예제 #1
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ControlMembers a = new ControlMembers();

            using (modelEntities2 am = new modelEntities2())
                string name    = textBox2.Text;
                string emailid = textBox5.Text;
                string number  = textBox4.Text;
                string adds    = textBox6.Text;
                string icno    = textBox1.Text;
                bool   r       = radioButton1.Checked;
                value = a.addmembers(r);
                // Demonstrated via controlmember class (implemented)
                //if (radioButton1.Checked == true)
                //    value = "male";
                //    value = "female";
                member m = new member();
                m.address     = adds;
                m.membername  = name;
                m.phonenumber = number;
                m.membericno  = icno;
                m.Emailid     = emailid;
                m.Sex         = value;
                MessageBox.Show("Member Created successful");
예제 #2
        public Booking_Facility()
            modelEntities2 context = new modelEntities2();
            var            eq      = (from x in context.sportfacilities
                                      orderby x.equipmentid

            comboBox1.DataSource = eq.ToList();
예제 #3
        private void RefreshDataGridView()
            modelEntities2 context     = new modelEntities2();
            DateTime       bookingDate = BookingDateDTP.Value.Date;
            int            fid         = Convert.ToInt32(comboBox1.SelectedValue.ToString());
            var            gt          = (from x in context.bookingdetails
                                          where x.equipmentid == (fid) && x.dateofbooking == bookingDate
                                          select x);

            dataGridView1.DataSource = gt.ToList();
예제 #4
        private void MemberCombo_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            modelEntities2 context = new modelEntities2();
            int            mid     = Convert.ToInt32(MemberCombo.SelectedItem.ToString());
            var            query   = from x in context.members
                                     where x.memberid == mid
                                     select x;

            member m = query.First <member>();

            MemNameTxtBox.Text = m.membername;
예제 #5
 public List <sportfacility> addsportfacility(string sportname, int number, string remarks)
     using (modelEntities2 context = new modelEntities2())
         sportfacility sf = new sportfacility();
         sf.equipmentname     = sportname;
         sf.facilityavailable = (Int16)number;
         sf.remarks           = remarks;
        private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            modelEntities2 context = new modelEntities2();
            int            fid     = Convert.ToInt32(comboBox2.SelectedValue.ToString());
            var            blist   = from b in context.bookingdetails
                                     join m in context.members on b.memberid equals m.memberid into mb
                                     join s in context.sportfacilities on b.equipmentid equals s.equipmentid into sb
                                     from m in mb.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                     from s in sb.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                     where b.equipmentid == (fid)
                                     select new { b.bookingid, b.dateofbooking, m.membername, s.equipmentname, b.C8_9_am, b.C9_10_am, b.C10_11_am, b.C11_12_noon, b.C2_3_pm, b.C3_4_pm, b.C_4_5_pm, b.C5_6_pm, b.C6_7_pm, b.C7_8_pm };

            dataGridView1.DataSource = blist.ToList();
        private void Search_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            modelEntities2 context = new modelEntities2();
            var            eq      = (from x in context.sportfacilities
                                      orderby x.equipmentid

            comboBox1.DataSource = eq.ToList();
            var ee = (from x in context.members
                      orderby x.memberid

            comboBox2.DataSource = ee.ToList();
예제 #8
        private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            modelEntities2 context = new modelEntities2();
            int            bid     = Convert.ToInt32(dataGridView1.CurrentRow.Cells[0].Value.ToString());

            var query = from x in context.bookingdetails
                        where x.bookingid == bid
                        select x;

            bookingdetail bd = query.First <bookingdetail>();

        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            using (modelEntities2 context = new modelEntities2())
                string         sportname = textBox1.Text;
                int            number    = Convert.ToInt16(textBox2.Text);
                string         remarks   = textBox3.Text;
                ControlFacilty cf        = new ControlFacilty();

                //Implemented using Controlfacility Class
                //sportfacility sf = new sportfacility();
                //sf.equipmentname = sportname;
                //sf.facilityavailable = (Int16)number;
                //sf.remarks = remarks;
                dataGridView1.DataSource = cf.addsportfacility(sportname, number, remarks);
            // First brushed up the coading

            //string conS = "data source=(local);initial catalog=model;integrated security=SSPI";
            //SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection(conS);

            //SqlCommand cm = new SqlCommand();
            //string cmtext = "Insert into sportfacility (equipmentname,facilityavailable,remarks) Values(@SF,@NA,@RM)";
            //cm.CommandText = cmtext;
            //cm.Connection = cn;

            //SqlParameter pSF = new SqlParameter("@SF", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 20);
            //SqlParameter pNA = new SqlParameter("@NA", SqlDbType.SmallInt, 2);
            //SqlParameter pRM = new SqlParameter("@RM", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 20);

            //pSF.Value = textBox1.Text;
            //pNA.Value = Convert.ToString(textBox2.Text);
            //pRM.Value = textBox3.Text;

예제 #10
        private void Booking_Facility_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string[] a = new string[] { "8-9am", "9-10am", "10-11am", "11-12noon", "2-3pm", "3-4pm", "4-5pm", "5-6pm", "6-7pm", "7-8pm" };


            modelEntities2 context = new modelEntities2();

            var mList = from x in context.members
                        orderby x.memberid
                        select x;

            foreach (var x in mList.ToList())
예제 #11
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            modelEntities2 context     = new modelEntities2();
            DateTime       bookingDate = BookingDateDTP.Value.Date;
            int            fid         = Convert.ToInt32(comboBox1.SelectedValue.ToString());

            var blist = from b in context.bookingdetails
                        join m in context.members on b.memberid equals m.memberid into mb
                        join s in context.sportfacilities on b.equipmentid equals s.equipmentid into sb
                        from m in mb.DefaultIfEmpty()
                        from s in sb.DefaultIfEmpty()
                        where b.equipmentid == (fid) && b.dateofbooking == bookingDate
                        select new { b.bookingid, b.dateofbooking, m.membername, s.equipmentname, b.C8_9_am, b.C9_10_am, b.C10_11_am, b.C11_12_noon, b.C2_3_pm, b.C3_4_pm, b.C_4_5_pm, b.C5_6_pm, b.C6_7_pm, b.C7_8_pm };

            dataGridView1.DataSource = blist.ToList();

            // get the exact list of facility avilable from sportfacility.
            int r = Convert.ToInt16(comboBox1.SelectedValue);
            var q = (from x in context.sportfacilities
                     where x.equipmentid == (r)
            String x1    = Convert.ToString(q.First());
            Int16  temp1 = Convert.ToInt16(x1);

            int temp2 = (from x in context.bookingdetails
                         where x.equipmentid == (r) && x.dateofbooking == bookingDate
                         select x.memberid).Count();

            if (temp2 <= temp1)
                int read = temp1 - temp2;
                MessageBox.Show("Currently have" + "\t" + read + "\t" + "facility available");
                MessageBox.Show("Cannot book all Facility are filled");
예제 #12
        private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            modelEntities2 context     = new modelEntities2();
            DateTime       bookingDate = BookingDateDTP.Value.Date;

            int r = Convert.ToInt16(comboBox1.SelectedValue);

            var q = (from x in context.sportfacilities
                     where x.equipmentid == (r)

            String x1    = Convert.ToString(q.First());
            Int16  temp1 = Convert.ToInt16(x1);

            int temp2 = (from x in context.bookingdetails
                         where x.equipmentid == (r) && x.dateofbooking == bookingDate
                         select x.memberid).Count();

            if (temp2 <= temp1)
                int read = temp1 - temp2;
                MessageBox.Show("Currently have" + "\t" + read + "\t" + "facility available");

                int           memId = Convert.ToInt32(MemberCombo.SelectedItem.ToString());
                bookingdetail bk    = new bookingdetail();
                int           eqId  = Convert.ToInt32(comboBox1.SelectedItem.ToString());

                bk.memberid      = memId;
                bk.equipmentid   = eqId;
                bk.dateofbooking = bookingDate;

                if ((string)comboBox2.SelectedItem == "8-9am")
                {                            //used to set slot , member id,date of playing(date of booking),sports required to play
                    bk.C8_9_am     = 1;
                    bk.C9_10_am    = 0; bk.C10_11_am = 0; bk.C11_12_noon = 0; bk.C2_3_pm = 0;
                    bk.C3_4_pm     = 0; bk.C_4_5_pm = 0; bk.C5_6_pm = 0; bk.C6_7_pm = 0; bk.C7_8_pm = 0;
                    bk.equipmentid = Convert.ToInt16(comboBox1.SelectedItem);
                else if ((string)comboBox2.SelectedItem == "9-10am")
                    bk.C9_10_am    = 1;
                    bk.C8_9_am     = 0; bk.C10_11_am = 0; bk.C11_12_noon = 0; bk.C2_3_pm = 0;
                    bk.C3_4_pm     = 0; bk.C_4_5_pm = 0; bk.C5_6_pm = 0; bk.C6_7_pm = 0; bk.C7_8_pm = 0;
                    bk.equipmentid = Convert.ToInt16(comboBox1.SelectedItem);
                else if ((string)comboBox2.SelectedItem == "10-11am")
                    bk.C10_11_am   = 1;
                    bk.C9_10_am    = 0; bk.C8_9_am = 0; bk.C11_12_noon = 0; bk.C2_3_pm = 0;
                    bk.C3_4_pm     = 0; bk.C_4_5_pm = 0; bk.C5_6_pm = 0; bk.C6_7_pm = 0; bk.C7_8_pm = 0;
                    bk.equipmentid = Convert.ToInt16(comboBox1.SelectedItem);
                else if ((string)comboBox2.SelectedItem == "11-12noon")
                    bk.C11_12_noon = 1;
                    bk.C9_10_am    = 0; bk.C10_11_am = 0; bk.C8_9_am = 0; bk.C2_3_pm = 0;
                    bk.C3_4_pm     = 0; bk.C_4_5_pm = 0; bk.C5_6_pm = 0; bk.C6_7_pm = 0; bk.C7_8_pm = 0;
                    bk.equipmentid = Convert.ToInt16(comboBox1.SelectedItem);
                else if ((string)comboBox2.SelectedItem == "2-3pm")
                    bk.C2_3_pm     = 1;
                    bk.C9_10_am    = 0; bk.C10_11_am = 0; bk.C11_12_noon = 0; bk.C8_9_am = 0;
                    bk.C3_4_pm     = 0; bk.C_4_5_pm = 0; bk.C5_6_pm = 0; bk.C6_7_pm = 0; bk.C7_8_pm = 0;
                    bk.equipmentid = Convert.ToInt16(comboBox1.SelectedItem);
                else if ((string)comboBox2.SelectedItem == "3-4pm")
                    bk.C3_4_pm     = 1;
                    bk.C9_10_am    = 0; bk.C10_11_am = 0; bk.C11_12_noon = 0; bk.C2_3_pm = 0;
                    bk.C8_9_am     = 0; bk.C_4_5_pm = 0; bk.C5_6_pm = 0; bk.C6_7_pm = 0; bk.C7_8_pm = 0;
                    bk.equipmentid = Convert.ToInt16(comboBox1.SelectedItem);
                else if ((string)comboBox2.SelectedItem == "4-5pm")
                    bk.C_4_5_pm    = 1;
                    bk.C9_10_am    = 0; bk.C10_11_am = 0; bk.C11_12_noon = 0; bk.C2_3_pm = 0;
                    bk.C3_4_pm     = 0; bk.C8_9_am = 0; bk.C5_6_pm = 0; bk.C6_7_pm = 0; bk.C7_8_pm = 0;
                    bk.equipmentid = Convert.ToInt16(comboBox1.SelectedItem);
                else if ((string)comboBox2.SelectedItem == "5-6pm")
                    bk.C5_6_pm     = 1;
                    bk.C9_10_am    = 0; bk.C10_11_am = 0; bk.C11_12_noon = 0; bk.C2_3_pm = 0;
                    bk.C3_4_pm     = 0; bk.C_4_5_pm = 0; bk.C8_9_am = 0; bk.C6_7_pm = 0; bk.C7_8_pm = 0;
                    bk.equipmentid = Convert.ToInt16(comboBox1.SelectedItem);
                else if ((string)comboBox2.SelectedItem == "6-7pm")
                    bk.C6_7_pm     = 1;
                    bk.C9_10_am    = 0; bk.C10_11_am = 0; bk.C11_12_noon = 0; bk.C2_3_pm = 0;
                    bk.C3_4_pm     = 0; bk.C_4_5_pm = 0; bk.C5_6_pm = 0; bk.C8_9_am = 0; bk.C7_8_pm = 0;
                    bk.equipmentid = Convert.ToInt16(comboBox1.SelectedItem);
                else if (Convert.ToString(comboBox2.SelectedItem) == "7-8pm")
                    bk.C7_8_pm     = 1;
                    bk.C9_10_am    = 0; bk.C10_11_am = 0; bk.C11_12_noon = 0; bk.C2_3_pm = 0;
                    bk.C3_4_pm     = 0; bk.C_4_5_pm = 0; bk.C5_6_pm = 0; bk.C6_7_pm = 0; bk.C8_9_am = 0;
                    bk.equipmentid = Convert.ToInt16(comboBox1.SelectedItem);
                    MessageBox.Show("enter valid member or time slot");
                MessageBox.Show("Cannot book all Facility are filled");