public void ScanCollection(VideoCollection collection) { switch (collection.Type) { case ScanTVCollection(collection); break; case ScanMovieCollection(collection); break; } }
private PlexResponse AddCollection(PlexRequest Request) { if (Request.Headers["Expect"] != null) { throw new Exception("Received Expect Header"); } if (Request.Method != "POST") { return XmlResponse.MethodNotAllowed(); } if (Request.PostData["Name"] == null || Request.PostData["Name"].DataAsString.Length == 0 || Request.PostData["Type"] == null) { // not all required fields provided. return XmlResponse.BadRequest(); } else { VideoCollection Collection = new VideoCollection(); Collection.Title = Request.PostData["Name"].DataAsString; try { Collection.Type = (VideoCollectionType)Enum.Parse(typeof(VideoCollectionType), Request.PostData["Type"].DataAsString); } catch (ArgumentException) { return XmlResponse.BadRequest(); } Collection.Locations.AddRange(Request.PostData["Paths"].DataAsString.Split(',').ToList<String>()); Collection = DataAccess.SaveCollection(Collection); // TODO: Handle artwork. string SavePath = CacheManager.GetCachePath(Collection.Id, ArtworkType.Fanart); FileStream FS = new FileStream(SavePath + "Artwork.jpg", FileMode.Create); BinaryWriter Writer = new BinaryWriter(FS); Writer.Write(Request.PostData["Artwork"].Data); Writer.Close(); // TODO: Return correct response. return XmlResponse.Created(); } }
private void ScanMovieCollection(VideoCollection collection) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
private void ScanTVCollection(VideoCollection Collection) { foreach (String Path in Collection.Locations) { DirectoryInfo dirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(Path); if (!dirInfo.Exists) { throw new IOException(String.Format("Collection location doesn't exist. ({0})", Path)); } DirectoryInfo[] showDirectories = dirInfo.GetDirectories(); foreach (DirectoryInfo showDir in showDirectories) { TVShow show = DataAccess.GetTVShowFromPath(showDir.FullName); if (show == null) { // New Show. TvdbSeries series = LookupShow(showDir.Name); Reporting.Log("Matched: " + series.SeriesName); show = new TVShow(); show.Collection = Collection.Id; show.ContentRating = series.ContentRating; show.Duration = Convert.ToInt32(series.Runtime); show.LastUpdated = DateTime.Now.Timestamp(); show.LeafCount = 0; show.Location = showDir.FullName; show.AirDate = series.FirstAired; show.Rating = series.Rating; show.Studio = series.Network; show.Summary = series.Overview; show.Title = series.SeriesName; show.ViewedLeafCount = 0; show.TvdbId = series.Id; show = DataAccess.SaveTVShow(show); show.Thumb = CacheManager.SaveArtwork(show.Id, series.PosterPath, ArtworkType.Poster); show.Art = CacheManager.SaveArtwork(show.Id, series.FanartPath, ArtworkType.Fanart); show.Banner = CacheManager.SaveArtwork(show.Id, series.BannerPath, ArtworkType.Banner); // resave with Artwork show = DataAccess.SaveTVShow(show); } else { // TODO: Check for updates/artwork. } // Show already in DB UpdateShow(show); } } }
public static VideoCollection SaveCollection(VideoCollection Collection) { SQLiteCommand Cmd = Connection.CreateCommand(); if (Collection.Id == 0) { Collection.Id = GetNewGlobalId("collection"); Cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO Collections (id, title, type, art) VALUES (@Id, @Title, @Type, @Art);"; } else { Cmd.CommandText = "UPDATE Collections SET title = @Title, type = @Type, art = @Art WHERE id = @id"; } Cmd.Parameters.Add(new SQLiteParameter("@Id", DbType.Int32) { Value = Collection.Id }); Cmd.Parameters.Add(new SQLiteParameter("@Title", DbType.String) { Value = Collection.Title }); Cmd.Parameters.Add(new SQLiteParameter("@Type", DbType.String) { Value = Collection.Type.ToString() }); Cmd.Parameters.Add(new SQLiteParameter("@Art", DbType.String) { Value = Collection.Art }); Cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); // TODO: Save Locations // Check for existing collections. List<String> CurrentLocations = GetVideoCollectionLocations(Collection.Id); List<String> Locations = Collection.Locations; List<String> CommonLocations = CurrentLocations.Intersect<String>(Locations).ToList<String>(); foreach (String Location in CommonLocations) { Locations.Remove(Location); CurrentLocations.Remove(Location); } // Clear no longer present collections. foreach (String RemovedLocation in CurrentLocations) { RemoveLocation(Collection.Id, RemovedLocation); } // Add new collections. foreach (String AddedLocation in Locations) { AddLocation(Collection.Id, AddedLocation); } return Collection; }
public static List<VideoCollection> GetVideoCollections() { List<VideoCollection> Collections = new List<VideoCollection>(); using (SQLiteCommand cmd = Connection.CreateCommand()) { cmd.CommandText = @"SELECT * FROM Collections"; SQLiteDataAdapter da = new SQLiteDataAdapter(cmd); DataTable CollectionsTable = new DataTable(); da.Fill(CollectionsTable); foreach (DataRow Row in CollectionsTable.Rows) { VideoCollection Collection = new VideoCollection(Row); Collection.Locations.AddRange(GetVideoCollectionLocations(Collection.Id)); Collections.Add(Collection); } } return Collections; }
public static VideoCollection GetVideoCollection(int CollectionId) { using (SQLiteCommand cmd = Connection.CreateCommand()) { cmd.CommandText = String.Format(@"SELECT * FROM Collections WHERE id = {0}", CollectionId); SQLiteDataAdapter da = new SQLiteDataAdapter(cmd); DataTable CollectionsTable = new DataTable(); da.Fill(CollectionsTable); if (CollectionsTable.Rows.Count == 0) { return null; } else { VideoCollection Collection = new VideoCollection(CollectionsTable.Rows[0]); Collection.Locations.AddRange(GetVideoCollectionLocations(Collection.Id)); return Collection; } } }
public static List<VideoCollection> GetCollectionsList() { HttpWebResponse Response = null; try { HttpWebRequest Request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("http://localhost:32400/manage/collections/list"); Request.KeepAlive = false; Response = (HttpWebResponse)Request.GetResponse(); XmlTextReader XmlReader = new XmlTextReader(Response.GetResponseStream()); while (XmlReader.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element && XmlReader.Name != "Collections" && !XmlReader.EOF) { XmlReader.Read(); } List<VideoCollection> Collections = new List<VideoCollection>(); VideoCollection Collection = null; if (!XmlReader.EOF && XmlReader.Name == "Collections") { while (!XmlReader.EOF) { XmlReader.Read(); if (XmlReader.Name == "Collection" && XmlReader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) { Collection = new VideoCollection(); Collection.Title = XmlReader["title"]; Collection.Id = Convert.ToInt32(XmlReader["collectionId"]); Collection.Art = XmlReader["art"]; Collection.Type = (VideoCollectionType)Enum.Parse(typeof(VideoCollectionType), XmlReader["type"]); if (!XmlReader.IsEmptyElement) { XmlReader.Read(); while (XmlReader.NodeType != XmlNodeType.EndElement && XmlReader.Name != "Collection" && XmlReader.EOF) { if (XmlReader.Name == "Location") { Collection.Locations.Add(XmlReader["path"]); } XmlReader.Read(); } } Collections.Add(Collection); Collection = null; } if (XmlReader.Name == "Collections" && XmlReader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement) { break; } } Response.Close(); return Collections; } throw new Exception("Collections element not found."); } catch (WebException) { // TODO: Handle unable to connect. } finally { if (Response != null) { Response.Close(); } } return new List<VideoCollection>(); }