public static string[] GetCompiledFunctionSignature(ParsingScript script, out Dictionary <string, Variable> dict) { script.MoveForwardIf(Constants.START_ARG, Constants.SPACE); int endArgs = script.FindFirstOf(Constants.END_ARG.ToString()); if (endArgs < 0) { throw new ArgumentException("Couldn't extract function signature"); } string argStr = script.Substr(script.Pointer, endArgs - script.Pointer); List <string> args = GetCompiledArgs(argStr); //string[] args = argStr.Split(Constants.NEXT_ARG_ARRAY, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); dict = new Dictionary <string, Variable>(args.Count); var sep = new char[] { ' ' }; for (int i = 0; i < args.Count; i++) { string[] pair = args[i].Trim().Split(sep, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); Variable.VarType type = pair.Length > 1 ? Constants.StringToType(pair[0]) : Variable.VarType.STRING; dict.Add(pair[pair.Length - 1], new Variable(type)); args[i] = pair[pair.Length - 1]; } string[] result = args.Select(element => element.Trim()).ToArray(); script.Pointer = endArgs + 1; return(result); }
public static string GetNextToken(ParsingScript script) { if (!script.StillValid()) { return(""); } int end = script.FindFirstOf(Constants.TOKEN_SEPARATION); if (end < 0) { return(""); } string var = script.Substr(script.Pointer, end - script.Pointer); script.Pointer = end; return(var); }
public static string[] GetFunctionSignature(ParsingScript script) { script.MoveForwardIf(Constants.START_ARG, Constants.SPACE); int endArgs = script.FindFirstOf(Constants.END_ARG.ToString()); if (endArgs < 0) { throw new ArgumentException("Couldn't extract function signature"); } string argStr = script.Substr(script.Pointer, endArgs - script.Pointer); string[] args = argStr.Split(Constants.NEXT_ARG_ARRAY); script.Pointer = endArgs + 1; return(args); }
public static string[] GetBaseClasses(ParsingScript script) { if (script.Current != ':') { return(new string[0]); } script.Forward(); int endArgs = script.FindFirstOf(Constants.START_GROUP.ToString()); if (endArgs < 0) { throw new ArgumentException("Couldn't extract base classes"); } string argStr = script.Substr(script.Pointer, endArgs - script.Pointer); string[] args = argStr.Split(Constants.NEXT_ARG_ARRAY, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); args = args.Select(element => Constants.ConvertName(element.Trim())).ToArray(); script.Pointer = endArgs + 1; return(args); }
public static string GetToken(ParsingScript script, char [] to) { char curr = script.TryCurrent(); char prev = script.TryPrev(); if (!to.Contains(Constants.SPACE)) { // Skip a leading space unless we are inside of quotes while (curr == Constants.SPACE && prev != Constants.QUOTE) { script.Forward(); curr = script.TryCurrent(); prev = script.TryPrev(); } } // String in quotes bool inQuotes = curr == Constants.QUOTE; if (inQuotes) { int qend = script.Find(Constants.QUOTE, script.Pointer + 1); if (qend == -1) { throw new ArgumentException("Unmatched quotes in [" + script.FromPrev() + "]"); } string result = script.Substr(script.Pointer + 1, qend - script.Pointer - 1); script.Pointer = qend + 1; return(result); } script.MoveForwardIf(Constants.QUOTE); int end = script.FindFirstOf(to); end = end < 0 ? script.Size() : end; // Skip found characters that have a backslash before. while (end > 0 && end + 1 < script.Size() && script.String [end - 1] == '\\') { end = script.FindFirstOf(to, end + 1); } end = end < 0 ? script.Size() : end; if (script.At(end - 1) == Constants.QUOTE) { end--; } string var = script.Substr(script.Pointer, end - script.Pointer); // \"yes\" --> "yes" var = var.Replace("\\\"", "\""); script.Pointer = end; script.MoveForwardIf(Constants.QUOTE, Constants.SPACE); return(var); }
public static string[] GetFunctionSignature(ParsingScript script) { script.MoveForwardIf(Constants.START_ARG, Constants.SPACE); int endArgs = script.FindFirstOf(Constants.END_ARG.ToString()); if (endArgs < 0) { endArgs = script.FindFirstOf(Constants.END_STATEMENT.ToString()); } if (endArgs < 0) { throw new ArgumentException("Couldn't extract function signature"); } string argStr = script.Substr(script.Pointer, endArgs - script.Pointer); StringBuilder collect = new StringBuilder(argStr.Length); List <string> args = new List <string>(); int curlyLevel = 0; for (int i = 0; i < argStr.Length; i++) { if (argStr[i] == '{') { curlyLevel++; } else if (argStr[i] == '}') { curlyLevel--; if (curlyLevel < 0) { break; } } else if (argStr[i] == Constants.NEXT_ARG && curlyLevel == 0) { string item = collect.ToString().Trim(); if (item.Length == 0) { throw new ArgumentException("Empty argument in function signature [" + argStr + "]"); } args.Add(item); collect.Clear(); continue; } collect.Append(argStr[i]); } if (curlyLevel != 0) { throw new ArgumentException("Unbalanced curly braces in function signature [" + argStr + "]"); } if (collect.Length > 0) { args.Add(collect.ToString().Trim()); } script.Pointer = endArgs + 1; return(args.ToArray()); }