogramBE histogramConfig, Dictionary <string, int> columnNameXref, string pathNameColumnName)
            // find sheet we are supposed to insert this one after
            IWorksheet afterWorkSheet = !(string.IsNullOrEmpty(histogramConfig.InsertAfterSheetName)) ?
                                            : dataWorksheet;

            // add a new empty worksheet
            IWorksheet chartSheet = dataWorksheet.Workbook.Worksheets.AddAfter(afterWorkSheet);

            chartSheet.Name = histogramConfig.NewSheetName;

            // working fields
            int maxRows           = dataWorksheet.UsedRange.RowCount;
            int sourceColumnIndex = -1;

            columnNameXref.TryGetValue(histogramConfig.DataColumnName, out sourceColumnIndex);
            List <decimal> dataValues = new List <decimal>();

            // loop thru all the rows on the source worksheet and build a collection
            for (int rowIndex = 1; rowIndex < maxRows; rowIndex++)
                dataValues.Add(Decimal.Parse(dataWorksheet.Cells[rowIndex, sourceColumnIndex].Text));

            // build the bin data
            var groupings = dataValues.GroupBy(item => histogramConfig.Bins.First(bin => bin >= item)).OrderBy(k => k.Key);

            // write out the bin data table column headers
            chartSheet.Cells[0, 0].Value = @"Bin (secs)";
            chartSheet.Cells[0, 1].Value = @"Count";
            chartSheet.Cells[0, 2].Value = @"%";

            // write out the bin data table data
            int rowCtr = 1;

            foreach (var kvp in groupings)
                chartSheet.Cells[rowCtr, 0].Value        = (kvp.Key != 1000) ? kvp.Key.ToString() : @"Overflow";
                chartSheet.Cells[rowCtr, 1].Value        = kvp.Count();
                chartSheet.Cells[rowCtr, 2].Value        = kvp.Count() / (maxRows - 1.0M); // force decimal divison
                chartSheet.Cells[rowCtr, 2].NumberFormat = @"0.0%";

            // build the bar chart
            SpreadsheetGear.Shapes.IShape chartShape = chartSheet.Shapes.AddChart(200, 1, 500, 500);
            SpreadsheetGear.Charts.IChart chart      = chartShape.Chart;

            // working variables  "[20190720_114539_375_Auton.tsv]Scan Times Histrogram!$B$2:$B$21"
            IRange xAxisColumn = chartSheet.Cells[1, 0, rowCtr - 1, 0];
            IRange yAxisColumn = chartSheet.Cells[1, 1, rowCtr - 1, 1];;

            ISeries chartSeries = chart.SeriesCollection.Add();

            chartSeries.XValues   = xAxisColumn.ToString().Split("!")[1];
            chartSeries.Values    = yAxisColumn.ToString().Split("!")[1];
            chartSeries.ChartType = ChartType.ColumnClustered;

            // format the chart title
            chart.HasTitle = true;
            StringBuilder chartTitle = new StringBuilder();
            string        pathName   = GetCellValue <string>(dataWorksheet, pathNameColumnName, 1, columnNameXref);

            chartTitle.AppendLine($"{histogramConfig.Name} | Path: [{pathName}]");

            chart.ChartTitle.Text      = chartTitle.ToString();
            chart.ChartTitle.Font.Size = 12;

            // format the chart legend
            chart.Legend.Position  = SpreadsheetGear.Charts.LegendPosition.Bottom;
            chart.Legend.Font.Bold = true;

            // format X & Y Axes
            IAxis xAxis = chart.Axes[AxisType.Category];

            xAxis.HasTitle = true;
            IAxisTitle xAxisTitle = xAxis.AxisTitle;

            xAxisTitle.Text = histogramConfig.XAxisTitle;
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds a xy graph
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataWorksheet"></param>
        /// <param name="xyGraph"></param>
        /// <param name="columnNameIndex"></param>
        private static void BuildXYGraph(IWorksheet dataWorksheet, XYGraphBE xyGraphConfig, Dictionary <string, int> columnNameIndex, string pathNameColumnName)
            SpreadsheetGear.IWorkbook workbook = dataWorksheet.Workbook;

            List <string> missingColumnNames = new List <string>();

            //// step 3: find the columns we want to reference for the Gains
            string pidGainsColumnName      = xyGraphConfig.Gains?.PIDGains;
            string followerGainsColumnName = xyGraphConfig.Gains?.FollowerGains;
            string controlModeColumnName   = xyGraphConfig.Gains?.ControlMode;

            int pidGainsColumnIdx      = -1;
            int followerGainsColumnIdx = -1;
            int controlModeColumnIdx   = -1;
            int elapsedDeltaColumnIdx  = -1;
            int targetColumnIdx        = -1;
            int actualColumnIdx        = -1;
            int pathNameColumnIdx      = -1;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pidGainsColumnName))
                if (!columnNameIndex.TryGetValue(pidGainsColumnName, out pidGainsColumnIdx))

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(followerGainsColumnName))
                if (!columnNameIndex.TryGetValue(followerGainsColumnName, out followerGainsColumnIdx))

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(controlModeColumnName))
                if (!columnNameIndex.TryGetValue(controlModeColumnName, out controlModeColumnIdx))

            //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lineGraphConfig.XAxis.FromColumnName))
            //    if (!columnNameIndex.TryGetValue(lineGraphConfig.XAxis.FromColumnName, out elapsedDeltaColumnIdx))
            //    {
            //        missingColumnNames.Add(lineGraphConfig.XAxis.FromColumnName);
            //    }

            //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lineGraphConfig.CalcAreaDelta?.TargetColumnName))
            //    if (!columnNameIndex.TryGetValue(lineGraphConfig.CalcAreaDelta.TargetColumnName, out targetColumnIdx))
            //    {
            //        missingColumnNames.Add(lineGraphConfig.CalcAreaDelta.TargetColumnName);
            //    }

            //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lineGraphConfig.CalcAreaDelta?.ActualColumnName))
            //    if (!columnNameIndex.TryGetValue(lineGraphConfig.CalcAreaDelta.ActualColumnName, out actualColumnIdx))
            //    {
            //        missingColumnNames.Add(lineGraphConfig.CalcAreaDelta.ActualColumnName);
            //    }

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pathNameColumnName))
                if (!columnNameIndex.TryGetValue(pathNameColumnName, out pathNameColumnIdx))

            // stop if any were missing
            if (missingColumnNames.Count > 0)
                string errList = String.Join(",", missingColumnNames);
                throw new ApplicationException($"... Error building graph: [{xyGraphConfig.Name}], Expected cols: [{errList}] cannot be found!");

            string pathName = dataWorksheet.Cells[1, pathNameColumnIdx].Text;

            // Step 4: add a new worksheet to hold the chart
            IWorksheet chartSheet = workbook.Worksheets.Add();

            chartSheet.Name = xyGraphConfig.Name;

            // Step 5.1: time to build the chart
            SpreadsheetGear.Shapes.IShape chartShape = chartSheet.Shapes.AddChart(1, 1, 500, 500);
            SpreadsheetGear.Charts.IChart chart      = chartShape.Chart;

            // working variables
            int     lastRowIdx  = dataWorksheet.UsedRange.RowCount;
            IRange  xAxisColumn = dataWorksheet.Cells[1, 0, lastRowIdx - 1, 0];
            IRange  yAxisColumn = null;
            ISeries chartSeries = null;
            string  seriesName  = string.Empty;

            // Step 5.2: add a chart series for each Y axis column in the config
            int xAxisColumnIndex = -1;
            int yAxisColumnIndex = -1;

            foreach (var series in xyGraphConfig.series)
                columnNameIndex.TryGetValue(series.XAxisCoumnName, out xAxisColumnIndex);
                columnNameIndex.TryGetValue(series.YAxisColumnName, out yAxisColumnIndex);

                xAxisColumn = dataWorksheet.Cells[1, xAxisColumnIndex, lastRowIdx - 1, xAxisColumnIndex];
                yAxisColumn = dataWorksheet.Cells[1, yAxisColumnIndex, lastRowIdx - 1, yAxisColumnIndex];

                chartSeries           = chart.SeriesCollection.Add();
                chartSeries.XValues   = $"={xAxisColumn.ToString()}"; // "Sheet1!$A2:$A200";
                chartSeries.Values    = yAxisColumn.ToString();       //"Sheet1!$H2:$H200";
                chartSeries.ChartType = ChartType.XYScatter;
                chartSeries.Name      = series.Name;

            // Step 5.3: format the chart title
            chart.HasTitle = true;
            StringBuilder chartTitle = new StringBuilder();

            chartTitle.AppendLine($"{xyGraphConfig.Name} | Path: [{pathName}]");
            // optional add follower gains only if available
            if (pidGainsColumnIdx >= 0)
                chartTitle.AppendLine($"PID Gains: {GetPIDGains(dataWorksheet, pidGainsColumnIdx, controlModeColumnIdx)}");
            // optional add follower gains only if available
            if (followerGainsColumnIdx >= 0)
                chartTitle.AppendLine($"Follower Gains: {dataWorksheet.Cells[1, followerGainsColumnIdx].Text}");
            if (xyGraphConfig.CalcFinalErrorDelta != null)
                (decimal posErr, decimal negErr) = CalcAreaDelta(dataWorksheet, elapsedDeltaColumnIdx, targetColumnIdx, actualColumnIdx, xyGraphConfig.Name);
                chartTitle.AppendLine($"Error Area (tot): {posErr:N0} | {negErr:N0}");

            chart.ChartTitle.Text      = chartTitle.ToString();
            chart.ChartTitle.Font.Size = 12;

            // Step 5.4: format the chart legend
            chart.Legend.Position  = SpreadsheetGear.Charts.LegendPosition.Bottom;
            chart.Legend.Font.Bold = true;

            // Step 5.5: format X & Y Axes
            IAxis xAxis = chart.Axes[AxisType.Category];

            xAxis.HasMinorGridlines = true;
            xAxis.HasTitle          = true;
            if (chart.ChartType == ChartType.Line)
                // this option not valid on xy graphs
                xAxis.TickMarkSpacing = 100;    // 10Msec per step * 100 = gidline every second
            IAxisTitle xAxisTitle = xAxis.AxisTitle;

            xAxisTitle.Text = xyGraphConfig.XAxisTitle;

            IAxis yAxis = chart.Axes[AxisType.Value, AxisGroup.Primary];

            yAxis.HasTitle = true;
            yAxis.TickLabels.NumberFormat = "General";
            yAxis.ReversePlotOrder        = xyGraphConfig.IsYAxisValuesInReverseOrder;

            IAxisTitle yAxisTitle = yAxis.AxisTitle;

            yAxisTitle.Text = xyGraphConfig.YAxisTitle;