예제 #1
        private async Task audio2spectrum_saveVideoAsync(string path)
            var progressHandler = new Progress <string>(value =>
                status_txt.Text = value;
            var progress = progressHandler as IProgress <string>;
            await Task.Run(() =>
                long frameCount;
                    double samplesPerFrame = ((double)audio2spectrum_sampleRate) * frameRate.Denominator / frameRate.Numerator;
                    double totalFrameCount = Math.Ceiling(audio2spectrum_samples.Length / samplesPerFrame);

                    int roundedSamplesPerFrame = (int)Math.Ceiling(samplesPerFrame);

                    int outputWidth        = 50;
                    int outputHeight       = 50;
                    double samplesPerPixel = samplesPerFrame / outputWidth;

                    // Now find closest fft size (take next highest)
                    int fftSize = (int)Math.Pow(2, Math.Ceiling(Math.Log(samplesPerPixel, 2.0)));

                    progress.Report("Audio2Spectrum: Loading spectrogram library");
                    Spectrogram.Spectrogram spec = new Spectrogram.Spectrogram(audio2spectrum_sampleRate, fftSize: 2048, stepSize: 50);

                    //outputWidth = spec.Width;

                    progress.Report("Audio2Spectrum: Initializing video writer");
                    VideoFileWriter writer = new VideoFileWriter();
                    writer.Open(path, outputWidth, outputHeight, frameRate, VideoCodec.FFV1);

                     * Console.WriteLine("width:  " + reader.Width);
                     * Console.WriteLine("height: " + reader.Height);
                     * Console.WriteLine("fps:    " + reader.FrameRate);
                     * Console.WriteLine("codec:  " + reader.CodecName);
                     * Console.WriteLine("length:  " + reader.FrameCount);

                    frameCount = (long)totalFrameCount;

                    // Enlarge the array to make sure we don't end up accessing nonexisting samples. We make it a tiny bit bigger than maybe necessary, just to be safe. (To be honest, I am just too lazy to calculate the precise number we need)

                    /*if((long)Math.Ceiling(frameCount  * samplesPerFrame) > audio2spectrum_samples.Length)
                     * {
                     *  progress.Report("Audio2Spectrum: Resizing array");
                     *  Array.Resize<double>(ref audio2spectrum_samples, (int)Math.Ceiling(frameCount * samplesPerFrame));
                     * }*/

                    double[] frameSampleBuffer = new double[roundedSamplesPerFrame];

                    int currentFrame        = 0;
                    long currentStartSample = 0;

                    progress.Report("Audio2Spectrum: Starting video generation");

                    Bitmap tmp;
                    for (int i = 0; i < frameCount; i++)
                        currentStartSample = (long)Math.Floor(i *samplesPerFrame);

                        // Doing this branching here now because the resizing the array first was just way way too slow and memory hungry
                        if (currentStartSample >= audio2spectrum_samples.Length) // Even the first sample is already outside the bounds, just make empty array.
                            frameSampleBuffer = new double[roundedSamplesPerFrame];
                        else if ((currentStartSample + (roundedSamplesPerFrame - 1)) > (audio2spectrum_samples.Length - 1)) // Copy as many samples as possible
                            long difference   = (currentStartSample + (roundedSamplesPerFrame - 1)) - (audio2spectrum_samples.Length - 1);
                            frameSampleBuffer = new double[roundedSamplesPerFrame];
                            Array.Copy(audio2spectrum_samples, currentStartSample, frameSampleBuffer, 0, roundedSamplesPerFrame - difference);
                            Array.Copy(audio2spectrum_samples, currentStartSample, frameSampleBuffer, 0, roundedSamplesPerFrame);

                        tmp = spec.GetBitmapMel(dB: true, melBinCount: outputHeight);
                        Console.WriteLine(tmp.Width + "x" + tmp.Height);
                        if (currentFrame % 1000 == 0)
                            progress.Report("Audio2Spectrum: Saving video: " + i + "/" + frameCount + " frames");

                catch (Exception e)

            status_txt.Text = "Audio2Spectrum: Completed saving video.";
            videoIsLoaded   = true;